of the Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. n WEDNESDAT EVENING. JULY 27,5706. fTor.rwt T. r 21 • I - ——r —; —" > 1 ■ - *rn k rr -*-» hr /"\ «rr-* T y-% I I~\T T' 1 \T f~\ T A Ti TA ( 117 v I ♦V. « I ] *-. I^. i C.'». .. ~ _.. Schooner LITTLE JOHN. F 0 R' SdJ* E* u THE School* LITTLF. JOHN, w CAPTAIN BOYD, Jlfl a BOUT 18 months old, a verv talt _ J\ filling vessel, on Virginia Pilot boat tJ plan, now laying at South ftveet wliar , "carries near oco barrels, is-ready to take _ in a cargo ; a liberal credit wiUbewvco. si Apply to PETER BLIGHT. July 19. ,oteod I —* ——— - j Tuft Arrived, In the Olio Molly, John F-oft, Matter, from Liver,wnj, 5000 Bushels Best fine ftoved SAL I, 000 Buflsr'.s HOUSE CO "L, And 118 Crates of QUEENS W ARE affortrd,, FOR SAI.SBY Philip Nicklin & Co. JJ. 3. TyE S; 1 ID Ship MOLLY, j TS for SALE or CHARTER, (he...» 4 « 1 years old, Philadelphia buill, of white n o»k. win well faked and carries about 4400 barrels ot Hour. For terms apply as _above. July 83 — Advertisement. On Saturday the 30th inft. will be fjld at public auc tion n The new (hip ' "OURTHEN 310 tons, with her n malls and spars as delivered by 1 the carper-.ter, good judges have pronounced that "(he |j it a faithfully builc veflel, of good and well fea'oned matt-rials, one thousand dollars will be required of the . purchaser at Uit time of sale, and far the remainder a t credit will be given of 3, 6,9, and 12 months, the pay- 0 ments to he secured by notes negotiable at the Bank o, ( Alexandria, with approved riidorfers. *> JOHN MANDEVILLE, 1 Trifltv for tbc 1 GEORGE CLEMERSTON, &. [ creditors vf Jtto . I / ELISHA G. DICK. 3 &**»> V c °- 13 d t 30th. _ For Barbados, Th'e Brigantine F A ivi E, ' Francis Knox, Mafcer, -Hi TTAS accommodations for paT- J7X fengers, and is expelled to fail on Thurfuay next. For freight of a few barrels or passage, apalv to capt. Knox, at Hamilton'" wharf, or Ju'y *3 6] KEARNY WH 4.RTON. For Sale, Freight, or Charte£, The Schoencr ML ANGELICA, imFLwSml / v NF. hundred and twenty tons burthen — fix months old, aftauiich, faithfllly buifT fajt> failing vessel, handsomely finiflitd off, and well found inavery particular. For terms apply to B. RHODES, On board said schooner, lying at Bicfeley and Bohlen's ' wharf, the firft above Market street. WHERE THKRE ARE TOR SALE, 1 A few half-bbls. Prime Me/s Beef. July 24 $ 1 For Sale or Charter, BURTHEN about 1000 Bills, of flour—fhe may be sent #0 Ilea at a faiall tx pence, her faUs and rigging being iri vci j good order—apply to fames Campbell, or George Latimer. April, 29. ' § LOST or LEFT, Atfome place in the city or vie mty of Philadelphia, which is hot known —\ note drawn by lfaac Beers, H'q. of the City of New-Haven, (Connecticut,) for 150 dol Jars drawn in favor of the fuhferiber, payable in March next .As the note was not indorsed and payment is flop ped it can be of no use to any one but the nwnen Who ever has found t .e said note and delivers the fame to the Printer at No. 1.9 Ciiefnut Street, or at the fubferibers No. Carters Alley, (hall receive ten dollars raward. Chejter Atwater. July 26, 3t. Wm. HOLDERNESSh, No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and the Eafl Indies, a well feledlcd assortment of Silk Meretry, Linen Drapery and Haberda(hery" Goods ; which he will lell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowed terms ; AMONGST which AilE, Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and silver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto Do do do do Handkerchiefs black taflfetiesjuttftrings and colorad PerfiaiK Bani'ano Hindkerchiefa Xiong and (hort Nankeens English Mantuas of the firft quality Damask tahle lineo and napkins, very fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant assortment Thead and cotton do Umbrellas—green (ilk, oil'd d». and da cloth French cambrics, very fine Irilh Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § Just Arrived, In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li verpool, Jooo BuflieU SALT ; 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and An Assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY ; FOR SALE On board, at Pine-llreet wharf. Apply to fames Campbell, or George Latimer. April 19. j e> NOTICE. There will befijld on Thuifday the 4th of Augufl, at the Merchants' cpffe: house. in Second street, One thouland lhares of the stock of the North America Land Company. If not previously disposed of. Philadelphia, 20th July. dts X TAKE NOTICE, THAT application will be made for the renewal o the certi'.cates, iffui-d by Joseph Nourfe, Kegifler of t!.e Treasury, in th- name of Roger Grit wold, Esq. of Norwich, Coniie'!Vi.;ut— 1 certificate, fix per ctnt domellic (lock, No. 13,907 ° ' —dated the 17thDecember, 5795, hearing intc-refl from t 1 the firft day of January, i-qi, for i,sn; 65100 dol- a ' 1 ditto. thre» per cent. do*n.;!lic stock, No. 10,68t |, : dated December 16. 179.-, bearing ir.terelt from the 0 * firft day of January, 1191, for 994 30-100 dollars. ■_ I dilt", deferred flnik, No. 9,166 —dated the 17th I December, 179?, bearing interest from the firll Jauu " ary, 1801, for 793 S3-100 dollars. Said certificates are supposed to have been loft or fto en in this city some time in December or jauua y 1 last. > JOSEPH 1 HOMAS, No. 59, North Front-^reet. Philadelphia, July it, 1796. d6w. — For Sale, A Three (lory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Front and Second ftraets, in which i i Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for man} years (and c now do) carried on business. PoffiKion will be given in one month, or sooner. For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAITH. 1 April 11. - THE SALE OF ~ i The TOWN, and OUT LOTS of the TOWNS • of ERIE, WATERFORD, ERANKLIN , and WARREN. < r A DVERTISED for sale hy the State Agents, in the Pbifof- I y /x Gazeue and Uutverfal Daily Advertiser, to be i e Sold in the City of Pniladclphia ; will commence at the City Tavern or Coifee-Houfe in Second-Street, in tha laid city, on Monday ti»e 25th day of July inft. at 7 o'clock in the even- C ing.aod by. adjourn meat from day w day, from, 1 a is o'clock at noon, until two o'cloiV, and from 7 ■ " o'clock in the evening until the whole of the hid LO FS and 'f OUT LCT-'Sare difpoied 6f. The conditions ot falc will be made known, and the plans »f the said LOIS and OUI ' LOTS be (hewn ar the time and place of sale. '' By order of William Irvine, Andrew Ellic tt and Geor?t Wilson »• Agent.. EDWaKD FOX, Auctioneer. July 22. Sales of India Goods. The Cargo of the ftiip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, CONSISTING OF f_ \ Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras n f\. *CO I'TON and SILK. GOODb. ; AMONG WHICH ARE A. variety fine marked ai^dplain Mujlins, Doreas, Sr*c. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER. For Sale I>y Willings & Francis, No. ai Psirn Street. June 8 . § On Monday next, 25thinft. (July,) *s Will be landed at South itreet wharf, the cargoes of Superb Weft Indian and Ifabclla, from Jamaica and Hjivanna, con fiding of # Molasses in Hogsheads, - Coffee in hogsheads, barrels & baa;s, PCR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT, Who has also for sale, A quantity of Jamaica GINGER, it Pimento & 1 T „ " Cocoa, \ Ba S S ' And 150 boxes Hambro' WINDOW 7 by g, will be fold chcap, July 2 9 diot & tuth & s tot ~ Take Notice, ' j 'HAT the Snbfcriber intends to mwe appliea- I tion for the renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609, J' for 4000 dollars, dated the 14th December, 1795, bearing c j l interest at 5 A per-cent. from ift January, 1796, in the name of David Dunderdale & Co. of Leeds, in Yerk (hire, merchants. The fame i« foppofed to have been loft j. g on its way to New York, under cover to Bleecker & , rs March, of that place, on the 6th of January laft d. Thomas M'Euen. Philadelphia, aid June, 1796. J w CABLES, From 16 to 9 J inches, for sale by nd • Jeremiah Warder, ilk J M S No 12 north Third*ftrcet. eh . Landing rcr From on board ths Nancy, William Belcher, mas ter, from Bourdeaux, a cargo, confiding of— [ns 360 Hhds. CHOICE CLARET, 232 Cafe» of bottles each CLARET, 286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE, BRANDY, SWEET OIL, and 1 TRUNK of RIBBONS, For Sale by F. Coppinger. July 2 3- . dtf. Just arrived, A ' 220 boxes best Claret, Containing two doaea each, for sale, Wholesale & Retail, by William Sheajf, *d 6 July as. No, 168 High-flrect. 11 1 . —- Public Notice is given, j~"0 the merchants and others concerned in th« (hipping at State-Island, under quarantine-, that a Cart will attend every mo.ning, sundays excepted, from nine to ten o'clock, at the Health office, No. 31 Walnut-flreet, to convey provisions or other Refrefhments to the Hospital, and for the use of the crews. a It is expe&ed that the Bags, Baskets, or other packas;- with supplies, will be direA'td with th« name of the vel"- 31 fel and capt :»i they are intsnded for, to prevent millakes at delivery. y' By order of the Board of Health for the port of Phila delphia, LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH, Chairman. July 13 § ' ' ' DUTY ON CARRIAGES. Notice is hereby Given, T** "J"*!! AT 3fjrc(;ably to an aft of Cougicfs of the United | of 1. Siatesot America, p-ifTcd at PhtUdclphia, ihe sßth. day j per of May, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey- < j a nee of perfonj, and repealing the former a£ts for that pur- | 281 oolc.—That rhere ihall bf levied, collected and paid, upon | all carriages for the conveyance of peiloi*«, which shall be . kotby or for aoy pcrit>i», for hta or her own use, 01 to ict j | o'*t to hit, or f or the convoying ot palfengers, the ievetal du- j iit»» and wtes follow ing, to wit. I\ t For and every Coach, 15 dols. tt j OOf»n evc/y Chariar, 19 (( , upon every Chariot, it doU; t4 upo»v every Port Chaise, 12 dols. (< upon every Pi>ae.on, wiihor without 9 dol»* upon-every Coach * 3° f- bej A Young NEGRO GIRL, 11 Of Fourteen years Old y FOR $AL E y SfiK has near Eleven Years to serve, is healthy, and well acquainted with the business of a Chamber Maid, and other house work. Enquire of the Printer. July 25. . d tf Twenty Dollars Reward. WAS STOLEN, last evening, from the pa flu re of the fubferiber, a black Rockingham GELDING, 15 1-2 hands high, has a star, and some white under his throat, (the part being formerly chafed) ;hasi leather on hi. neck, the m.me on the near fir.-vifion lor t'na le I support of public Cridit, and (or the redemption of the " j public debt," tli- fairt debt or l.ock will b; reimhiirfed and '* paid in rm.nner following, to wit. Firll, by dividends " to be made en the la;t days of March, Juif- and Septefn •' bcr for the present ye-r, and from the year oae thoufi nd " fcy«S»fcor»ira I uui aim iy-fevcri, to the year one thcu " faad eight hun. red & eighteen inrluEve.at th& rate of " tine and one half per centum upon the original capital. " Secondly, by dividends to be made on rhe' lad day of :, " December tor the present yesr, and.from the year one " thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year d •< one thoufandeiglit hundred and fevintteri inclusive, at " the rate of three and one half per centum upon the c.,-i ---" ginal capital; and by a dividend to be ma c on the laii " day of December, in the year one thousand eight huu " dred and eighteen, of such ,um, at will be then u-'e •' quate, according to the contrail, for the Cnal rsdeir.p ---" lion of th ft id llock." xd. All diftin&ion between payments on account of s Intcreli and Principal being thus abolilhed by the eflahlifh meiit oi the permanent rule of reiinburfement abovs de l'cribed, it has become neteffary to vary accsrdingly the b powers of attorney for receiving dividends; the public S. creditors will therefore observe that the following form ic is eftabii&edlor all powers of attorney which'-may be ly granted after the due promulgation ol this notice, viz. in KXOiV ALL MEN BY 'THESE PRESENTS, that 'V 1 °f ie do male, C-i.jl.iAc and appoint °f my true and laivful At torney, for me, and in my name, to receive the dividends -wbch ere, or fiatl he payable according to laiu,on the (here describing the lUick) Jlan*rs'i inmy.'iamtih the book: of (here deferibing the books of the Treasury or the Commissioner of Loam, j where the flock is credited) from (here insert the com a mencement and expiration of f ime for which the power of )f« attorney IS to continue} ivith ponver also an attorney or aiter— 1j- nits under him for that purpofc to muie andfubflitute, and to do all id laiufnlnHi rvquj.tef, ejfettinv thepremifei, hereby ratifying and ut a,/firming all ijjai my said mtorney or Litfuhjiitute Jlaii lawful ly do y by 'virtue hereof. In IVitnefs hereof\ I have hereunto ft my Hand and Seal the c y day .of in the year Sealed and Dcli'verei in presence of BE I'T JCNOIVJt r , that pn the day of — befre me personally came within nam id and acknowledged the above letter of attorney to U his aft and detd. In tejiimuny •whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and cjjiK* ell Stcl the day and'year last afortfaid. nd Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen tieth day of July 1796, puj-Jfyaiit to dire&icns from tile Secretary of the Treasury. SAMUEL MEREDITH, 1 re&furcr (f the United States. 7"b 23* IV &st I J. He For sale by the Tubfcribers, K.- 5 IN PtMN-SXREET, 130 quarter Chests frell. Hyson Tea; ISO (jitto 796,. ' /THE Summer Vaealior. will take pl2ce on :V!ondc;» next, ' tlie 1 B'.h inlt. and co ntinue for r week'.—The diller. ent Schools wiih'h* fcveral Tutor s will accordingly rc.- assemble on Monday, the t jih day of Au^uft. By the Faculty, Wu, Roc rs, Src'v. New Hat and Hosiery-store, WHOLESALE AND . ETAIL, ice, By WILLIAM M'DOUGALL, No. 1 34 Market-Jlrect, a!n _ Third door from the corner of Fourth, fsuth fide cee Men's Black American and Englilh HATS, of various qui or litits and prices ' Ditto Drahs aod Green underi * Ladies' ditto, black, and a large adbrtment of fancy do. IO Coloured Beavers, With a great variety of elegant and ' fafhionable Trimrnings youths tflack and Drab-coloured do. " Children*rfaacy do cfer AH kinds of Silk, Silk & Cotton, Cotton & Thread HOSE • Knit, coloured Pantaloons r ' a * Do. Drawers ores Do. lirecches Patterns Silk Gloves " Knotted, coloured do. Cotton gant A quantity of Mending Cotton, for ted colours. tift T^lC Hals tbc ncweft falhion. ' June 27. COIm •eral —— — ■ — — Washington Canal Lottery, no. 1. '• XT/-HEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised — VV the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the ptirpofe of cutting a Canal through the City of VFaihington, from the I'o :ven tomacto theEaflern Branch Haruour. per The following is ;he SCHEME of No. I. iz. Viz .1 Prize of ao.ooo dollars, 10,000 080 1 ditto 10, coo 10,000 000 7 last drawn") 500 Tickets, each f 5,000 35,000 oco '6 ditto 1,000 6,000 000 to ditto 400 4,000 95° ditto 100 a.ooo °°o 55 ditto J0 a, 75 0 000 5750 ditto iz <9,008 000 ToTje railed fer the Canal, »6,ajo 4JO 5850 Prizes, 175,000 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize." 450 I7joo Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 lilh- 0* The Commiflioners have token the Securities re ?at- quired by the aforefaid a& lot tjie pundual payment of the the prizes. icm The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without afed delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely kets notice will be given. Such prizes as are not demanded ic fu months after ths will drawing is fmifhed, {hall be confidercd as relinquifbed for izes the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. 64 (Signedj NOTLEY YOUNG, ° lck " DANIEL CARROLL, ofl>. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNCANSON, ers " THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. 9 City if Walhingtou, Feb. xj.