No;-? 38. Diftrift of Pennfylyania to wit. BE it remembered, that twenty-fourth, day of June,. in the twentieth year of the Independence of the United States of America, John Ormrod, of the (aid Diftri& hfth deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof y , he claims as Proprietor, in the words following: to wit: ne y " A (hort and candid Enquiry into the proofs of Christ's ( 41 divinity; in which, Do&oi Ptieftley's opinion concerning | an< '• Christ is occafionallv considered. In a letter to a fyeud. # 44 By Charles H, Wharton, D. D. and Member of the Philofophieal Society of Philadelphia. 14 Whosoever deaicth the Son the fame hath not the Fath- 0 er. Let that therefore abide in you which ye have heard *• trom the beginning :if that which ye have heard from the *P r 44 beginning shall remain in you, ye also fttall continue in CB * 44 the fan and in the father. St-John, lli Epift. c. ii. v. 23. un< 44 24." of in conformity to the aft of the Congress of the United States ver intiuHed 44 An aft for the encouragement of learning, by fe - curing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the authors e ul and proprietors of (uch copies, during the times therein v ic mentioned.' SAMUEL CALDWELL, coi Clerk of the Diftri6fc of Pennsylvania. Juneaq ______ e( Law Book-Store, No. 3 1J, High Street. __ GEORGE DAVIS begs t< inform his profeflional friends, that per the Ceres juil arrived froo* Lofi dpn, hehas received the following scarce and valuable , books. State Trials, U vol. in 6 and si vol. Ruff head's Statutes at large, 16 vol. Woods' Inflitutes, Coke's Entries, Raftell's do. Browne's d 6. Hearncs pleader, Coke's ad, 3d, and 4th Institutes, t vol. Roll's Abridgment, Brooke's do. Bulftrode's Reports, Roll's do. 2 vol. in 1, Floyers Proflor's practice, iClarke's Admiralty, Rutherford's Tnftitutes, Deinnlogy, or the to Eloquence and Logic of the Bar. These with his very large colletSlion frotrt"V)ublin now on hand, will enable ci< him to ftipplv an entire library or a single book, as gentlemen may have oceafion on their immediate ap plication. " July 14. iwiw Asjheton and "James Humphreys, th CONVEYANCERS, • M \ dwelling-house, 5 calh 30,000, are $ '■ T j x X ditto J5,000 & cask 25,000 40,000 at I ditto, 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 I (Htto 10,000 & cash 10,000 20,000 a l j ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 io,oo« t i I ditto 5,000 & ca(h J,OOO 10,000 1 cash prize of 10,000 n a do. 5,000 each, are, • i®,ooo tl to do. 1,000 - 10,000 e, 20 do. s®o - - 10,000 g 00 do. 100 - - 10,000 It *00 do. 50 q 400 do. 25 * i*,ooo n 1,000 do. *0 . • 20,000 15 do. 10 • • 150,000 ' 16,739 Prizes. 34,261 Blanks. _ j 50,000 Tickets, St Eight Dollars, 40,*000 j N. B. To favour those who may take a quantity of Tickets,the price of 40,000 dollars will be the Last drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one : And approved noftes, securing payment in either monsy er prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received for any number not less than 30 tickets. This Lottery will afford an elegant Specimen of thepri- T»ate bnildings to be ere&ed in the City of WalFiingfon— ' Two beautifuldefigns are already felefted for the entire -fronts on two of the public squares; from thefc prawings c it is proposed to erect two centre and four corner buildings,, a as soon as poflible after this lottery is fold, and to convey 8 them, when complete, to the fortunate adventursrs, in 1 the manner defcribcd in the fchemc for the Hotel Lottery. f A nett deduction of fivsper cent, will be made to defray t the necessary expenses of printing, &c. and the surplus 1 will be made a part of the fund intended for the National a University, to be erefled Within the city of Washington. ( The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are 1 •fold oil.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days 1 after it is finifhad ; ants any prices for which f#rtunate ( numbers aie not produced within twelve months sifter the t drawing is doled, are to be considered as given towards i the fund for the University ; it being determined to fettle j the whole business in a year from the eiding of the draw- j "fcg, and,to tHke up the bonds given as security. i The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, , jre held by the President .and two Direitors of the Bank ; of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a ] tcount at the lottery. 1 The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of ! the late Ccmmiflso"-r- aflifte'd in the management of the 1 Hotel Lottery uefced to undertake this arduous talk j a Of of the a fufficient num- j ber of' -idly accepted, it is hoped that the , frit - niverfity and the other federal ob-. 1 irr .•.» jr tile design. s ■ .lv 1t«» the different parts if the we! i • Europe, where the tickets iif. . tt _ public ane assured that the di» • 5 will f; jnirnenae, and that the care and •1 necessary to insure a fafo dilpofal of th« tickets, 1, adered the (aor: fufpeniion indifpcnlable. SAMUEL ULCDGET. , '■ chets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of, Tai .j Weft &Co. BaJtimore ; of Peter Oilman, -Boston ; - John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells, Cooper's Ferry. ~ : No. 134. Diftrift of PdnilfylvaaU, to wfe. BE It Remembered that on thej!3d day of Msy, in the twentieth year of thelndepcndence of .the United Slates of America, I'iakcii, of the said diftrid hsih in this office, the title of a book, the rigfit whereof hs'claims as proprietor in the words following to wi< *' THE DISAPPOINTMENT, or THE FORCE Of CREDULI TY, a new Comic Opera in three ads, by Andrew Barton, Esq. 2d edition teviiedand corre&td with large uddttiousby the author," " Enchanting grdd ! that dofl conspire to blind, " Mans' errin;; judgment and mifgaide the mind, «' In fe|rch ot thee, the wretched worldling goes, «« Nor dangers fears, tho* friends of right opoofc.'* 1n conform ity to the aft of-the Congress of the United States, entitled " An aft for the encouragement of by securing the copies «f maps,iharts and books to the authorj ' and pioprietors of such copies during the times therein men tioned. Samuel Cudwul, Cllc Dift. Penn. The time Cpcrt wilt ie piblijhcd in "it (onrjc aj tae , r three turu. Juiy aa i4t f f - FOR S A/L B, A very Valuable Estate, /h CALLED TWITTENHAM, fituatc in the ,~- township of Upper Derby, and county" of Delaware, l 71-2 miles frorti Philadelphia, and half a mile from the PEI ne\v Western road: containing 230 acres of excellent land, cciL 1 45 of which are good watered meadow, 9a of prime wood- larl; ' land - , ami the refl arable of the fir ft quality. There fide " on the premises a g:ood two story brick house, with 4 rooms N on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-wc!l lum of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, ftabLs, jem j and other convenient buildings ; a smoke-house and (tone, J e fpring-honfe ; two good apple and. one of pe ich- ~*r -1 cs. The fields are ail in clover, except those immediately under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage of water in each of them, which render jit peculiarly con- r-y s venient for grazing. # 1- The situation is pleasant andhralthy, and from the high s cultivation of th&land. the good neighbournood, and the 0] n vicinity to the city, it is very fuitablc for a geatleman's j country feat. po> The foregoing i» part of. the estate qf Jacoli Harman, oia _ deceafcd, and effered for sale bv # tha Mordecai Lewis, the Ofl. 9. eo.] Surviving Executor. of ( J PROPOSALS, thl By BIOREN fsf MADAN, Kn J 5 For publifning by that celebrated Work, Godwin's Political Justice. air, | s From the last London Edition. t j lt > S T 1 * M s; ] ijn ' 8 I. It will be pablifhed in two large volumes, duodecimo. ' 's 11. Price to Subscribers, two tjbllars, handsomely bound, is to be paid on deliycry of the work, y 111. As foou as a aumber of Subfcribtrs appear, fuffi- " ; le cient to defray the eipeuce, it shall be put to press. " j ts IV. The-names of the Subscribers {hall be prefixed. Th - following CharaAcr of this work is cxtrafted from the Wonthly Review, p. 3 JI » 3 la » ' iIT March, 179 J. "i - "We have no small degree of pleafnre i r n announcing the present worli. to our readers ; as one wh rh from the freedom of its enquiry, the grandeur of its views, and the fortitude of its principles, is eminently deserving of atten ''' tioji. By this eulogium, we would by no means he under :t ' flood to fubferibe to all the principles which these volumes J a£ contain. Knowledge is not yet arrived at degree of T eertainty which ts requisite, for any two men to think a like on alMfubjeas; neither haslangnage attained that con , fiftcnt accuracy, which can enable them to convey their U|i , * thoughts, even when they do thinkalike, in a mannerper- , ' fedtly correal and intelligibly to both. These difficulties are onljr to he overcome by a patient, iflceffimt, and bene volent invetligatien. " Many of the opinions which this work contains, are - bold; some of them are novel; and fomedoubtlefsare er roneous :—but that which ought to endear it even to those [ whose principles it may offend, is the llrength of argu ' ment adduced in it to prove, that peace and order mod ef fectually promote the happiness after which political re formers are panting ; —that as the progre£s of knowledge is graduaJ, political reform ought n»t to be prficipi&tc;— and that convulsive violence is dangerous not only to indi viduals (for that rcfult would Ke of small account) but to the general cause of truth. It is the op pofiteof this principle that inspires the enemies of politic al enquiry with so much terror ; it js the fuppofltion that change i*,aft inevitably be attended by the turbulence and iajuftice of commotion; and that innovation cannot be nude without th< interven - ion ; — "\T7ITH a LOT «f GROCiTO thereunto Merging, c tire VV the weft fide of Third-street, near Uiion-ftreet ngs containing io front 31 feet, and in depth joofeet, to an igs,, alley leading into Union-street. The house is 2 feetfroflt _ vey and 50 fee't deep ; the several looms containd in it are , in large, commodious, andconiplctely fipi&cd; Jie two firft :ry. stories are each 13 feet high; there are i> mahogany T ray doors in the house ; a geometrical staircase, wth muhoga- f ilus ny rails and a good Iky-light. The kitchen iin the 1 ell >nal ar, which is fpacieus and convenient, and finihed with a;i n. oven, slew-holes and pantries, a servants' bll and large C 1 are wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which is an 'ays area in which there is a pump. The yard is vaulted. late Communicating with the said building is a neat l.ree-tlory : u the brick house, on the north fide of Onion-street contain- n irds ing 30 feet front by 20 feet deep; the lower pan of which al ttle U»t present occupied as a compting-houfe, and tie upper »w- part divided into well-tinfftied large chambers. Thishouft ol may at a small expeufe be converted into a , cmvenieni w zes, dwelling: The flreet door'is very handsome, and:he front ank and back have Venetian window-lhutters. Adjoining the " - a lad house, upon the lot belonging to the firft, art creeled a ' bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewise very good coacl* tof house and stables finiflied equal (or nearly so) witi any in P the the city, on a lot containing on Union tlreet 30 leet, and task in depth 011 the waft fide of said alley 51 feet. There are a jm- good cellars under the whole of the buildings, aai a wine h the room over part of theftable, with a hay-loft ove: there- r ' ob-. mainder. For further particulars enquire of a EDWARD BOSTSALL k Co. the At their Office No. 64 Dock-flreet. between Walnut ic Pear V KU ro [frets. r the 6th month 24th, 1J96. and — ———e bis Philjp Nicklin & Co. HAVE FOR SALE, f ; of Soaihong i; on ; Hyson Skin ) 'lis, Young Hyfo* I FRESH TEAS Ii . Hyson and \ Imperial •* . / Yellow Nankeens . ' China Ware, alTorted in Boxes and Chcfta a,e » Quiikfilvcr i i«if Band*nno Handkerchiefs of excellent qulity in ' "riE ehefts 1 LI- London Market MADEIRA VIN1! 1 tq.l. London particular Vin pipes, bogheads, & ] sby New-York Market J quarter ia(ks 1 Teneriffe Wine in pipes and hoglieads ' Sugar Candy bythe Box Sail Cans'as Nb. 1 a 8 Lead in lheeis , 3 Calks of Cutlery assorted r A few chests of Manckefler Goods, afjtted thick- , i«rs feL ®> e ®™»> ftrij>ed Nankeens, - en- 3 Small packages «f black fewing-filkj 8 Tierces Virginia Snake-teot. iree Nails aflbrt«4 in calks ' £a. w ,af ! ' To be Sold, At No. 128, North Second-Strcit, and by fcveral y i the Apothecaries in this Citv. TRANSFERS of the right wremove ?•»:•»*•»i oions from the human jodv, asfecured to I) r i- LISrIA PERKINS, by patent, with inSliuineni. ,ud direftien' ne ceifaiy i'>r the practice. This mode ;)i treatment is partieu larly u'eful in relieving pain;- if the undermentioned articles—viz. Superfine London Cl*ths Kerseymeres, Yorkfhiic second Do. Do. a Elastic do. do. Mix'd and Slue Coatings Flannells, See. Manchester Printed CalJicoes, London Chintz ditto, p!ueand diit.o Furnicuies, . India ditto, * Long Cloths, CofTaes, Baftas, Battillas& Conjeyrems, n 4-4 9-8 s'l & 6 '4 Superfine India Boo.k fyluflins* ft 4-4 ared q-8 India Book Handkcrchicis, ; 4-4 and 9-8 Scutch ditto, [ 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Mufliqg, 4-4 & 6 4 British Jaconets, 6-4 Bririlh Checks and Stripes, 4-4 India do. do, do. « j 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras <&c. q A large assortment of figur'd and plain MuQineifj . 1 ' Quillings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Eancy Waiftcoaiings, j Ginghams of the hrft Quality, fubjefl to Drawback, * 1 India Nankeens, " Men'» White m-.d coloured Silk Aockiags. ! May 9 ■ wcoit tj , For Sale, »• f A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill, { ' TN New Jersey, near the Fonks of Little Egg-Harbour. p ' A The Grift Millis Cxty by forty feet, two water wheels, - and calculated for four run of Stones, with screen, fans and boulting-cloths, &c. Th* Saw-Mill has two faws,and capable ofcuttingfiveto 6 100 thoufandfeetof Boards per ( year. A valuable piece ef Cedar Swamp, within a mile and a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile f>t a Landing I'he Lumber, &c. may be takeii by water from the mill taii. ALSO FOR SALE, Several Valuable Tra&s of Land, . , Ip Pennlylvania, for all ©f which payment will be receiv- t in the Botes of MefTri Morris and Nisholfon, or ia t pafh. . For further information apply to the Printer. ° May 17. law " ' \ 1 Samuel Richardet, \ ESP'EC TFULLY informs the Gentlemen . -V Merchants, that he has tliis day opened the CITY J ,1 TAVER.Naud MERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE in the c city yf Phiiadehhia. < n The Subfcriptipu Room will be furnilhed with all the 1. publiftiedin Philadelphia, N:w-York, Ros y 1 ton, Baltimore, together with of the principal com- mercial cities of Europe—Tkoy will be regularly filed h an< * nciie permitted to be taken away on any account, °r Tea, Coitce, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety fe Liquors; together with the ul'ual refrefhments, lt will at all times,be procured at fibe bar. jj. Gentlemen may depend on accommodated vfritb * v the choice ft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the wiofi: approved Malt Liquors iromLondon and breweries. ' Ihe Larder will be supplied with the prime and earliest. < 0 produ&ions of tho Scafon. J id Large and Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be * r€ accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Supperi, at le - hours most convenient to thcmfelves—a cold Collation is e- regularly kept for conveniency, th« BiUof Fare to be had at th® bar. , The Lodgftig Rooms will be'completely furniflied, and ar tae utmost attention, paid to cleanlincfs, and every other rpquifite. 1 Samuel Richardet will be happy t® receive, and * exccute the commands oi his Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himJelf that nothing on his. part (hall be wanting to pre serve that patronage with which he has been Co diftWuiih . ijigly honored. Philadelphia, April -19. JOHN PAUL JONES. TNFORMATION is hereby givr.;i, that the late 1 Paul Tones was a proprietor of £re (hares (amount ing to about 5867 icrea) in i trait of land purchased by t! >e Ohio Company, in too territory of the United States •f America, north-weft of the rivet Ohio ; and that his heirs, or legal representative, on the direc . tors of said company,at Marietta in the territory afore }hid, will receive a deed of the said five lures, or rights ef land. The application maybe made pcrfonilly or by an agent, but proper documents must be produced to prove the claimant or claimants the legal heirs or representative «f the feid jones N.B. As it is not known in what country the person k- or will be an ad of benevolence in every Printer in America and Europe, who (hall insert thisadvcuifemem in his p,jj;cr. lu behalf of the dircAori of the Ohio Company, . . ) RUFUS PUTNAM. Marietta, May 40,1796. Qurje4j p i For S:iie, A Few Cafe- of l : ir!t I N D 1 G O. Enquire at No. 71, South Water Itreec.' May » tht fti "fifty dollars reward. RAN away from the fubl'cri >er living near Chur Hill. Qu-en \ans County in the State of Mary about th<; firlt of January last, a black negro man,nam : Sam,about thirty years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches iji;;ii.. has a crooked finder on one hand, and one leg and to. ■■ fmallcr tkart the other, somewhat round-fhsuicLred, hi-, cloathing unknovrn. Any who will secure cr bring said fellow lioms, so that I may get him agnui ihaiJation for any extra expenjc that may be apcafioned thereby. Note 4. Fifteen minutes shall he allowed for opening and dofng the mail at ali offices where no particular time is [fecifeed. ~~ Note 5. For every hour's delay (.unavoidable accidents excepted) in arriving after the times pnfen bed in any cent rad, the coiitrathrr [ball forfeit one dollar And if the delay continue un il depart it re of any depending mail, whereby -the mmh de(lined for such de» r. pending mail Icfeatrip, the contractor j,hall forfeit ten dolio:h Is, -r-W be deduded from his pay. n* JOSEPH HABERSHAM, lc * Poft-Malter Gcneia!. cr General Post Office, Philadelphia, June 2s. 17Q&» iaw6w « Urbanna iYiiU Seats , OITUAT£ in Cecil county, Maryland, on the banks# O the river Sufquehan :a, ali- ter, and commanding the water o£ that important river, y- the channel conducting th+ trade of which comes so near in the Mill Seats as to make it convenient to speak the bo»M; and Mills may be io situated a» to receive them along their walls, and by water lifts take in tßeir cargoes. There is a power fuflfi'cicne for many end any kind cf — ufeful Water aud so much may be jufily said in commendation of this Scite as \ir