. • v i .■ ' , \ v s' : yy • . » i? ■,/ '~y " •" • \ :• . . ... . • . A / §** tt of the ißniteTJ |$tatCS, 6* Philadelphia Daily Ad\ mo.] • TUESDAT EVENING, JUI.T 26, 3796. •' ■ K r —1 —; : : ; ~ fprrr oar t.< r\r?' i T"\T7TV /~\NT PADDTAPCC »l, i Just Arrived, In the !h» Molly, John Frost, Mailer, from Liv.rppoU 5000 Bushels Best fine jtoved bAL 1, 6oq iiufhels CO \L, Audi ,BCrat« ot QUE EMS WAfIE aflbrtf (J, FOR'SALE BY Philip Nicklin & Co. ® jj. B. THE S/UD i Ship MOLL Y, j »' CH ARTER, (he » 5 I tots old, Philadelphia built, of wnitc,; < oak : was weii laltrd and earner about 4200 baircls-of Flour. t Fov cms apply as above. I July 23 : ~ /. Advertisement. On Saturday the 30th inft. will be Old at public auc tioil r lull The new (hip LIBERTY, f "DURTHEN .110 tons, with her " IJ masts andJpars as delivered by Jj the carjieme., good judges havf pronounced that tlhe is a faithfully built 'vessel, of good and well seasoned , , matt-rials, one thousand dollars will be inquired of the ; * pu-chafer at the time of sale, and for the remainder a | credit will be given of 3, 6, 9, and rx mon the pay- , ments to be secured by notes negotiable at the Bank ®f - Alexandria, with approved endorsers. JOHN MANDEVILLE, 7 T . at fir thc -GKORGECLEMERSTON, & > creditors of jfrfi. } 1 . ELISHA G. DICK. J aum*.& Co. 23 dt 30th. For Sale, Freight, or Chartej, —-j The Scho®ncr ML - ANGELICA, 'hundred and twenty tons burthen— V / fix months old, a (launch, f:.ithfui!y- Imilt. "tad-failing vefTel, hapdfomely finished off, an J well found in ■every particular. For terms apply to t B. 'RHODES, On, board said fchooncr, lying at Bickley and Bohlen's •wharf, the firft above Market : flreet. WHERE THERE -ARE FOR SALE, A few half-bbls. Prime Mess Beef. July 14 S ■ For Sale or Charter, J BOST ON, J BURTHEN asout 2000 Bbls. of flour—(he may be sent to feaat a frnaH cxp,:ice, her faiis and rigging being ia t very good order—apply to fames Campbell, or ] George Latimer. a April, 29. S ( For Barbados, The Brigantine FAME, Francis Knox, Maf:er, m T TAS good accommodations for paf '-1 " 11 fengers, and is expeAed to fail on ThurfGay fiext For freight of a few barrel* or pajfige, apply to capt. Knox, at Hamilton'* wharf, or Ju'y 23 6] KEARNY WHARTON. r For Boston, . The Bng SALLY, WILL fail in a few days and take v.'^freight very low. Apply on board at Lownes's wharf. July 23 d3t ' Schooner LITTLE JGHR , FOR SALE, THE Schoonfr. LITTLE JOHN, CAPTAIN BOYD, A BOUT 18 months old, a very fact jAjWr'V XV failing vessel, on Virginia Pilot boat P' an > now 'aying at South ftrett wharf, arries near 9«.0 barrels,. is ready to take 2fca=L'~rv/ in a cargo ; a liberd credit will be given. Apply 10 PETER BLIGHT. July 19. loteod Wm. HOLDERNESSE, , No. 76 High Street, H .AS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and '.he East Indies, a well feleCVed aflbrtment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Hafcerdafhery Goods ; which he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the loweil terms ; AMONGST WHICH ARE, Son-e fine India mullins embroidered with gold and JMver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto Do do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black tafFeties,luteftringsand colored Persians Banc!ano Handkerchiefs Long and Ih6rt Nankeens Englilh Mantuas of thc firft quality Daniajk table linen and napkins, very fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant alfortmsnt Thead and cotton do Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd d». and do cloth French cambrics, very fine Irilh Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § Just Arrived, In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li • " verp'ool, soeo Bnfhala SALT ; ( 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and An Aflbrtment of SHIP CHANDLERY; FOR SALE On board, at Pine-flreet wharf. Apply to » fames Campbell, or George Latimer. April 29. 5 i CO N O fl C E. ' There will be fold on Thutfday the 4th of August, at ' the Merchants'coffee house. in Second.fi reet, , One thoufafid shares of the stock of i the North America Land Company. : If not previoufij difoaAd of. Philadelphia, 20th July. " dts THE SALE OF The TOWN, and OUT LOTS of the TOWNS of ERIE. WATERFORD, FRANKLIN and WARREN. DVERTISED for sale by the State in the Phila- l\ delpliia Gazeiie and UuivcrJal Daily Advertifrr* lo be Sold in trie City of Pivladelpbia ; will o<«iii;iie«ice at the Cily F Tavern of Co^ce-Houfe in Secohd-Vreet, in 4he faiil ciiv, on 2 Monday the 25th day of July inft. at 7 o'clock in the c v e«»- /> ing. and be cominued fey adjournment' Iron) dav to Uav*, tiom, fl 12 o'clock at {won, until two o'tiock, aud from 7 in ihc ®vec made known, and the plans of the said LOIS and OUT LO'I S"be shewn a< the time and place o £ sale. By order of William Irvine, Andrew Etlic tt and Gectyt J Vi!fon EDW/.RP FOX, Auctioneer. * July 22. Take Notice, '"P'HAT the Subfcrib-r intends to mace applita -1 tion for the renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609, fcr 4000 dollars, dated the 14th December, 1795, bearing interell at 5 £ per cent, trom ill January, 1796, in the , name of David Dunderdale & Co. of Leeds, in York shire, merchants. Thf fame isfuppofed to have been loft • on its way to New York, under cover to Bleecker & I 1 March, of that placc, on the 6th of January last- Thomas M'Eucn. f Phiftdclphia, «2dJune, 1796. J6w Sales of India Goods. i ■ The Cargo «f the ship Ganges, capt. Tingcy, from Cal- C cutta and Bengal, 0 CONSISTING OF * A Large and general aflbrtment of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOODS. fl AMONG WHICH ARE A variety fine -ju/orked and plain Mujlins, Dorcas, \sfc. Also, 1 A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, J In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER. 1 For Sale by t Willings £sf Francis, \ No. 21 P&nn Street. June 5 ' § TAKE , THAT application will be made for the renewal of the following certificates, issued by Joseph Nourfe, Register of the Treafui y, in the name of Roger Gril' woW, Esq. of Norwich, ConneiSicut— i certificate, fix per cent domeflic flock, Ne. 13,907 r —dated the 17thDecember, 1795, bearing interell from [ the firft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 65-100 doi -1 ditto, thre- per cent, doineflic llock, No. 10,683 —dated December 16, 1795, bearing interell from the firft day of January, 1791, for 994 30-100 dollars. 1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166 —dated the 17th December, 1795, bearing interell from the firft Janu ary, ISOI, for. 798 83-100 dollars. Said certificates are fuppafed to have been loft or ftoien in this city foijne time in December or Januaiy 1 last. ' ; JOSEPH THOMAS, No. 59, North Front-ftrcet. Philadelphia, July 21, 1796. d6w. For Sale, A Three story BRICK. HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Front and ftraets, in which Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and now do) carried on business. 1 Pofleflion will be given iti one month, or sooner. 1 For terms apply t© WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAITH. April 21. § On Monday next, 25thinft. (July,) Will be landed at South Itreet wharf, :he cargoes of Superb, Weft Indian aud Ifabtlla, from Jamaica and liavaona, con- <■ filling of j Molafles in Hogsheads, Coffee in hogsheads, barrels & bags, ! FCR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT, • Who has also fvr sale, , A quantity of Jamaica GINGER, , t Pimento & 7 T -n 1 ; Cocoa, | In Ba S s » ! And 15® boxes Hambro' W INDOW GLASS, 7by q, will 1 be fold cheap. 1 July 20 diot & tuth & $ tot CABLES, From.l 6 to 9 i inches, for sale by i Jeremiah Warder, t Julyia 5 No ia northThirJ-Ilreet. 1 ' Landing r From on board the Nancy, William Belcher, mas ter, from Bourdeaux, a cargo, confiftkg of— s 360 Hilda. CHOICE CLARET, • 232 Cases of 24 bottles each CLARET, 286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE, BRANDY, SWEET OIL, and 1 TRUNK of RIBBONS, For Sale by F. Cpppinger. July 23* dtf. Just arrived, 220 boxes best Claret, Containing two doz«a each, for fjle, Wholesale Sc Retail, by William Sheaf ', *dS July a. No, 168 High-duet. Public Notice is given, ' ro the merchants and others concerned in tht (hipping I at State-Island, under quarantine, that a Can will attend every ,mo.ning, sundays excepted, trom nine to ten o'cl.ck, at the Health office, No. 31 Walnut-street, to convey provisions or other Refrefhmcnts to the Hospital, and for the use of the crews. [ It is cxpciled that the Bags, Baskets, or other »acka»- es with supplies, will be with thj name of the vef- . L - uu l captain they are intended for, to prevent miflakes at delivery. ■ By order of the Board of Health forthe port of Phil»- delphla, L?yi HOLLINGSWORTH, Chairman. J u| r 'S § DUTY ON CARRIAGES. Notice is hereby Given, f PHAT agreeably to an act of Congrels of the United ! r 'i Statesot \merica, palled at Philadelphia, the aßtb day i . of May, 1796 • lav 'tug duties on Carriages', tar the convey- j anoc of pcrlocs, iind repealing the former acfi for that pur- |- , ptife.;—That rtiere (hall be levied, eolicfled and paid, upon j all carriages for the conveyance of perlona, which shall be : ' ivi.pt by or lur any person, for his or her own use, or to let { out to hire, or fpr the conveying of paffciagers, the icveral du- I | yces"follo-.viog, to wit. ' 1 and upon e\'ery Coach, doW up a every Chariot, 12 dols. upOli every P 4\ Ch;;npt, \i dols^ ui'Ort every Cnaife, ia'doi». vpon every Piiac:on, w\th(>H-w,iiboUt top, gdols. j • uf«.iii every 9 dols. j upon other Carriage®, having panne 1 work abpve, with blinds, gialfes or curtains, g d<*»ls, upon four wheel camagfi,, hariftg tramed posts and top: with rteel fptings, 6 c|oii. I upon four wheel tup, Carnages, with woaden or iron | tpriugs or jacks, 3 dais. upon curricles with tops, 3 cols. , upon chaises with tops, 3 dols. upon chairs with tops, 3 dois. ufon lulkies with 3 d«ls. I upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols." upon two wheel caniages, with Reel or iron springs, 3 dols. For and upon all other two wheel carnages, 2 dots. upon every four wheel carriage, paving framed posts and tops, and reitiug upon wooden fp3fs, 2 dols. , The Colk&ors of the Revenue »t the iirli larvey of the Diftnftof Pennsylvania, vv'ill attend daily, uoiilthe 30th day j tsf September next, for the purpoi? ot rece.ivihg the duties on Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or Hreet, in the City of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, Efq iu the County ot Montgomery ; and at the house ot Abraham Du bois, fifq. in the County of Bucks; of which all person s poi lelTed of such Carriages are defned to take notiep. Notice is also given, i TO all retail dealers in Wir.es, and foreign distilled fpiri- I tuous liquors, that licences will be granted to them ; one li 1 cence for carrying on the bafmefs of retaking of wines, in a 1 less quantity, or in krls quantities than JO gallons —and one j licence f«r carrying on the business of retailipg Spirituous 1;- , qaors m less quantities than 2® gallons, at the fame time and 1 at the fame places, by thc officers legilly authoriled to grant c such lice Aces. t WILLIAM NICHOLS, Infpe&or of the Revenue of tti« firft survey of the diflri&of Pennsylvania. Office of at ) Philadelphia, 2itt July, 1796. > t 30 f. — — 1 Choice St. Croix Sugar & Rum, NOW landing from on board the Bng Willian Pen- 1 nock, Capt. Thomas llallcday from St. Cioix and for sale by Pragers ess Co. July 19. diw. Twenty Dollars Reward. WAS STOLEN, last evening, from the paflure of th< lubferiber, a hlack Rockingham GELDING, 15 i-2 hands high, has a star, and Tome white uilder his •liroat, ffhe part being formerly chafed) ;has a leather on hi. neck, the mane on the near fide, his foot-locks fretted teitha,t:p£, and is a horse of much Who ever fecitr. s liim with the thief, lhall have the above re ward, or for the Horse alone a very generous compensa tion JOH>' LAWRENCE. 1 JulV 7 eo^v Kotv Pui/i/bing by the Printer, At No. 3, Laetitia Court, delivering to Subscribers, , and to be had at the different Book-Stores in this City, Bern man & Co's CHEAP JND f LEG ANT EDITION OJF The HOLY BIBLE. Containing the OW and Naw Tcflarrients and the Apocrypha, with marginal notes andte erences. An Index ;or an account of the moll remarkable pafTagesin the old and newTeftamcnt. pointing to the places wherein they happened, and to the places of scripture where in they are recorded. —A Table of Time.—Tables of scrip ture mcafures, weightsand coins i with an appendix,contain ing the method of calculating its measures of surface hitherto wanting in Treatises on this fubjefi. A Tabic of Ojfeis and Conditions ol men. ' CONDITIONS i* The size of this Edition will be a LARGE FOLIO, printed ®n a beautiful new type, and good paper, made par ticularly for it, It will be publiiied in Numbers, not to ex ceed 30, one of which will be delivered weekly to fubferib ers, at a quarter of adollar. Thafe fußfcribers who prefer receiving the work complete, will be attended to by fignifying the fame on any of ti«e lubfeription papers in rhe Bookllorcs in this city.' 2. There will be an advance in the price, on fubferibiog after the fiift of August next. 3 In the courieof the Work will.be given an elegant Front if pi cw—From an Engraving celebrated artist, Grigmqn. Bf rkiMan & to. gratefullyacknowledge the very liberal encouragement t&ey have met with; and ha Managers. JONATHAN RHEA, ) .June 1S ea I Treaiury of rh.- I "XTOTICE is hereby give | Jl\ may be Civdiiors of • lot t\\t F*nJcd Debt, or Stoci, baring a prcfent intcrcfl . the : sßih day »f April, 1796.- incitlect an art in addition t« an : r-ii, intituled « An aft miking fuithcr provision for ha 1 fuppm.t of public credit, tz# i v r the redemption (of the public.debt," tSc faiJda.t or ioctwjil be reimbursed and paid in »snner.f(>!lt)wjHE,to wit. " Pint, hy c::-. ir«»ndj " to bo made oil the Jul o Tickets, each j 3Sfioo o 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 o 10 ditto 400 4,000 o jo ditto 100 ifieo o 55 ditto 50 1,750 0 J7jo di «° 11 69,008 o To be raised fer tho Canal, 16,150 0 5850 Prizes, 175,00 a 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.} 0 175°° Tickets, at Ten Dollans, - 175,00* The Com mi !!ion er s have taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid aA for the pundlual payment »f e the prize*. n The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without d delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely :s notice will be given. Such prizes as are not demanded ic fir months after th« [1 drawing is finiihed, ihall be confidercd as relinquiihed foe :s the benefit ®f the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. 4 (Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, o/D. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNCANSON, '• THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City »f Wa(hi«gto», Feb. 11. §