» N*o. 131. Dijlrift of Pennsylvania : to wit. irrrmenibned, ifyat on the twentv-fourth dav of June. > ill • i:c twentieth year of the Independence of the United St-'Vsof America. f «hn Orrprod, ot the aid Diftrift hjth V He\». .litre! in his office the title of a book, the right wlwrcet 7 he claims as Proprirtor. in the words! following: to wit : " short and candid Enqui*v rhto tbe oroofs of thrift'* iv d'vii\itv; in whic'i Do&m the beginning :if that which ye have heard from the 'P '• beginning shall remain in you, ye aifo (hall continue :r» es the 'on and in the father. St-John, iftLpift. c. ii. v. 23. ur 4> of m conformity to the aft of the Congrefa of the United States ve inti;i led 44 An aft for the encouragement of learning b fe cut.fig the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the authors eu «-»d proorierofi ol iuch copies, during the times therein v i R» imaned." SAMUEL C LDWELL, cc Cleikof the Dtrt r ift of Pennsylvania. T"np»o H4WW .Ah perions having demands on ANT'TONY ROLAND BUSSIER, are requeued to „ bring in their accounts on or before the firll day of August r.extf,"9r they will be excluded from a dividend then to takeyfece. WILI.IAM CH YNCELLOR,") JONATHAN JONES, £ Auditors JOSIAH TWAMLEY, J July 7. 4 eodjt For the use of Schools. v Tomkins's Text, Round, and Running• hand copies. TUST publiflied» and for file l»y W. Youag, the corner of ci J Second and Chefftut (UeeU. and j Ornuod, No 41 Chrfnut-ilrrrt. Price of proof imorefllons on fine paper. 1 dollar. Common, 75 rnKs. Executed in a rty]e fupe/ior lf to any-that have been tormcrly engraved inthfc United Spates, *nd riot inferior to ary of the kind imported from Europe. ]nne 30. 19 *'^ w th JOHN PAUL JOiNko. |5 , , TNFORMATION is hereby given, that the late John ti J ■ Paul Jones was a proprietor of five (amount- (1 t ing to ahOut 5867 icres) in a trail of land purchased by cc the Ohio ( ompany, in the territory of the United States ct of America, north-weft of the river Ohib ; and that his lil heirs, or legal representative, on application to the direc- si! tars of said company, at Marietta in the territory afore- lh fold, will receive a deed of the said Ave Ihare«, or rights fe of land. at The application maybe made personally or "by an agent, v( but proper documents mud be produced to prove the claimant or claimants the legal heirs or representative of b( the'feid Jones rc N. b. As it is not known in what country the person | w orperfons interested reside, it will be an of benevolence J m in every Printer in America and Europe, who Avail insert fe this advertisement in his paper. so In behalf of the dire&ors of the Ohio Company, is ROFUS PUTNAM. ar Marietta, May 10,1796 [June 4] 3awsw vi " * AN EXTENSIVB ASSORTMENT OF P' Books and Stationary, Wholesale and Retail, now opened and for Sale by ; n WII f LIAM YOUNG. m Sookfeller, No. Corner of Second and Che/nut-ftreets. th A MONG which are English, Latin, and Greek «c . Classics and Dictionaries, Divinity. Law, His- gi tort, I'ravels, Voyagis, Miscellanies, and themoft lu esteemed No*els. qi "WRITING AND POINTING PAPERS, n< ?rom the bell manufacturers in Europe, and from his ma- . nufadiorj on Brandywine, viz. in Imperial,plain and wove flat Small folio poll, plain th S'J r-royal do. do. Ditto giit te R(,y, l do. do. Bleffom paper assorted ar * Medium A), do. Transparent folio poll fe Demy do. do. Superfine and cemmon foolfc. Glased and hot-preflgd folio Marbled papers. P and 4to extra largr poll coarse papers. Thick poll in folio dito do. London brown, afforded Ditto in 4to. ditto do. Hatters' paper Folio wove post, lined Stainers' paper Quarto ditto do. Common brown -r Ditto gilt do. Patent (hrathing J[ Common size folio post Boanet boards w Ditto quarto, plain Binders' Boards. a Folio and quarto pofl, gilt, q jiljo, a variety of other Stationary Articles, vir. Wedgwood and gla r s phi'ofophical ink Sands, wellaffort. 'I ted ; pewter ink chelts of various fixes ; round pewter ink R {lands; paper, brals, and polifbed leather ink Hinds for the pocket. Shining 'and and sand boxes, pounce and pounce boxes, ink aud ink powder. Counting hnufe and pocket pen knives of the bell quality, ass (kin tablet and memorandum books. Red and colored wafeis, common fiir, office ditto. Quilit. from halt a dollar, to three dollars per hundred. Black lead pencils, mathematical inftrumenti, &c £cc. All forts and fixes of Bl • nk Books, readv made or made toonlfr. Bank checks, blank bi'lsof exchange aid notei of 1 hand. eKecuted in copperplate, bi la ol lading, manif Jls J teamen's articles and journals, icc. &c. w June 18 tawgw d This Day is published, ei By I BENJAMIN DA VIES, No. 68 High-Jtreet, ai And „ WILLIAM COBBETT, Second-Jlrett, opfojtte Ckrijl's Cbureb, a The Second Edition of r Porcupine's Bloody Buoy, With additional Notes aad a copious Appendix. July ii »*w4t ~ The PANORAMA, IN High-street, exhibiting j view of the citiea of Lon- ( don a:id Wcftmmfter, will positively close on Tuesday evening, the 19th inilant, and will not be cxhbited in f Philadelphia "gain. Philip Nicklin & Co. ! HArE FOR SALE, | -$onehoig ' Ilyfon Skin ) Young Hyson > TRESH TEAS Hyson and \ . Imperial J | YeUowNankeens China Ware, assorted inCox s and Chefta •Qnicklilver . BoiuUnoo Handkerchiefs of excellent quality In cV.efta London Market , } MACjt RA WINlv London particular >in pipes, ho,(heads, ft New-Yurk Market ) quarter calks Teneriffe Wine in pipe* and hoglicadf Sugar Candy by the Box Sail Canvas No. 1 a 8 Lead in sheets .3 Caflcs of Cutlery afTorted A few chests of Mancheder Goods, assorted fcts. Cords, striped Nankecna, &e. 3 Small packages of black fewing-filka 8 Tierces Virginia Snake-foot. Nails affoi ted in caflts ' July »8 ' nwflf FOR SALE, K very Valuable filiate, 4 CXLLED TIVirrENHAM, fituaje in the township of and county of rfplaw irc» I 7 l h l miles from Phriad Iphia, ahd half a mile from the pj new Weft rcad containing 130 aef' sOl excellent Hind, 45 of whicJ) are good watered meadow, 0-C of prime wood land, and the reft arable of thd (Irll quality. There arc r J£ j on thepremifesagood two story brick house, with 4 rooms on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well fu of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, liabl s, rc and other convenient buildings ; a smoke-house and Itone fpring-houfc ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach- — es. The fields are all in clover, except those immediately under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con- r venient for.grazing. "she situation is pleasant and healthy, ajid from the high p ( cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and the q vHnity to the city, it is very fuitablc for a gentleman s country feat. p< The foregoing is part of the of Jacob Harman, m ttcceafed, and offered for fa'e bv th Mordecai Lewis, ti- OtS. t). eo.~] Surviving F.xffi'or. ol PROPOSAL a, . By BIOREN W MADAN, k . For publishing by Subscription, that celebrated Godwin's Political Juitice. From the last London Edition. T F. R M S. t J. !. It will be publilhed in two large volumes, duodecimo. H. Price to Subscribers, two dollars, handsomely bound, to be paid un delivery of the work, a , 111. As soon as a number of Subscribers appear, fulH- cient to defray the expence, it shall be put to press. IV The names of the Subscribers shall be prefixed. Th following Chara&er of this work c< is extracted from t : ie Monthly Review, p 311, 31a, for March, 1793 tj " Wehavenofmall degree of in announcing the present work to our readers ; as one wh ch from the freedom of itsenquiry, the grandeur of its views, and the fortitude of its principle, is eminently defe.rving of atten tion. By this eulogium, we would by 1.0 means be undtr flood to fubferibe to all the principles which these volumes contain. Knowledge is not yet arrived at that degree of T certainty which is requisite, for any two men to think a- 1 like oh ail Fubjefts ; neither has language attained that con fident accuracy, which can enable "them to convey their w thoughts, even v hen they do think alike, in a manner per- ur correct and intelligible to both. These difficulties are only to be overcome by a patient, inceflant, and bene volent invefligatiwn. " Many of the opinions which this work contains, are bold ; some of them are novel; andfomedoubtlefsare er roneous :—bl 11 vol. Kuff head's Statutes at large, 16 vol. Woods' Institutes, \ Coke's Entries, Rafteli's do. Browne's do. Hearhes c pleader, Coke's id, 3d, and 4th Institutes, 2 vol. Roll's t Abridgment, Brooke's do. Bulftrode's Reports, oil's do 2 vol. in 1, Floyers Proflor's praflice, Clarke's Adminlty, Rutherford's Institutes, Deinology, or the Eloquence and Logic of the Bar. These with his very large cpl'edUon from Dublii- now on hand, will enable him to supply an entire library or a single book, as s gentlemen may have occalien on thc:r immediate apt pUea'ion. ( July 14* l\v»w a The Public are refpeftfully i in r ormed, that a l business in the line of a BROKER con- ! tinues to be tranfa&edat the office of the subscriber. No. 2.14, Market-ftrcet, next door to the land-office, whs re- ' turns his thanks for the patronage he has already been fa vored with. Lands, kc. for fsle, is various parts of the United States—Particulars of which may be fee* on application. CcrrttS numerical books will be ke«.iin» and iuHanvtu tion< f'rtnn the bttmin b»«!v, as fecurcd t> Dr. .:LISH A ' PER hv oateiv, with inftrtj-ncnts and din-ftions ne • cefotvfr.r the prafU«e. rhi» mods of ttjc-atmnu ts p. rtteu- _ larly olrfLl 1 in relirving pains io tiie bead face, teeth, orealt,^ - fide, ft-ma.-b. back, rhetirmtifmt, rcc<;.it gouts, "*c -5 Not«fithftandiog»be utility of litis praftrce. it ts not tve-i 1 fuaned but there sre cases -.n whicn this and every other , remedy m-iy fometimos fail. T June .8, uv 1 r War-Office of the United States, p s May 4'h> I 79 6 - ,in " following Rules, explanatory of those publifhcd g I. the 15th February, 1 Joy, are -o be observed by all r j 1 persons entitled to Lauds, in purfu-nce of resolves of c Corigrefs. s Every certificate of the acknowledgment of a deed or power of attorney, either before a notary public or other magistrate, must, in addition to what is uftial, set forth that the per'fon making the acknowledgment is known to the notary ol* other magistrate ; for which purpofc words / of the following import mud be infertcd in thecerttficate. " And 1 do moreover certify that the faia A B making this acknowledgment has been for personally known to me." If the notary or other magistrate has reafort to believe that he is th; person he represents himfelf to be, he wil also certify t. Andift!\e proof be made by a thcymuft swear to some general ftateof theirknowledge ol !' hun, which matter mull be let forth in the certificate ; aiid . ' the notary public, or other magiflrate before whom t_£ , acknowledgment is made, must also set fortn that the wit- ne s cr witneifes has or h-'vebeen for upwards of penrnally known t© him. c l If a juttice 0* the peace is employed, the clcrk of the court of the corporation or county mud certify that luch • r person is a justice of the peace ol th.- county or corpora 1 tion as the cafe may be, and that full faith is due to hi* * a\Ss m such. JAMES M'HENRY, Secretary of War e Mnv It. ' i/>nvT» ~ GkORGK UOBSOIV, f OF.GS leave to inform the Sroce Keepers in Town and .O Counirv, that he has removed t-OTi M trket-Sireet to ® N°- 25, south Third-flreet, j r where he is opening a Large and Elegant Allbrimeut of the t ] " undermentioned articles—vi 2. s Superfine London Cloths and Ker ley mere?, York (hire second Po. Do, P Eiaftic do. do. * * ' Mix'd and Riue Coatings Flannrlls, out the fir t of. January last, a black negro man, named Sam, about thirty years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, has a crooked finger on one hand, and one leg and spot smaller than the other, somewhat round-lhouldtred, his cloathing unknown. Any person who wil. ficure #r bring said fellow home, fe that 1 may get him again {hall have the above reward with reasonable charges. WILLIAM JACOBS. fune 4- »,a, v , Mr. FTi 4 N CI 8, (Of the New 'Tbeatrt) - , TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to his frholarsand to the public. Mr. Franeis intends, \ on his return from Maryland, to open a public aca demy for dancing,, upon a plan entirely new. iie flatters hirnfelf that his attention to his pupils h\- : therto renders any promises of conducting his future schemes on the m >ft liberal and ftriiiteft terms, of pro priety, totally unncceflary. V. Z? rVivntr fMif'on as lifljal. " Pians ortiw city ot Philadelphia, Including the Northern Liberties and diftridl t)f Southwarr J PuMilhed, and fold by BENJAMIN DA VIES, No. 68, High street, (Price one dollar.) THIS plan is z6 inche- square, and has been en-' grived by one of the firft artidsin the city, from a late an>l accurate survey Purchasers are entitled to a pam phlet with each plan, giving " Tome account of the city, its population, trade, government, See. My '9 _ la & ftf Choice St. Croix Sugar & Rum, NOW landing from on board the Brig Willian Pen nock, Capt. Thomas Halleday from St. Croix and for iale by Pr tigers & Co. July 19. tit w. '' ' ' ill 111 I ■ —- •, For Sale, By Isaac Mof's and Co. 37 Cafks&a half of RICE, Low for Calh sr a short credit, alf» 585 Salted, prime winter Hides Enquire at Mr. Sears' Tavern, North Second St. No. 59. July, 19. *d3t P R O P O S A L~S F#R CARRYING tHI Mails of the United States, On the following routes, will be teceived J»v ihc Poltmifter ' at Savannah, until the firH day of September next. 1. From Savannah by Saubury to Newport Bridge, fnee a week Receive the Mail at Savannah every Saturday bv 9 \ M,ar. rive at yinbury bv 6 PM, and at \ T wo.rt Bridge on Sun day by 10 \ M. Retursm ■' ■ ■ ?■ HrinUeon Sun - ft"ji e '*• '"Ulfrve at Sunbury in the evcuTftgrTm**_ Savannah on Monday by 6 P VI. 2. F-om Newport M ridgcby Darien and Brunfwiek to St. Marv V once in tnjo weeks. ive the M4II a» Newport Bridge everV o'Jier Sunday nd or dirnihifhed, in , proportion to the hflanct encreaftd or diminished by such alteration Note 2. lh . ontrhft) €rc to be in operation on (he fir ft day of Ofloter ne*t, and to continue for four years until the 30 tk Septem ber, «800, inclufize, 3 ThePo/t Mafler General may alter the times oj arrival and departure at anx time dtiring the continuance of the Contrails, he previouflx iiipu ! at ins an adequate compenjation for any extra extenfe | that may be occasioned thereby Not'- 4 Fifteen minutes /halt beaf!owed for opening andUojing the mail at it/' offices where no pjrticula »• time is (puifiea, N 5 For cvrry four's delax funavailable accidents excefad) >in arriving after the times preferibed in any contrafl, the contractor > fbal! forfeit one dollar And if the delay continue un il t*e depart ' ureof iny depending mail u hereby the mails dctimed for such de pending mail Jhail