Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 20, 1796, Image 1
[ 1 JCr . rty of the 6 s Philadelphia Dally Advertiser, tivwz* 1205.] WEDNESDAY* EVENING, JULT 2c, 1 79 6. fFoxy/^X. For Sale or Charter, I r 1 T H E SNOW BOSTON, B! ; RTHEN afiout 2000 Bbls. of flour—fee may be sent tli fcJ It J finall expellee, her Tails and rigging being in 0 vviy good order—apply to , j fames Campbell, or George Latimer. *pril,»o. § - J? or J>ale, (wjttrffcl (On a liberal credit) The fall failing copper-bottomed BRIG Amiable Matilda, !N coropleat order for sea, with a freight on board. Ap piy t0 SAMUEL SMITH, Broker. July 7. § know Hebe. r—s_ FOR SALE, The Snow H E li B, A firthfnt PhiladdphiaTiuilt vessel, car - ries 1,3000 bushels of grain or 2600 barrels flour, is rea dy to take in a cargo. She is about four years old. ' iy t0 PETER BLIGHT. Who hasfcrfele, _ Si Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. Also, Jf Pared of CHOICE PORT WINE. 1 T,, r CO For Sale, The Schooncr . 4 ■ ■ LARK, J ONE hundred and twenty tons burthen. A , V--"' vessel ; well found, txU-«W ■ft, ana well built. For terms app!£ to, *e board, or to JOSEPH ANTHONY and CO. IF the above vessel is not fold by Saturday, fee will tike freight on very low terms for Boston. PNI" - *— CABLES, Ftom 16 to 9 i inches, for sale by Jeremiah Wprdei \ No 11 north Third-llrert. July 11 i- i Lottery 'i FOR raffing fix thonfand fix hundred and sixty-seven v dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen per e cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz. v I Prize of 5000 dollars i« dollars 5000 ti t 1000 1000 , 500 s<=° _ goo toco ] 40 ' JOO scoo. 00 JO 49J° ,bo 1J i co ° 3000 10 20,000 5 Last-drawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, jooo 1332 Prizes. 44>4J0 4018. Blanks. . *v (5350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, ' • 44,4,50- — By order of the Directors of the Society for eftiblilh- r Jng Ufeful Manufactures, the fuperintendants of the Pat er?on Lottery hive requeued the Managers to offer the foregoing Ssheme to the public, and have directed them to refund the money to th.ifc persons who have purchased in the former lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets in this Lottery. The lottery has a&ually commenced drawing, and will continue until finifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes may be seen at the office ol William Blackburn, Na. 64 south Second street, who will give information where tick ets may be procured. Dated this 17th day of Jur.e, 1796. J. N GUMMING, JACOB R. HARDENBERG, >■ Manager:. JONATHAN RHEA, ) June 18 eo " PROPOSALS. By J. TURNER & A. BROWN, jun. For Pablifhing by Subscription, LETTERS TO TOUNG WOMEN married a »d single, By Mrs. GRIFFITH. " Beauty in vai 1 her sparkling eyes may roll : «' Charms firike the fight—but Merit wins the so il." CONTENTS—Of religious duties-—Fortitude—Char ity—Affeilioii due to an huiband—Refignation, aiidtruft ( in Go;!— The importance of thole accomplishments mot agreeable to the hulband ; and on ret remcnt, diffipatiou, 1 &e.—Economy—Do.meftic amusements, tnufic, &c.— Public diversions, cards, and * efs—Complacescy ; Pa tience—Secrets—Servants, The importance of ear Jy cultivating the minds of children,and of giving them j the 1 earliest ideas ot truth and benevolence. Their early! inllruelior. in the beauties ofnattire,atrd in humility ,com paffi9;) imluftry, See. The propriety of instilling early ideJs of religion in the {ninds of children. On their rea ding, and on the use o>;. money to them —The use of wri ting early recomnieDiled for children ; thoughts 011 vari -lus duties th;<y should acquire, as contentment, &c— Thouji L 3 on their negative education, and their turn for 1 imint'*. a On the acquirements of girls in the knowledge «» l-.iufic, needle-work, draw log, dancing, &c. Thoughts bn the education of the heart, in j&eferencc to the fcewy accompljlhmcnts. To which will be annexed, The Vis ion of Fan ale Excellence. CONDITIONS. This work to be comprised in two handsome duo decimo volumss of 250 pages each, Deatly bound and lettered. Tfie price to fubferibers will be One Dollar per vol. to be paid on delivery. As loon a3 500 lubferibers are obtained, the work will be put to press. Subfcribcrs' names to be affixed. ON the utility of this work the ptiblifhers deem it Hineceffarv to descant. —In the refinement of the fe male mind Mrs. Griffith's Letters have been eminently i 1,-cefsful; and the general estimation in which they !:ave been held by the lovers of intellectual improve ment (the best criterion of their merit) will, they hope, "Mifure to their proposals a welcome reception from the "fair daughters of America." " Delightful talk 1 t-o rer.r thc tender thought, To teach the yoi'ng idea ic».' to (hoot, To pour the frefh in(iru<Stiou o'er the mind, 1 To breathe th'enliveninjf spirit, and to fix Tive generous purpose in the giow:ng breast.*' Sublcriptions received by the publilhers, at the office the Philadelphia Minerva, Ne. 224 Market-Hrecet. wf&m Take Notice, r I 'HAT the Subfcrib-r intends to matt -* 1- tion for the renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609, I for 40co dollars, dated the 14th December, i79s,beariup intcreft at 5 per ceftt. from ift January, 1796, iu riic name of David Dunderdals & Co. of Leeds, in Yark- C 1 1 fliire, merchants. 'I'he fame is supposed to have been 101 l , 1 on its way to New York, under cover to Bicecker & 1 March, of that placc, on the 6th of January last* Thomas M'Euen. Philadelphia, t2djune, 1796. S6w A small Invoice PER the Ali i Harriet, capt.Thomas W. Norman, front tl Hamburgh, eonfifting of _ a Ravens Puck, Damask and 1 a P Diaper j Holland Linen fl " Cambrics, &c. r , ADSO, a( * NEAT ASSORTMENT Gold and silver Watches. Which will be difpefc4 of together or by the package. *' Apply to e . Is ate Harvey, jun. h No. 5 South WuUtr Street. b June if §3W fe . ii." ir Sales of India Goods. The Cargo »f the fliip Gunges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, § CONSISTING OF A Large and general afforttnent of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMOtjO WHICH AHE A variety fine ivhrked. and plain Mujlins, 1 - Doreis, (3*o. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, la boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER. [1 T-ct Sale by Willings & Francis, No. it Penn Streets June 8 Twenty Dollars Rewr»^- WAS STOLEN, last evening, from tl- jiafture of the Tubfcriber, a black Rockinv l -' in GELDING, 15 hands high, has a liar,---«n"d some white under his throat, (the part beinj formerly chafed) ;has a leather on hit neck, the mane on the near fide, his foot-locks fretted n with a clog, and is a horse of much bone and size. Wlio r ever fecurcs him with the thief, lhall have the above re ward, or for the Hoxfe alone a very generous comptnfa o tion. JOHN LAWRENCE. 0 J«iy 1 eo4w 0 ~ 1 ° New Hat and Hosiery-store, « 0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, By WILLIAM M'DOUjG. at i 0 No. 134. Market flreet % Third door tiom the corncr of Fourth, to z Men's Black American and Engiilh HATS, 6- ,- s lilies and prices ■i. Diuo Dr;ibs and Crcen uudexs ■. Ladies' dmo, bULK, and alirge affouineiu c ty. Coloured Beavers, With a great variety c Trimmings Youth.s Black, and Drab-eolouted do. e Children's faacy do. n , Allkiadsof Siik. Silk&Cotton, Cotton & "h*eadKOSE ' v d, coloured Pantaloons :s D<r. Drawers Do* Breeches Pattern! il Silk Gloves :s Knotted, coloured do. Cotton 4 A quantity of Mending Cotton, sorted colouri. > The finifiied in the newest falhioa. Juae 87. coim J For sale by the fublcribers, i IN ftiiTi-STREET, 130 quarter Che (Is frefn Hyson Tea ; 3 100 ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea; c 300 Boxes China, containing small tea setts «f 44 r pieces; 400 pieces Baudanoes. Willing Frana L Ja "" lr V 30 • I j Yazoo Lands. H3I May be had at the Editor's OJjicc 119, Cfjefnut-Jlrsd, r- A few Copies of " a Report of thfe Attorney ! ' Genergl to Congress j" containing a ColleAion ol j " H) Charters, Treaties aud other Documents, t _ relative to and explanatory of the Title to the Land a- situate in the South Weltero parts of the United r 1 States, and claimed by certain Companies under a • l" j law of the State of Georgia, passed January 7th, , n- 1 795 1 * )y - a- For Sale, A Thrte story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut rI " /l street, between Front and Second ftrcets, in which Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and or ! now do; carried on business. 6 e Poffcfiion will be given in one month, or sooner. 118 For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or V V HECTOR. CALBRAITH. April zi. £ TO~BE~ LET. A LARGE Commodious dwelling House, NOJ.H4, Spruce street, with a convenient liable and Coach ic] Hsufe, —Also for sale a Chariot but little the werfe for use- June a. eott bL VVm. HOLDERN ESSE, No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals froai Europe and the £aft Indies, a well fcl cd assortment of Silk lit Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberd&ftiery Goods ; which fe- he will fellj Wholefaie and Retail, on theloweft term#; tly AMONGST WHICH ARE, ey Some fine India muffins embroidered with gold and friver ,-e- Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad Mulmul ditto >e, do do do Handkerchiefs )in Some extra black and colorad Persian;- Bandano Handkerchiefs Lonj'and short Nankeens English Mantuas of the firft quality Damask table linen and napkins, very fine Silk HoCery, an elegant assortment Tnead and cotton do • ce Umbrellas—green si lk, oil'd do. a»d do cloth , £t French cambrics, very fine t Iridl Linens, do, &c. June 14 § Samuel Richardet, 1 "O ESPECTFCJLLY iiiforms the Gentlemen , Merchants, that he iias this day opened the CITY I* TAVERN und MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the j ci: ' of Philadelphia. 1 'J'he Subscription Room will be furnifhed with aU the dally papers publiihed in Philadelphia, N:w-York, Bos- | ton, Baltimore, together with thofi; of the principal ;om- I * m.rcial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed 1 and none permitted to be cakey away on any account. Tea* Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, lee Creams, and a variety oJf ¥rc*eh Liquors; together with the usual rcfrefhmaits, will M times be procured atihetar. Gentlemen may depend on bwir.g aicommo<Uicd with the choiccft of Wires, Spirituous Liquors, and t£e most approved Malt Liquors iromLondon and orher bre>vcries. ' The Lai der will befupplied with the prime and earliest pFodudlions of tho Season. t Large and small Farties, cf Cngle Gentlemen, may be ; accommodated with- Breakfaft-., Dinners, or Suppers, at t hour 6 most convenient to thcmielves^—a cold Collation is regularly jtept for conveniuncy, th« Biliof Firet? be had at th& bar. The l.odginj Rooms will be completely furniflied, a«d the utmoll attention paid to clcanlinefs, and every cthef fequitite. S \MtTEL Richardet will be happy to receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, aiid tht Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfelf that nothing on,his part fti'all be wanting to pre fer ve that patronage with which he has Been lo diftinguifh ingly tanored. ' . . Philidelphia, April 19. .... § City cf WafhingtQii. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent ) 40,000 dollars, & } dwclling-houfe, ) cajh ,jo : ooo, are j ' 1 ditto 15,000 & calk 25,000 40,000 ' 1 ditto 15,000 & oaftk 15,000 I ditto 10,000 & calh io,ooo 20,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cafe 5,000 10,000 1 ditto 5,,000 &. cash 5,000 10,000 1 calh prise of 10,000 • 1 do. 5,00© each,are,' » 10,000 10 dc i,»oo - - 10,000 ao dg, 500 - - 10,00s —'too • ' .10,000 »x> do. , 0 s. . IO,0(JO 1,,000 i.ooe do. 20 . i 0)C00 15,000 do. 10 . 750,000 16,739 Pr«es. : . 34,261 Rlanka. X 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 4q,©000 N. li. To favour those who may take a quantity ol Tickets, the prtte of 40,000 dollars wiH be the t X»T tickct, nnd the 30,000 the last but one*: And approved notes, fccuriog payment in cither monsy or prize*, in ten days atter drawing, will-be roceiwed for . number not leli than 30 ticket?. i'his Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the pri -2 buiiJingF t6 be ereSedin the City of Walhington— o beautiiul .dcfigns are already f«le>sled for the entire .itiou two of tlicpublic fquarcs; from these prawings two c fo^rcorne r buiUingb, ■> -6011 a* poflible after this lottery is fold, and to convey m, When ("■;r.»j.l -<t~, i_q the adventurers, in mamierdefcribed in the scheme for the iJoteTljOttery. 4 iett deda&ion of siva per cent. Will be made to defray . necessary expenfes.of prin'ing, &c. and the surplus ' .. Ibe made a part of the fund intended for the National . verfity, to he ereded withih the city of Walhington. "he Drawing wilt commence as soon as the tickets arc fold off.—The lv.oaey prizes will be payable in thirty days after it is finlfesd ; and any pr ies for which foftunate numbers aie not produced within twelve months after the drawing is closed, are to be confidertdas given towards the lun.4 for the University ; it being determined to fettle the whole business in a year from the ending of the draw ing, and' to take up the bonds given as security, The real fecuyities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Dire&ors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a mount ot the lottery. The twenty four gentlemen who by appointmeht of the late Commiffionets aflilted in the management of the Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk fccond time on, behalf of the public 5 a fufficient num oer of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the friends to a National Univbrfity and the other federal ab jefts may continue to favor the design. Py accounts received fr#m the different parts of the >ntinent as well as from Europe> where the tickets I k *ve been sent for sale, the public are assured that the j Rawing will speedily commence, and that the carc and i caution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafc disposal ot th« tickets, has rendered the ihur fufpfc.alion indifpcnlable. SAMUEL BLODGET. Tieketsmay be had at the Bank of Columbia \ of Jaihes Weil & Co. Baltimore ; of Feter Gilraan, Boston ; j of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wills, i Cooper's Ferry. Loft, ■ * /AN i hurfday 30th Jcne, on the road from Philadelphia U- to the Falls of Schuylkill, and about the fifth mile, a brown and white mottled POINTER DOG, anfwersto the name of Don, had on round his neck a collar engrav ed Waller Phillips, Philadelphia. Whoever will bring him to Mr. Kid, No. 192 Market-flreet, will rcccive a re ward of ten dollars. N. B. The owner fufpe&sthat the Dog is tied up, else he would have returned. The above reward will be giv en to any peifon giving that information if true. dhien d'Arret perdu. JEUDI le 30th Juin on a perdu fur la route de Philadcl phie aux Chutes de la Schuylkill, a cinq milles dc la Ville, un Chien d'Arret marque de taches blanches et brunt's. 11 reponde au nom de DON et parte un collier fur Irqucl font grave les mots Waller Phillips, Philadelphia. I Quiconque mcnera ce chicn chez Monfieut Kid, rue du Marche, aura di* gourdes de recompense. Uyalieu dc foupconncr que le chien eft tenu attache 1 quelque part; autrement il feroit deja revenue de luimcme. Ondonnera la dite recompense a celni qui peut indiquer le lieu ou ce chien fe trouve maintenant. July 16 *3' JUST ARRIVED, 175 Hogfheails of Choice ST. CROIX SUGARS. Also, 1 A quantity of Rum. For Sale by James Yard. July »5 11 By an Artist rcfidtrut at Mc. Qellci s's Hotel, 'miniature LIKENESSES !• A RE taken ami executed in tUat*clega«f and dcittaw: | A (lilc, which i» so e;cc:Tury to render a Minutute I'te- > j ture an iitterciiiug jewel. He will wari?Bt a strong and indifnatable fe I b lancet and he takes tfce liberty to lay Ware the jiuh'ic ) of this place his most earnest iuteatiac ta dci'crvc their uj T tronage liy h** bcil endeavors to ploofe. N. B. Specimens are to he fern. May 12. 5 Washington Canal Lottery. N° . I. the State of Maryland h-<« a-.iti.orifed ♦ » tho underwritten, to rsife twenty-lix thsufand, two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the pufpotcof cutti».» a Canal through th. City of VTamiii»tan, from th<i i'o tomac to theEailern Branch Haruour. The following it, the SCHEME of No. t. Viz I Prize of »0,000 dollar*, iug 0 I otto 10,000 *• 10,000 7 last drawn") Tickets, each J '30 3->> coa 6 ditto I,coo 6,c00 10 ditto 400 4,'cco 40 ditto * 100 J)Coi SS ditto jo 2;7i0 5750 ditto 12 .69,008 To be raised for the Ci»i!, x.1,250 5850 Prires, I7JPOO 11050 Blanks, not two to a prize. 1 ->joo Tickets, at Ten Dollars, . 175,000 £f The CommiiEoners have taken the Securities r«. quired by the afcrefaid aft for the punctual payment «f the prizes. ' The drawing of this Lottery will commcnce, without delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will be given. Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after th« drawing is feiShed, fta'ri be eonfidcred as rclinquifhed for tile benefit of tli<? Canal, and appropriated accordingly iSi S uUj NOTLEY YOUNG, '' DANIEL CARROLL, tfIS LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNCAXSON, THOMAS LA W, JAMES BARRY. City of WaUringtoii, Feb. 11. j For Safe, a large elegant aud veli FiNisiiEb Three-story Brick House, (Thtf late refr.lence of General Walter Stewart) WITH a LOI' of GROUND thereunto belonging,an thewta fide of Third-street.near Umon-itrect ,1 v >ntaining in front 32 feet, and in drpth too feet, to aa u ally leading into Union-ftrcct. The houfj is 32 feet front and :0 f e et deep; the federal rooms contained in it arc y KtrSimodiews, andcompletoly finifhed; the two £rft r Tories aie each 13 feet high; there are 20 mahogany doors in fcoufe ; a geometrical staircase, with mahoga - rai J s good fky-lighti The kitchen i* in the cell . ar, which is h* c j ous an( j convenient, and finiflieJ with an c oven, pantries, a servants' hall and large s v. int-ccllar adjoiiiito the kitchen, in from of which is an >, * rea ln w c Llerc i< a pump. The yard is vaulted. v Communicating with building is a neat three-It,** n brick ho*le, on the north fide 01 XJiiToiv»J|rcct, cantain partfwhich I part divide,;, well.finifl.ed | may at a small expeitfe be converted into a convenient dwelling : The ftreetdoor is veryjiandfome, acd the front e and back have Venetian window-inutters. Adjciningthe , s last hotife, upon the lot belonging to the fir ft, are creeled c bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewise very good coach g house and (tables finifhed equal (or nearly so) with any in [ 5 the city, on a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, and e in depth 011 the w«Q fide of said alky J2 feet. There arc good cellars unde. the whole of the buildings, and a wine room over part of the liable, with a hay-loft over the ro s mainder.. For further particulars enquire of fc EDWARO BONS-LL & Co. a At their Office }>'». 64 Dock-street. between Walnut & Rear co streets. 6th month 24th, 1 ;g6. Now Publt/bing by the Printrr, 1. No. 149, Chefnul-Street, and No. 3, L*titia Court, ,e delivering to Subfcribcrs, and to be hid at the different 1- Book-Stores in tails City, The Firfi Number of j c 5 Berriman & Co*& •e CHEAP AND ELEGANT EDITION OF f { The HOLY BIBLE. e. Containing the Old and Naw Tcflaments and the Apoc'typha, with marginal notes and rr» of erences. An Index jor an account of the moil remarkable ~ paflagesin the old and new Tertament, pointing to the places j' whereiu they happened, and to the plices of fcriptuie where. ' in they are recorded.—A Table of Time.—Tables of scrip- t ture measures, weights and coins: with an appendix, contain ~ ingthe method of calculating its MF.ASO*»sof subfacic hitkcito wanting™ Trcalifci on this A Table of OJUep and Conditions of men. ia CONDITIONS e, i» The size of this-Edition will be a LARGE FOLIO, to printed «n a beautiful new type, and good paper, made par v- ticularly for k, It will be published in Numbers, notto ei ceed 30, one of which will be delivered weekly to fubferib e. cm, at aquarter of a dollar. Thofo fubferibers who prefer receiving ihe work comp'.cte, will be atttnded to by Ggnifying C e the fame on any of the fubfeription papers in rhe Bookltoie* in this city. z. There willbe an advance in th« price, on fubferibingf _ after the fitft of next. 3. In the eourfeof the Work will be given an elegant Fronlifpiece—FicTn an Engraving of the celebrated artiff," Gkicnion. [ a ' Berriman t Co. gratefallyacknowledge the very liberal et encouragement they have met with; and havereafonto believe • that the execution of their edition will answer every expec» tation, and speak its turn fraije. I l ' May »6 jafoww. FOR SALE* W \ FOUNT of BREVIER, half worn ; about four hac -1 - jl\. dred weigkt. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette ' e of the United States, No. 119 Chefnut-ftreet. § Just Arrived, — In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, matter from lii,- verpool, 5000 Buflieli SALT ; 100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and An Assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY; r O R SALE lOn board, at Pine-flrttt wharf. Apply to yames Campbell, or George Latimer* 1 Ajril ij. S