Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 19, 1796, Image 4
No. I 3*. Difirifl of Ptm/j-lvayiia : to nit. BE. it rctarmbered, that onv/cnty-fourth day of Jim, in the twentieth year of the'liideperiidcrice of the United . k 't.i'c» 01 America, 'Of the laid DiMrift haih rcv«;sted in this office flie title of a book, the right whereof ,7 : he claims Piopiietor, in the words following: to wit; ncx " A fhon and candid Enquiry into the proofs of ChrilVs ** divinity; in whieh DO6IOI Priestley's opinion concerning | an *• Ch>ift is occ«fioT»ally considered. In a letter to a friend. on <L Hv Char les H. Wharton, D. D. and Memberof the Puilofophieal Society of Philadelphia. / denieth the Son the fame hath not the Fath- 0 er. Let that therefore abide in you whith ye hare heard nc •• from the beginning ;if that which ye have heard from the 'P r " beginning foall remain in you, ye also fliall continue :ri e8 » 44 the'on and in the father. St* John, lftfcpift. c. ii. v.23, un •' !4." of corformity to the a£fc of the Cowgrefs of the United States vej iirn<uU4 *■' An aft for the encoungcmeni qf learning, "by se c ing the copics of Maps, Charts arttt Books, to the authors eu ■1 • d proprietors of such copies, during the times therein vie SA Mb EL cq- Cleric of the Diftrift of Pennfylvauia. June»Q U4WW ( { e Ail persons lgaving demands on ANTHONY ROLAND BUSSIER, are reqUcfted to _ brliig in thflr accounts on or before the firft day of A'uguft next, or they will be excluded from a dividend then to . sate plate. WILLIAM CHANCELLOR,-) JONATHAN JONES. (Auditors JOSIAH TWAMLEY, 3 July y. . *eod rt F(Sr the use of Schools. Tomkins's Text, Round,- (bid Running- to hand copies. ' JUST publifbcd, and fdr file by W. Young, the corner of c: Second aud ttreeu, and J Ormrod, No. 41 Chefnut-ftrect. Piice of proof iirprtdioni on fiue.paper, 1 dollar. Common,' 75 certlC Executed in a ftfle superior IS to aiiy'that have been lonnetly engraved in the tinned States, aft! not inferior to anyol the kind imported from Europe. June 30. W".'"' th JOHN PAUL JONES. £ r [FORMATION is hereby given, that tht late John ti< Paul Jones was a proprietor of five (hares (amount- fti ing to about 5867 icrc») in a trad of land purchtfed by co the Ohio Company, in the territory of the United States ce of America, north-weft of the river Ohio ; and that his Hi heirs, or legal representative, on application to the direc- CI tors of said company, at Marietta in the territory afore- th, will receive a deed of the said five Clares, or rights fe of land. , ar The application maybe made perfontflly or by an agent, vc but proper documents mnft be produced to prove the claimant or claimants the legal heirs or representative of be the said Jones. ro n.b. As it is not known in what country the person w. or persons interested relide, ifWiMbe an aSt of benevolence m in every Printer in America and Europe, who Ciall insert fe< this advertisement in his paper. f° In behalf of the dire&or. of the Ohio Company, >« RUFUS PUTNAM. an Marietta, May 00,1796. [June 4 ] jawgw Vl, „ AN EXTENSIVE ASiORTMENT OF p C Books and Stationary, f h "WTwiefale and Retail, now opened and for Sale by i n WILLIAM YOUNG, • m Bitiftller, Nt. $1, Corner of Second and Chefnut-flreets. th AMONG which are English, Latin, and Gxzek. «o Classics and Dictionaries, Divinity, Law, His- gr tout, Tkavels, Voyacss, Mi»CEtLANiE»,and themoft lu esteemed Novels. * WRITING AND PRINTING PAPERS. ne " From the best manufa&urers in Europe, and from his mi ntifa&orj on Brandy-wine, viz. im Imperial,plain and >t ove Hat Small folio post, phia th Super-royaldo. Ho. Ditto gilt •Royal do. do. Blossom paper assorted an Medium do.'-do. Transparent folio.poft fe] Demy do. d«. Superfine and common foelfc'. Ghlzed and hot-preff«d folio Marbled papers. Pi and 410 extra largr post coarse papers. _ T.bick poll in folio ciito do. L ondon brown, assorted -Ditto in 4to. ditto do. Hatters' paper "Folio wove post, lined Stainers' paper Qnarto ditto do. Common brown T Ditto gilt do. Patent fhcathing X Common size folio post Bonnet boards w Ditto quarto, plain Binders' Boards. a Folio and quarto post, gilt, _ T, yllfo, a -variety of other Stationary Articles, viz. fie Wedgwood and glass philosophical ink ftsnds, well afloit- T; jeri.,; pevi ter ink chests of various sizes ; round pewter ink- R stands ; peper, brats, and polilhed leather ink (lands tor the t] pocket. Shining sand and find boxes, pounce and pounce boxes, ink and ink powder. Counting house and pocket pen knives of the best quality, ifs {kin tablet and memorandum books. Red aud colored waieis, common Sec, office ditto. Quilts, f'om half a '.ollar, to three Asllan per hundred. Black-lead pencils, mathematical in(lrumem«, 4c. See. All forts and of Blank Bo >ks, read, made or made to.order. Bank checks, blank bills of exchange and notes of "1 hand, executed in copperplate, bi Is of lading, mamfefts J ■jeamcn's articles and journals, &c. &e. w June 18 " W 3 W ds This Day is ptiblifhed, " By ai BENJAMIN DAVll.j, No. 68 High-flreet, . : WILLIAM COBBETT, Second-flrett, opposite Chrifrs b Church, ai The Sccond Edition of ri Porcupine's Bloody Buoy, With additional Notes and a copious Appendix. ' July ti ' ' law 4t The PANORAMA, IN High-street, exhibiting a view of tlie cities of Lon- | don and Weft'nunfter, will positively dose on Tuesday £ uvening, the 19th instant, and will not be exh bited in t l'hilad-lphia again. ] "Philip Nicklin & Cd. \ HAVE FOR.SJIE, . ■Souchong -v Hyson Skin / Young Hyfoo S FRESH TEAS jlyfon and \ Imperial . Yellow Nankeens China Ware, assorted in Boxer and Chelti Quicksilver i Bandanno Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in London Market } MADEIRA WINE London particular >in pipes, hogflieads, & New-York Market J quarter calks 'feneriffe Wine in pipes and hoglkeads Sugar Camdyfeythe Box Sail Canvas No. 1 a 8 Lead in fhects 3 Calks of Ctukrv assorted \ A few chests of Mailchefkr Goods, assorted tbkk f-ts, cords, striped Nankeens, &o. 3 Small packages of black !i Tierces Virginia Snake-roe*. Nails assorted in caiks Ju-y IS « was F 0 R S A L E, | A very Valuable Eilate, CALLED TIVITTE NHA M, situate in r -. townftiip of Upper Derby, anc! county ot Delaware, ] 7 1-2 miles from Phitad ljihia, and haff a mile from the pp new Wellern road: containing 230 sieves of excellent land, Cf .( 45 of which are g;ood watered mendow, 90 of prime wood- ] ar land, and tJie reft arable of thti fir ft quality. There are f ; <j on the premises a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pttmp-well fui of excelltnt wsiter in front; a large frame barn, tables, rci and other convenient buildings ; a smoke-house and itone, . fpriug-houfe : two good apple orchards, and one of peach v es. The fields are all in clover, except thrtfe'immediately , under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage of water in each of them, whick renders it peculiarly con- r-i 6 venient for grazing. ! The situation is plcafant and healthy, and from the high. p ( , s cultivation of the land, the roo'l neighbourhood, and th<:* q ( 1 vicinity to the city, it is very fuitable.for a gentleman's country feat. Pc The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Hatfman, P1 deceased, and offered for fak by th 5 Mordecai Lewis, th Odl. 9. eo.J Survivhig Executor. I PROPOSAL S, h 3 • By BIOREN V MADAN, kl For publilhing by Suhfcription, that celebrated Work, * Godwin's Political Justice. From the last London Edition. TERMS; t ), I. It will be publilhed in two large volumes, duodecimo/ 11. Price to Suhfcribers,two dollars,handfomely bound, ~i; to be paid ..n delivery of the work, ac 111. As soon as a number of Suhfcribera appear, fufii- .n. if cient to defray the expence, it (hall be put to press. 1 IV. The namei of the Subscribers fhnil be prefixed, i Th > followina; Character of this work cc >r is extrafled from the Monthly Review, p. 311, 312, for >» , March, 1793. ti( We have nofmall degree of pleasure in announcing a < _ the present work to our readers; as one which from the freedom of its enquiry, the grandeur of its views, and the fortitude of its principLs, is eminently deserving of atten n tioti. .By this eulogium, we would by no means be under :- stood to fubferibe to all the principles which these volumes y contain. Knowledge is not yet arrived at that degree.of T :s certainty which is reqmfite, for any .two men to thinjs a- A is like on all fubje-Ss; neither has language attained that con :- Client accuracy, which can enable them to convey their w > thoughts, even when they do think alike, in a manner per- Ul] feilly correA and intelligible to both. These difficulties are only to be overcome by a patient, incelfant, -end bene t, volent inveftigatittn. e " Many of the opinions which thi< tvorit contains, *j-e 1 if bold; some of them are novel; and some doubtless are er roneous :—but that which ought to endear it even to those n whose principles it may offend, is the llrength of argu e ment adduced in it to prove, that peace and order mod ef t feitually promote the happiness after which political re formers are panting ; —that as the progress faf knowledge is gradual, political reform ought net to be precipitate;— and that eonvulfive violence is dangerous not only to indi viduals (for that rcfult comparative/,' would be of small account) but to the general cause of truth. It is the op posite of this principle that inspires the ensmiasof politic al enquiry with so much terror ; it is the supposition that change must inevitably be attended by the turbulence and injustice of commotion; and that innovation cannot be ■ made without the intervention of evils more deftru&ivc r. than those which are intended to be reformed. Under the k aonviflion of this philanthropic sentiment, of calm and 1- gradual reform, (which in its proper place he has fully il (l luftrated) Mr. GodWim proceeds withoutfcruple firft to en quire into present evil, through its eifential branches, and _ next to demonstrate future good. t- " Dividinghis work into eight books, and making mr importance or political institutions the fubjeA of the firft, he begins by an attempt to prove tht omnipo- T teflce of government over the moral habits of mankind; | and that on these moral habits their wisdom, virtue and u felicity depend." ar Subscriptions received by the publishers at their C a Printing Office, back of -No. 7 7 Dock-street, Philadelphia. y< Jane 18 $iweoim Mjheton and James Humphreys, f r f CONVEYANCERS, HAVE removed their office to No. fit, Valnut-ftreet, next door but two to the corner of Dsck-ftreet, j n where all INSTRUMENTS IN WRITING are drawn at ee a moderate charge, with £are,-i">iracy and diljiatch.— q Thry like wife buy and fell Real Estates upon conunif (ionfi, and procure Money upon Loan on good security.— > The business of an ATTORNEY AT LAW and NOT A- _ k RY PUBLIC is also tranfafted at the said office as usual e by ASSHETON HUMPHREYS. . ;e N. B. Good Notes discounted. -p l - July s- eo6w> T| ;■ Ten Dollars Reward. p] Ran away, >f TUNE 13d, from Briaa M'Laughlin, living at Henry s J CiynierVplace ai Schuylkill point, a Young W<?rnan, who passes by the name of Polly Morrison, low _ darkish complexion, small grey eye%, about seventeen or e eighteen years of age, had on a dark-celored (hort gown, J* andlinf«y petticoat. She dole and carried away a trunk and a confider&ble sum of money, and n other articles. Left behind her a cloak of coating lined with ;reen baize, which iiTuppofcd to be stolen. The owner, 's by proving property may have it. AJ r hoever lodges her in _ any goal, so that {h* may be brought to prosecution, shall receive Ten Dollars Reward. June aßw}* BRIAN M'LAUGHLIN. 0 | Law Book-Store, I No. 313, High Street. GEORGE DAVIS begs to inform, his profeflional friends, that per the Ceres just arrived from Lon don, he has received the following scarce and valuable :n books. State Trials, II vol. in 6 and n vol. Ruff head't Statutes at large, 16 vol. Woods' Institutes, A - Coke'? Entries, Raftell'6 do. Browne's do. Hearnes c . pleader, Coke's ad, 3d, and 4th Institutes, 2 vol. Roll's ' t Abridgment, Brooke's do. Biilftrode's Reports, K oil's do. a vol. in 1, Eloyers Proctor's practice, Clarke's ! Admiralty, Rutherford's Institutes, or the Eloquence and Logic of the Bar. These with his very large colleiSlion from Dublin now en hand, will enable him *0 fopply an entire library or a lingle book, as a gentlemen may have occasion on their immediate apt plitariop. July 14. , iwiw ; i — The Public are refpe&fully ' informed, that all business in the line of a BROKER con titoues to be tranfa&ed at tht office of the fubferiber, No. *34, Market-ftrcet, next d»or to the laiid-«ffice, who re turns his thanks for the patronage he has already been fa vored with. Lands &c. for sale, is various parts of the United States—Particulars of which may be seen on application. Corrjd ntmiefical bsoks will be kept of the Waihing ck- ton and Canal lotteries, No. a, and Information given where tickcts maj be had Moiiey procured on good notes at the flsortcft notice. 1 MICHAEL GILL. N. B. A complete aJTortment of Parent BOLTING f CLOTHS, Ameriean maaufadure. July 8. fouwlw \ To si: Sold, A: y-,. Ixß, North Sf'ond-Street, .rtJ- by Jiveral of the Jhot bee nri.'s in this C.'ly. f T*R ANSWERS' of the to remove p*ins ami iuflamroa ' * iion« F r ont the human badv, asfcctired to D »'• KLISHA PERKINS, hy patent, with inQrumems and di:< 9 " e ~ ' ceflai'v for -the pra&icr. This mode of treatment is — larly useful in relieving pains i«» the head face, teeth, breail, ' fide, ft -wm'h, back, rheum it ifnvs, recenr gout*,'&<*. &c. * Notwithstanding the u'tlitv bf this praAicp* vt i» not pe -1 fumed but there are cases m which this ani every other , remedy may f'ometimcs fail. r June 18, '» w 1" War-Office of the United States, p t e May 4th, 1796. i„ r | 'FIF. following Rules, explanatory ot * hale pnblifhed L the 15th February, 1789, are to be observed by all t jJ \ persons entitled to Lands, in purfu-nceof refclve® of '* Congress s Every certificate of the acknowledgment of a deed or of attorney, either before 11 notary public or other l > magi ff rate, in addition to what 13 usual, let forth that the p«rlon making she acknowledgment is known to _ the notary or other magiflrate ; tor which purpofc words L, of the following import must be inserted in the certificate. " And I do moreover certify that the faiu A B making this acknowledgment has been for perfonaliy known to me." If the notary or other rnftgiftrate has r6?fon to believe that he is tne person he raprefccts hiinfclf to be, he wii also certify't. Andifthe proof be made by a or theymuft fweartofome general ftateof their'knowledge ©i j, [' him, which matter muffc be set forth in the ceVtificate ; and » the notary public, or other raagiftrate, before >vhom j acknowledgmeht is made, must alio set forth that the wit- a " • ne:s or witnefleshas or have been for upwards of perlrnally known to him. . Jf a jufticc of the peace is employed, the clerk «f the £ court of the corporation or county must certify that fudi r r person is as justice of the peace of the county or corpora- u tion as the cafe aiay be, and that full faith is due to hit * a&s as fuck. JAMES M*3£J£NR Y, e ; ' Secretary of W-»r. e May 12. MW3W ; George Dobsont, if T1 ECS leave to inform th* Store-Keepers in Town and AJ Country, that, he has removed from Market-Street to ■ N°- 25, south Third-street, j£ r where he is opening a Large and Elegant Affortmaot of the jlj, - undermentioned articles—viz, a -8 Superfine London Cloths and K«rfey meres, Yorkshire second Do. 1)0. XUiiic do. do. c Mix'd and Biue Coatings <1' — Fla:lnells, &c. e I\ianche(ier Printed Callicoes, London Chintz ditto, Blue and citto Furnitures, - India ditto, c Long Cloths, CofTaes, Baftas, Battillai4c Conjevrerns, c " 4-4 g-8 5-4'& 6-4 Superfine India Book Muslins, a 4-4 and 9-Blndia Book Handkerc!i:ef« # j 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, £ 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Muslins, 4-4 8c 6-4 Britilh Jaconets, 6-4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, ar< c 4-4 India do. do, do. 4-4 ditto Chilloes," Madras Handkerchiefs, &c. c A large afloitment of figur'd and plaia Muflirtets, c Qiiiltings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, e Fancy Waiftcoatings, d Ginghams of the firftQuaHty, fubjeft to Drawback, India Nankeens, Men's White aW coloured Silk ftockiags. J 9 For Sale, >f A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill, TN New Jcricy, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour. » 1 The Grift Willis fixtyby fort) feet, two water wheels, so; and calculatcd for four run of Stones, with screen, fans and boulting-cloths, &e. The Saw-Mill has two ' capable of cutting five to 6 100 thousand feet of Beards per l - year. A valuable piece as Cedar Swamp, within a mile Tind a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile - of a Landing. The Lumber, &e. may be taken by water from the mill tail. ALSO FOR SALI, '> Several Valuable Tra&s of Land, !> In Pennsylvania, for all of which payment will be recciv- ® " ed in the notes of MefTrs Morris and Nicholfon, or in 7 Ca(h- For further information aj>ply to the Printer. frkr '7- »aw T j, a JOSEPH COOKE, GOLDSMITH W JEWELLER, The corner of Market and Third-streets, Philadelphia; MOST reipeAfully informs his friends and the public, m that he has received, per the Uft arrivals, a com plete and general assortment of almost n( Every Article in his Line; „ Immediately from the manufactures of London, Bir a mingham, and Sheffield, all of which are of the naweft f, j' falhion, and will be fold, wholefalc and retail, on the ,otr- M )r *' eft terms, and the Notes of Mr. Robert Morris, and Mr. Pr n John Nicholfon received in payment at their current value, jjJ N. B. The upper part of the House in which now Oi r lives to be let, furnifhed or uiifurniftied. raw it th Lottery and Broker's Office, N Q " 64 South SecondJlreet, p> jj "TUCKETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rca- A dyjfor sale, a Check Bsok kept for the examination of Tickets, And Prizes paid, without deduction. '' The Subscriber solicits the application of the Public or any ot his friends who wiib to purdhafe or fell Bank Stock, * Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands, Lotts or Merchandize of any kmd, or to obtain Money a an depolit of property. _ t WILLIAM BLACKBURN, ile Late Jfgcnt for the Canal Lottery Company. ff- ;fj~ Shares an. Tickets in the late Newport Long :s, Wharf, Hotel and Public Schogl Lottery examined; a ,es complete lift of all the prizes having baen received at l's this office. l's Jnne 6. wics "he Public Notice is given, ry sO the merchants and others concerned in the (hipping >le A at State-liland, under quarantine, that a Cart will is attend every mo.ning, sundays excepted, from nine to ip- ten o'clock, at the Health office, No. 3® Walnut-street, to i tonvey'provifions or other Refrelhments to the Hospital, and for the use of the crews. It is expeiled that the 3ags, Baskets, or other packag es with supplies, will be directed with the name of the vef y fel and captain they are intended for, to prevent miilakes J at delivery. j 1 " By order of the Board of Health for the port of Phils- ' °" dclphla, LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH, Chairman. fa- J ui ? ; § ' ted Insurance Company of N. A. on. 'T'HE Dividend agreed upon by the Dircelors, for the !g. X last fix months, is One Dollar and One feighth of a ieD Dollar on each fiiare of ltoc'c in this Company; which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal r J prcfenta tives, at any time after the 21 ft instant. By order of the Dimflors, vJG > LBENJiZ£iI HAZARU. flec'ry. r Julyia For Sal?, A Few Calks of I irft Qnslity I M D f G O. Enquire at No. Ji, Sftuih Water itreet. May i tht ftf GEQRGK TfUNT ER 5 • C H E hi I S T, No. 114 South Second Street, HAS for theft' two years |>aft introduced a new fpcciep of PERUVIAN BARK, called YbU.qW BARK, which after rfrp.-aied trials by th priacij<".l Phyflcuns of this city,-is now preferred in aJvfcafes of importance that require it, to the belt Rrfd and P le BA It.i«4.powxful Altriugetir Bitter, fitc-well . i the stomach, is certain in its effe .is,. an<l requires o.iiy half the ufsal quantity for a dose. Many of the citizens of Phil. Wpliia are row h<». quainted with its virtues, the know'r-fge of wh'ch t ought to be extended over the Uiiion. Ha has a large , supply of the Yellow Bark, and a geneval aifortmem of > Drugs, Colours, Glass, Dye Stuffs, SsV. LIREWISF, : Salt Petre, Jalap, and Camphor, By the Quantity. May if. *raw?t FIFTY DOLLARS REWARDT ; ["> AN away from the fuhfcriber living near Church j IV Hill,Qu"cn Anns County in the State of Maryland l about the firlt of January lafi, a black negro man, named . Sam, aWut thirty years of 5 feet 8-or 9 incho high, has a cr«oked finger on one hand, and one leg and loot smaller than the other, somewhat round-fhouldcred, his . eloathing unknown. Any person who will facure or , bring said fellow home v i» At 1 may get him again (hall have the above reward withreafonahle charges. \ WIIXIAM JACOBS. Tune 4. "ra'—Mti Mr. fi< AN Ci (Of th: Now Theatrt) TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to hit fchqlart and to.the public. Mr. Francis intends, > I on his retwn from-Maryland, to open a public; aca j demy for danehip, tipott a plan entirely new. He ! hatters himfelf that his attention to his pupils hi '. therto renders any promises of condiflmg his future fthemes on the molt liberal and ftri&eft terms, of pre priet'y, totally unneceflary. X. B. Private tuition as ufuil. University of Pennsylvania, July. 16 1.1364 THE Summer Vacation will take place on Mond.r, i.sxt, the 18-h infi.andcj.ftiniie for Four week. —The differ, eat Schools with ihi icvowit To t oks wilLaccorylingiy re» aflemblo on Monday, ihe day of An;uftl eo3 liy die Faculty, 'Wis Koo tas, Sec'y. NOTICE. ALL pcrfons havjrv; Bu&ntfj with (AMES SW *N, Eft}, are defited to apply at Mr. John Vaughan's, No. legSo, Front-Street —For JaMES SWaN '.RODOLPH ESCHMANN. July 18. »t Rofs 8c Si mi on, HAVE FOR SALt, French Checks Stripes Prir.teJ Cortorw „ Miiflincts .a wpk ~ Nankeens of an excellent quality per the package, fit , for the Weft India market, and entitled to the Drawback • i Grey Ginger in bags Superior old Sherry in quarter calfcs A few pipes and quarter casks Lilbon Wises i June 12 §xw JSK CAIKYINC THE Mails of the United States, On the following routes, will be received by the Pjllniafter ! at Savannah, until the flrft day of Sepiember next 1. From Savannah by Sunbury 10 Newport Bridge, ortte a week. Receive the Mail at Savannah every Saturday by 9 A M,a'r . rive at Sunbury by 6 P M. and a Newport Bridge on Sun day by 10 AM. Retiming, Leave Newport ftridgeon Sua} day by 3 P M, and arrive at Sunbury in the eveiiirtg, and at Savannah on Monday by 6 P M. > 2. From Newport Rridgeby Darien and Brunfwick to St. > cnce in tait weeks. />£cive the Mail at Newport Bridge every other Sunday and arrive at St Mary's the next Wednefdav by 5 P ,M. Reluming. Leave St. Mary'i ihe next day, Thursday by 8 A M, and arrive at Newport Bridge the uextSjnday'by 10 A M. * Note I. Jf rnlirr M tht routes areallereettyUm, iurint thea>n -1 f nuance of the Centralis, Me Contractor is to ekjeroe fuck 3tcratwnr - incarryingthe nw/, and his fa, „to be encrcfii or Umihrjkei. i* - ■■ proportion to the iijlmce cncrcafcd or dimimfhei by such alteration. :, Note 2. The Contrails are to be in operation on the Jirjl day of y ORobernext, andto continue for four yars until the 30th Sctstcm b(r, 1800, inciufne: Note 3. 1 :ePofl Mafler General may alter the times oj arrival and departure at any time during the continuance of the Contrails, he prewoufiy stipulating an adequate compensation for any extra etbenfe !. that may be Cua honed thereby, 2 Note 4* Fifteen minutes Jhall be allowed for opening andclojing tlx mil at all offices where no particular lime is fpecijied. |r Note 5 . For every hour's delay (unavoidable accidents excepted) J "."'"'"S *J teT ,lu times prefenbed in any cor,trail, the contraClar ' /ball forjeit one dollar And if the delay continue until the dtpa/t ---» ureoj any depending mail, tvherely the mails defined for such dc y pending inait /hill lofeatrip, the contraflor flail forfeit ten Murt —tibe deduCled from his pay. JOSEPH HABERSHAM, Post-Master General. o- General Poit Office, a Philadelphia, June »8, 17Q6. iaw6w it — 7 ... Urbanna Mill Seats , - n ITU ATE in Cecil county, Maryland, on the banks s the river Sufquehicaa, about one mile above tide wa ter, and commanding the water of that important river ,11 the channel conducing the trade of which comes so near , 0 the Mill Seats as to make it couvenientto speak the boats to and Mills may he so situated as to receive them along their* walls, and by water lifts take in their cargoes. ° . There ia.a jinwer fudicient for mas'y and any kind of ufeful Water Werks, and so much may be justly said in ,f_ commendation of this Scite as would b<£- inconvenient to cs insert in a uewfpaper publication. Those who may desire to be concerned, willprobabW find tfemfelves well pleased on viewing the situation. Leases for any term of years may be obtained on a'ppli. cation to the fuhfcriber, living on the premises. ~ - CLEMENT HOLLTD AY. L. "*P nl >9. law3m he — 1 a. — mmmmmmmi , " 11 " 1 11 W—a II II ——^ ch :a- PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, —No. xig — chesnut-sts'eet, [Priec Eight Dollars jier Annum.]