Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 19, 1796, Image 3

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    \- ■ Iff. - ♦
couot o , Is and our internal feourity 'Hat bel
greatly 'r.cjcafcd a "<i confirmed.
W J ihefe inetl'imable advantages, we look
forward *-ith confidence to the augmentation of the pret ■*
Xe of pt-ipertY, which i* likely to take P W; tw th,,
t'i'A which n, time, we bull. #ill compensate all the * .■ g
losses and expeiidituie of treasure unavoidably incur racy ot
red intheprofec*itionof the war. . '■/}■
Ir is with pectilja*" fatisfatfion an* gratitude wc nt of p
acknowlcdprcthelively imprefiion made on us by the mitiet,
energy displayed bv your Lord(htp in difficult op> .
eration. ofthewar, which affords the most convinc
ing proof that the zeal, ardour, and activity, mat"-
felled in your military conduct, have only been e
quailed by the found policy, and decifivemeaiures,
which marked the wisdom of your councils.
Mis Honor's Ansv/CR. . |
Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfs of As- P* mbe |!
fembly. memor;
Your- adilrefs excites in my bosom every hnta- Bleffi
lion of pleasure the mind of man is capaole ol re- on tbe)
r Ever
<e The pjftme you have drawn of the future prof- X\v<
nerity of the tfland and thole
P After contemplating the unavoidable comities »!gg
«f war, a sentiment arises, grateful anu looking to
a feeling hearth , Ame
Ti,at during your contest with an enemy the wrr id,
moll fe ocious that ever the annals of l ' if " P?W«P
'" That duiing your corifeft with an army of fa- "Wan,
vages, who have i<dik tipiinatelv massacred every {
prisoner whom the for U' vot war had plSced in Evei
their power, no barbmitv, nor a linjde aft of retal COBn j r
iation, has sullied the bright ness of your arms- ditTci*
1 pray that the energy,the vigor and the human- In si
ity, which you have so honorably displayed, may mflav
descend to yam children, and feme to them for
ever t'nofe bfcffings which you have hitherto enjoy- P
■ed, undei the mild and happjy government ot the witho
ißjjftnous House us Hanover. Fraiict
• May t.
Ordered, That the following meflage be sent to fh
his Honor the Lieut. Governor. refpei
May it pleste yonr Honor. _ lengtl
We are ordered by the House to wait on your M
honor, and to requ.ft that you will'be pleased to ding
give orders for the difmiflion of the chasseurs and Baiti
the dogs, the rebellion being now at an end. We mom)
cannot hut take this opportunity oF expretfing our on
ack owledgmentsof the eminent advantages deriv- <>
ed from the importation of the chalfcurs and dogs n ]
incompliance with the general wiflies of the liland : tefot
Nothing can be clearer, than that if they had been f oKlc
off the island, the rebels could not have been indu- that
ced to surrender from i heir almolt jnacceflible fact- the t
ntfses. We ate happy to have it id cur power to be hi
fay, that the terror, excited by the appearance of c X p e
the dogs, has b*n fuffieient to produce so fortu- j w hei
natj an event ; 'and we cannot but highly approve and
that attention to humanity so strongly proved by With
their being oideied in the rearot the arm). Ens
as f
BOSTON, July 12.
Th'e legislature of France is turning it s attention \
m i-Three,hundred mil- 4n ti
lions have hJBtBLdtX. to 4he object ; and the Ex- f a lc
8g« 1»H a , Coi
m»tion to Ljfinsj'and the other great manutaiiu
ling towns, -praying the citizen?' to forget their a- qua
niroofities, and unite their exertions in measures 'io cn
re ft ore to fiance, one of the great'foorses of its "fuV
wealth-—th. arts and manufactures. ■ ,2 1 .t
sympathy's untutored voice, \ . .^ e
, Bi'tauylit'lis social ties tifkecp, ■
; ii human heart jejoics, ' '
' Ami weep if eye (hould weep-" he;
.We fwpe tfie citizens of By'tou y-ili i)i»t fufFcr|"' :
themselves to DC ontdonfi in a&s— t'o
hearts are certainly as finely atjtined to the P"
pitting call of cVaritv as anymi the coptinent ; ajid 31
we hope they will yet set au example to the largei f'*
cities, by a liberal subscription for the relief of the 'hi
citizens of Charleston, now fnffering under the taofl
severe calamity of the kind any town in the United h;i
States was ever nffli&ed with. It is true, that to Vo ,i>J:
particular individual is the benevolent djity assigned Li
to him : but someone mnft begin ; au'd befidesthc hi
consolation of having taken the lead, he will find if'
enough to .follow him—and when once begun the lh
buhnefs will appear to be halffinilhed/'
. Cl
T! - Branch Bank of the United Statesat Charles
ton i« confeqnence of the calamitous situation of
thatu ty, have resolved to difccunt full renewals
for fields due for the three fuececding difcouut days,
The British (HalitaxJ squadron now cruihng ]J
off the coat! of the United States, confilts, it is F
said of :en fail of wen of wai and Irigates. F
Capt. Hill, who arrived on Sunday, saw during ni
the Friday beware, tuu frigates,undereafy fail, (land
ing to the egftward. Soon after he 101 l fight of si
them, h very heavy cannonadin/ commenced, and f t
continued for an hour ; from whence he judged so
that an adlion had occurred betvveeu the two frigates v i
he saw. The tiring was evident ; and though the v
frigates were not in fight, fit's vefiel trembled on Jj
cacli discharge. Oth:t ai rivals heard a firing the y
fame day,
NEW-YORK, July iJ. _
Some time patt the opening of the Scheldt was
proclaimed, with great pi mp and publicity, by tne
French government. Liberal men rejoiced that
the (hackles of monopoly were broken, and expec- J
ted that Freneh Republicans would insure a partici
pation of the benefits of that river to all the ivorld. v
Alas ! the news has reached us, that the French
jnd X)utch Republicans have at |a ! V agreed to (hare !
the in hole navigation of that river among I Bemfslva ■
No good tnan can help regretting the interior
situation of France. -While her armies cairy the
flandard of victory iaAevery. quarter, the chfTerent
parties at home seem cfetjerniined to detltoy the Re
public, :*.nd bring thrvtrjr name ol free government
into contempt, and apparAitly without any motive
but to gratify the pirvate passions of individuals.
The plot thf.t has lately Wui detected, wants the
pretcucc of tyranny tojullify it. Ihe Coiiventiot)
R «•
* '' f
m , - • ;t.
that _the lail kiVg hud a pretence —the - been-jjr'
ir.en v»ho tc#ok off ilobefdierre had a p^fe'itce— laie;< I
even ,tlie at the drganiziijon of vfe day, Sail,
present gowrnmeiit had a pretence, v;z. re ehciion oj ry.
two thirds. But the present government feerus to '1 he
be in general well adminillcrcd, and rhe last confpi- teer frh
racy of Jacobins seems at prt sent to be without tas, bea
ajiy platiC'oh' pretext —it appears to be a mere fpi- ou boar
: rit* of priJbte revenge and fatlion. Let these cala board tl
• mities teach the Americans true and/aving wisdom. to the :
, m ———**— was givi
Philadelphia, W °The
TUESBAY 19,1796. Betsey,
1 Frtw the Sluror.i. S.lip
7 Carlisle, July 7. .
Ido myfelf the pleasure of handing you a number of '" rrl
patriotic toalls \vhich were given on the 4th infl. by a son (ji
number of our citizens a.Teinbled to celebrate that ever April,
memorable day. A SUBSCRIBE ft- Passe
Bleflings of peace, long miy they be (hovered down g
" on the heads of freemen. Also
Every true friend of Frmce. t5 , ;
and infamy, may they be the portion of ■- "
thole with to wean our atfeitions from a fitter " in<
s country. V tl' e a 'oe
Bntifn influenee, may it be forever discarded tl^e
J couhcits of America. We
America, long may (he remain the wonder of the • j a( j
« : world, and her councils dire&ed by true republican
1-' principles. • , ,
Congress, may it be composed of the ftitnds of Ame- "
. rita and the enemies of Britain. broke
Honor, may it be the chief ingredient k> the charac
; ter of Americans. r| x per
Every real friend of liberty, may he never fee his i-j IPCe {
country uniting herfetf to a despot without an effort to 1 p er
ditloke the union. 4 ' _ptr
1- In freedom may we enjoy the pleasures of life, and Dtftrre
i\- in slavery may we covet the bleifings of death. BANK
jr French principles, may they teach us to detest Britilh ,
politics. .
' Payment of just debts, may we be anxious to fettle lnluran
le with our creditors, and never forget our obligations to —
France. EsJh.
to The-J' Authentic Intelligence" from the Cape,
refpefting the arrival of Richery's fleet, has at
length ptoved totally unfounded.
ur M nfr. Parent's Courrier Francois, after ad
to ding to the article brought by Capt. Aikifllon, at p n
n( l Baltimore^thai they expedled Richery's fleet tevery L
moment at the Cape, has the following obfervatio-:s
'Ur 0 n this vifionaty report.
iv- «■ It is probably the arrival of this fleet [a Spa- y e
'g» nifh squadron at Port St. Domingo, about todays f Q jj oW
,dV befote Capt. Atkitjfon failed,j which hat induced t j t |
sen fume persons of tin; Cape to write from thence, rc( j t(
-u- that Richery had arrived We have 10 much a e
aft" the more foundation for believing that fleet wot to
to be his, because the Cape being the centre of the ornv
of expeditions, it would sooner have landed there, ( j a y S
tu- w here all the French fleet has already rendefvouzet), dete , l
0.,e and where they would be more at hand to the Eu- ,| ie ; r
by glifti than at St. Domingo ; atbwn distant from the zeT|^
Englith conquetls and their matiiime forces, at, well j |4Ve
as ftom the French forces.'' -j*
tion What good republican but mud rejoice at feeing a) .
mH- in tiie Aurora of ihis foreriooll, the refo'iU;. u m. the ro
Ex- faleof prizes, as presented ly Eerie Marion to the | ff ]
JC'la- Council of Ancitnts 1 for heie we perceive how cx ( j ct . r
i£lu- ~£tly in unison, the piefcnmion of Mr. M;:rb;.is j.
: ir»- quadiates with the inHru6Hons given by the Prcti
sslo ijient to the different States of the Uwion on tins fami
f its Mjcdk, viz. That neither our own courts of admi- nl ; r
'riilty, nor the Fieaeh Consult have the leatl (hadoyv
jof right, coufonmible to the laws of nations and (u v
> treaty between France and America, to Jell w j la
\the:r prizes in oar par tu Here also we ice with |lltl;
.heait felt pleasure, that the croakiug forebodings ()av ,
FySer <'fSkiii>k and his Jacobin party,on the wife intlruc- ,j ie
Cc-4— lions of the Executive forbidding the fa\e of Ftcjich t |,; r
otht; prizes, would endanger our happiness and eventu- ,
; aiid ally bring on a war with our allies are an a! solute £ roI
avgci fa'.fehood. What will these abhorrent men fay* to
f the this ioterdiftion, and the French Resolutions ? aU( j
mofl Mast r.ot fueh mutual concoidance to the general
'nited happiness at both countries aft as a total defeat to cet j
tovo their predictions and hope!, and prolong the general f e|l
i' r ned happiness of the union ? God keep Us ! as he hath f u j (
es the hitherto wonderfully doue, from the evil of Jacobin- t j n
1 find ifm,aud prefeive us in pure and reciprocal friend
n the Uii,p with the French Republic. ot j
July 15 th, 1796. £$
Copy of a letter received by a merchant of this city
tarlef from Captain Cochran of the Thetis frigate.
ion of On board his Britannic Majefty'sflip Thet is,
icwals July loth, 1796.
tdays, Sir, ( ol
SOME days ago I met with the btig John of
uiting Belfafl (that had been taken by the Brutiis, a tic
it is French privateer) and said t» be owned by you.
For many reasons it flruck me thut (lie was French tu
luring Dro perty; therefore sent her into .Halifax. iel
(land- ' As I have no wi(h to interrupt the trade of real i tij
• lit of American citizens, I therefore requetl you will g«
1, and forward such proofs to Halifax, fliould the property ba
ttdged he yours, as clearly to prove the lame, and to con- —
rigates vince the American gentlemen, that no undue ad
gh the vantage is wilh'd to be taken of them, I fend this
ed on by the chief mate of the vessel, that he may enable J.' c
ig the y ou to obtain every information.
. I am, Sir,
el. 1 Your humble ferva^t,
Capt. his 3. M. ] hip Thetis.
dt was L_
] that r Days
expec- Brig Wm. Pennock, Halliday St. Croix 15
jartici- Nancy, Belcher, Bouideaux, - 63
ivorhh Sch'r Hawk, Parrock Jama if a 2 3
French . cleared. -
o (hare Sch'r Susanna, Carson Baibadoes
nfelticj• Pomona, Gaidner Botlon I
Eliza, Williamion N. York
interior Nancy, Morris do.
iry the Betfcy, Robinfyn Curretuck
lifierent Sloop Driver Ciircy Hifpatiiola
the Rc- Mary Newkall • Malaga
rrnment Harmony, Eliwood AUxandria
motive Defiance, Kentee N. Caioliua
viduals. Capt. cherry in tKc fliip Three Friends, arrived
nts the at New-York, had 56 days passage, and failed from
iventioi} Atr.ftcrdain the 17th M«y» not the'27th a» has i
♦V\ ' /
, been. acconr.ts -.tan fore cannot be so
! iate tln.fe by the Margaret arrived hfhetn S 'Mir For the (
day bit, which failed three days ajter Capt. baer
ry. _ Mi
The Hawk was J>fOUjrl»i to by a Fremh priva IT is
teev frhooner under Spanish colours, cape Coriea. •<jrlu«le t
tas, bearing N. dill, about 4 leagues, ordered capt- J
oil board rhe privateer, and fenlan aroied boat a- ; reHl; , r k s
board the Hawk, which plundered her ofpropetty w | lcl
to the amount of 150 dollars, for which an order co^i,ls j
was given on a merchant of Philadelphia to the a- V :romei
mount of 50 dollars. , ; nited Si
The lame privatter had before plundered the f or(j |gp
lietfey, M'CuHough. j own foil
Ship Old Toiii, failed from Port Royal 26 ult. j
" I laii'S hi
" " • Quebec, June 30. | fraiVi
Arrived liis majesty's (hip A£t;ve, Edward Leve- } tave ab
son Gotver, Esq. from Portlrr.ouih j failed 24th 1
April. _ j iport ol
Pslfengers, Gen. Piefcott, hii lady, fawiily and , et j
suite, Sir Geor ie Powna'il, a'ld Mrs. Monk. Vj 4e
Also an ived his majeliy's (hip Pearl, Sartiuel J. the ere;
Bal'ard, F:fq from Spithead—lailed ill May. aud At
Nine lail of merchantmen failed under convoy of a ) wav j
the above Ships, and ate also arrived. w ho ar
— who ar<
We learn that a man was killed by the lighten
iug Jail evening at Campington. _ Bouy c
•The .day" before yelhertlay a gardener in the. ~)] t | ( ; a
neighbourhood (if the city, fell tiom a tree and p ur f u |,
broke his neck. other 0
STOCKS. for the
Oix per Cent. - - ... - - 17/S Thl
s Three per Cent. ------ - ic«; ■ oull in
3 }>er Cent - ate
4 ; ' per Cent. --------- 14/ EiWli!
i Deferred per Cent. - - - - 13/6107 11
BANK United States, ... - *4 pr. cent. <ht; "
b P«r>nfylvania, ... - 19 the na
■■ — North \meiica, - - - -44 * languf
e Inl'urance Comp. North-America, 14 2 5 carry 1
0 Peuofylvaiiia;, 9-010 per cen t to t {,j,
Enhance, at 60 days, - - - 165 t« 1661-3 being
.!>■! llll|l«aMMM>—' 1Q
mt ♦ ou. Pc
1- NEW-YORK, July 16. !° 0111
n 1 IS not
lt r ßy the Three Ftjendt, Sherry, from AmJUrdam, ,
y tranflatedfur the Argus.] leemi
, this 1
AMSTERDAM, May 11. moll
a " Yefterdny at noon wc had the Prnclamation as as an
follows The Commonalty of Amsterdam, with ; n pj,
;d that fallibility with which they always have infpi- -j-|
e> red their fellow citizens, having been informed, that uti ; ve
r " a great many of the inhabitants ot this city, the yj
to greatell.part ol tbem belonging to the militia which f]
forms the artillery, have been so audacious, fcveral ce ; vg
"V> days paR as to make fcveral attempts to subdue the yj
; t! > detenVelefa citizens without the walls of the city, a j; t j o
their intention .being to diiturb'and abuse the cili p ren
* e zens, by which their persons and pioperty would jnvo |
c '' !uvt been brought into imminent danger. _ yet j
Th.refore ihe.msgi(lratfsafter maturedeliberati- p rcr]
uo have fouud it liectflary, to difmiU the militia, <r (
n 8 ar-iUeiy, and all the citizen* wW have -j
l!t ro pci for 11 their duty j dtfm'iQing liktwife, the co- p rE .
* loucU, captains, lieutenants and all the fubalterp of- V|I) ; (
'■* Ijcrrs of the riyters.—- _ V
" ls l'!;e mngiftrates ordered them to bring their arms j
Veforc tiK committee, et 6 o'clock P.M. ofthe
' ns fame day,.at a place by them appointed, that they agai
T "* might 'be depoiitcd in the militaiy flores. The ma CQU j
ov giit'raiesiillo expressly forbid the officers of all tanks as n
to wear any luie aitas or other dirfenfive weapons (lea .
If 11 whatfoevcT, ui>Jer penalty of the fevettll puniai- hut
uent. these orders of the magittrates
n ß s have not been regarded by the live companies ol OQ
the artillery, coufilling of five hundred men, one p 3 r
I"-'' 1 third of which only icfurnt^ftieir arms. A body c |; a
llu " of them afTembled yellerday afteieoon in the fields,
' utc from whence they marched to town, withdrawn
to fwordsi being joined by a great number of citizens, me|
ns ; aud psfled themselves opposite the City Hall, in
era ' fpitc of a very powerful guard, which was reinfor-
1,0 ccd by the cavalry. At Jialf pall 6 o'clock they ,
,e,al sent» mefTago to the alTcmbled magillrates, the re
aath f u | t 0 f [ s as yet unknown. In the mean
't""" time the m»b repaired to the prison, and by foice
liberated all the prisoners, and committed many
other outrages •, but there was no blood (hed. .
[ Silver a! other articles ive hope to have ready far in- nQ
city fertion to-morrow. J s et
left's, lX* SAVANNAH, Juiy t. f,',
A gentleman diretlly from Greene County, tnV (£(
forms that 500 families had lately arrived thcrel;
n of from Kentucky. The catife of this sudden emigra-lj
ns, a tion, is not particularly learnt. If
you. It is reported that a renewal of hoftHities has ac-
reuth tually taken place by the Indians on the frontier p
settlements. If this be Hue wu lament the condi
' real tion of those defencelefs inhabitants, who from indi
will gency, are compelled .to fuffer the ravages of a bar-
p Cr ty barous and unprincipled people. y/
; °ad Choice St. Croix Sugar & Ruw,
(1 this NOW landing from on board the Brig Willian Pen-
'' 11 nock, Capt. i homas Halleday from St. Croix and for
sale by „
Pragers Ss 5 Co. 19. diw. r
For Sale,
7 1
By Ifiac Moses and Co.
21 Casks & a half of RICE, t
AYS Low for Cadi or a (I ort credit, alio Ic
'* 585 Salted, prime winter hides. 1
, Enquire at Mr. Sears'Tjvcrn, North Seco nd St.
" - 1 No. 59. July, 19. <_ *djt__
aadoes Plans of the city of Iphia,
Boston Including the Northern Liberties and diftridl of
.York Soothwaßk;
j 0 Pubiithed, and fold by
pamola No. 68, High ilreet,
VlaWa (Price one dollar.)
. , THlSplanis i 6 inches fqnare, ajd has been en
ian. r.a „ r lVc j ;,y 0 ,, e the iirll artifls in the city, from a late
jiolina acctlfate furyey. Purchasers are entitled to S pam
arrivet. phlet with each plan, giving " fame account ol" the
d from 1 city, its population, ?, government, &c.
a> has 1 juiv iy ' tu.&ftf •
7 v — "
tof the GAZETTE o** THE UNiiTD STA'j'fj
*2 |
Mr. Fenno, '
IT is ;lways with indignation that attempts !j»
•delude tlie public mind mu(l he -receive!} in Ame
rica. Surely in this deft-rip"ioa humified.l be
remarks of a writers*! you." paper 151b
ly, who fceiH3 d e firrM^lo_ e up a -party e,f j
cobi'is in France anf America, to lieftrey the p<v
, vrrijmetit of tlicft- codatriet. Speaking of the U
nited Stares he fays,y" Ji is felt and known' £it
• . foreign villains direrfmiie £»ob and rogijes of <,;r
I own foil in their fchctne* iPr -anarchy and fnflfcn."
| Speaking of Fiance *' Many of our vi'.
j laii'S hive P,;,i , o I'rancxy W'.C'.C they ,u ■
lin fraivln'i-nt tpei tiljMoni on'the unfuminrir, and Y, "
"] have abeitttl coi.fpiracy," &e. Whattt ridiculous
'jpi A ure does this give of bbth .Kltiwi; France tire
I iport of our villains, and nv fools arid roguvs play
ed upon, I-fappofe by'iHcirii
The fail is, that nil this lina spun f;ibri« is merely
the creature of a distorted imagination., to 1' n-r-.-.-e
| and America theic are indeed.arid I prefnme tfiTnt ~
,f aluavS mull be cuntetls fcr pwver. And tllols
who are in the Caddie will always be shilling tbole
who are out. In order to fe.urc their places, they
'■ will-frequently found alarms; and, like the Bloody
Bony of Porcupine, bold up fright fcl images, But
** all this while the nations tiicmfclves are traiiquilly
.pursuing their Gbjcfts ; and whether one or
other of the parties prevail, (leering a dire£l courfc
for their own bappinefs.
That Americans may be looked upon with dif
null in France, is probables but not becanfe they
, are Speculators or Jacobins, but because they arc
Engliihtiien. There is no doubt but that mmy of
the hirelings and partizans of Pitt have affirmed
the name of American ; under such a gaib the
language and manners being fimiiar the better to
cariy ou their intrigues agaiifft the Republic ; add
'' to this that tire news received m France of licrfeS
being {hipped from this country to St. Domingo
to a£i againlt the national forces; with (he intelli
gence of their prizes being forbidden to be fold in
oui ports; all this may produce effcdls unfavorable
to our kind treatment iti that country. But this
is not all ;'our public orations, newspapers and pare-
m ' plets the mod f.ivorable to our government often
teeming with abuse of our iifttr Republic. AH
this 1 fay is well calculated to generate, not the
moll {nothing feelings towards our independence ;
. zs as an exaaiple take the following 1 A tuall is given
! th in Philadelphia,
P l " The French Republic ; victory tb her arm?, and
!al universality to her principles.
l ' lc What is the remark of your commentator ?
ich That this country as well as all Europe tnay re-
ceive the law from her Own lips.
l ' lf Why pray Mr. Fenno is this country in the en
l*J> ajilion or are her principles so tinlike those of the
:l M French eonftitution, that in wUhing well to one yoii
involve the downfall of the other ? finely not; and
yet if not what means ihe exprefKon ; that if the
a^ 1 * French arms triumph we mull receive the law from
her own lips ?
~^ c '' Take another toad: The filler Republics of
co * France and America; may their efforts eter be
10 united in the cause of humanity.
What fays your commentator?
11ms Doucc Humanite and her daughter Mademoi
fclle Guillotine. Does not the cloven foot here
7 again- manifell jlfelf? Who but the Have of Pitt
m ' l could.i are made this remark ? Are not the French
as milch as we are avetfe to the guillotine ?LX> we
P?" s bear now of its ravages? To what purpefe recal it,
but to awgjcen four ill-natured impreflious a
raUS jrainit our ally ? Is this kind or likely to produce
9 good treatmifnt to oiir countrymen in France.? Or
or,e is not the ftfntiment formed to producp whai is
bod y charged on our Jacobins, the endeavour to create
c ' l ' s ' hollility between the two governments, to create
rawn awakening difagfreeable impressions ot French
zcn.®' men in the minds of out 1 people ?
ill. in fuller in the cause of freedom ; and may
rifor- t jj e y protested by those who are free.
the y o.> this your commentator fays,
le re " As Hollaud and Geneva hart been a la-raodc
mean p ranca if ? . t
force What his meaning here is, it is not ea(y to con
many jedlure; but his remark on the 4th toast of the
• iladlholders expulsion, having reduced the Dutch
,r noble to nine pence aud the nine pen«e to nothing,
seems to explain his idea Jo be, that the trench
protcdlion is little better than robbery ; whereas the
T\ tiuth is, that we have alked and have had that pro--
teAion in 1778, without being at all the worse for
l ."' re l it. And Holland, to judge by her a&ual exer.
:nl £ ra "| t ; ons ;is to her fleets, fcems moie vigorous thati (he
j hath long been in her exer^'apa. but if Jhe. hath.
S ? C " fuflered, hath it lint been by. Biitilh protedion J
ontier w -jj a j that ended in ? <
c ° n , I .' The capture of her foreign poflefiions,
n rndi- Thc robbe , y of lier (iups put into Britilh port*
a aT j before the wat,
■< The lloppagd of the interest due her on money
Ihe had too confidently invelted in the Britilh fund*.
p In (hort, for inaances of Britilh proteflion,
a "df"r at plundered natives of Afra ( look at
" Bermuda and our own spoliations; look at the
lladtholder and king of France dethroned, thc
'j kings of Spain and Sardinia barely saving them
.. ■ selves in time from a fimiiar fate.
For French protedlions look at America enjoy
ing Liberty and Independence ; the Scheldt open
ed ; the Dutch free to form a government foe
themfelyes, These events all affilted by the French,
arms, on principles the molt amiable and dilint*-
J e g retted, speak for thcmfelves.
, ' A. B^
) nd St.
_*djt_ . : T _'
sos Schooner LITTLE JOHN.
\ BOUT iS months old, a very fdt
been en- l\ filling veflel, bn Virginia Pilot b»al
2m a late plan, now laying at South street wharf,
oapam- carries near 900 barrel?, « reidy to take
tof the i a cargo ;. a liberil credit will be jir-n.
' Apply to PETER BLIGHT.
6f tf • July *9, * icteci