Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 19, 1796, Image 1

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    jfc** i < '** r o^%
of the & Pb llacktphia Daily Advertiser ./
?■ ■ " -A TUESDAY EVENING, JUL'2 ' ig,
20 ±i rr. M •_ i' Corr, .MI»1 Plrlmrrlft : By a* ArtiA r*f.<fcM at Mr. , t !W,-
For Sale or Charter,
n*. *$r>, the snow X
J for .
'U BOSTON, iptei
aUvnit 2000 Bbls. of flour—fhe may . cn
cx ? ,nce, her Ms and rigging being m on ;
very good order—apply to Ma
Campbell, or
George Latimer- p
April. Jt). t—
ilszL, or Sale, p
I ' (On a liberal credit) I
.AJkI The fail failing copper-bottomed B.
St Amiable Matilda,
piy ■? §
July 7- — ■
;n.w Hebr.
"^ e nrw W£ B
4 f,ith ul Philadelphia built veflel, car
ries 7 'cMb'iniols of grain or i'joo barrels flour, » rea
dytcU, i:n cargo
P ' Who for sale,
Sucar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento.
b Also,
- . * CO
June 6 , — —
For Sale, —7 p.
she Schooner 1
ISI • "i- A R K,
MP[2oNK bwidwd and twenty ton. burthen. A
yr vessel; well found, and fails extremely
ftfi Twfwell built. For terms apply to the matter on
IF the vessel is not fold by S.tunky, she will
take freight on very low terms lor Bolton.
f T*iy » —— ——
3*fom 16 to 9 £ inchr* £° r
Jeremiah Warder,
No i a north Third-llreet. \
J"V" — t '-
L/)ttery 1 h !
FIR railing fix thousand 'fix hundred and sixty-seven w
dollar- and fifty cents, by £ dedutSion of fifteen per ev
cent f rom the prisos, and not two blanks to a prize, viz. w
I Prize of s°°° dollar* " dollars 5000 ti<
J 1000 I COS
100 toco £
30 tOO *°°°
go JO <95°
Zl 2 J 50O&
aooo «o 10,000
■±Z£ £ Last drawn numbers ®1 iooo dollars each, jooo
133» Prizes. 44,4.50
4018 Blanks.
5350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44.45°
By order of the Directors for eftabiifh- r,
1/15; UfefulManufactures, the fuperintendants of the Pat
er.on Lottery hive requested the Managers to offer th«
foregoing Scheme to the public, and have direited them
to relund the money to those persons who have pu; thafed
in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets
in this Lottery.
The lottery has actually commenced drawing, and will
continue until finifhed. A lift of the Plank's and Prizes
may be seen at the office ol William Blackburn, N« 84
south Second street, who will give information -.vhcre tick
ets may be procured.
• Dated this 17th day of June, 1796.
' J. N- GUMMING, ")
JstCOR R. HAR DENBERC, > Managers.
June 18 eo
By J. TURNER <Sl A. BROWN, jun.
For Publilhing bv Sulifcriptien,
Married and single,
" Beauty in vni j her sparkling eyes may roll :
« charmsftrike the fight—; ut Merit wins the so il." j
CON <"ENTS.—Of religious duties—Fortitude—Char
ity—AHeiHon due to an hufband—Reflgnation, aird trust
in God— The importance of thoie accomplilhments mot .
agreeable to the husband ; and on ret rtmenf, dilTipatioa,
&c.—.Economy—Domestic amusements, music, &c— r
Public I'.ivcrfions, cards, ani drefs—Complaceitcy ; Pa- {
lisnce—Secrets—Servants, &c. The importance of ear {
ly cuitiv.ring the minds of children, and of giving therti ]
the carliril ideas ot truth and benevolence. Their early
i»dl*Sio;i in the kcauties ofnatnre.and in humility,com
palfion, i.iduftry, &c. The propriety of instilling early
ideas of religion in the minds of children. On their rea
-ding.and 011 the use of money to them—The nfe of wri
ting early recommended for children ; thoughts on vari
ous .lutic, they should acquire, as contentment, &c.— j
Thoughts on their negative education, and their turn for r
imitation—On the acquirements of girls in the knowledge
of music, needle-worli, drawing, dancing, &c. Thoughts
on the education of the heart, in preference t# the £:ewy
To which will be annexed,
The Vijioti of Female Excellence.
This work to be cotnprifed in two hap.dfome duo
decimo volumes of 250* pages each, neatly bound and | 1
lettered. 1
The price to fubferibers will be One Dollar per vol.
to be paid on delivery.
As soon as ;Oo fublcribers are obtained, the work
will be put to press.
Subscribers' namy to be affixed.
ON the utility of this work the publishers deem it I
unneceflanr to descant. —In the refinement of the fe- i
male mind Mrs. Griffith's Letters have been eminently
fuccefsful; and the general eft-mation in which they
have been held by the Jovers of intelleelual improve- j
nient (the Vie ft criterion of their merit J will, they hope, ]
ensure to their propefals a wel oijie reception from
the "fair daughters of Artftriea."
« Delightful talk ! t« rear the tender thought,
To teach the young idea ow to flmot,
To pour the fii*lh iufy'u&ion o'er tile rjnid,
To ircatlie ipirit, si.d to fix
The generous purpose in the glowing breaii."
Stibfcriptions rtceivetl by the publifliers, at the office
of the Minerva, Nj. 324 Msrk:t-iirecer.
July 6 wfJcra
( Take Notice,
THAT the subscriber intends to maice applisa- 1
tion fur tljf renewal of a Cert -sate, No. 1609,
for 4000 dollars, dated the 14th December, IJ9J,bearing .
iptcreft at 51, per cent, from ift January, '79^> t!l '- ,
of David Dunderdale & Co. of i.eeds, in YbiU
{hi. e, merchants. The fame infunpofed to have been .oil
#n its way to New York, undir cover to gi-ecker & (
March, of that ]>Ucc, on the 6tli of January lalt-
Thosnas M'iiueu. i
Philadelplua, a 2 ' J'aiu", 1796. ' j
A small Invoice
PER the fliip Harriet, capt.Thomas W. Norman,from
Hamburgh, confiSing of
Ravens Duck,
Damask and 7 Table Cloths
Diaper 3
Holland Linen
Cambrics, teti.
abso, <
Gold and silver Watches.
Which will be difpel'ed of together or by the package.
Apply to ,
Isaac Harvey, jun.
Hd. 5 South Water Street.
June 25 §3 W
Sales of India Goods.
The Cargo »f the ship Li >nges, capt. Tingey, from Cal
cutta and Bengal,
consisting on
A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fine uukrked and-plain MufUns,
r * J Dorcas, "ts'c. A ll'o,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER.
ill For Sale by
Willings & Francis,
No. 21 P.Min Street.
June 8
Twenty Dollars Reward.
WAS STOLEN, Jrfft evening, from the paftufe of the
fub/lriber, a black Rockingham GELDING, 15
1-2 hands high, has a star, and i'ome white under his
throat, (the part being formerly chafed) jhas a leather on
his neck, the mane on the near fide, his foot-locks fretted
:n with a clog, and is a horse of much bone and size. Who
er ever fecurcs him with the thief, (ball base the above re
ward, or for the Horse-alone a very generous compenfa
ds July 7 eo4w
30 ~ ■*
New Hat and Hofiery-ftoi'e,
* No. 134 I Tar let-fl reft,
Third door from the corrtcr of Vourtr', fsuth fide
Men'# Black \mericaa lad English tiA of various qua
. litics and pricca
Ditto Drabs and Green und<Ts
ditto, black, and a large aflortment of fancy do. •
5° Coloured Be weir, With a great variety of efegant and
h- faftiionable Trimmings
it- Youths H'ack and Drab*coloure<l do.
Children's fancy do
fm H kinds of Silk, Silk & Cotton, Cotton & Thread HOSE
cd Knit, coloured Pantaloons
ets Do. Drawers
Do. Breeches Patterns
■ill Si 1 Gloves
5C3 Knotted coloured do. Co f ton
A quantity of Cotton, sorted colours,
k- r The Hats firufiied in the ncweil fafhion.
June 27. cotm
For sale by the i'ubfcribersj
lhi P£jtN-STR EE-T,
rs * 130 quarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea;
100 ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea;
30C Boxes Chiift, containing Tmall tea setts of 41
pieces; '
400 pieces Bxudanoes.
Willing 5s 5 Francis.
, January 30 -;taw.
Yazoo Lands.
' May le had at the Editor'j Office 119, Chefnut-Jlrert,
ar i A few Copies of " a Report of the Attorney
J Cenetal to Congress containing a Collection of
Charters, Treaties aud other Documents,
.' relative to and explanatory of the Title to the Laad
Pa- situate in the South Western parts of the United
ar States, And claimed by certain Companies under a
law of the State of Ceorgia, pasTed January 7th,
ea- For Sale,
rr |- A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
ln " /l street, between Front and Second (kreets, in which
— Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for man} years (and
™ r now do) carried on bufiheis.
% c Poflcilion will be given in one month, or sooner.
hts For termsapfly ts WILLIAM BELL, or
April 21. $
" LET.
A LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No*.i 14
Spruce ilreet, with a convenient stable and Coach
md ' Heufe, —Also for sale a Chariot tut little the we'rfe foi
use. ' June 1. cot t
01 Wm." HOLDERN-KSSii,
3rk No. 76 Street,
HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe ant
the East Indies, a well fclcdcd assortment of Silli
nit Mcrcury ; Linen Drapery and Haberdafliery Goods; whicl;
ft- lie will fell, Wholcfale and Retail, 011 the low eft terms j
hty Some fine India muflias embroidered with gold and fflvei
,ve- 6 uperfine Book, Jsuronct* and Mulmul ditto
,p e> j Do do do do Handkerchiafi
ofli Some extra black tafft;tics,luuft rings and colortd Persian
bandano Handkercliiefs
and short Nankeens
Knglifli Mantuas of the.fir/l quality
• Daniuflc table linen napkins, very fine
Silk Hoficry, an elegant aiTortm*nt
Thead and cotton d©
(ficc Urn! rellas—green tilk, ♦il'd do. and do cloth
cet French cambrits, vety fee
' Irish Llatiis, do. &e. &c, Jupe §
4" •
Sam itiel Richardct,
RESPF.CTI 'ULLY iitfoi ifts the Gentlemen
Merchant-s t'lit he has this day opened the CITY \ A
TAVERN and N- : ferICHANTS C<3FI ; EEHOUSE in the. j 1
city qf Phj.'adel-f' ii'- j tut '
The Siibfcripii. to Room will be furniiW with aU the 1
'dally papers publ fi.ed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos
ton, BJsiwore.ta fher with those of the princip->l com
,«tiei'cial.<iti«» of 4 lur.ipe—They will be regularly filed ' r 9
and none p-rnv; tC Ho W taken'away 011 any aee mut. 1
Ton, CorfeeVScu, Mies, Ice Creams, and a variety
!of Frcnch.Liquors; together with the usual lefrJhzisut.', '
will at all time Ibe p. »c«red at she bar. ,
Gentlemen nriy c epend on being accommodated With
; the choicest of Win S, Spirituous Liquors, and the mo ft
approved Malt Litfe frwicLoadon and other breweries. "V
" 'she Larder will I t supplied with the prime and car lie ft y
production* of tho !j afon. (
Large and small 1 'r.rties, or single Gentlemen, may be a C
accommodated with 1 Ueakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at ton
hours mo ft conv.nient themfelves—n cold Collation is
regularly k«pt for cor. veniency, th« Bill of Fare to be had
at tho bar.
The Lodging Roor r> will be completely furniaied, and.
the utmost attention ) >aid to cleanliness, and ;very otiior
£5" Richa (IDET will be happy to receive, and
execute the command ' of his Friends, ind the Public at
liifA!s and with ';ratit ide for their favours, he pledges
himfelt that nothing ot. his part fhalibe wanting to prev,
fervc that patronage v. iti 1 whicli be has been so diilinguiih-
ingly .ionored.
"Philadelphia, April rp §
City cf Waihington.
SCHEME oft be L OTTER Y, No. 11,
A magnificent ) »0,000 dc liars, & ) , D oco
dwefUug-lieuie, > calh 30.00 c S are > n0
1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,600 40,000
1 ditto 15,000 & cash 1 5,000 30,000
I ditto 10,000 & calh J 0,000 10,000
1 ditto 5,000 5c cash 3", 000 10,000 f
1 ditto 5., 000 & cash 5 fOOO 10,000
1 cash prize of 10,000
a do. 5,000 each, are, • 10,000
ro do. 1,000 » - 10,000
%o do. 500 - * io,ooo
00 do. 100 - - 10,000
do. 50 10,000
400 do. 25 * 1 *,009
iiooo do. 40 - 20,009
15,000 do. io • * )*5a»ooo
16,739 Prices.
3.3,a6i Blank*.
50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 40,00 c V .
N. B. To favour those who may take a quantify of c °
Ticket., tlic priae of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn
ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one : j" 1
And approved notes, securing payment in either money lal
or prizes, in xeu days alter drawing, wiH be received for
any number not less than 30 tickets. . dc
This Lottery wiliafford an elegant specimen of thepri
■vate to be creeled in the City oi Waihington— a '
Two i) aiiriful'defiijns aio already for the entire "v
frotits an two of the jiUhlie l'quares; from these prawings ' Wl
itispropofeci to erect two centre and four corner buildings,
as soon a', poflible after'this'lottery is fold, and to convey *-<
1 tht_m, when complete, io the fortunate adventurers, in bl
the manner described in the fchemc for the Hotel Lottery.
A nett cledi<£lion of five per ccnt. will be made to defray ls
t!te necessary expense. of printing, iScc. and the furplu? J'"
■ will l.e,made a part of the fund intended for the National
Univerlity, to be erected v/ithi» tlit city of Waihington. <"
The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are
fold off.—Hie money prizes will be payable in thirty days >!
after it is finilhsd ; nqd any pr zes for which fortunate j>a
numbers ate not produced within twelve months after the h<
drawing isclofed, are to be conlidered as given towards th
the funS for the Uhiverfity ; it being determined to fettle in
. the whole business in a year from the ending of the draw- g 1
ing, and to take up the bonds given as security.
The real feeurities given for the payment of the Prises, nl
are held by the President and two DircSors of the Bank
of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a
mount ol the lottery.
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commillioners aflifled in the management of the
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous taflc
a ftcond time on befcalf of the public ; a fufficient num- r*
ber of these having/kindly accepted, it is hoped that the d
friends to a National University and the other federal ob- B
je&s may continue to the design.
By accounts received from the dilterent parts of tlie
ContinciH as well as from Europe, where the tickets
* have been sent for sale, the public ate aifured that the
drawing will speedily commence, and that the Care and
caution unavoidably necessary to insure a faf« difpoial of
y th« tickets, has rendered the ihor* filfpenfion indispensable. ,
£ Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of ei
James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Gilman, Boston ; P
a of John Hopkins, Richmond-; and of Richard W«l!s f *
• Cooper's Ferry. . ti
Loft, J;
|t /""vN Thursday 30th June, on the road from Philadelphia
V_J to the Falls of Schu> ikill, and about the fifth mile,
j brown and white mottled POINTER DOG, anfwersto p
the name of Don, had on roan.l his neck a collar enersv- ti
ed Waller Phillips, Philadelphia. Whoever will being c
him to Mr.Kid, No. 19s Market-flreet, will receive a re- e
ward of teu dollars.
N. B. The owner fufpe&s that the Dog is tied up, alfe !
- he would haye returned. The above reward will bs giv* ' 11
tn to any per son giving that information if true.
■h Chien d'Arret perdu. i
>r TEUDI le 30th Juin on » perdu fur la route de Phi'.adel- '
J phii: aux Chutes de la'Schuylkill, 2 cinq milles de la
~ ville, tn Chien d'Arre't marqud de taches blanches et '
brunes, irrepoude au Jioni dii DON et poMe un collier fur '
icqqelfont Iqj- mots Waller' Phillips,
j menera ce chita chea Monsieur Kid, rue du
j r Marche, aura dix Ourde. de reeompenfe.
11 y a lieu de foupcoaner qtie le chien eft tenu attache
' quelque part ;,»utrcment il feroit deja revenue de luimJme.
On donnera la dice reeompenfe a eelui qui peut indiquer lo ,
lieu ou ce chien Ce trouvc maintenant.
5r July 16 . *3t
— : : . * " I
Ijs Hoglheads of Choice • '
A quantity of Rum.
[For Sil« hy
)ames Yard.
j Jul>v 1, i
By an Artifl rcfidem at Mr. Others'* t- ,
MTKIAT U R vt L I K, :vN.F, S S> S
A RE ta&efi in that clef^r
• / - ftile,whrch To neceJtVy to render a Pi:-
! ture an in: erVfting jewel.
He wi-ll warrant a itra-ivr 4fi.lrtyntaV.c rc r . -
Mauce; and he t/.ko ."cfee liberty la l.iy h> ,- G ,r the
of .tiiis pUcv- ius m'ift <*Hrnf!c inter« icvn to deilrvc their t>u
' rror;tvc L| Lfs. 1-1:1 cn<teavors r o nlctife.
N. U. jefe to belc-^-v
a\Tay 12. -
; t ————•■■.. i. y
Waihmgton-Ca&al Lottery,
N°, T.
"VI rMEREAS the State of Jy* .rV-luivl has authorffad
VV the underw'ritteti, to raise twenty-fix thou'fand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for ;>'ir]>o[a of cutting
a Gaasl throagh tli City tf Wa&mgton, freai the l'«; V**
toaiacuctheErifler.-i &nt-ncH Harnoyr. «■' <
The following is .he SCHEME of No. 1.
Viz -I f'rize of do-liars, so.coo
I ditto ' i 10.000
1 lad drawn > .
Tickcts, each ? -<>°°° 3SPO*
6 ditto J,006 6,00>3
JO ditto 400 4,C00
IO ditto ICO 4,000
J J ditto 30 2,750
5750 ditto I» '69,003
To be Tailed for -tha Canal, 16,150
3850 PrizSs, 173,000
1V650 Blanks, aot two to a'priio.
17300 pickets, atTen Dollars,
t? The Comnj.Tiot: » - have tikon the Securities re
quired by the aforefsid a$ for the panSaal payment of
the prizes.
The drawing of this will-commence,-without
delay, as foo,n as tks Tioltets -arc Said, as which timely
, notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not demanded li: fix months after the
drawing is finilhed,ftallbe considered S&relinquilhed loi
the benefit of the "Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
' (Signrdj NOTLEY YOUfCG,
Daniel p/o.
C«y of Wtlhington, Feb. h. $
For Sale,
Threc-ftoiy Brick House,
(The late residence of General Wafcjp Stdwart)
WITH a LOT of GROUNf) belonging,®#
the weft fide «f Third-ltrtct, ftcar Union-street
f containing in front 32 feet, and in depth 100 feet, to an
, alley leading into Union-ftrcet. The houf? is 32 feetfrost
and 50 feet deep; the several rooms contained in it are
large, commodious, and completely smithed; the two &ft
. Hories are each 13 feet hfgh.i there arc 20 mahogany
doors in the house ; a geometrical staircase, with mahoga->
'"uy rails and The kitchen it in the cell
a,', which is spacious and convenient, and finilhed with art
■ovito, llew-holcs aud pantries, a.fervints' ball and large
■wuicieeHar adjoining the kitchen, in ffont of wliicli is an
area iV which there is a pump. The yard is vaulted.
Communicating with the said building is a heat threc-flory
, britk hojlf, on the north fide of Union-ftrcet, contain*
iug 30 seer front hf 10 feet deep; the lower part us which
, is at present occupied as a comptiiig-houfe, and the upper
, part divided ii\fo well-finilhed large chambers. This house
j may at a small txpenfe be converted into a convenient
dwelling : The ftrect door is very handsome, and the front
, and back have Venetian window-fhujters. Adjoining the
5 lad house, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are creeled
. bathing-rooms, &c. There are like-wise very good <oacli* '
. house and flablea finilhed equal (or nearly lb) with any in
s the city, on a lot containing on Union ftrect 30 feet, and
. in deptlion the waft fide of said alley 32 feet. There are
. good cclhrs under the whole of the buildings, and a wine
room over part of the liable, with a hay-loft over the re
, mainder. For further particulars enquire of
, At their Office No. 64 DocJi-ftreet. between Walnut & Peat
to ftrccts.
j 6lh month 24th, 1796.
\ Nmv Publ'tfhing by Ihe Printer,
, Nl». 149, Chelnut-Street, and No. 3, Lsetitia Court,
e delivering to Subscribers, anil to be had at the different
- Book-S;ores in this City,
The Fir/! Number of
Berriman & Co's
t Containing the Old and Naw
Tcßaments and the Apocrypha, with marginal notes and re»
,f erences. An Index ;or an account of the mod remarkable
. pailages in the old and new Teftamcnt, pointing to the place*
* wherein they happened, and to the places as fcriptuw where.
' in they are recorded.—A Table of Time.—-Tables of ferip
turemMfures, weights and coins: with an appendix, contain*.
> ing the method of calculating its measurss of suaFACae
hitherto wanting in Treatifcs »* this fubjtS. A Table of Of us
and Conditions of men.
e, i. The fizeof this Edition will be 1 LARGE FOLIO»
0 printed «n a beautiful new type, ?nd good paper, made pat
r- ticularly for it, It will be published in Numbers, notto ex
„ cce d 30, one of which will be delivered weekly to fubferib
.. CPS, at a quarter of a dollar. Those fubl'cribers who prefer
receiving the work complete, will be attended to by fignifying
• e the fame on any of the fubferiptioo papers in the Bookllorc*
„ lin this city.
2. There will be an advance in the price, on Wbfcnbinj
1 after the firft of August next.
J In the courfeof the Work will be given an elegant
Frontispiece—From ail Engraving of the celebrated artilfr,
). Gricnion.
l a Berkiman tc Co. ({rateWlyacknowledge the very liberal
encouragement they have met with; and haverejfonto believe
jr that the execution of their edition will anl'wer every cxpec
tjtion, and Jpeat its own ftdifc.
, May »6 3VOWW.
\ FOUNT of BREVIER, half Worn ; about four hun
e - A dred weight. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette
of the United States, No. 119 Chefnut-llreet. §
Just Arrived,
~ la the Enow Boston, James lCirkpatridt, master from Lip
3000 Bnihels SALT ;
100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and
An Assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY;
'for. S A L I
On beard, at Piae-llreet wharf. Apply to
yarns Campbell, or
I Gftrge Latimtr.
April 29. 5