< r~ ' w% China Goods. ' H L dh;p .V vi.<\ n-s|£, -SHaf Sroaine t Camman®c*r, A from* (Linton, will xfo&imep discharge of her 4 »r£<? to-morrow morning wharf ( V * ' Ctofiftnf of 1 't eUovT and wijite N.inVa|fci"*of i-reellent quality a Prrikn black and 4 Lustrings, ■ V do! , do. Vli S.ittinj hiick of various quaßtiei 0 ;>ewmg silks !it afTorted colours . 0 Vermillion in boxes 1 0 Cafp.a in chefls a Quicksilver in jars f BOHEA, 1 e SOUCHONG, 1 HYSON SKIN, j T? n -r c young hyson r * rein 1 eas* 1 3EST HYSON, 1 IMPERIAL, J ( CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Ten 1 Sets generally afTorted. ' WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of firft quality Bengal SALT PETRE. For Sale by Philip Nicklin & Co. April 8. . t.th&« No. 138. Dijlrifl of Pennfyl-vania: to wit. BE it remembered, that on the twenty-fourth day ps Jcuue, in the twentieth year of the Independence of the United States* of America, John Ormrod, of the (aid Diftrift tyith cepofited in this omte the title of a book, the right he claims a« Proprietor, in the words following: to wit: ![ A short and candid Enquiry into the proofs of Christ's 41 divinity; in which Do&or Priestley's opinion concerning '* Christ is occafionallv considered. In a letter to a frien*«. , By Char les H. Wmarton, D. D. and Member of tfc e Philolophieal Society of Philadelphia. 44 "Whosoever drmeth the Son the not the Fath - Let that therefore abide in you which ye have, heard •'"from the beginning ; if that which ye have heard from th* beginning shall remain in you, ye alio (hall continue in " the son and in the father. St. John, tftEpift. c. ii. v.23, ' " 24." in'conformity to the aft of the Congress of the United States 1 intituled il An aft for the encouragement of learning, by fe- 1 curing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the authors i and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein < mentioned.*' SAMUEL CALDWELL, < Clerk of the Diftrift of P«nnfylva»ia. 1 June 29 ia4ww \ All persons having demands ■ en ANTHONY ROLAND BUSSIFR, are requested to 1 bring in their accounts on or before the firft day of August 1 next, or they will be excluded from » dividend then to take place. WILLIAM CHANCELLOR,") ' b JONATHAN JONES, f Auditors r JOSIAH TWAMLEY, J y July 7- 'eod3t ° For the use of Schools.. f. Tomkins's Text, Round, and Running- 'J hand copies. v TUST pub] i (bed, and for sale by Vit. Young, the corner of a Sccond and Chetnut ftrects, and J. Ormrod, No. 41 p Chefnut-ftreeu Pfice of proof imprefgons on fine paper, 1 a dollar. Common, 75 cents. Executed in a ftyje superior <| to any that have been formerly engraved in the United States, ij and not inferior to any of the kind imported from Europe. n June 30. aav^.^w JOHN PAUL JONES. ; r [FORMATION is hereby given, that the late John It Paul Jones was a proprietor of five {hares (amount- q ing to about 5867 icres) in a trail of land purchased by n the Ohio Cojnpaflf, in the territory of the United States of America, north-weft ot the river Ohio ; and that his it heirs, or legal representative, on application to the direc- tl tors of said company, at Marietta in the territory afore- t< said, will receive a deed of the said five scares, or rights aj of land. f( The application maybe madeperfonally or by an age*t, but proper documents must be produced to prove the P claimant or claimants the legal heirs or representative of the feiil Jones. n.b. As it is not known in what country the person or persons interested reside, it will be an aA ofbenevolence i« every Printerin America and Europe, who Avail insert •• this advertisement in his paper. J In behalf of the directors of the Ohio Company, H RUFUS PUTNAM. a Marietta, May 20,1796. [June 4] jawgw t AN EXPENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Books and Stationary, r Wliolefale and Retail, now opened and for Sale by WILLIAM rOUNGi Book feller, Nt. 52, Corner of Second and Cbefnut-Jlreeti. AMONG which are English, Latin, and Greek Classics and Dictionaries, Divinity, Law, His tory, Travels, Voyaces, Miscellanies, and themoft esteemed Novels. WRITING AND PRINTING PAPERS, From the bed mairufa&urers in Europe, and from his ma- J mifa&orj on Brandy wine, viz. w Imperial,plain and wove ilAtSmall folio post, phi* d; Suner-royal do. do. Ditto gilt [ ' Royi'l do. do. Blossom paper afTorted a ' Medium do. do. Transparent folio post ai Ddmy do. do. Superfine and cemmoafoolfc. al Glazed arid hot-preflsd folio Marbled papers. g and 4to extra largr post coarse papers. b; Thick post in folio dito do. London brown, afTorted al Ditto in 4to. ditto do. Hatters' paper ri Folio wove post, lined Stainers' paper Quarto ditto do. Common brown Ditto gilt do. Patent sheathing Common size folio post Bonnet boards Ditto quarto, plain Binders' Boards. Folio and quarto post, gilt, _ > yilfo, a variety of other Stationary Articles, viz. \ Wedgwood'and glass philosophical ink stands, well alTort- J ; pewter ink chests of various fires ; round pewter ink (lands j paper, brass, and polifbed leather ink ftmds for the j, pocket Shining land and land boxes, pounce and pounce , boxes, ink snd ink powder. Counting house and pocket pen knives of the bcflquality, as« Ik'n tablet and memorandum F books. Rrd and colored wafeis, common size, office'ditto. *" Quills, from half a dollar, to -three dollars per hundred, d Black lead pencils, mathematical instruments, &c. &c. All forts and fixes of Blank Books, ready made or made I to order . Bank checks, blank bills of exchange and notes of ] hand, executed in copperplate, bills of lading, manifefts 1 seamen's articles and journals, &c. &c. June 18 ( »»3W s This Day is publiihed, 1 By BENJAMIN DAVILS, No. 6S Uigh-Jlreet, 1 And V/JLLIAM COBBETT, Second-Jlreet, oppoftte Cbrift's i Church, t The Second Edition of Porcupine's Bloody Buoy, \ With adilitional Notes and a copious Appendix. July ii 2aw4t : The IPANORAMA, Tjrj iigh-flreet, exhibiting a view of the cities of Lod- 1 j on and Wottminfter, will positively close on Tucfday evening, the 19th iultant, and will not be exhibited in Philadelphia again. _ ( J«0 13 " * f-, -FOR SAL E, A very; Valuable Eft ate, G alled r nh a m, fitu»te in the tov/nfliip of Upper Derby, ar>d county of lNilaw.tre, 7 1-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from'the QC.w Weft ;rn road : cpntaimng 2.30 acre? of excellent lan 1, 45 of which are good watered meadow, ac*of primc..wo6d land, and there'll arable of th« firft quality. - on the a gopd two story .bricic house, with 4 rooms , on a floor, and cellars under the wfrolp, with a ptimp-wcll of excellent winter jp front ;-a large frame barn, ilabUs,. and other convenient buildings ; a smoke-house and flone, ; tv.-o good apple orclr.irds, nnd one of peich cs. The fields are all in clover, except those immediately under tillage, and are so laid out as to.have the advantage of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con venient for grazing. The (ituation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high eultrvntiop of the Land, the good neighbourhood, and the vicinity to the city, it is very suitable for a gentlerhan's 1 country taut. The fpregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Herman, deceased, and offered for sale by Mordecai Lewis,' 'Qfl. 9. eo-3 Surviving E^ecntftr. PROP OSA LS, By BIOREN & MADAN, For publishing by Subscription, that celebrated Work, Godwin's Political Justice. 1 From the last London Edition. 1 t e * m s. f I. It will be published in two large volumes,duodecimo. IT. Price to Subfcribers,two dollars, handsomely bound, s to be paid <m delivery of the work, ; 111. As soon as a number of Subfcribers^appear, fu(s - to defray the expence, it fha.ll be put to press. : IV. The names of the Subscribers ihall be prefixed, The following Chara&er of this work j is extraflcd from the Monthly Review, p 311, 31a, for March, 1793. " We have no small degree of pleasure in announcing the present work to ou'r readers ; as one which from the freedom of its enquiry, the,g;randeHr qf its,views, and the ; fortitude qf is eminently deferying of atten tion. By this eulogium, wc would by no means be under stood to fubferibt to Ml the principles which tKefe volumes contain. Knowledge is not yet arrived at that degree of certainty which is re<iuifite, for any two men to think a like on all lubjecU; neither has langpage.attained that con fident accuracy, which can enable them to convey their [thoughts, even when they do thinkaiilae, in a manner pei- I CeSly correA and intelligible to both. These difficulties i re only to be overcome by a patient, incefiant, and bene volent inVeftigatian. " Many qf the opinionswhich this work contains, are 'bold; some of them are novel; andfomcdoubtlefsare er roneous : —but that which ought to endear it even to those jphofe principles it may offend, is the strength of argu ment adduced in it to prove, that peace and"order molt ef fectually the happiness after which political re formers ate panting ; —that as the progress of knowledge is g radual,,political reform ought not to be precipitate ; — and that eotrvulfive violence is dangerous not only to indi viduals (for that result comparatively would be qf small account) but, to the general cause of truth. It is the op posite ef this principle that inspires the enemies of politic al enquiry with so much terror ; it is the supposition that change must inevitably be attended by the turbulence and injustice of commotion; and that innovation cannot be made without the interven-ion of evils , more deftru&ive than those which are intended to be reformed. Under the cor.vision of this philanthropic fentimcnt, of calm and gradual reform, (which in its proper place he has fully il lustrated) Mr. Godwin proceeds without scruple firft to en quire into present evil, through itseffential branches, and next to demoHftrate future good. " Dividing his work into eight books, and making thi IMPORTANCE PJ POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS the fubjejl of the flrfl, he begins by an attempt to prove, th/ omnipo tence of government over the moral habits of mankind ; and that on these moral hafcits their wisdom, virtue and , felicity depend." $3" Subscriptions received by the publishers at their < Printing Ofiipe, back of No. 77 Dack-ftreet, Philadelphia. , Jane ig § iweoim | Asjheton and James Humphreys, \ CONVEYANCERS, HAVE removed their office to No. 61, Walnut-street, next door but two to the corner of Dsck-flreet, . where all INSTRUMENTS IN WRITING aredrawn at ( a moderate Charge, with care, accuracy and dispatch.— ( They likewise buy arid fell Real Estates upon commis sions, and procure Money upon Loan on good security.— The business of in ATTORNEY AT LAW and NOTA RY PUBLIC is also tranfadted at the said office as iifual by . ASSHETON HUMPHREYS. N. B. Good Notes discounted. July s■ eo6w Ten Dollars Reward. j Ran away, JUNE 13d, from Brian M'Laughlin, living at Henry ' Clymer's place at .Schuylkill point, a Young Woman, ' who pasTes by the name of Polly Morrison, low set, darkifii complexion, small grey eyes, about seventeen or c eighteen years of age, had on a dai-k-colored short gown, ] and linfey petticoat. She stole and carried away a trunk and a considerable sum of money, and a great many other ' articles. Left behind her a cloak of coating lined with green baize, which is supposed ta be stolen. The owner, by proving property may have it. Whoever lodges her iB any goal, so that fhs may be brought to prosecution, fiiall receive Ten Dollars Reward. June 28 iaw3* BRIAN M'LAUGHLIN. c Law Book-Store, ( No. 313, High Street. GEORGE DAVIS begs to inform his profeflionai C friends, that per the Ceres just arrived from Lon don, he has received the Following i'carccand valuable books. State Trials, Ii vol. in 6 and 11 vol. Ruff head's Statutes at large, 16 vol. Woods' Jnftitutes, 1 Coke's Entries, Kartell's do. Browne's do. Hearnes c pleader, Coke's ad, 3d, and 4th Institutes, 2 vol. Roll's t Abridgment, Brooke's do. Bulftrode's Reports, Roll's do. 2 vol. in 1, Floyers Protflor's prat Sice, Clarke's Admiralty, Rutherford's Institutes, Deinology, or the Eloquence and Logic of the Bar. These with his very large colleiJlion from Dublin now on hand, will enable him to supply an entire library or a (ingle book, as ; gentlemen may have occasion on their immediate apt plication. < July 14. 2W2W ! The Public are refpe£tfully < r informed, that all business in the line of a BROKER con- 2 tinues to be tranfa&ed at the office of the fubferiber, No. 234, Market-ftrcet, nest door to the land-office, who re turns his thanks for the patronage he has already been fa vored with. Lands, Su. for sale, in various parts of the United States*-Particulars of which may be feea on application. ' Corr?cl numerical bcoks will be kept of the ton and Canal Lotteries, No. a, and Information given 1 where tickets may be had Money procured on good note; at the shortest notice. 1 , MICHAEL GILL. N. B. A complete assortment of Patent BOLTING CLOTHS, American manufaiflvrc. July 8. {gisvviw . *' '' :: | To be Sold, At No. uS, North Second-Street, and by frotral of 4be Apothecaries in this City. TRANSFERS of the right to remove pjin sand mflamma tion« fTorn the-buman b«dv, as fecurcd txi D r. ELISHA PERKINS, by patent, with uiftf.uments and directions ne ceilarvior the practice. This mode of treatment if particu larly ixtffok in relieving pains in the lieadf face, teeth, brea'.l, fide, flomach, rheumatisms, recent .pouts, &£• & c * Notwit'nftanding the utility of ibis pra&ice, it is not pre -1 famed but there are cases in which this and every other retried v may sometimes tail., , * June 18, 13w War-Office of the United States?, May' 4th, 1796. TPfE following Rules, explanatory of sthofe published the ijth February, 1789, are to be observed by all 1 person? entitled to Lands, in purfuaaceof refolvea of : Congress,. " 5 Every certificate of the acknowledgment of a deed or power of'attorney, either before a notary public of other » magi (Irate, must, in addition to what is ufuat, feb fprth that the parson making the acknowledgment is known to the notary or other magistrate ; for wnich purpose wordt> of the following import mud be inserted in the " And I do moreover certify that the said A B making this acknowledgment has been for personally known to me." If the notary or other magistrate has reason to believe that he istheperfon he represents be, he wil" also certify :t. Andifthe proof be made by a witnefsorwitrielTes,h«x)r tfitymuft swear to fomegeneral (lateof thdir knowledge ot him, which matter must be set forth in the certilicate ; and ' the notary public, or other before \vh»m acknowledgment is made, muit also set forth that the wit neis or witnefles has or liaye been for upwards of personally known to him. • • ' If a justice of the peace is employed, the clerk of the court of. the corporation or county ntuft certify that such person i$ a justice of the, peai?e oft therouinty or corpora tion as the cafe may be, and that full faith is due tw his a&sasfuch. JAMES M'HENRY, Secretary of War. May iz. 1 avJsm George Dobson, BEGS leave to inform the Stc*re-Keepers in Town aqd Country, that he ha» removed from Market-Street to N°* 25, south Third-street, where he is opening a Large and Elegant Assortment of the undermentioned articles—viz. Superfine London Cloths and Kerseymeres, Yorkshire second Do. Do. Elastic do. do. Mijt'd;*nd 3iue Coatings Flannells, See. Manchester Printed Callicoes, London Chintz ditto, Blue and ditto Furnitures, India dijjo, Long Cloths, Coflaes, Baftaa, Battillas& Conjevrems, 4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Muilins, 4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, 4-4 and 9.8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 &6>4 plain do Mufli.as, 4-4 & 6-4 British Jaconet?, 6-4 British Checks and' Stripes, 4-4 India do. do. do. 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, See, .A large affoitment of figur'd and plain Mqflinets, Quillings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy Waiftcoatings, Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback^ India Nankeens, Men's White and coloured Silk stockings. May 9 For Sale, A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill, IN New Jersey, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour., The Grift Mill is sixty by forty feet, two water wheels, j and calculated for four run of Stones, with screen, fans and boulting-cloths, &c. The Saw-Mill has two faws,and capable ofcuttingfiveto ; 6 ioo thoufandfectof Boards per year. A valuable piece ef Cedar Swamp, within a mile and a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile of a Landing The Lumber, &c. may be taken by water from the mill tail. ALSO FOR SALE, Several Valuable Tra&s of Land, In Pennsylvania, for all of which payment will be receiv- ' ed in the notes of Messrs Morris and Nicholfon, or in Ca(h. For further information apply to the Printer. ' W»y I T> saw JOSEPH COOKE,; ! GOLDSMITH JEWELLER, | The corner of Market and Third-streets, Philadelphia; " MOST refpe&fully informs his friends and the public, i that he has received, per the iaft arrivals, a com plete and general aflortment of almost r Every Article in his Line; Immediately from the manufactures of London, Bir- 1 mingham, and Sheffield, all of which are of the newest , falhion, and will be feld, wholesale and retail, en the .ow eft terms, and the Notes of Mr. Robert Morris, and Mr. p JohnNicholfon received in payment at their current value, N. B. The upper part of theHoufe in which he now 6 lives to be let, furnifhet! Pr unfurnilhed. jaw i Lottery and Broker's Office, a N* 64. South SecondJlrett, f TICKETS in the Canal Lottery No. II,~ are now reft- " sale, a Check Book kept for the examination of Tickets, and Prizes paid, without dedu&ion. '' The Subscriber solicits the application of the Public or any ot his friends who wifli to purchjfe or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands, ' Lotts or Merchatldize of any kind, or to obtain Money * on (Ecpofit of property. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Late J gent for the Canal Lottery Company. Shares an i Tickets in the late Newport Long < Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery examined; a complete lift of all the prizes having been received at this office. June 6. w&s # Public Notice is given, rO the merchant, and orhers concerned in the (hipping ' at Srate-Ifland, under quarantine, that a Cart will ' attend every mo.ning, sundays excepted, from nine to i ten o'clock, at the Health office, No. i% Wa)nut-ftrect, to 1 convoy provisions or other Refrelhments to the Hospital, ' and for the use of the crews. It is expe&ed that the Bags, Baflcets, or other packag- ' es with replies, will be direded with th« name of the vef- ! fel and captain fti*y are intended for, to prevent milUko ' at delivery. By order of the Board of Health'for the port of Phila>- ' delphla, LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH, Chairman. July H § .< Insurance Company of N. A. TPHE Dividend agreed upon by the Dircflors, for the A la ft fix months, is One Dollar- and One Eighth of a Dollar on each Ibarc of stock in this Company; which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal rcjirefenta tives, at any time after the 21ft instant. Ky order of the Directors, IiBENEZER HAZARD. Scc>y. July 1* m&ttji't For Sale, f A Few Calks of Firit Quality INDIGO. K Enquire at No. 71, South Water ftr«et. May - - ftf )• "GEORGE HUNTERT" : t . : C'H-Er MIS T, ' ■ " . No. 114 SoMth TSecond Street, HAS for thele two years part introduced a newfpccies of PERUVIAN BARK, called YELLOW | BARK, which after repeated trials Jjy the principal Physicians of this, city, is now preferred in ill cases, of importance that require it, to the bcft Jiad and Pale :t * Bark. It is a powerful Astringent Bitter, fits'well on l ", the stomach, is certain in its effects, and requires only 0 half the usual qiiantftyfor adofe. Many of the citizen? of Ph;l.irtct}rh:a -rc-now ac quainted with its virtues, the knowledge of whirl* ought to be extended over she Unipn. Hi; has a large to fuppl/bf the Yellow Bark, and a general aTorrmcnt of ds Drugs, Colours, Glass', Dye Stuffs, &c. ' '«•, . ' LIKEWISE, ~ . ]y Salt Petre, Jalap, and Carriphor, By the -Quantity. ve May 19. *iaw7t FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. or. c { nAN away from the fubferiber living near Churck ' 1( j !v Hill, Qu'en Anns County in the State df Maryland' - about the firit of January last, a black negro,man, named Sam, about thirty years of age, ; feet 8 pr 9 inches high, has a crooked finger, on one hand, and one leg and foot smaller than the other, fome'what round-shouldered, his !e cldathing unknown. Any person who wilt or" bring said fellow home, so that 1 may get him again ihaU a . have the ibove reward with reiforiatile chargfcs. lis WILLIAM -JACOBS.' 4- * uwim, Mr. FRANCIS, (Of the New Thcatrt) ' TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to hi* scholars and to the public. Mr. Francis to on his return from Maryland, to open a public aca demy for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He flatters himlelf that his attention to his pupils hi • therto renders any of condut!\ipg his future schemes on the rtioft liberal and ftrj&eft terms, of pro priety, totally unnece/Tary. N, B. Private tuition as usual. University of Pennsylvania, July 16, 179®. r P'HE Summer Vacation will take place on Monday next, x the 18-h inft, aDd continue for Four weeks. —Thediffej" ■ ent Schools with the several Tui o'is will accordingly re aflemble on Monday, thp ljlh day of Au-;uft. CO3 By the Faculty, W M , Rocirs, Sec'y. NOTICE. ALL perfoss having Bufincfs with JAMES SWAN, Esq. *re desired to apply at Mr, John V/iuchad's, No. icq So. Front-Street —For J AMES SWAN. ROBOLPH ESCHMANN; / >'y 8. i Rofs & Simfon, HAVE FOR SALE, French Checks — Stripes Printed Cottons ' Muilincts Table Cloths and Napkins Nankeens of an excellent Quality per the package, fit s, for the Weft India market, and entitled to the Drawback is Grey Ginger in bags d Superior old Sherry in quarter casks r A few pipes and quarter calks Lisbon Winas ~ e J une S 2W e J w proposals FOR CARRYING THE Mails of the United States, _ On the following routes, will be teceived by the Pollniafttr < j at Savannah, until the firlf day of September next. 1. From Savannah by Sunbury to Newport li lid 'e, once a week. Receive the Mail at Savannah every Saturday bv 9 A M, jr . rive at Sunbury by 6P M, and at Newport IS 1 on Sun day by to AM. Returning. Leave Newport Bridge on Sun nay bv 3 P M, and ai rive at Sunbury in the- evening, and at Savannah on Monday by 6 P M. ° f a. From Newport Bridge by Dariea and Brunfwiek. to St. > Mary's, mee in two weeks. Receive the Mail at Newport Bridge eVfcry other Sunday ntfon, and arrive at St. Mary's the next Wedr.efdav b»tP M. Returning. Leave St. Mary's ihe next day-* Thursday by 8 A M, and arrive at Fftvvport Bridge the wext.Sunday by 10 \ M# " ... Note 1 If either of the routes are altered by law, during the con- ' tmuance of the Contracts, the Contractor is toolfervc fuc/i alterations " in carrying the mail, and hi i pay is to be encreafed or dimhijhed, i« • proportion to the distance encreafed or diminified by fucfr aiteialio 7. ' ' I nJi" LC *" ftff-Pty'-'' tc vperatitm, cn the Jir/l day of r October next, anito continue for four years until the 30 th Septem far, 1800, inclufirz-e. Note 3. ThePoft Maflcr General may alter the times oj arrival and departure at afly tine during the continuance of the Contrails, he prmoujly fiipulating an adequate compensation for any extra exbenfc . that may be occa fumed thereby. ' 1 Note 4. Fifteen minute< [hall beal omei fir opening andiJofinr ■ the mail at all offices where no particular time is fpecifed. r Note For every hour's delay funavoidable accidents excepted) in arriving after the times pre/cubed in any lOntraO, the contractor ' /ball forfeit cne dollar And if the delay continue unlit t'-e depart • lire oj any depending mail, whereby the maih de,/lined for fuck de pending mil frail lofeatrip, the centraSor frail forfeit ten deliort —to be deduced from hij pay, JOSEPH HABERSHAM, Post-Master General General Post Office, Philadelphia, June 18, 1796. nw6w Urbanna Mill Seats , QITUATE in Cecil county, Maryland, on the banks* U the river Sufquehanna, about one mile above tide wa r;rr, mn 7 d r g th i wa,cr ° f that h M M t trad£ of which so near InrfMl fCf ? lt , C0 "' Venientto f P«k the boats; and, Mills may be so fituatedas to receive them along their walls, and by water lifts take in their cargoes. r t | ( !' "a f ° w f r fuffi cient for many and any kind of U Vafer \Vark« and so much may be juflly said in . onamendanon of tins Scite as would h, incon to in fort nowfpopvr «J!? re^oma^ eC , re , t0 be cen «rned, willprobably find th cmfelves well pleased on viewing the situation. ,1 Z7lP T u ° f 7 earS mi >' be >"> appli • t0 thc fubferiber, living on the premises. 4 ~ CLEMENT HOLLYDAT. iaw3m PRINTED BY. JOHN FENNO, —No. x ig— CHESNUT-9TREET. [Priec Bight Dollars per Ann»n»,J i ■ i . - • ■* •./'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers