oft Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. , rl j> " SATURDAY EVENING* fULT q, [Volvmc X. M-wrm 1196.3 s ( — rrrr.— — CjkL For Sale, (♦ ?♦} (On a liberal, credit) JL VV;- The fad failing copper-bottomed BRIG for Safe-''2 Amiable Mati.da, mte, IN compleat order for sea, with a ircigl4 0,. nan, , - SAMUEL oMITH, aroicr, imri T') ,u § .on 1 J"'y 7- M» For Sale, m faft '" about f" r *r^'v ht IR 1 be made a Packet of at a small expenfc,—wants ye- J V rylittle to be fated for a Welt-Ihdia voyage Apply to abo Samuel Breck, jun. Rofs's Wharf. f nla Jtfirrt may he had, a few cloa French Silks and id quality French g Broadcloths. July 7 . For MADEIRA, . The Bchooner FR 1E NDS H I Pi' P mjzm, Stephen Curtis, tnafter, I AN exceeding good vefTel, will -fail in the course of ten days. For freight er passage apply to the matter on hoard, at Chefnut-ftreet wharf, or to JOS. ANTHONY and Co. July 5. * lw For Sale or Charter, 2009 Bbls. of floor—lhe may be fert to lea at a small cxpence', her fails aiHf*frigging being i-1 «ry«oodordw— IT , „ Jantes Camp be'l, or - George Latimer. April, »9- $ Snow Hebe. J FOR SALB, ° n ThC S "° W " U£ ' lar A faithful Philadelphia buik veflel, car- wei 1,3000 bushels of grain or 2600 barrels flour, it rea dy to take in a cargo. She is about fo-.ir yearaoid. 7 Apply to PETi-R BLIGHT. Who has for sale, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. AWb, A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE, June 6 t0 " FOR SALE, THE Oargo of the (hip Catharine, John Farraday, mas f ter, from Hifpaniola, at the wharf of Messrs. Jeffs & fto L bert Wain, . Consisting of ' " Hog&eads of SUGAR 51 Hogfticads*) cof?FEE 2cß Baq;s j 44 Hhd«.of Clarified MOLASSES 72 Bales of Cotton also ro* »Ate, The said ship, BURTHEN about 24 or 2500 barrels— _ Strong, well found, and may be sent to at a small expeofe. Apply to John Craig'. June It' ■ , ■ -jT. - M jggkn For Hamburg, Ni Ma,, THE AMERICAN SHIP HARRIET,.;. Thomas W. Ncrman, Commander, A remarkable fine, fad-failing lhip, 'with excellent accorn- Cf modat ions for passengers. A considerable pa-rt'of engaged and ready to go on board, and is expe&ed to fail in 10 days, for freight or passage, apply to the captain on ~~ board, the lower fide of Vvalr.ut-ftreet wharf, or to >i Peter Kuhn. Jttne aS ' Mr. F k ANCIS, {Of the New Theatre) TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to his scholars and to the public. Mr. Francis intends, lii on his return from Maryland, to open a public aca demy for dancing, upon, a Jijan .entirely new. He flatters himlelftlnt Bis attention to fiir pupiirnr- thfto renders any promises of conducing his future schemes on the mnu liberal and flrifleft terms, of pro priety, totally unneceflary. N. B. Private t,uition as ufuil. FOR S A L E v THE unexpirsd time of a MULATTO BOY, who has several years to serve, and be Avcll recommend «d for honesty and fobri ty. Enquire of the Prip-ter. J»ly 7- §' w '"wenty Dollars Reward. ' awav frr.m the SabTcriber, living near Haniiburgh, . oiio-v of Dauphin, and Stateof Pennsylvania, on Sun n A NFGRO MAN, namfd SAM, about 17 Or 10 v sos ase, 5 fecr, 7or 8 inches high ; no particular 4:but »pt «o look down when charged with a fault. Mad e I took awyy* a home-madr cloth coat,, and overalis of "i ue, ftriptd jean jacket, fell hat, alraoft new, calf skin and white ftiirt. Ine abr>Ve teward will be paid to any person who will fe •cure said negro in any goal, so that his maftcr may hear of the fame, and teafonablc charges paid, x if brought home to RICHARD DEARMOND. June 29 *eodiw JO'S E P H CO O KE, GOLDSMITH JEWELLER, The corner of Market and Third-streets, Philadelphia; MOST refpeftfully informs his friends and the public, that he has received, per the last arrivals, a com plete and general assortment ofalmoft Every Article in his Line; Immediately from the manufactures of Londofe, Bir mingham, and Sheffield, all of whieK are of the newest falbion, and w*ill be fold, wholefalc and retail, on the .aw eft terms, and the Notes of Mr. Robert Morris, and Mr. . JohnNicholfon received in payment at their current value, N. B. The upper part of theHoufe in which he now , lives to be let, fr.rniftied or unfurnilhed. law "WWARirSTOW, jun. HA 5 moved his accompting house from No. 4, South Water-fireet, to 76, North Front ftriet. S' w Take Notice, THAT the Subscriber intends to maice applica tion for tfa renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609, T for 4000 HoU irn, dated the 14th Detembrr, 1795, bearing j inte*ft at s£p< .- cent Iroia ill January, 1796, ii» the * - name of David rdale & Co. of Loeds, in V*ik- ' Ihire, merchaiits. Tl»e fame iifappofed to have been loft j on i'.jwiv to New York, under cover to Blee«k«r & March, of thatplacc, on the 6th tf January last- Thoma# M'Euen. Philadelphia, aldjuoc, 1796. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. 1 t TJ AN away from the TuWcriber living near Church - I IV Hill, Qu-en « nns County in the State of Maryland* 1 about the tirlt of Jajiuary last, ablack negro man,named Sam, about thirty years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, has a crooked finger on one hand, and one leg and foot fnialler than the other, somewhat rsund-Ihouldsred, his eloathing unknown. Any person who will feture or bring said fellow home, so that 1 may get him agiin fhatl kave the above reward with reasonable charges. In WILLIAM JACOBS. June «. *lawim, A small Invoice PER the ship Harriet, capt.Thomas W. Norman, from £ Hamburgh, confiding of Ravens Duck, 2 Damalkand l XabUC loth« Diaper j Holland Linen Cambrics, Sec. ' < it>«o, J A NEAT Of j Gold and iilver Watches. n ' Which will be difpefed of together or by the package. i , Apply to ' fsaae Harvey, jun. No. j South Water Street. f" June 45 '• 1 rSN UE'VAitQ. 1 g ml' mfeHk f -i - TUNE s.'ti t streets, a red c J VOR inir.g a Check on the Ba: by Peter and i Henry M" , for i,coe> dot- t lars, and lev :ogether with a r (hare in-tie • it papers of no a ir " conlequente but r< Whoev. ' to No. i rket street, lhall c receive the . : :ovi rev N.B. Pay.'Mnt of the Check « f d the Bank. June 15. 5 ' ■At. "tiSrJes. ~ ; The, Cargo at t vsa;.;;;s! cap:, •. inguy, from Cal cutta and Bengal, j COM.uTIMO or las /* Lar{* general afforftnertt of Bengal and Madras 1 J.O rVi COITON »BdKIIiKGOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE A variety fine wbrked andplain Mujlins, Doreas, Itfc. A lfo, A Quantity of Exce''ent Sugar, la boxes and bags—and BI#ACK PEPPEB-. For Sale by Willings ££ Francis, No. 21 Pecn Street. June 8 § , Fifty Dollars Reward. Los r, T'HF lift evening, between 1; and 1 o'clock, a large Red * ~± MOROCCO POCKET-HOOi;, con aiwinfr 20 or 30 j Notes oi Hand (inclosed in a parchment) to a confic'erable a mount. \lfo, fundrv paorrs, ■ rtrifira'cs "01 6 per cent, stock, a deed of a house and lot ift &c Sc &ic. Thc,above reward wil' be paid o » *he fame to the Pi inter hereof. As it is.»f jjrejtconfequence to the owu ei, uis hoped will n»l be wnhheJH. 0 ; s Thepavmcat of the Notes is ft oped. I in •B ————— —r—r—: • New Hat and Hofiery-fto.re, WHOLESALE 4NT) V.F.TAJT, - By WILLIAM M'DOITGALL, AU. 134_ Mirhet-llieeti Third door trom the corner )f Fourth, f'- uth fide bi« Men'a Black American and E HAs ,oi various qua ds, lilies and prices 10a- oUfo Drabs and Green unders H e Ladies 1 ditto, black, and a Urge afTortment of fancy jjj.- ~c*noured and faTKionablc Tniftraiwgt. Youths Black and Drabmoloured do. ,ro " Children's fancy do All kinds of Silk, Silk & Cotton, Cotton & Thread HOSE _ Knit, coloured Pantaloons Do. Drawers Do. Breeches Patterns II as Silk Gloves :nd- Knotted, coloured do. Cotton A quantity of Mending Cu ton, sorted colours, .v The Hats finifheain the newell fafhion. June 27. eo*m * ghi Kofs *ime and earliest r.rodud:*ia".s of thoScafon. { \_ Large ar.d small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be accommodated with Brealsfafts, rfinfaVrs, or Supper?, at hours moll cqnv nient to tlv.iniclves —a cold Collation i> 'as tegular iyt kept fdr convcniency, the Bill of Fare to be had to The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhei, and cie the utmoß attention paid to cleanliness, and every other requiOte. 0- SF.GS leave to inform the Store-Keeper® in Town and l ° Country, that be has removed from Market-Street to N°- 25, south Third-street, where be is opening a Large and Elegant Assortment of tht jj. undermentioned article -—viz. ft -*> Superfine London Cloths and Kerseymeres, f, a YOl WThire second Do. Do. ; s -J do. do. a Mix'd and Blue Coatings v Flannells. &C. a Manchclier Printed Callieoes, London Chiniz ditio, ' Blue and ditto FurnjtU'es, UJ .' India ditto, . Long Cloths, Colftes, Baftas, Battillasfc Conjevrcms, 4-4 9-8 J-4 &16-4 Sup«fine India Book MuQins, 4-4 and g-8 India Book Handkerchief*,' ' ind 4-4 aoil ditto, —- —: ~ ~~ P'aiodo. Muflii-r"" £ 4-4 &«. 4 BMtilh JSSoneis, 1 6-4 Ei itilh Checks and Stripes, <] )SE 4"4 India do. do. do. c 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, &c. A large affonuncnt of-ligur'd arid plain Mufiincts, 1 Quiltings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, t Fancy Wail'eoatings, t Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjefl to Drawback, a India Nankeens, f Men's White and colsured Silk stockings. „ Mav 9 Saweott Yazoo Lands. May be had at the Editor's Office 1 19, Chcfnut-fireet, A few Copies of " a Report of the Attorney - Genetal to Congress containing a Collection of . Charters, Treaties a'>id> other Documents, i , fit relative to and explanatory of the the Land ; ick situate in the South Weltern parts of the United States, and claimed by certain Companies under a - law of the State of Georgia, passed January 7th. 1 2w *795- 1 Lottery and Broker s OlHce, TV® 64 South Second street, TCKETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the examination '42 of Tickets, and Prizes paid, without.ded^lion. The Subscriber solicits the application 0! the Public or any ot his friends who wiih to purch fc or felt Bank Stock, , Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands, ( Lotts or Merchandize of any lcind, or to obtain Money ( L_ ondepo6t«f property. 2, WILLIAM BLACKBURN, firft Late A 1 gent for the' Canal Lottery Company. hef- Shares ail 1 Tickets in the late Newport Long cor- Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottary examined; a complete lift of all the prizes having been received at they this office. its June 6. w&s ■IFOR S /f L E, A. very Valuable Eflate, CALLED TW IT TENH AM, situate in the townfuip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware, 7 t-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the uew Weflcrn road : containing 130 acres of excellent land, 45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood land, awd the reft arable of the firft quality. There arc on the premises a good two story brick house, with 4 roema on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well of excellent \vat£* in fronta large frame barn, Uab.ks, end other £OBYU?icnt nildingt; a-ii»oke-houf that fh? may be brought to prefecution, lhall I receive Ten Dollars Reward. s I June 48 saw 3* BRIAN M'LAUGHLIN.