Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 05, 1796, Image 1

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of the Huiteujl tUtZS, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
NUMBER 1192.] TUESDAY EVENING, JULT 5, 3796, [VOl.umf. X.
For Sale or Charter,
aooo Bbls. of floor—fhe may be sent J
to ftaat a small expellee, her fails and rigging being in
very good order—apply to ,
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April, *9- - * - -
Snow Hebe.
The Snow HEBE, e
A faithful Philadelphia built veflel, car
ries 1,3000 bushels of grain or j6do barrels flour, is rea
dy to take in a cargo. She is about four years old.
Apply to PETER BLI GHT. ,
Who has for sale,
ir, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. •
Also, 1
. 6 f
~ For Cadiz, • \
011 or a^ollt
j||&' The (hip Hazen, '
ipfg B. Cobb, matter,
. 'jii lleut accommodations for Passengers. For pafTage
a\ ply to Miller and Hoope, at NeW-York; or_to
1;e pr Inter hereof. [June 13. t3 w J_
- Car"o of the (hip Catharine, John Farraday, mas
m HLfpaniola, at the wharf of Messrs. Jeff-" & Ro
• aln,
156 Hogsheads of SUGARS
5 1 Hogfheads^ COFfEE (
44 Hhds.of Clarified MOL.*SSE:S
74 Biles of Cotton
a sj£~ The said ship,
ffijitV BURTHEN about 24 or 2JOO barrels—
[[ryryj? Strong, well found, and may be sent to
at a fmail expense. Apply to
John Craig.
ix . - £
•,! FOr Hamburg,
5%7 Thomas W. Norman, Commander,
lajkable fine, feft-failing-(hip, with excallem accorti
ns for pafTcngers. A confkkrablepartjof her cargo is
c and ready to go on board, and is expected to fail in 1
For freight or paflagc, apply to the captain on
he lower fidfc of Walnut-ftrcct wharf, or to
Peter Kuhn.
28 V°
* ■ ii'b R O K E R,
PECTFULLY Informs his friends and the
blic that he has removed his office to his house No.
:frrut Street,next door to his former refidetvee, where,
finefsin the line of a Broker, «re faithfully tranf
. d Money procured to any amount at a moment's notice.
- be kept a numerical book of the drawings of all
L tries now extant —For the piirchafe of Tickets, infor-
Ic vilfbegiven asufual. Canal Tickcts in the feennd'
now for sale. From every information received,
ton Lottery will abfoTutely commence in a few days,
e 24. d.t.f.
(Of the New Theatre)
'"\i ES this opportunity of returning thanks fa hi*
lolars and to the public. Mr. Francis intehdsj
etufn from Maryland, to open a public aea
uui>; .or dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He
flatters himfelf that his attention to his pupils hi- I
iherto renders any promises of conducing his future 1
schemes on the most liberal and ftri<fteft terms, of pro- 1
priety, totally unneceflary.
N. B. Private tuition at 11 full. 1
T O L E T,
Ready furniihed, for three or four months, certain,
A GENTEEL three story brick house, No. 70,
North Eighth-flreet. For terms enquire of
Mr'. Francis as abcrve.
June ag. . dtf.
This Day* at Willifigs & Fr«uicis's wharf, from the Brandy
wine Miller,
A cargo of Rum & Sugar
from St. Croi*.
Fpr Sale by
John Nixon & Co.
tonpas . >xo
A Polt-Chaife wanted.
WANTED immediately to purchafc, a freond-hand Poft
•Chaife, with Harness for two horses and Brafj Furniture.
It muilbe in goofl coiidinon.
• Esquire at No. 73 south Front-street.
]uly 1 : }3_
Bank of North-America,
July I, 1796.
At a meet ink of theDireflors, a Dividend was declared
of aijc rtR CENT, for the last half year, which wifl
be paid to anytime afier the 10th inftsnt.
By order of the Board,
JOHN NIXON, Prcfidtnt.
Urbarma - Mill Seats ,
S" ITUATE in Cecil county, IvlsrylanS, on the banlcio
the ri*er Sufauehanrta, abwt o),e m.le above)
ter, TndTommanling th, w, C r of that
the channel conducting the tnde of
the Mill Seats as to make it eenvenmntto/peak the boats,
ltd MuS be so rnua:cd , to along the,
walls and by water lifts taltein their cargoes. .
TKere is a power fufficieft for many and arty k.nd of
uWul Water and fc iduch may be pllty fa.d m
commendation of this Scite is would b* inconvenient to
cation to the fubfenoa, urjilXD^f.
April 19. ' V
Take Notice,
' I 'HAT the Subscriber intends to ma*e applica
-1 ti»n for the renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609,
| for 4OQO dollars, dated the 14th December, 1795.bearing
interest at 5 £ per cent, from id January, 1796, in the
name of David Dunderdale & Co. of L«:ds, in Yerk
fijire, rjerchants. The fame isfoppofed to have been 101 l
on its way to New York, under cover to Bleecker &
March, of th»t placc, on the 6th of January last-
Thomas M'Euen.
Philadelphia, aid June, 1736. §6w
A YOUTH of fr«m 12 to 15 yean of age, o£ refpc&able
character and conneftioiis, as aa Apprentice t9 the Mer
cantile bufmefs.
Apply to the Printer*
j"" e . .. ii
THE Members of this State Society are herebv notified
that theii Aoniverfary Meeting, for the pu'pofe of elect
ing Officers of the Society, and tranfafting such other busi
ness as may come before thrm, will be held on the 4th day of
July next, in the State Hoqfe, at to o'clock in the morning :
where their punfhial attendance is leq efted. After the bu
siness is finilhed, the Society will adjourn to Mr. O'Ellers
Hotel, in order to celebrate the birth-day of our Fiircoii
and Independence. The dinner will be on the table at
3 o'Clock,- The Members of the other State Socirties of the .
Cincinnati, who may be in this city on that day, are particu
larly invited to join in celebrating it.
By order of the (landing Committe,
June 84
A small Invoice
PER the ship Harriet, capt.Thomas W.Norman, from
Hamburgh, confiding of
Ravens Duck,
Pamafe and 1 Tab]# c , oths
nff* 1 Piaper J
Holland Linen
Cambrics, src.
Gold and silver Watches.
Wkich will be difpefed of together or by the package.
Apply to
Isaac Harvey, jitn. - v
No. 5 South Water Street.
June is §jw'
JUNE 15th, between Shippenand Market ftrcets, a red
VOROCCO POCjtET BOOK, Containing a Clieck
on the Bank of the United States, drawn l»y Peter and
Henry Mierckenin favor of Mr. R, Totter, for I/300 dol
lars, and fevers! notes of hand pad due ; together with a
share in tfce New Theatre, and/cver'al other papers of no
contequence but to the owner. '
Whoever will bring it to No. >36 Market street, (hall
receive the above reward.
N.B. Payment of the Check is flopped at the Bauk.
June IS- §
Sales of India Good^.
The Cargo «f the ship Ganges, capt. Tingsy, from Cal"
cutta and Bengal,
A Large and general affortmer.t of Bengal aud Madras
A vartety fine imrked and plain Mufllns,
Dorfcas, Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
111 afed bags—and BLACK PEPPER.
For Sale by
Willings & Francis,
No. 21 Penn Street.
June 8 §
fifty Dollars Reward.
THE last evening, between 5 2nd 7 o'clock, a large Red
MOROCCO POCKET-BOOK, containing 20 or 30
Pwoteslof Hand (incloted in a Parchment) to a considerable a
moufit. Also, fiindry papers, Certificate* *of 6 per cent,
ilock, a deed of a*lioufeand lot in &c. Bcc.Sct.
The above reward will be paid oft delivering the fame te
the Pi inter hereof. Asitis of great confequcnce to the own
er, it is hoped it will not be wiibhe!<3.
The payment of the Notes is Copped.
t fo" c «9 -
New Hat and Hosiery-store,
No. I 34. Market Jlreet,
Third door from the corner of Fourth, south fide
Men's Black American and English HATS, of various qua
lities and prices
Ditto Drabs and Green unders
Ladies' ditto, black, and a large aflortment of fancy do.
Coloured Beavers, With a great variety of elegant and
fashionable Ttimmings
Youths Black and Drab-coloured do.
Children's fancy do
All kinds of Silk, Silk Sc Cotton, Cotton & Thread HOSE
Knit, coloured Pantaloons
Do. Drawers
Do. Breeches Patterns
Silk Gloves
Knotted, coloured do. Cotton
A quaiyfty of Mending Cotton, sorted colours.
(£3" The Hats finilhed in the newest fa/hion.
Jdnc 27. eoim
Rofs & Simfon,
French Checks
PrintedjCotfbns /C '
Table ani M«ptcfns
NankecJis ps an excellent quality per the package, fit
for the Weft India market, and entitled to the Drawback
Grey Ginger in bags
Superior old Sherry In quarter caflcs
A few piptfs and quarter cifks Lisbon Wines
June %% 5 lw
For sale by the fubferibers,
T3O quarter Cherts fretb Hyson Tea;
i<io ditto do. frelh Souchong Tea;
Boies Chifla. containing fmail tea- setts of 4J
400 pieces Bandiho«.
Willing fe* Francis.
Janmry ,g 3 taw.
„ No. 76 High Street,
HAS rscfeved, by the latest arrivals from Europe and
the Efc Indies, » well fele&ed afTortment of Silk
Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdaftery Goods ; which
he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowefl terms j
ajwongst which are,
Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and silver
Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad Mulmul ditto
Do do do do Handkerchiefs
Some extra black colored Perftans
Bandano Handkerchiefs
Long and short Nar.keens
£nglifh Mantuas of the firft quality
: Damask table linen and napkins, very fine
Silk Hoficry, an elegant affortmant
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas—green silk, oil'ddo. and do cloth
French cambrics, very fiiie *
Iriih Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 $
I A Genteel family wish to rent a COUNTY SEAT,
_LJL in an agreeable situation, within a few miles of
. Philadelphia. If furnifhed, it would bemore agreea
f ble.
: Apply personally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr.
• Yeatman's, No. 225, South second street, corner of
1 Second street - June 6. §
{ " Just Arrived,
5 . In the Snow Eofton, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li
• verpool,
5000 B'.tfTioii SALT ;
rca Crater QUEFNS WARE ; and
An Affoitmeiit of SHIP CHANDLERY;
On board, at Pitie-ftreet wharf. Apply to
, James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April 3s. f
For Sale,
A Three fiery BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
street, between tront and Secor.d (IrGets, in whidh
•Mcffrs, James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and
now do):carricd 011 bilfinefs.
Pot i : en will be given in one month, or i'ooner.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
April 3 I ■ $
Samuel Richardet,
P ESEECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen
. Merchants, that he' has this day opened the CITY
city of Philadelphia;
The Su-bfcription floom will be furnifhed with all the
diily papers publifted in Philadelphia, Nsw-York, Bos
? ton, Baltimore, together with those of the princip' l ! com-,
mercial cities of Europe —They will be filed
and none permitted to be taken away on any account.
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
° of Frcneh Liquors; together^with the usual refrefhmeiits,
.1 will at all times b- procured at the bar.
1 Gentlemen mny depend on being accommodated with
the choicdl of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most
approved Malt Liquors fremLondon and other breweries.
The Larder will be Applied with the prime and eariipfl
produAions of tho Scafon.
Large and small Parties, cr fmgle Gentlemen, may be
accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
hoursmoft convenient to themselves—a cold Collation is
regui:>frly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had
at ths bar.
l£ The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed,
the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and every other
5 Simuel Richardet will bfe happy to receive, and
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
large; and with gratitude for their favotrs, he pledges
himfelf that nothing on his part fhalibe wanting to pre
fer vc that patronage wifti which he has been io diftinguifh
ingly \ionorcd.
Philadelphia, April 19. i
A LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. 124
Spruce street, with a convenient stable and Coach,
for sale a Chariot but little the werfe for
u se. Jtme i. eotf
> George Dobson,
BKGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and
Countrv. that Ue has removed from Market-Street to
j N°* 25, fputh Third-street,
where 13 opening a Large and Elegant Affcrtment of the
undermeationed articles—vii.
Superfine London Cloths and -Kerfeyme.rcr,
Yorkshire second Do. Do.
Elastic do. do.
Mix'd and Biue'Coatiogs
Flannclls, See.
Manch.eftcr Prjnud Callicoei.
London Chintz ditto,
Blue and ditto Furnitures,
India ditto,
Long Cloths, Coflaes, Baftas, EaMtilaslf Conjevrems,
4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Muslins,
4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs,
4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto,
4-4 8c 6-4 plain do. IVluflins,
1 4-4 & 6-4 Britifli Jaconet#,
6-4 Britilh Checks and Stripes,
4-4 India do. do, do.
4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, Sec.
- A large afToTtraent of figur'di and plain Muflincts,
Quilticgs, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens,
Fancy Waiftcoatings,
Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjefi to Drawback,
India Nankeens,
Men's White and colottrcd Silk ftocAings.
May 9
_ ' Yazoo Lands.
May te had at the Editor's Office 119, Chefnut-J}rect>
A few Copt«> •'HEVfort of the Attorney
Genetal ot
Charters, Treaties aud othr Documents,
relative to and explanatory of the Title to the Land
lituate in the South Weltetn parts of the United
States, and claimed by certain Companies under a
t law of the State of Georgia, passed January 7th,
Lottery and Broker's Office,
A"' 64 South Secondflreet,
TICKETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea
dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the examination
of Tickets, and Prizes paM, without dadu&ion.
The Subscriber folicitt the application of the Public or
any ot his friends who wish to purchase or fell Bank Stock,
Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands,
j Lotts or Merchandize of any kind, or to obtain Money
on deposit of property.
Late Jgenl for the Canal Lottery Company. j
Jane 6.
By the Brig Welcome Return, from Savannah,
27 Bales COTTON..
tiy the Schooner Abigail, from Charlejlon,
100 Calks Prime RICE.
1 And, by the Schooner John, from Bojlon,
SEWING-SILKS, various colours,
COSSAHS, and India Bandanno Handkchfs.
For Silt by
N. & J. Frazier,
No. 95, South Front street-
Whc have also on hand, and for Sale,
Pritpe Boston BEEF, in barrels,
Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c.
May 31 row&ftm
A Small Invoice of
Fo Sale, by
No. 95, South Front-Street.
June 18. 2w3ta\r.
A very Valuable Estate,
CALLED TIVITTENHAM, situate in the
town ship of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware,
7 1-2 miles from Phiiad.lphia, and half a mile from the
new Weflernroad: containing 230 acres of excellent land,
45 of which are good watered meadow, go of prime wood
land, and the rell arable of the firft quality.. There are
on the preniifes a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms
on a floor, and collars under the whole, with a
of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, (tables,
and other convenient buildings ; a smoke-house and ltone,
spring-house ; two good appie orchards, and on4of peach
es. The fields are all la clover, except those immediately
under tillage, and are so laid out as to have th? advantage
of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly cpn
venient for grazing.
The situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the hjgh
cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, antfthe
vicinity to the city, it is very suitable for a gentlemsn's
country feat.
The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Hafman,
deccafedj and offered for sale by .
Mordecai Lewie,
OA. 9. eo.J Surviving Executor,
China Goobs.
TH E Ship Atlantic, Si'as Sivaine, Commander,
from Canton, will commence the difcharje of her
cargo to-morrow morning at Wslnut-ftreet wharf;
Confifling of
Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent quality
Persian Tafietics, black and coloured
Lustrings, do. (Jo-
Sattins black of various qualities
Sewing silks in aflorted colours
VermiHion in boxes >
Caflia in chests
Quick It! "er in jars
YOUNG HYSON ( rrettileas.
CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Tablt and T*a
Sets generally afTorted.
WHITE SUGiARS, and a quantity of
First quality Bengal SALT PETRE.
For Sale by
Philip Nick/in & Co.
April 8.
} ■ ■ ■ . _ „m _ -
For publishing by Subscription, that celebrated Work,
1 Godwin's Political justice.
' From the last London Edition.
!. It will be published in twe large volumes, duodecimo.
11. Price to Subfcribers,two dollars,handfomely bound,
to be paid on delivery of the work,
111. As soon as a number of Subscribers appeal, fuffi
oient to defray thc expence, it shall be put to preis.
IV. The names of the Subscribers shall be prefixed.
I"he following Charafler of this wiui
is extratfted from the Monthly Review, f 3ti, 31a, for
March, 1793,
" We have no small degree of pleasure in announcing
the present work to our readers ; as one wh ch from the
freedom of its enquiry, the grandeur of its vie ws, and the
fortitude of its principl-s, is eminently deserving of atten
tion. By this cutoghmi, we would by no means be und"-
stood to fubferibe to all the principles which thr
contain. Knowledge is not yet arrived — <nar degree of
certainty which is requisite, for a--' IWO 10 think a
iike on all fubjedls ; neither jiftaiiguage attained that con
sistent accuracy, which them to convey their
thoughts, even when > Ae y think alike, in a manner
fe&ly corxedt and intelligible to both. Th*£» ditficultie*
ar«-ofily to be overcome by a patient, fnceffant, and bene
volent investigation. 1? ■' '
" Many of the opinionc which this work contains, are
bold ; fojne of them are novel; and feme doubtless are ej
roneoas: —but that which ought to endear it even to those
whose principles it may offend, is the strength of argu
ment adduced in it to prove, that peace and order most ef«
fedlitally promote the happiness after which political re
formers are panting —that as the progress of knowledge
is gradual, political reform ought net to be precipitate;—
violence is dangerous not only to indi
viduals (for that result comparatively would be of small
account) but to the general cause of truth. It is the op
pofiteof this principle that inspires the er.emiesof politic
al enquiry with so much terror ; it is the supposition that
change must inevitably be attended by the turbulence arid
injustice of commotion; and that innovation cannot be
made without the intervention of evils more deftruftive
than those which are intended to be refornud. Under the
conviiftion of this philanthropic fentimctt, of calm and
gradual reform, (which in its proper plact he has fully il
iuilratedj Mr. Godwin proceeds without 'cruple firft to en
quire into present evil, through its essential branches, and
next to demonstrate future good.
" Dividing his Work into eight books and making the
importance of political institutions the fubjefl of
the firft, he begins by an attempt to prove thf omnipo
tence of government over the moral hahits of mankind ;
and that on these moral habits their wisdom, virtue and
I felicity depend."
Subfcriptione received by tic publifhcrs at their
printing Office, back «wf-ife. j j Deik-ftreet, Philadelphia.
.j' J««e 18 Jiweoim