For Sale, i hat \ aluabie Estate known by the name of Mount 'ope Iroiv- Vouks. O* • ''-ite in the county of Morris, and ftatfe of New Jer- O ft y • twelve miles from Morri—town thirty from Town or Newark Landings; confiding of a larg« urnace in good repair, with the bed wooden bel lows, drove bv an overshot wfceel of forty feet diameter, a Hellows-hoirfe, ea ting house, bridg«i-houfe, and a large moulding-house, all in good o. der, together with a great variety of the most approved patterns of pots,'kettles, tea-kettle*, nd the country ; and this situation is convenient for the works, mucft more so than to have 4 ' dry-goods store kept at the furnace. Adjoining to the foregoing Estate, and within four miles thereof, may be had if wanted, a tfa& of fix thousand acres of Woodland, and a site for a forge, on a stream of water very Efficient j n everj , re _ fpeift ; together with several houses ijew built, and a trasft of three hundred and fifty acres of fine low land ; a great part of which will make, with a little expense, meadow fufhcient. to cut one hundred and fifty tons of hay ; a H d bow affords a great supply of pasture—the residue is arable and woodland. AND ALSO TO BE SOLD, IT! Ail that VALUABLE ESTATE, called u Booneton Iron-Works, u Situate in the county of Morris, within eighteen miles 01 of Newark Landing, and eight miles oi Morris.-To\vn : e< containing about three thousand five hundred acres of land n< lying on both fides of Rockaway river, for near four th miles. p< On the premises is a FORGE with four fires and two hammers, in complete repair, which embraces the whole ar river, a SLITTING MILL, built in the most approved manner, with two furnaces for heating iron, with roils pillars, cutters, and every other apparatus in 'he most com- ly plete ordsr, with a blacksmith's Ihop, coal-heufe, &c &c. On the fame dam is a very comp!eat SAW MILL ; so that the flittir g-mill has the full command of the whole river, with a head of twelve fcef. Immediately below, End on another dam, is an excel lent new GRIST-M(LL, with two run of ftV.nes, and constructed lor a third. The mill is large, and conveni ent for a merchant mill, and situate in « country which will afford a conltajit supply of grain. All the works are in compleat view of the mansion-house, and within half a mile of it, which is a handsome, build ing, with five rooms on tbe firft floor with fire places, and ' four rooms up stairs, all in excellent repair, with a hrge kitchen and cellars, and a well of excellent water at the „ door. In front of the house is a piazza, sixty feet long, I an excellent garden, with a great abundance of the best . kind of Fruit: the out-lioufes are convenient and good ; m confuting of a large spring nulk-houfe, ice-house, fmeke- so! house, i'awl-houfe, corn-crib, root-house, good barns and stables, &c. &c. Also, within view of the manfion houfe, are twelve dwelling-houses, a counting-houle, a stone houfs, occupied as a store for the country and work? a large convenient house, with fix rooms, with fire places, occupied by the clerks ; the residue of the houses are for fof-gemen, millers, &c There is, adioiuine the store, a POT-ASH WORKS, in compleat order, r. black smith's ihop, and wheelwright's shop, and other conveni eut appendages. As Rockaway river runs through this estate about four ~ miles, in which diftancc near twenty mill-sites may be made, so as'.o occupy the whole of this very valuable and confumt supply of water, it may be justly considered as a ( very valuable ot>jc£l for any person or perfoas desirous of going into the manufacturing line. On the premises, jyid adjoining the mansion-house are u about one hundied acres of arable land; whereon are two orchards of three.huiidredtrees, ®f the b«ft grafted fruir and within two miles anda half of the forge is a very fine p Farm of two hundied and fifty acres of l,nd, in the bef' and most compleat order, with one hundred acrcs of mea dow, two houf.-s, n,good barn, and other neceffarv im- „ the residue is woodland, on which arc a L?' number of houles for the colliers, &c &c &c ■ ■ Ry yf y D ALSO, Mear three tlicufand acre, of Land ; situate in the valley S ' " -*_/ f Newfound].t»d, about mil's north weft Boonetuit in the counties oi Morris and Sussex, whereo n is a vwry Forge of two fires, a number of other S, buildings adjoining thereto, for the acc6mmodation of the '■ er workmei, with an excellent vein of Iron Ore, situate a bout oniimile weft from the tradl. c m The above F.ftates will be fold on easy term*?, together e j a with all the horses, oxen, waggons, tools, and every im* plem n: neceflary to carry on the works. There is row . . ' provided wood end ore for eight months blait; so that the Furnace will be put in blast the beginning of June. Any person wifliing to purchase, may have the whole as they now arc: there is also wood, &c. &c. provided at Boone or, j ton. * t The terms will be payment down for all the moveable property of everykind, appertaining to the Furnace, and one eighth of the purchase money—the residue in eight 1 , yearly payments, with the lntereft « unAually every year. 1 | A clear and indisputable title vyill be given ior the j whole. Apply to Mr. Samuel Cjarkfon, in Philadelphia, 1 Mr. Peter M-ickie, Merchant, New-York, Water-street; ( or to cither of the fubferibers. j 7- 7- Faefch, , — "" " Samuel Ogde*l.. ] fts Booneton, Morris County, May 2d, 1796- May 14. twßwl I PROSPECTUS \ Of a Cheap and Elegant Pocket Edition of d- Sele£t and Entertaining Novels ; < at Or, Novelist's Pockkt Library ; or Printed in so cpnvenient a size that a volume may be * carried in cach pocket with out the leait inconvenience;— ~ 1 being an agreeable travelling companion, affording amufe nt ment in the garden, the field, or the shady bower, and r 1 forming a valuable collevStion of Novels and Tales, writ ten by the most approved authors, particularly Fielding . Sterne I Marmontel Cervantes c Smollet Goldsmith I Ratcliffe RoufTeau i n " Richardson Brookes Hawkefworth LeSage, &c. To commence with the ift volume of the celebrious no -1 1" vel intitled The Myfteriesof Udolpho, by the author of The Romance of the Forest, &c. ,&c. embellilhed with a \ 0 beautiful engraved Frontifpiecc representing an interesting e Lls fcenein the above, elegantly gilt, at only 75 cents. CONDITIONS. " These feleft Novels (hall be printed in handsome oftodeci lg mo pocket volumes, on good type and paper, and with ade- r i y licate new Bourgeois type on purpofefor the work, by which :r means the page wlil beuncommonly comprehensive; each vo sf lume containing in quantity a duodecimo, and sometimes an * it oftavovolume, printed verbatim from the original copies, In , t- addition to thqelegance of the typography, each volume will 1 t. be embellished with a beautiful engraved frontifpiece, repre- c j s lenting the most interesting scene that occurs in the refpeftive 0 1 volume. Ie A volume will be published regularly every three weeks a s and delivered to fubferibers neatly ane uniformly bound and o gilt, at only three-fourths of a dollar each, to be paid upon h j delivery. If a fufficient number of fubferibers are procured, 1c the work will be putto press fomc time in anda vo» tl lume published every three weeks in regular fucccfliou. The p " this work may rely Mpon every poflible atten- t ] r tion being paid to ensure elegance in ihe engravings, neatness v 0 and corre&nels in the printing, and uniformity in the bind- t j c i°g» the whole being done under the immediate tendanc.y ©f •- the pubiifhers. Subscribers may withdraw and recommence their fubferip- 1 ;, tions at pleasure, so as to confiae their choice to as few of the ;, Novels as they think proper, or extend their collection to the o whole that are printed, which will compnfe only those high . ly approved novsls which have been stamped with universal P 0 approbation. As ft 'ThcMyJleries of Udolpho Humphrey Clinker B Romance of the Forcfl Amelia, E 1 Sicilian Romance Gil Bias Cafile of ' Qtranto Peregrine Pickle C Old Manor Honfc Devil upon Tivo Sticks Sidney Caflle Adventures of a Guinea C Desmond JLauncelot Greaves C Family Party The Sifters P ' Tales of tbe CaJILt Don <3'uixotte S Cecilia ; or, Tbe Memoirs of Count Fathom V an Heirtfs Almoran and Ha met Evelina ; or, a youn% lady's Solymun aud Almcna entrance into the ivorld , Tales of the Genii F American Hunter Moral Tales B j Theodcjius and Conflantia Fool of Quality a Cbinefe Tales Arabian Nights Enterteinms. i Anna St. Ives Arabian Talesa continuation Tom Jones . 0 f the Arabian Nights t Vicar of Wakefield Julia, or the Netv Elvifa t J c f e ph Andrews Pamela f -ttoderic Random Clarissa Harlozve ol i Triflram Shandy Sir Charles Grandifon ft e Robinson Crufoe fa Ihe publiiljer has notyet determined upon the arrange- m ment in which the above novels fha.ll appear ; being de termined to add and iutermix other novels of equal cele- ca brity, altho' he is conicious, that by comparing the above ~ lift with ail former collections of this nature, the fuperi g orjty of the present colle»5lion will appear obvious. Britiih * . editors must neceftarily exclude from their plans, all the new and entertaining novels that have been wrote within r ' these last fourteen years, most of them being literary pro- Si perty. } further particulars fee the proposals at large which , are t0 he had gratis of ThomasCondie, Book-binder, Nd. I. j ao, Carter's alley, south fecond,below Chefnut Street, Ph iladelphia, where orders and fubferibers will be thankful ' ly received. liberal allowance to Booksellers, and others ta- J king quantities. N. B. An apprentice to the bookbinding business want ed. June 25. f th&f. 31. i For Sale, A Few Casks of First Quality INDIGO. Enquire at No. 71, South Water street. 111 M (*y tht sis TenerifFe Wine. T ENERIF*E WINE, in pipes, hoglheads, and ■&- quarter casks, and 170 [Filtering Stones, just ar- per the schooner Pelly & Sally from Teneriffe,and for Sale by John Craig, No. 11 Dock street. jv WHO HAS ALSO FOR. SALE, Best Soft-ftiell'd ALMONDS, RAISINS in Frails. SHERRY WINE, in Quarter Calks, Irilh CANVAS, v Bristol and Irish WINDOW GLASS. Ma y 3° eos SHOT - OF 11 Cies, from 32 lb to Grape, l ' e Cambooles, Pots, and other callings executed 'at the - (horted notice, Kail rods, from iod to spike, Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for caflcs or cutting into nails, from _ a brad to 1 id nails, ' 1 Anchors, from 17 Cwt-to loolb. Bar Iron, Tl A Quantity of James River Tobacco, Carolina I'ork. f-lerrings in barrels, Kiln-diied core meal in Hhds.and Ebls. 1 Rye flour &c. to be fold by fe< Levi Holiinr/ivortb & Son. da 4 S£ d I F 0 R S A L E, \ few hundred weight of Salt Petre in bags Bell Sherry Wine I H in quarter calks : Champaigne in cases of 50 bottles • A quantity of White Lead, Bar Lead, and Shot in calks About 80 boxes tin plates, A few boxes of bed Castile Soap entitled to drawback An invoice of Walking Canes and Perfumery Ditto Bandanna handkerchiefs, and Some Elegant Italian Statuary. Samuel Breck, jttn. Rofs's Wharf. June 18. eo6 JOHN PAUL JONES. INFORMATION is hereby given, that the late John Paul, Joiies was a proprietor of five shareS (amount ing to about 5867 acres) in atra«sl of land purchased by > the Ohio Company, in the territory of the United States • of America, north-weft of'the river Ohio ; and that hia heirs, or legaLreprefentative, on application to the direc tors of said company,at Marietta in the territory afore faid, wiU_xir«Muga deed of the said five lhares, or rights OT iandT The application may be made personally or by an agent, but proper documents must be produced to prove the claimant or claimants the legal heirs or representative of the said Jones n.b. As it is not known in what country the person or persons interested reside, it will be an a«£ of benevolence ia every Printer in America and Europe, who shall insert this advertisement in his paper. In behalf of the directors of the Ohio Company, UUFUS PUTNAM. Marietta, May 20,1796- [June 4] 3awgw William Young Birch, STATIONER. No. I j South Second-Jireet; between Market and Chef nut JlrtetSy Has imported by the last ships from London, an exten sive aflortment of the bed Stationary Goods,; which he offers for sale on equitable terms. Amonglt oth er articles he has fine wove vellum drawing paper, viz. Antiquarian Elephant,double & firigle -Atlas Imperial, Super Royal, &c. Writing paper of the firft quality, viz. Imperial, fiiper royal, royal, medium, demy, thick, thin, vellum, and bank post, folio, quarto, gilt and plain, copy fooifcap, pot, &c. Merchants' account-books, viz. ledgers, single and dou ble jonrnals, waste books, cash books, letter books, bank check books, &c. Books of any size or pattern made to order. W. Y. Birch refpe&fully informs merchants, traders and others, that the making 4 of account books is a branch of his business which, having paid particular attention to, he flatters himfelf he shall execute in such a manner as to secure tbe approbation of his friends. And in order to do this, he has been careful to provide himfelf with a stock of paper from the mofl esteemed Englifti paper-makers, for the purpose ; a fufficient quantity of which he shall endea vor always to keep on hand, so as to enable him at all times to meet the demands of his friends. Quills and pens School bibies&teflaments Ink and Jnk-ftands, pewter, India rubbers lead and pocket Paper cases, red and black Wedgewood and glass phi- Flat and round rulers loiophical do. Pounce and pounce boxes Pewter ink-chest* Shining sand Mahoganywriting desks Sealing wax, fuperfine,®fine Black ebony ditto and common Ditto ditto ifik-ftands with Wafers, red, black and'col plated furniture ored, fine and common, Cards larg6 and small gilt large and finall' plain Types and ink for marking Copy-books ready ruVd linen Copperplate copies Red morocco and black tra- Print and colored map files veiling cases Sand an defend bofces Bla ' lines for writing Walkden's shining japan ink Pocket books and red ink-powder Patent blacking cake for Ivory knives and. fold era boots and fh'oes Fine writing parchment Pen and {/ jrt/rnen's knives Blank checks, bills of lading, Too'h powder and brulhes and blanks for bills of ex- Razors, shaving boxes and change, bonds, bonds & Wiadforfoap. judgments, powers of at- Spermaceti candles of a fu torney, indentures, mort- I perior quality gages, See. | Sponges, large size W. Y. Birch has supplied himfelf with a complete stock of every article in the Stationary line, and aa he shall be studious to execute his business in a manner the most fatis faciory to he hopes to meet with encourage ment and support. & Country Store-keepers supplied on the bell terms sot cafli. June »8. tt&s3t proposals ~ TOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, A Plan of the City of Washington, By THOMAS FREEMAN, Surveyor of the territory of Columbia and City of Walh ington. CONDITIONS, '• Thij P) an be an elegant and correil Copperplate impreflion, of about four feet square, whereon wUI be accurately delineated the natural Hate of the ground contained within the lines of the city—plains, vallies t rising grounds, springs, runs, creeks, &e. witli the lines of the grand avenues, streets, squares, public appropri auons lor walks, gardens, as now correclly laid out and permanently eliablilhed— the river Potomak, and Eall ern Branch, opposite -the city—the channels, Coafls, harbours and foundings of the fame, as taken by order or the Board or Commissioners. n. On the fides of the Plan 11, all be represented a beauti tul elevation of the President's House and tbe Capitol. HI Torender the drawing still more intelligible and use " , 1 a Pamphlet, containing all th« laws of the general and particular governments, refpeding the location and eftablilhment of the city— the orders and regulations of the Board of Commission ers, approved by the President of the United Sfat»s','re lpecting the purchase and improvement of lots therein a particular defenption of the city and adjacent country —of the river PotSmak, with the produ&ions, slate of cultivation, commerce, population, Wc. of the country through which that vast river flows. 1V " work will bti publiffied undtr the fanclion of the Commissioners of theCitf, and shall meet with their lull approbation before it appears in public: and Mr Freeman pledges himfelf to make it as accurate ufeful and eutertaining as polfible. V. The price to fubferibers 5 Dollars, to be paid on recep tion of the Plan and Pamphlet. i S^ C rj offiCe ' Cit >' of w *fl>ingto n> June 8, , ,06. • Subscriptions will be taken at the Surveyor's offire 'rMnh- Clt),; J k' Ce S BookftoT " 'n Baltimore and Phila jt " " theprindpal B -Moresonthe Consent. 1 nwjw < rea fury Department ; Marcb loth > 1796. PROPOSALS will be received at the office of thr Phi N d °i 1?' "V he , T" North-Carelina, ' Udcl P hla ) for building in J I. A Li«ht-Houf e „ ponCape . Ha , leras iteKat 1 c> ? k seen on application at ,h P f P ar,lculars . "lay be dans Superinten "e, or of the Collecaors of the C ors of thd Reve- State. ;is also at this office Cua ° m> n an y of the sawjni Wafhingtori Canal Lottery, N°. T. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorifcd the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thouf.ind, e two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting a Canal through the City of Washington, from the Po tomac to theEaftern Branch Harupur. The following is the SCHEME of No. f#' Viz •-i Prize of 20,000 dollars, ao.oOo I ditto 10,000 10,000 7 last drawn } Tickets, each | 5,000 iSfioo 6 ditto 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,000 20 ditto 100 2,000 n jj ditto 50 2 ' t7so 5 7jo ditto _ 12 69,008 1 To be raised for the Canal, 16,250 s S jßjo Prizes, 175,000 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 8 175°° Tickets, atTen Dollars, - 175,000 The Commiflioners have taken the Securities re , quired by the iforefaid aiff for the punduil payment of e the prizes. f The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely 1 notice will be given. 2 Such prizes 4s are not demanded in fix months after the t drawing is finifhed, shall be cririfiaered as relinquilhed for the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, of D. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, ■ „ JAMES BARRY. City of WafhißgtoH, Feb. 11, j ■' The First Floor and Cellar, OF a three-flory Brick House to be LET, situate ©n Dock-street, between Second and Walnut ffreet— ; Very foitable for an Office or Wholesale Store. Enquire of j JAMES JCEEGAN, No. 62 Dock Street, ' J une ** eo.n For Sale, A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill, IN New Jersey, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour. ' The Grift Mill is sixty by fort) feet, two Vater wliepti, and calculated for four run of Stones, with ftratn, fans ' and boulting-cloths, &c. The Saw-Mill has two capable ofcuttingfiveto 6 100 thouiand feet of Boards per . year. A valuable piece of Cedar within a mile and a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile of a Landing The Lumber, &c. may be taken by Water from the mill tail. ALSO FOR SALE, Several Valuable Tracts of Land, In Pennsylvania, for all of which payment will be receiv ed in the notes of Messrs. Morris and Nicholfon, or in Cash. For further information apply to the Printer Ma y '7- saw City of Washington. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, Mo.IL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent ) 20,000 dollars. & ? dwelling-house, 5 cash 30..000, are £ s°>ooo 1 ditto 15,000 & call. 15,000 40,000 I ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 I ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 20,000 r ditto -5,000 & cash 5,000 ro.oco 1 ditto 5;,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 1 cash prize of I0)003 2 do. 5,000 each, are, - I0)000 zo do. 1 ,000 - . , OjOOO 20 d °- *°° • ' 10,000 00 *»■ 100 - - 10,000 ?°° d J>' • • 10,000 400 do. 25 . . I0)000 IjOOO do. 20 . 2 Is '°°° do - 10 - - 150,000 i 6>739 Prizes. 3&>26i Blanks. 50,000 T!ckets > at Eight Dollars, 40)OOGO N. B. To favour those who may take of Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will bethe l Ist drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the last but o« W " And approved notes, securing payment in either moncv or prizes, in ten daj6 alter drawing- will lw • ai any number not less than 30 ticket, ™ JStlfiWSaxiSgStS'.- *«*• Two beausiiul dtfignsmc already reWle afSSff" fronts on two of the public squares ■ ttr, * it is proposed to erect two centre an A . praw.ngs as soon 'as poliible after ttEWftTS them, when complete, to the fortun^e\? . - y the'manner described in the fchemc for flip T*™' ' a A nett dedfaftion of five perccKll K, ~ the necefTary expenses of printing, &c. and the°f f* will be made a part of the fund intended for theNatbfa& Oniverhty, to be erected within the city of W a fhin«o„ f,IT ff ThlT g commence as soon as the ticket, art SLtti fi T nl™d°rL P d r^;tes e Cr y th'Vf tyd " numbersa.e not produced within twelve numIJSSPSi t&i r giv z the whole business in a yeJrfrom ■ng and to take up the bond, given as f. curity " « "I r-yM* i£iS« °< a second time ori behalf of the public . a ber of these having kindly accepted it is U a t nUm " friends to a National Uni.verf.ty and'tbe otherVed I jests may continue to favor the defior.. "1 ob- By accounts received fr«m Cqntineut as well as from Europe, where ? the t have been sent for sale, the public ire f(T the '"ket t /• rp» « , $-AMUEL elodget «§* 1 lekets may be had at the Ranter r. 1 ,v James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Giln ° f of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of RmT'j w®" 1 Cooper's Ferry. ' 01 Rlcha rd Wells, PRINTED BY JOHN FEN No —No. lig — r CHESNUT-STREET. [Price Eight DoUars per Annum.]