Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 02, 1796, Image 2

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    IN- sa A: tiil relHe:;! a'. "<ir. 'Qeflm's Held,
\ R- *vnd executed in ih-tt elegant and dei::?.te
V v.-irdi is so neccffary to render a Miniature P;c
tan urerefilug jewal.
lie will warrant a f*rong and indisputable refem-
Mafchce; and he takes the liberty to lay before the public
of this plate his moll earnefl intention to deserve their pa
tronage by his best endeavors to please.
N.-&. Specimens are'to be seen.
May j2. §
A itated Meeting of the Pennsyl
vania Society for piomoting the ABOLI TIONof SLAVERY
<Scc. &c• See. Wif!l be held at the usual place, on the fourth
instant, at 8 o'clock in the evening.
.BENJAMIN KITE, Secretary.
J«'y i-
For the use of Schools.
Tomkins's Text, Round, and Running
hand copies.
JUST. publiTbed, and for faleby W. Yqung, the corner of
and Chefnut (treets, and J. Ormrod, No. 41
Chcfnut-ftrect. Price of proof imprdfxons on fine paper, 1
dollar. Common, 75 cents. Executed in a flyie luperior
to any that have been formerly engraved in the United S&tes,
and not inferior to any of the kind imported from Europe*
junf 30. 2av^3w
To be Sold,
At No. 128, North Second-Street, and by. federal of
the Apothecaries in this City.
TRANSFERS of *he right toTemove pains and inflamma
tions from the human b®dy, asfecured to Dr. ELISHA
'PERKINS,.by paten:, with inftrumentsand dire&ions ne
ce(Tary for the pratti«e. This mode of treatment is particu
larly ufeful in relieving pains in the head, face, teeth, brea!\,
fide, ftomacTi, back, rheumatvfms, recent gouts, &c. &c.
Notwithstanding the utility of this practice, it is not pre
sumed but there are cases in which this and every other
remedy may sometimes fail.
June 18, lawtf.
RAN away from the fubferiber living near Church
Hill, Qu-en '\nns County in the State of Maryland'
about thefirlt of January Jaft, a black negro man.named
Sam, about thirty year« of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high,
has a crooked finger on one hand, and one leg and foot
fmallerthan the other, somewhat round-shouldered, his
cloathing unknown. Any person who wili secure or
bring said fellow home,fo that 1 may get him ftiall
have the above reward with reasonable charges.
June 4. "iawjm.
No. 114 South Second Street,
HAS forthefe two years past introduced anew fpcciet
BARK, which after repeated trials by the principal
Physicians of this city, is now preferred in all of
importance that require it, to the best R«d and Pale
Bark. It is a powerful Astringent Bitter, fits well on
the stomach, is certain in itsefTe&s, and requires only
half the usual quantity for a dose.
Many of the citizens of Philadelphia are now ac-'
quainted with its virtues, the knowledge of which
ought to be extended over the Union. He has a large
fupplyof the Yellow Bark, and a general afiortment of
Drugs, Colour's, Glass, Dye Stuffs, iff c.
Salt Petre, Jalap, and Camphor
By the Quantity.
May 19. *iawyt
Twenty Dollars Reward.
AN away from the SubTcriber, living near
_ county of Dauphin, and Stateof Pennsylvania, on Sun
, sth inft. A NEGRO M - N, named SAM, about 17 or
it, ears of age, 5 feet, 7 or 8 inches highj has no particular
mark, but apt 10 look down when iharged with a fault. Had
on and look away, a home-made cloth coat, and overalls of |
striped jean jacket, felt hat, almost fiew, calf skin
shoes, and white !hirt.
The aboveTeward will be paid to any person who will se
cure said neg«*o in any goa], so thar his master may hear of
the fame, and\eafonable charges paid, if brought home to
June 29 *eodi w
Ten Dollars Reward.
Ran away,
TUNE 23d, from Brian M'Laughlin, living at Henry
J Clymer's place at Schuylkill point, a Young Woman,
who passes by the name as Polly Morrison, low set,
darkish complexion, small grey eye?, about seventeen or ,
eighteen years of age, had on a dark-colored ihort gown, '
and linfey petticoat. She stole and.carried away a trunk
and a considerable sum of money, and f great many other '
articles. Left behind her a cloak of coating lined with i
green baize, which is supposed te be stolen. Tie owner, |
by proving property may have it. Whoever lodges her is
any goal, so that fh« may be. brought to prosecution, Xhall ,
deceive Ten Dollars Reward. '
June 1% iaw3* BRIAN M'LAUGHLIN.
General Pojl Office, Philadelphia,
March 16, 1796.
WHEREAS sundry Letteis, transmitted in the Mails
of theUnited-States, te and from Norfolk, an the
Hate of Virginia, were opened, and Bank Notes of feve- ,
ral denominations fraudulently taken from them at York,
in the state aforefaid, in the months of Oflober, Novem
ber and December lad: and whereas a part of said notes
and some caih have been recovered and are now in poffefli
on of the Poll Master Gene.-al. In order therefore that
i'uch Bank Notes as shall be identified may be re/lorcd to ,
:the owners thereof, and that the remaining notes and ca(h
he equitably distributed among those who are entitled to '
them. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons who '
havefuffeied by fuchfraudulent pradices, within the pe
riod, and ob the route aforementioned, to exhibit their t
claims without delay, supported by such reasonable proofs ;
as may be Heceflary to fubftantiatc them. Such notes as
./hall be identified will be reeeived by application to the
General Post Office, on or before the firft day of July
next; and the.residue of such calh and notes will then be
divided among the claimants in proportion to their respec
tive losses, to be.afcertiined by the neceflary proofs, which
on «r,before- that day shall be-producedtothe General Pod
Office. (tawijujy) JOS. HABERSHAM.
tThe corner of Market and Third-streets, Philadelphia;
MOST refpeAfully informs his friends and the public,
that he has received, per -the last arriTals, a com
plete and general assortment of almost
Every Article in his Line;
Immediately from the manufadures of London, Bir
mingham, and Sheffield, all of whicH are.of the newest
falhion, iind will be fold, wholefaic and retail, om the -o»v
---r ; terms, and the Notes of Mr. Robert Morris, and Mr.
JohnNicholfon received in at their current value.
N. Is. '1 he upper part ol the House in which he now
il .'.vtc bclttj furoilhcd or unfurnifhed. law
riAladclbhia. -
* 1
Monday next being the anniversary of llifiAme
riean Independence, and the grand Jubiice of t!ie
Friends of tl»e United States, the next number of
• this Gazette will not be publifhcd 'till Tuesday, the
fifth instant.
marrieb.] —On Thursday evening by the Rev.
. Mr. Meeden, Mr. John David to Miss Susan
- Bartow,
1 1
CCS*THE Officers of the militia of the oityand
liberties of Philadelphia are to meet at the
. Statehoufe on Monday next, the 4th July, at 11
o'clock precisely, to proceed from thence t» pay
their compliments to the President of the United
■ States, and to the governor of the State, on the
anniversary of American Independence,
f JOSIAHHA'RMAR, Adjutant General.
1 Philadelphia, June 30th, 179#.
1 1 -
' Extracts of Letters from Charleston, dated 14th
and 19th June.
" 1 informed you of a dreadful fire having hap--
pened, by which 60 or 70 houses had been confam
p cd ; bnt alas ! it feetns the ruin of Charleston is de
termined on. Since yesterday, 3 o'clock PM, till
now, 7 PM, at Jfeaft 250 dwelling-houses are in
a(hes by an Incendiary. The fire caught behind
Penman's and Coirie's Stores : the latterjoft a good
deal. All the north fide of the Bay, from Pen
man's new (tore to Church street, all the oppoiite
part of ftieet, great part of Union street,
all Lodge alley, great pait of Union street contin
ued, all the east and weft fide of Church street,
from Qneen to Broad street, M'Kenzie's, Doctor
Joseph Kamfey's, and Blacklock's houfe# and the
north fide of Broad street to the Beef market, and
from thencc to Queen street, none but two houses
are (landing.
The fire was partly flopped in Whitman, the
Silverfmith'shoufe, which being of Brick, and til
ed, prevented it from spreading farther. The wind
was high at the time, and 1 expe&ed it to cross
Broad-street, after which all the southern part of
the Bay would have gone. Only five houses on the
Bay, from the corner 1 of Queen ftreft, were burnt.
lCinloch's house, all Kinloch's court are in ruins ;
the old Church steeple was three times on fire, but
saved by a great reward and greater exertions. Dr.
Carter's lioufe and the neighbouring ones were pul
led down ; a great number of Houses were blowft
up ; several lives were loft, and many worthy peo
ple were hurt.
I was present at the fire of 1786 t but that, as
well as erery other I have ever seen, was a mere il
lumination in comparison with this ; the column of
fire was tremendous, and spread in different directi
ons at the fame time.
Again "! a frefh fire, from u(hich I just now
came, the Bake-house of Gaillard, in Elliot-street,
was on fire, but happily extinguished. The streets
are almost impassable for the furniture and'goods
■saved lying all about. The general loss is immense.
" The confufion the whole town has been fhrown
into by the late dreadful fire, is the reafen of the
delay the vessel has experienced. I add only a few
lines to the endofed narrative. Since Monday
night, every day one or two frefn attempts have
been made to set on fire the remaining part of »he
! once flourifhing city of Charleston. This morning
' was pgain noticed by an attempt, all or mod by
Negroes; who, when surprised and taken, shew
handfuls of money, which they fay they received
from whiie-fac'd villains, to encourage them in this
.lifaftrousbulinefs/ Where it will end, God knows.
The inhabitants are worried out with fatigue. Con
stant watching, patroling, and doing duty onguaid,
is enough to cut down the healthicft man. 1 shud
der, when going home, to pass through a long lane
of fmoaking ruinr., where you are conttantly expof
cd to falling chimnies or threatening walls. The
distress of so many families, lying in Churches and
out houses ft ill fmoaking, makes my heart bleed.
In Broad-street, Mr. Jack's house .flopped the
«' The villains always watch the wind, ta make
a new attempt on a freth quarter. Had we but
once a plentiful shower, I should deep found. All
business is at an end : and if the Banks had not i
come to the enslofed refolutiohi, every note would
have been pretested.
" May your city never experience a like difaftet, 1
■is the sincere wish of, yours, &c."
Philadelphia, July t. 1
At a meeting of citizens convened at the Coffee-
House for the purpose of adoptiug a plan to afford 1
relief to the indigent and distressed persons who fuf- 1
fered by the late fire at Charleston, f
Thomas Fitxfimons was chosen Chairman, and i
Jacob Shoemaker, Secretary.
Resolved, Tbat fubfeription papers he prepared, 1
and distributed through the different wards of the t
city, to obtain signatures for the relief of the fuf. t
ferers abovementioned-
The tollowing persons are accordingly nominated c
to obtaii) and collet fuhl'criptions in their tefpeaivc *
wards: vis.
North Mulberry Ward. £
Godfrey Haga, Thomas AUibone. t
South ditto. e
Andrew Geyer, P au ] £ eck-
Upper Delaware. a
John Perot J acob Shoemaker. ' „
Lower Delaware.
John Duffield, Chamlefs Allen.
South Ward.
Ebenezer Large, R. Smith. n
High-Street Ward. v
Jacob Baker, M. Hutchinfon. f
North Ward. 1 n
Caspar Morris, Laurence Seckle,
Chefnut Ward. a
John Stifle, Meeker. t j
Walnut-Street Ward.
James Cox, N. Frazier. k
Dock Ward. (
L. Hollingfworth, B. W. Morris. t i
New-Mar!: t tViitf.' 1
D. Peterfon, Levii-iis Cliiitfon.
Resolved that John Barclay Esq. be
_ to receive the monies which may be cojledled
on the different fubferiptioli papers, and to
ie .forward the fame to the Intendant oi the eit-yaf
>f Charleston to be distributed as may be judged prop
ie er by him and the city council to the fufferers
who (hall to them appear the mi/!t diflrelfed and ne
t., By Ofder of the Meeting,
d And a Fad.
OLD Cato on his death bed lying,
Worn out with work, and almoll dying,
With patieitce v heard hi* friends propose
What bearers for him they had chose—
There's Cuff & Cesar, Pomp & Plato?
" D«y will do bery well," quoth Cato,
And Bantam Phii-ips, now For t'other
We mull take Scipio, Bantam's DTotheu
" I no like Scip," old Cato cries,
"Scip rascal, tell about me lies,
And get me whip'd,'* ki, "tis all one,
Scip (hall be bearer, Scip or none.
" Mind me,'' quoth Cato, " if dat cur,
I Dat Scip., come bearer, I wont dir." '
' [ Publifhcd in PorcupineCen for, for May.*]
WHEN the wight, who here lies beneath the'
cold earth,
Pilft quitted the land that had given him birth, ,
He coinmenc'd the apollle df blood shed and (trife, .
And pradiis'd the tiade to the end of his life. ,
Sedition and nonsense and lies to dispense.
He took up the title " Old Common Sense
Taught poor honell men how rich rogues to keep ,
under, ,
Excited to pillage, and fhar'd in the plunder ; .
But when there no longer was plunder to (hare, ,
Hi» " common sense" led him to seek it else- ,
. To his countrymen now he rcturn'd back again,
The Wronger of lights and the Rightcr of Men ; ,
He told them they ltill were a nation -of slaves; ,
That their king was a fool and his ministers
knaves, I
And the only sure way for the people to thrive [
Was, to leave neither one nor the other alive.
But Phomas, who never knew when he (Itould flop,, s
Went a little too far, and was catch'd on the hop,
In ihort, it was determin'd that poor Tom (hould
lole f
His ears at a poll, or his fife in a noose.
" Old Common Sense" boggles, then (kull* out n
of fight, 1
Then packs up his rags and decamps in the-nigbt. f
His arrival at Paris occasions a fete,
And he finds, in the den of aflaffins, a feat:
Here he murders and thieves and makes laws for J 5
a season ; "
Is cramm'd in a dungeon, and preaches up *' Sea- b
son ;» e
Blafphenaes the Almighty, lives in filth like a hog, U
Is abandoned in death, and interr'd like a dog. ° v
Tom Paine for the Devil is surely a match ;
In hanging Old England he cheated Jack-Catch, f«
In France (the firft time such a thing had been C
ieen) 1,
He cheatcd the watchful and (harp Guillotine, d
And at last, to the sorrow of all the beholders,
He march'd out of life with his head on his '1
(houlders. ; r
<. Fron the Aurora,
The following i s translated from the Patriote
r rancais, a French newspaper publilhed in Charles
ton, S. C. By giving it a p ! aC e in your impartial l]
paper, you will oblige many of your fubferibers. 31
June 8. z f a
. CHARLESTON, May 19 . fj
I here is not a person in Charleston who.has not *
been a w.tnefs to the activity and ardor which the a]
trench citizens exerted in giving the most prompt li
succours in the last conflagration : The newfpa- ol
pers of this country have paid them, -in that refped ri
thejuft tribute pfeulogium. Every one has heard
f oUh . e Serous aft of that brave mariner «rf the
fame nation* who, the day after the fire went up &
to a man, who did not know him again, to return «!
bim four thoafand pounds, which had been confid- «
thellr.r thewome "V vhen lhe si making «
a • ravages. Nevertheless there have beeu aa
Americans unjust enough to throw on the French ec
the most odious suspicions. There is yet in the "
U-nited States a leaven of royalifm of which the e '
firft Jegiflators of America have been very wren, "
in not ridding their country. That inveterate cl J ° r
terhS°A y W ° tbC d3rk ' a ° J W,U end b T ,H
tShf V C \ aneW ' and *7 Tivitt ' n £ forever -
l! ' flbe > rremai » f "pi"e ; there is no in- icl
nv no Wbat , thcfe P Ht in m otion ;no calum- fa
on'th °f 7* What Ae y i ! went to impose an
on the credulous and timid clifs of the people
which is always afraid of losing. P P nc
It is thus that we are made to pass for people to ac
eared ; it is thus that a perConal dispute, which ed
en mt I P bef ° rC y eflerda y> been tak a "
en up to make of it a national quarrel. so
What does it import to those Leopards, who of
oSriil^-^ tl ' e ' rorigin ' t0 sPinf P in »he blood of *1
of their fellow citizens and that of an allied people
provided they can serve the tyrant who kee/s tC th
Americans 1 you know not the French > thev
never strike a coward', blow ; they are r
with you ; they are in your country, they will re
sped your laws and will submit iri .K.
murmuring, If they were voirr p . without w <
how themfslves to you face to fa Wo . U ' d an
attention to numbers, for the French Pay '" g C ' :
their enemies but after havino- n c °unt of
Why will v„! , 7 g them. R,
way win jou icduce us to thenecelTit. r •
king of ourselves ? Why will von f pea " W1
o your recolledlion our iMneroG^y"ami l °-^
„ Uißt > u £
that you are but ? people of yeftcrJay, that with
out the aid of the French would yet be a n En
?c glifh colony, after having been punifticd as rebels ?
;d Recolladt the fixation of America at the Epoch
to when De GrafTe airived in the Bay of Chefapeak
cJF —remember York Town ; have you forgotten
p. how many thousands of Frenchmen have spilt their
rs blood to aflilt you in gaining your liberty ? What
c- generosity has not France, since the beginning of
her revolution ftiown towards you.
• Nevertheless, what have you done since the be
ginning of the adtual war as an
for all thai ? When you thought us crulhed by the
number of our enemies, you have not known us.
What has been the condudt of the captains of
your merchantmen in oiir colonies ? who have
spread in oui Islands Co many bad half joes ?
Do not your banks yet overrun with gold and
silver ingots atlfing from the melting of the plate
and jewels of the unfortunate inhabitants of St.
Domingo ?
Hat there not been the last affair of Le»
ogane, numbers of American among the dead, en
emies of France? and yetwe.have been silent.
Have you treated us better in your own coun
try ; while you were forbidding us all purchase of
arms and ammunition of war, you were permitting
theEnglifh to have ai} enclosure at Nerfolk, and to
buy in Virginia horses to aflilt in-carrying on the
war againlt us in the eolonies, contrary to thefaith
■ of treaties ; our prizes on the enemy have been ar
retted by your tribunals, and the amount has not
yet been paid to the crews.
Your pilots have run our vefTels agrpund.
The new treaty which we proposed has been re
jected under trifling pretexts. When the flavea
who waged war agairilt us were beaten, you sent an
ambafiador to Paris, but at the fame time Jay ar
riving at London i and you know for what fpurpofe
and yet we have said nothing.
You boalt of having afforded us a hospitable re
ception ! Great efforts ! -we bring into a newewun
try a population of several thousands of persons of
all ages acui sexes;; we bring you the refiduc of
wealth weaver?able to save from the flames, and
what is more, ourindultry, our arms, our am, one
manufactures, and you reproach us -with it.
We bring into your ports the immeufe riche*
which we take from the enemy and it js molt!}- yon
who profit by it.
Since we are among you rhe circulation of specie
has doubled. Your cultivators fell their produce
better ; your proprietors in town have tripled the
rents of their houses,; your lands are better cleared,
and you leproaoh us with it.
Have we not also given you the ifirft leflbrwin the
fine art# ? before us who were your artifls in paint
ing, sculpture, mufiq, dancing, &c. &c. perhaps we
may one day even teach you how to enjoy unadul
terated liberty, for you cannot be looked upon as a
people perfedtly free, as long as you show more ar
dor to defend your pecuniary i mere da than your
Independence, as long as England and the petty
kings of Africa fliall abuse you with impunity, as
long as you (hall be kneeling and that you shall trem
ble before the earthern flatue which you have erect
ed with your hands ; as long as you fliall be unjufi
towards your allies and bfcnfible to the faireit of
virtues Gratitudp.
French Republicans ! Let not, however, your
ientiments pass the limits of fil«nt indignation
Continue to refpe& the laws of ehc country yoti
e .'"J an swer to calumny by an irreproachable
conduct, by new adts of generosity, by new virtuei
—and recoiled Montesquieu's motto : 11 eft grand
! eft beau de faire de» ingrats ; It if noble to wake
From the Centineu
Mr. Rujpn, ~
That there has cxifted in this country, ever frnce
the arrival of Genet, a set of men hostile to its peace
and happmefs, is a truth supported by ten thou
proof". _ They assume a visible exiltence, on
every event,m Europe or Ametica. They magni
fy every thing French and belittle every exertio* of
American patriotism—With them no condud of
all the French authorities under all their conllitu.
trons has been, or can be wrong—and no condud
, J!? c, .' al lias been, or can be
right—T. herr curies have been utter*! againlt ev.
ery weafure of the Prefident-whofe reparation
they have endeavored « to .demn to everlafling
ame. Eft any true American review their wtit
mgs and speeches, for .four years pall—See their
execrations on every measure, which has been tak
en to ptefcrve the blcffings of our country—Peace
and Independence ! —Let him recoHeft the changes
continually rung ,n our ears, of " Aridocracy,"
Brmfh influence," and other infinua.ious lalf
e than hell is ftlfcj and then let him turn his at.
tentlon to the reiterated endeavors, by fawning at
, a " d threatening at another to Colonize
the I nited States, and to .make us wholly fubfer.
vient to trie Independent French Republic. I f av
:et any true American review the conduct of the
fadtion, and then let him lay his hand on his heart
J Y 'r ™ lle,her h,s country ljas not been mcnaced
now ore oe graded, by a viperous faction, which
rt ' ys J ° n US Vlta ' s - Men whom he has been
" andli° r€VCre /, rd refpea W b "" traduc- ,
I'Jtv K 13 7 gr ° Wn vencr able from
foo bv mr! C . rVo atCd 3nd trßm under
Of hrirwill,U 7 pe ? "° ° ther laws ' ,han those
,n «"y mind, on reading
theeflays, iigned "Paulding," which have t
copied into the Chronicle from the Anrora I
' eflays, (the effufions of the fnme mJI
P which ha, aheady beeSUeera?rfi„^, ?
ratter of «r l r<t r cxeerated !n 'he cha
wc fee th if Observer," and " Valerius,")
anc«fo r m ° ft " VC r { patriotifm, and vigil
tv " i f f"? ep,thft of " Cu 'umbiau Majei: