Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 01, 1796, Image 4

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    PROPOS A I. S \
Mails of the United States,
O.i the following routes- will be received by the Po ft mailer
at Savannah, until the firft dav of Sep!ember nexr.
> 1. From Savannah by Sunbury to Newport Bridge, once a
Receive the Mail at Savannah ererv Saturday bv 9 A M, ar
rive at Sunburv by 6 P M, arid at Newport Bridge on Sun
day by 10 A M Returning. Leave Newport Bridge on Sun
day bv 3 P M. and arrive at Sunbury in the evening, and at
Savannah on Monday bv6 P M
2. From Newoort bridge by Darien and Brunfwick to St.
Marv's. once in two weeks.
Receive the Mail at Newport Bridge every other Sunday
noon and arrive at St. Mary's the next Wednefdav by 5P M.
Returning. Leave St. Mary's the next day, Thursday by 8 A
M, and arrive a r Newport Bridgethe next Sunday by 10 A M.
Note 1 If either of the routes are altered bylaw, during the con
tinuance oj tie Contraas, the Contractor is to observe fuc/i alterations
in carrying the marl, and his pa> is to be encreafed or dmihifhed. in
proportion to the distance encreafed or dimini/hed by such alteration.
Note. 2 Jhe Contrafls are to be in operation on the jirjl day of
Gftobcr next, and to continue for four ycirs until the 30th Septem
ber. 800, incluf-e.
N"te 3. ThePqfl fAafler General may alter the times oj arrival
and departure at any time during the continuance of the Contracts, he
frevioufly flipulating an afrjuatecompenfation for any extra expense
that may be occaftaned thmeoy.
Note 4. fifteen-minutes /hall be allowed for opening and closing
tht marl at all offices where no particular time is fpecifica. .
Note 5. For every hour's delay (unavoidable accidents excepted)
in arriving after the times prefer ibed in any contratt, the contractor
fball forfeit one dollar And if the delay continue until the depart
ure of any depending mail, whtreby the mailt defined for such de
fending mail /hall lofeatrtp, the Mntrador fhafl forfeit ten doltors
be deducted from his pay.
Post-Master General.
Civeral Post Office,
Philadelphia, June 28, a 70- taw6w
Fof Sale,
Three-story Brick House,
(The late residence of General Waller Stewart)
"t T7ITH a LOT of GROUND thereunto belonging, ou
V V the weft fide of Third-street, near Union-street
containing in front 32 feet, and in depth too feet, to an
alley leading into Union-street. The house is 32 feetfrofft j
and 50 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it are
large,- commodious, and completely finiflicd; the two firft
stories are each 13 feet high; there are 20 mahogany
doors in the house ; a geometrical staircase, with mahoga
ny raiU and a good (ky-light. The kitchen is in the cell
ar, wbi&itfTptcioas and convenient, and finifhed with an
oven, stew-holes and pantries, a ferranu' hall and large
wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which is an
area in which there is a pump The yard is vaulted.
Communicating with the said building is a neat threc-ftory
brick houfe,-on the nortb fide of Union-street, contain
ing 30 feet fram by »© feet deep; the lower part of which
it at present occupied as a compting-houfo, and the upper
•part divided into well-fini(hed large chambers. This house
tnay at a small expense be converted into a convenient
dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the front
and back-4iafve Venetian window-lhutters. Adjoining the
last house, npon the lot belonging to the .firft, are erected
hathing-reoim, &e. There are likewise very good coach
hoHfe and stables finifhed equal (or nearly ib) with any in
-the city, on a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, and
in depth on the w»ft fide of said alley 51 feet. There are
good cellars'tinde. the whole of the buiUings, and a wine
room over pa"rt of theft-able, with a hay-loft over the re
mainder. For further particulars enquire of
At their Office No. 64 Dock-street. l between Walnut & Pear
eo streets.
6th montfi 24th, 1796.
AN HmtttTi —— —
Books and stationary,
Wholesale and Retail, now opened and for Sale by
Botkfeller, No. 52, Corntr of Second and Chef nut-JlreHs.
AMONG which are Fnolish, "Latin, and Greik
Classics and Dictionariis, Divinity, Law, His
tory, I'RAvaLs, Vovagis, Miscellanies, and the most
ofteemed Novels.
from the best manufacturers in Europe, and from his ma
tt ufa&or) on Brandywine, viz.
Imperial,plain and wove flatSmail folio post, plain
Super-royal do. do. Ditto gilt
Roynl do. do. Blofibm paper assorted
Medium do. do. Transparent folio post
Demy do. do. Superfine and common foitfe.
Glazed and hot-pressed folioMarbied papers.
and 4to extra largr'poft coawk papers.
Thick poll in folio dito'do. London brown, afTorted
-Ditto in 4to. ditto do. Hatters' paper
Folio wove post, lined Stainers' paper
"Quarto ditto do. Common brown
Ditto gih do. Patent iheathing
Common fiee folio post Bonnet boards
Ditto quarto, plain Binders' Boards.
'Eolio and quarto post, gilt,
Also, a variety of other Stationary Articles, tit.
Wedgwood and glafa phi!ofophi=»l Ink (Und., well atrnt
ted ; pewter iflk chests of varies flies-; round pewter ink
Hands ; paper, brass, and poHlhed leather ink ftarids for the
pocket. Shining (and and sand boxes, pounce and pounce
boxes, ink and ink powder. Couuung house and pocket pen
knives of the best quality, «ti Lin tablet and memorandum
books. Red and colored wafers, eommon fee, office ditto.
Quills. from half & dollar, to three dollarsper hundred,
lilack lead pencils, mathcmatieaHnftrumenta, Ice. he.
All forts and fi*erof Blank Rooks, ready mide or made
to order. Bank checks, blank bills of exchange and notes of
hand, executed in copperplate, bi Is of lading, manifefts
teamen's articles and journals, Sic. &c.
June 18 aawjw
War-Office of the United States,
May 4th, 1796.
THE following Rules, explanatory of those pnblilhed
the 15th February, 1789, are to be observed by all
persons entitled *0 Lands, in pur-fuince of refolvea of
Every certificate of ttre acknowledgment of a deed or
power of attorney, either before a notary public or ottter
magistrate, mull, in addition to what is usual, set forth
that the person making the acknowledgment is known to
the notary or Ather magistrate ; for whieh purpose words
of the following import mull be infertcd in the certificate.
" And I do moreover certify that the feia A B making
this acknowledgment has been for jierfonally
known to me."
If the notary or other magistrate has reason to believe
that he is th j pcrl'on he represents himfelf to be, he Wil
also certi.y it.
Anditthe proof be made by a witr.efsorwitneffcs.h-ior
theymuft fweartol'ome general ftateof their knowledge ol
him, whiek matte* mult be set forth in the certificate ; and
the notary public, or other magistrate, before whom tjt
ackuuwl-dgmen". is naade, mui also set forth that the wit
Be .sor wituelfeshas or have been for upwards of
f.T'Oually known to him.
If a justice of the peace is employed, the clerk of tht
court ol the corporation or county must certify that (uth
per lon is a juflico of the peace ol the county or corpora
tion as tht- cafe way be, and that full faith is due to hi>
ail. a, such. JAME3 M'HENRY,
Sccretarj- of Wjr
I-.ay i»; tj«jn
Of. Cheap aid Elegant Poc.Let Edition of
Se!e>S and Entertaining Novels ;
Or, NoyEnsT J s Pockr t Libr/wy ;
Printed info convenient a Gze that a volume may be
carried in cach pocket without the leal inconvenience ; —
being an agreeable travelling companion, affording amufc
ment in the garden, the field, or the (hady bower, and
forming a valuable collection of Novels and Tales, writ
ten by the mod approved authors, particularly-
Fielding .Sterne j Marmontel Cervantes
Smollet Goldsmith* I Ratcliffe RouHeau
Richardfoit Brookes Hawkefworth LeSage, &c<
To commence with the ift volume of the celebrious no
vel intitled The Mysteries of Udolpho, by the author of
Th«j Romance of the Forest, &c. embellinied with a
beautiful engraved Frontifnicce reprefeuting an interesting
fcenein the above, elegantly gilt, at only 75 cents.
These f«lc£l Novels shall be printed in handsome oftodeci
-10 pocket volumes, on good type and paper, and with a de
licate new Rourgeoi* type on purpofefc the work, by which
m{*ns the page wlil be uncommonly conipreheflfive; each vo
lume containing in quantity a duodecimo, and sometimes an
o&jvovolume, printed verbatim from theoriginal copies, In
addition to theelegance of the typography, each volume will
be embelliftied with a beautiful engraved frontifpiecc, repre
senting the mell intereiling scene that occurs in the refpeftive
A volume will be publilhed regularly every ,three weeks
and delivered to fubferibers neatly zne uniformly bound and ,
gilt, at only three-fourths of adoilareach, to be paid upon
delivery. If a fufticient number of f'ubfciiters are procured,
the work will be put to press some time in August, and a vow
lume publiftied every thiee weeks in regular succession. The
encouragersof this work may rely apen every poflible atten
tion being paid to ensure elegance in ihe engravings, neatness
and corre£tnels in the priming, and uniformity in the bind
ing, the whole being done under the immediate lendancy of
the publishers.
Subscribers may withdraw and recommence their fubferip
tions at pleasure, so as to confine iheir choice to as few of the
Novels as they think proper, or extend their colkftion to the
whole that are printed, which will comprise ihofc high
ly approved novsls whick have been damped with universal
approbation. As
The MjJlerics of Vd*lph» Humphrey Clinker
Romanccof the For eft Amelia,
Sicilian Romanes • Gil Bias
Caflle of Qtranto Peregrine Pickle
Old Manof If unfa Dt+il upon Tvjo Stitle
Sidney Caflle Adventures of a Guitpa
Defvnnd Launcelot Greanct
Family Party The Sijiets
Tales the Caflle Don Q'uixotte
Ctrill* ;w, The Memoirs of Count Fathom
an Heirtjs Almoran and Harriet
Evelina ; #r, u yumf lady e Soy man aud Almcna
entrance into the world Tale*- of tie Genii
American Hunter Moral Tales
Theodoftus and ConflaHtia Fool of Quality
Cbinefe "Tales Arabian 2+iglis Entertainms.
Anna Si, Ivee Arabian Tales, a continuation
Tom Jones of the Arabian Nights
Vicar of IVtjt field Julia y or the Nsrv Flo if a
Jcfpb Andrews Pamela
Kod*ric Random Clarijja Harlmve
Trifrum Shandy Sir Charles Grandifon
Rohinfon Crufoe
The publisher has not yet determined upon the arrange
ment in- which the above novels fliall appear ; being de*
tcrmined to add and intermix other novels of equal cele
brity, altho* he is conscious, that by comparing the above
lift with all former collections of this nature, the superi
ority of the present colle&ion will appear obvious. Britifli
editors muk exclude from their plans, all the
new aud entertaining novels that have been wrote within
these lail fourteen years, mofl o? them being literary pro
For further particulars fee the proposals at large which
are to be had gratis of Thomas Condie, No.
faacTpnia, Where orders and fubferibers will be thankful
ly received;
£>* A liberal allowance to Booksellers, and others to
ting quantities.
N. B. An apprentice to the bcokbindiag business want
ed. June ij. fth&f. 3t.
William Young Birch,
No. 17 South Sccond-flreet, between Market and Chef
nut flreetj,
Has imported by the last fliips from London, an exteo
five allortment of the best Stationarv Goods,
which he offersfor sale on equitable terms. Amongst eth
er articles he has fine wovr vellum drawing paper, viz.
Antiquarian Elephant,doubled single
Atlaa Imperial, Super Royal, &c.
Writing paper of the firft quality, viz. Imperial, super
royal, royal, medium, demy, thick, thiu, vellum, and
bank post, folio,.quarto, gilt and plain, copy foolfcap,
pot, &c.
Merchants' account-books, vi*. ledgers, single and dou
blejonrnals, waste books, calh books, letter books, bank
check books, &c. Books of any size or pattern made to
W. Y. Birch refpedfully informs merchants, traders
and others, that the making of account books is a branch
of his business which, having paid particular attention t*,
he flatter, himfelf he Ihall execute ia such a manner as to
secure tbe approbation of his friends. And in order to do
this,/** has been careful to provide himfelf withaftockof
paper from the mofl esteemed Englifc paper-makers, for
the purpose a fufficient quantity of which he shall endea
vor always to keeji on hand, so as to enable him. at all
times to meet the demands of his friends.
Quills and pen* School biblcs&tcftamcnts
Ink and lnk-ilands, pewter, India rubbers
e:. lead and pocket Paper cases, red and black
Wedgewood and glifs phi- Flat and round rulers
lofophical do. Pounce and pounce boxes
Pewter ink-chcfts Shinii:g sand
Mahoganywriting defies Scaling wax, fuperfine, fine
-Black ebouy ditto and common
■Ditto ditto ink-stands with Wafers, red, black and col
plated furniture ored, fi*e and common,
Cards larga and small gilt large ar.d small
P' iln Types and ink for marking
Copy-books ready ruPd linen
Copperplate copies Red morecco and black tra-
Print and colored map files veiling cafcs
1 Sand and sand boxes Black lines for writing
Walkden's Alining japan ink Pocket books
and red ink-powder , Patent blacking cake for
Ivory knives and_foldtrs boots and Ihoes
Fine writing parchment Pen and fpor:fmen's knives
Blank checks, bills of lading, Too"h powder and bmflies !
and blanks for bills of ex- Razors, {having boxes and i
change, bonds, bonds & Windforfoap.
judgments, powers of at- Spermaceti candle: of a fu
torney, indentures, mort- pcrior quality
gage«, 4tc. Sponges, large fiz:.
W. Y. Birch has supplied himfelf with a ccrmjlete stock
of eT.-ry article in the Stationary line, and as he Ihsll be
studious to execute his business in a manner the noft fati»-
fadory » his cuflomers, he hopes to meet with eicourage
n\ent ana support.
Country Store-keepers supplied on the fceft terms for
cafli. June 18. tt&sjt
For Sale,
A Few Calks of First Quality
Enquire at No. 71, South Water flreet.
Wiy » ihtftf
S H O T[
OF il sizes, fro;ii 32 lb to Grape,
Cambonies, i'ots, and other mailings exscutedjat the
(hostel notice,
Nail rods from rod to rpilte,
Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for calks or cutting into nails, from
a brad to 12d nails,
Anchors, from 17 ioclb.
Bar Iron,
A Quantity of James River Tobacco,
Carolina Pork.
Herrings in barrels,
Kiln-dried corn meal in irlhds.and Bbls.
Rye flour &c. to be fold by
Levi Holiingjwortb SiJ* Son.
Auwjl 4
A few hundred weight of Salt Petre ill bag 6
Best Sherry Wine I H in quarter calks
Champaignc in cases of Jo bottles
A quantity of White Lead, Bar Lead, and Shot in calks
About 80 boxes tin plates, A few .boxes of belt Castile
Soap entitled to drawback
\ti invoice of Walking Canes and Perfumery
Ditto Bandanna handkerchiefs, and
Some Elegant Italian Statwarf.
Samuel Breck, jun.
ttofs's Wharf.
June 18. e66
INFORMATION is hereby given, that the late John
Paul Jones was a proprietor of five (hares (amount'
ing to about 5867 icres)in atra& of land purchased by
the Ohio Company, in' the territory of the United States
of America, north-weft of the river Ohio; and that his
heirs, or legal representative, on application to the direc
tors of said company, at Marietta in the territory afore*
said, will reccive a deed of the said five shares, or rights
of land.
The application may be made personally or by an agent,
but proper documents must be produced to prove the
claimant or claimants the legal heirs or representative of
the said Jones
n.s. As it is not known in what country the person
or persons interested reside, it will be an a& of benevolcncd
in every Printer in America and Europe, who ftiall iufert
thisadvertifement in his paper.
In behalf of the directors of the Ohio Company,
Marietta, May 20,1796- [June 4] jawqw
Trea/ury Department;
Revenue-Office, March loth, 1796.
PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the
CommiJJioner of the Revenue, (No. 43, at the corner of
Third and Chefnut-ftreets, Philadelphia) for building in
I. A Light-House upon Cape-Hatteraj.
11. A Beacon House upon Shell Castle island.
Descriptions of each, and all other particulars, may be
seen on application at the offices of any of the Superinten
daits of Light-Houfcs, or of the Supervisors of the Reve
~ de, or of the Collectors of the Customs n any of the
States ; as also at this office. 2awjm
Bank of the United States,
JUNE 14th, 1796-
NOTICE is hereby given, that applications will be re
ceived at Bank, until the firft day of July next, m
clufive, for the purchal'e of the fix per cent flock bearing
interest from the firft day of July next, to be ilTued agree
ably to an ait of Congress, passed the thirty-firfl day of
May last, entitled, " an a<ft making provision for the pay
ment of certain debts of the United States."
—ttlWi ifef
four, and ,ve months, in three equal instalments.
ad. No sum let* than one hundred dollars will be fold,
■or any sum expressing a fractional part of one hundred
N.B. The application accompanied by the rates offered in
Payment are tc be made in the fame manner as for dij.counts, and
are to be handed to the Cajbier, from ivhom answers can it re* ■
eeived on the feeond of July.
By order of the Dire&om,
G. SIMPSON, Cashier.
lavrtlj wftj 1
tot rusLisaiNQ ir jwsscri?tioj»,
A Plan of the City of Washington,
Surveyor oT the Urritery of Columbia and City of Walh
U This Plan fiiall be an elegant aad correa Copperplate
impression, of about four feet square, whereon will He
accurately delineated the notural state of the ground
contained within the lines of the city-—plains, vallics,
riling grounds, springs, runs, creeks, &e. with the lines
•of the grand avenues, streets, squares, public appropri
ations for walks, gardens, as now correctly laid out and
permanently eftabiithed—the river Potomak, and East
ern Branch, opposite jthe city—the channels, coasts,
harbours and foundings of the fame, as taken by order
of the Board of Commissioners.
It. On the fides of the Plan shall be represented a beauti
ful elevation of the Prefldent's House and the Capitol.
HI. To render the drawing still more intelligible and Ufe
ful, it (hall be accompanied by a Pamphlet, containing
all th» laws of the general and particular governments,
refpeaing the location and eftablilhment of the city—
the orders and regulations of the Beard of Commission
ers, approved by the President of the United States, re
fpeding the purchase and improvement of lots therein
■a particular description of the city and adjaccnt country
—of th«'river Potomak, with the produaions, state of
cultivation, commerce, population, b*c. of the country
through which that vast river flows.
IV. This work will be publiffied undef the famSUon of the
.Commissioners of the City, and shall meet with their
full approbation before it appears in public ; and Mr.
Fkeeman pledges himfelf to make it as accurate ufeful
and eatertaining as possible.
V. The price to fubferibers 5 Dollars, to be paid on recep
tion of the Plan and Pamphlet.
Surveyor's Office, City of Walhington, June 8, 1796.
£5" Subfcripttons will be taken at the Surveyor's office,
in-the city; Mr. Rice's Bookstores in Baltimore and Phila
delphia ; and at the principal Bookllorcs on the Continent.
J""' l 7 iew3 w
Urbanna Mill Seats ,
SITUATE in Cecil county, Maryland, on the banks o
the river Sufquehanna, about one mile above tide wa
ter, and commanding the water of that important river,
the channel conducing the trade of which-cpmes so near
the Mill Seats as to make it convenient to Ipeak the boats;
and Mills may be so situated as to receive them along their
walls, and by water lifts take in their cargoes.
There is a power fufficient for many and any kind or
ufeful Water Works, and fy much may be juflly f»id in
commendation of this Scite as would be inconvenient to
insert in a newfpapeT publication.
Those who may deCre to be concerned, will probably
end tremfclvei well pleased on viewingthefitiiation.
Leases tor any term of years may be obtained on appli
cation to the fubfcribs r, living on the premises.
A P"> lawjm
Washington Canal Lottery,
NO. I.
the State of Maryland has authorised
i v the underwritten, to ralfe twenty-fix thonfand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Wa(hington, from the l'«-
tomac to the Eastern Branch Haruour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. f.
Viz -I Prize of io,ooo dollar*, 20,009
I ditto 10,000 19,000
7 lad drawn 1
Tickets, each j 00 ° W O3
6 ditto l,oo« 6,000
10 ditto 400 4,00 a
to ditto 190 1,000
55 ditto 50 »,7jo
5750 ditto Ii 69,008
To be r&ifed for th« Canal, 16,350
5850 Prize*, 175,003
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, atTen Dollars, - 175,00 a
gjT The Commiflioners have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid aft for the punctual payment of
the prizes.
The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without
delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is finifhed, lhall be considered as relinquished for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
City of Walhmgton, Feb. 11. . $
The First Floor and Cellar,
OF a three.story Brick House to be LET, fituste on
Dock-street, between Second and Vt alnut (Irefi—
Very luitable for an Office or Wholesale Store. Enquire of
Z. Vn fit FYrVnW A
June 28 .. eoi t
For Sale,
A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill,
IN New Jersey, near the Forks of Litt!« Egg-Harbonr.
The Grift Mill is sixty by forty feet, two water wheels,
and calculated for four run of Stones, with fcrcen, fans
and bouking-cloths, &c. Th«Savy-Mil|hastwofaw»,an4
capable ofcuttinrfiveto 6 too thousand feet of Boards per
year. A valuable piece ef Cedar Swamp, within a mile
and a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile
of a Landing The Lumber, Sic. may be taken by water
from the mill tiil.
Several Valuable Trads of Land,
In Pennsylvania, for all of which payment will be receive
ed in the cotes of Mefirs. Morris and Nieholfon, or in
For further information apply to the Printer.
May 17. law
City cf Washington.
~ dweTling"}io r ule| J calh 30,000? J 000
I ditto 15,000 & cafo 15,000 40,000
I ditto is,ooo & ca(h 15,000 30,000
I ditto to,ooo & cash 10,000 20,000
1 ditto 5,000 & ca(h 5,000 10,000
1 ditto & caffc 5,000 10,000
I calh prize of 10,003
t do. 5,000 each, ar% - 10,00 a
10 do. 1,000 - ▼ 10,000
%o do. 500 - . 10,000
00 do. roo • . 10,000
»oo da. 50 .
400 do. 25 . . , o>ooo
1,000 do. «o • . *0,000
15,000 do. 10 . 150,000
*6,739 Prizes.
3i,a6i Blanks.
SO,OOO Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 40,0000
_.*• s B ", To , f "° r ur th °ft "ho may tale a quantity of
Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the 1 ast drawo
ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one :
And approved notes, securing payment iireither moo»y
«JnlTmh tcrta '" a ' ter drawin S> will be received for
any number not less than .to tickets,
! This Lottery wilU*,rd rtefcganf IpSslmen of tHepfr
rate buddings to be er*»ed in the City of Walhinrton—
Two beantifu} designs are already Telexed for-the entire
front, on two of the public squares; from these prawings
it 11 proposed to ereA two centre and four comer buildings
as soon as possible after this lottery is fold, and to convey
them, when complete, to the fortunate adventorsrs, ia
the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery,
A nett dedtaciion of five per cent, will be made to defray
the neceflary expenses of printing, &c. and the surplus
will be made a part »f the fund intended for the National
University, to be erected within the city of Wafhin«on
The Drawing will commence as soon a» the tickets art
fold ofF.--The reoner prizes will be payable in thirty davs
after it is finilhsd ; ind any prizes for which fortunate
numbers ate not pr.duced within twelve months after the
drawing isclofcd 're to be considered as given towards
Unverfity-j it being determined to fettle
♦he whole business .n a year from the endino- of the draw*.
>ng, and t6 take up the bonds given as security
™ C M rC , al 'V U p?fif iTen f^ r th£ payment of the p rize,,
are held by the Plefident and two Directors of the Bank
ot Columbia, aid are valued at more than half the a
mount ot the lottery.
The twenty ftur gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Comm.lS.ners aflifted in the management of the
Hotel Lottery arc requested to undertake this arduous talk
a second time o„ behalf of the public ; a fufficient num.
ber of these hajngimdly is hoped that the
friends to a National Umverfity and the other federal ob,
jeiSs may continue to favor the design.
By accounts received fr.m the difterent parts of the
Continent as Veil as from Europe, where the tiokets
have been ientfor sale, the public are allured thar the
drawing will speedily commen.e, and that the car-c and
caution unavoidably neceflary to insure a fafe disposal of
the tickets hai rendered the {hor; suspension indilpenfable
r ad at £he Ba " k cf Columbia ;of
James Weft a Co. Baltimore ; of Peter Oilman, BoW
ot John Hafkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Welfe
Cooper'* Petty, *
—No. 119—
Prise Eight Dalian per Aimmmrj