Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, June 11, 1794, Image 4

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    Philadelphia, March, i 1794-
No. 118, Market Jlreet,
Modern Geography z
Geographical, Hijlorical, ana
Commercial Grammar;
A'id p state of the feve« al
I. Th** figuues, motion?, and distances of
the pla»iets,Hccordintr to the New tonian fyi
tem and the latest oblervations.
2. A general v ew off the earth,eonfidered
is a planet; with leveraljufefui geographical
definitions, and problems;
3 The g and divisions of the globe into
land a-id watery continent* and islands.
4. The situation and extent of empires,
kingdoms, and colonies.
5 Their climates, air, foil, vegetables,
productions, metals, minerals, natural enri
dfities,feas,ri vers,bay
aud lakes.
6. The birds and beads peculiar to each
count r.\\
7. Observations on the changes that have
been any where observed upon the face of
nature iince the inoft periods of hil
8. The history and origin of nations;
thei,* forty*-of government. i%Jigion, laws,
revenues,taxes,naval and military ftrenjrth
9 T'ie. geniu-t, manners, cuitouls, and
habits of the people.
fa. Their language, learning, arts, fcien
tes, iriannfadhires, and commerce.
11. The chief cities, rtruttures, ruinr,
and artificial curiosities
f2. The longitude, latitude, bearings,
and diftauces of principal places from Phila
To which are added.
1. A Glogr A phjcal Index, with the
tames and place", alphabetically arranged,
2. A Table ot the Coins of all nations,
and their value in dollars and cents.
3- A Chronological Table of remarka
ble events,from the creation to the prelent
The Astronomical Part corretted by
D r . Rittenhouse.
To which havje been added,
The late Discoveries of Dr. Hkrschell,
and other eminent Astronomers. .
Corrcftsd, Improved, and greatly Enlar
' ■■■ g«<<'
The firft volume contains twenty-one
Maps end Charts, besides two Aftronpinical
Plates, »iz.
I. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the
vrnrle 3. Europe. 4. Asia. 5. Africa. 6.
South America. 7• Cook's difcoverie*.
8. Countries round the north Pole. 9.
Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, so. Se
ven United Provinces. 11. Austrian, ;
French and Dutch Netherlands. 12. Gei
many. 13. Seat of war in France. 14.
France divided into departments. 15.
Switzerland. :6. Italy, Sicily, and Sar
dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. 18.
I u key in Europe and Hungary. 19. Ire
land. 2>. Weft-Indies. 21. Vermpnt. 22.
Ar niillarv sphere. 23. Copernican fyfteni.
, With the second volume, which is now
)n the prefsj will be given t ie following
Maps :
1. Ruflia in Europe and Asia.
2. Scotland.
3. England and Wales.
4. Poland-.
5. China.
6. Htndoftan.
7. United States.
8. Britifir America.
9. State of New-Hampftiire.
10. State ot MafTachufetts.
11. State of Connecticut.
12. State of Rh6de Island.
i - State of New-York.
14* State of New-Jersey.
i - State of Pennsylvania.
16. State of Delaware.
17. State of Maryland.
'8. State ot Virginia.
State of Kentucky.
23 State of North-Carolina.
21. Fenneir?e,Government.
22. State ot South-Carolina.
23. State ot Georgia.
i. This work will be compriled in two
а. Subscribers pay for the- prelent volume
ondeUvery, fix dollars, and the of
b'ndlng, (56 cents for boards.)
3. They may receive Che fuccecding vo
liiinem twenty-four weekly numbers, at
aqiiarter dollar each, or else, when si.
ntlhedi at the lame price as the fivft.
4. The fubfeription wi'l be railed on the
firlt day of June 1794, to fourteen dol
lars, exct«[,ve of binding;
5- Should any copies remain for sale after
the completion ot ihe work, they will be
fold at fifteen dollars, and the price of
б. The names of the fubferibers will be
pool idled as patrons of American litera
turey arts, and sciences.
It is wholly unnecessary to expatiate on
the advantage,to American readers, that
this edition poffefles, over every imported
edtt.on ot any system of Geog-aphy extent,
fin add it tion of mapsoftht several
procured a very great expense, and from
the belt materials that are attainable,
fpraks such fu'lxonvi&ion on this fubjett,
that it would be difrefpeft to the read
er's Underltand ng to iuppofe it requisite
to enter into a detail of arguments to
prove its fuperioritv. In no limilar woi k
have such maps beenever introduced.
The emendationsand additions which
are made in this work,are innumerable,and
occur in every page. The public are re
ferred to the preface for a ilight sketch
of a few of fhem.
The publilher takes the present oppor
tunity of returning his mod (incere thanks
to tliofe refpe<Stab|e characters who have
favored him with documents for improv
ing the ni&psof seVeral of the Itates. He
.requests a cotiti nuance of theii kindness;
and hopes that such public spirited citizens,
as are poverfed of liniilar documents, will
favor him with theiiafllflance in perfect
ing his undertaking.
The extraordinary encouragement with
which he has heen favored, has excited
in hisbreaft the warmest fentimenrs ofgra
titude—fentirnents wh ih time will not ef
face. He p'edges himfelf to the citizens
of the United States," to spare neither pains
nor expense to *ender the prcfent edition
of Guthrie's Geogi aphy improved, deserv
ing of their patronage. waftf
jofeph Clark,
Proposes to pablijb, by fubfcriptian,
The American Builder.
A Work calculated equally to edify and en.
teitain ihe Gentleman, Farmer, Su
rveyor, Builder & Mechanic.
THIS work will contain various opinions
of the best wriieis <>n Archite6hire, Aits,
and Science ; iogether with experiments, and
accurate notes of observation, by the .mthor;
being the refuli of thirty years liudy and ex
pedience in his prof<fllon.
It will also contain an alphabetical account
of the qualuy and value oF the various kinds
of maierials, and numerous species of labor,
exp< nded on building.
Exemplifications, toafcertain the quanti
ties of materials and labor nej®effarV to com
plete, almost, every part in a building, of
whatever dipienfions.
An account and '•xplana'ion of all the
terms and phrases, ufeJ m ancient and mo.
dern architecture and building.
To persons inclined to build, h will afford
an opportunity yf regulating theu plans with
in thecompafs of their finances, and prepare
them to prevent impolit'ons t ro m tricking
venders of materials, arid extortionate work
meti—To Mechanics, who for want
ot experience, calculate the value of their
refpc&ive labour, and materials expended in
their particular branches ot building this
work will afford an opportunity 10 eft nolle
with facility and accuracy, any done or in
tended to be done, either in tne aegreiiate or
the minutia:. A
It will contain many curious and valuable
recipes to make fine and coarse varnifhes,fo!r
prefervmg roofs ot houfa, barns, na tongs,
troughs, pipes See. Fecipes to make; vari
ous glues and cements ; r ec ipes to make com
petitions tor elegant, or ipinute ornaments,
and enrichments for oufide or inside com
partments : recipes to make composition for
figures and lncruflauons—to endure .he
weather in any alpeft ; recipes to make fluc
co comppfiiions, foi floors, Inall-houfes, dif,
tilleries, healths, linings for cisterns, &c
Tables to afefrtarn the I'rantling of different
fpcciesol timber neceflary to perform their
refpe&ive funtfions, in proportion to their
various fuf,,en(ions: Tables to afceriain the
dimensions ol ihe various apertions introciu.
ced iu different edifices,and doors, windows"
chunnies, fky-bghts, stair-cases, &c. in pro.'
tion to 1 heir diffcent uses and intentions!-
whether lor beauty or utility; A concise
mode 10 take, and square the dimtnCiins of
all kinds of artificer's work belonging to
buildings, and to afcertairr ihe cubicsl or f u
perficial contents thereof: Obfeivations of
the doctrine of echo and found : A differii
tion on the philosophy, doflrine, and con-
Itrutlion of chimnies, to void or emit the
smoke. Propositions and recipes to cure
smoky chimnies : Observations on the inftj
bil.ty of the edifices heretofore, generally"
"ffted in America : Suggertions of mod,, ,<J
purfuc in buildings here, that will, wi,hout
add, tl0 „al exoerce, tend more to their duia
bility than those heretofore,, con.
tl : , Df ' c "P"™» and proportions of
the general and particular members of vari
OU. order, ,n Arch,tenure, viz. the Tuscan'
Uouc, lonic, Corinthian, Composite. Chi
nfe, Attic, Caigatic, Arabesque, Morefquc
t.rotefque, baracemc, R u ft, c , Antique, Ami
tJuo-Modi rn, Gothic, and Hi,tannic: Many
curious h.ftorical account, of various won
derful buildings in different p., t , ot lh „
world : Many curious and origfnal account
and culogiums on Free Mafon^y.
This woik will be printed in two octavo
volumes, each to contain upwards ot 400
pages, on fine paper of c l ega „t lrtt< . r .
The price to fubferibers, in b«»rds five
dollars; two and a HA Lf DOLtAKs.o
be paid on the delivery of the firft, Jnd TWO
and a halt not labs on the delivery of the
second volume. Mr. Clark ad,ires the public
that he will literally perform all that he hath
let forth in these piopofals,
I ,n f linf<l 10 Promote this wo.k,
by fubfcnbing thereto, are requcded ,0 write
poff pa'd, ,0 Mr. jofeph Cla.k, a, Annapolis
mhonfing h,rn to annex then names to the
iublcription lift.
H.S i",'*«», ml,.
The following feciion
of the law for eftahliffiing an Health-Office,
See. paired the last session of tht Legislature,
is r -publilhed for the information ot all
Win. ALLEN, Health-Officer,
for the port ol Philadelphia, No. 21,
Key's alley.
June 2, *794-
Sec. 7. AND he it further tfn'aftcrt by the
anthority aforefaid, That every matter or
captain of any (h'p or vi ffel coining horn be
vend the sea (vessels actually employed in the
coaftmg trade of the United States excepted)
and bound 10 any potior place within the
iunfdiftion of Pennsylvania, ffiali cause his
{hip or vessel to be Brought to anchor, or
otherw«fe stayed in the Oream of the river
I)efew?r e , oppofne to the health-office on
iitatc-ifland alorrfifd, and there to remain
until he (hall have duly obtained a certificate
or bi los health from ihe resident physician,
in the manner and upon the terms herein be
fore direftcd : and if, p'evioufly to obtain
'nK 'uch certificate or bill of health, any
master or captain (hall fuffer his ship or vessel
to approach nearer than the said health-office !
to the city of Philadelphia, or shall land, or
or fuffer to be landed, or brought on
moTs, at any port or place within this com
mon wealth, or at any other port or place,
with the intent to he ror.veyed into this com!
monwealth, any person 01 pelfons, or any
goods, waies or merchandize ; or if alter re
ceiving such certificate or bill of health, he
II all neglect or refufe to deliver the fame to
the health-officer agreeably to the directions
of this ast, such maffer or captain (hall for
feit and pav, for each and every such offence
the turn of five hundred dollars to be recover
ed and appropriated as hereinafter provided
and directed , and the captain or jpafter of
each and every ship or vessel, as soon a s the
fame is brought 10 anchor, orotherwife stayed
as aforefaid, shall fend a fafe and commodious
boat to bring the refidfrnt physician on board
of his (hip or vessel, andWlJ in like man
ner convey him back to the health-office
after he h is coticludcd his official examina
tion ; and while he is making such examina
tion,or in cafe of any lubfequent examination
by the health-officer and consulting physician,
as the caf<" may be, each and every part of the
ftiip or vessel, and ftiali present to his yiew
each and every peifon on board thereof, and
shall also true and fatilfaftory anlwers make
to all such questions as the reftdent physician
at the time of examination, or the healtn offi
cer at the time of delivering the certificate, or
bill of health, in the city of Philadelphia, or
at the time of examination to be had by ihe
health.officer together, with the consulting
phyfiician ffialbifk relative to the health of any
port or place from which the (hip 01 vessel
failed, or has (incc touched at, the number ps
pet sons on board when the (hip or vessel en
ter; d on her voyage, the number of pcrfoiis
tlta-; have since been landed or taken on
board,«snd when or where refpiftively, what
per fops on board, if any have been during the
voyage, or (hall at any time of examin ation,
he infected with any pestilential or contagi
ous difcafe, what person belonging to the ship
or vessel, if any died during the voyage, and
of what disease, ,nd what is the prMent state
and condition of the per sons on boa id with
lefpeft to their health and dileafes ; and if
any ctpiain or m»IW of any ship or vessel
fha|ire:ufe to expose the lame as afortfa.d to
the search and examination of the resident
pri\fician, or of the heaith. officer and confut
ing physician, as the cafe may be ; or if, hav
ing 0,1 beard'his ship or vessel any such per
son or persons, he ffiall conceal the fame, or
it in any manner whatsoever he shall knowing
ly deceive or aticmi t to deceivc the proper
officers aforefaid in his answers to their offici
al enquiries, such captain or master, for each
and every s uc h offence, shall -forfeit and pay
the sum of five hundred dollars, to be re
covered and appropriated as hereinafter pro
vided and fiireftid ; and wherever the rcfi
dent physician, or confuting physician, as
the cafe maybe, shall dir e & any ' person o
perfons, or any good*, ware* or merchandize
to be landed at the health-office, or any ffi.p
or veffd to be deta.ned opposite thereto, and
and there to be fmoaked, cleansed an^purf
-11 r "P la,n of lhe or vessel (hall in
all refpefts conform to such directs,
.all at the prop; r cost and charge of his em
ployers carry the fame into effect w nhin such
reasonable time as the reftdent physician. or
con full iug physician, as the cafe may be. fh .' I
rl , W a '!v P re^ r l be; and if 3nV or
iTfr? A ' C f ne £ ,ca to contoi m.O
m^ C?r f r °? S^ rid 10 ca ' r )' the lame
into effect as aforefaid, according to the rcf
pav thef bj f fi h ''!° f, he fhal ' forfeH and
anLv.r ff C h , U " drfd d ° ,,ars
and every offence, to be recovered and appro
bated as is hereinafter proved and d.reft-
To be Let,
For Merchant, Compting H ouses or p Mk
rri . . . Qfficej,
ftor > r H ° ufeS .
April , jr. MORRIS.
, tuih&stf
A .large elegant Houfc,
and Lot of Ground,
convenience. ' > or
For particulars apply to the pr ; nt ' er<
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, deduding 15 per Centt from
the—this hbttery nnjijls nf
38,000 Tickets, in which there are
14.539 and 23,461 Blanks,
l(ing about one and an half Blanks it*.
* a Prize.
Direflors of the Society for eflabiifh-
X ing Ulc-ful Manufacture*, having ref-!v.
cd to creek LOTTERIES tor railing
Hundred Tho us and Du l uns, agreeably
to an of tnc Leg (fjture of tt)e Slate of
New-Jerl'ey, have zppoinred the following
perfmis 10 fiiprririteud and dire£> the draw
ing of the lame, vie. Nicholas Low, Rufuj
King, Herman Le Rov, James Watloi:,
Richard Harnfon, Abijah Hammond, and
Cornelius Hay, of the city ot New.York-
Thomas Willing, Joleuh Hall, Matthew M'v
Connel and Andrew Bayard, ot (he ciiy of
Philadelphia—His Excellertcy. Richard Hovw
ell, Esq. Elias Boudtnot, General El as Day
ton, Janus Parker, J'lhii Bavard, Do&«r
L'-wii Doiiham, Samu I VV. Stockton, Joftin,
M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, anil Elilha
Boudlnat, of Nw-leifey, who offer the
following Scheme of a Loittry„and pledge
thcinfelves to the public, thai th-y will take
everyaflorance and precaution in thnr power
to have the Monies paid by the Manager.,
from time ta time, as lecetvcd, mio tht
Banks ai New-Yoik and Pmlad, jphia, to
remain for ihe puipofe ot paving p r ; z R
which (hall be imnn diai-elv discharged by a
check nDon one of h- Hanks.
i Prize of 20,000 Dollar* is 20,000
1 10,000
2 5.000
.5 2,000
20 v 500
100 100
3°o 50
stooo i 5
3000 , 2
,4 ' 5 2 9 , I Pri " s - . 262,000
23,461 Blanks. First drawn Dumber, 2,000
Laitdiawn number, 2,000
38000 Tickets at ; Dollars each is 266.000
The drawing will commence, under the
infpeition ot a Cominitiee of the Supcrin.i
lend<nt«, as loon as the Tickets are Cold, of
wh'cb timely notice will be givrri.
■ The Superiiitenclantf have appointed John
N. Cummin?, ot Newark, Jacob R. Hir.
deriberg, of New-Bnmfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Manager*
thereof, who have given ample security tor
discharging the trult reposed in them.
tFT In order 10 secure the puti&ual pay
ment of th Prizes, the Superimendants of
the Lottery have directed that the .Managerj
(hall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollar»,
With fitir lufficicnt fecurtti, s, to peiform their
inlUuflioiti, the I'obftanre ot which is
I. That whcncy. r either p! the Manager*
(half recrive thr fnm ol Three Hundred/Do);
lars, tie (hall' iinmJisicl.y 'place the fane in,,
one of the Banks of New-York or Phjladfel*
phia,.to the cicdit of the Governor of the
Society,, and such of..the Superijvfndan.ts ig
live in the city where the monies are place)!,
■to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn,
lor the oayrmvt of the Prices.
11. The MjO'lß"* to lake fufficicnt (e
----entity for anv Ti/ kcls they may trull, other
wise to he refpoufiule for them.
To keep'jegular books of Tickets
fold,: Monies (received and paid into tile
Bank, ahftrafls of *ij,i c h (hall be fef
monthly, to thrQpverjior of the Society.
January j, 1794.
On application to either of the abote gen
tlemen, information wilt be given where
tickcts may be had.
February 84
Morris Academy.
THIS institution is now open forile re
ception ot rtu lents under the immediate
care ot Mr. Caleb RuffeM, whose abilites
as an rnftruAor, and attachments the bu
finels have long been knolvn a „ d a , proved .
? , t r U ' I:,er hm the hei ' aflillants in
the branches—The fcholats are
t ught the Englilh, French, Lacin, and
Gr.ek languages, Publ.c-Speaking, Writing,
Artihmctic, Geography, Aftroxo,, y, and
t>e var,ou, branches of the Ma le.natic-.
1 ie healthy firuation of this place is «un
a; to recommend it to those, who with to
have their ihtldren in the countrv. Boatd
"!'• ,va( n' n ?> mending, &c. will be provid
ed m good lamilies, and the morals of the
Icho ars c . rehillv attend- d to.
1 he price including tuition, fireword,
I exclul ]»e of the French latif-u ge) will
> exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo-
V |,er ai '"um) an addition of three dollars
P" quarter will be ma,l e to such scholars
Who are taught the French language. The
os ai edetcrmmed to pav such atten
' r : h,s a; Will render it
e and ufel'nl
h. ford,
J°«NS, jun. C DhcA's.
Nathan ford, C
Morn/town, May i 5) , 79.,
5 // O E S.
i" f ft ° Ut Well n,ailc M '"' s
ie lav I,e So mar-
A' 3. 36, North Third. Jireet.
' 6 mw&i'i at
i 1 minted by JOHN FENNO, No. 3l
South Fourth-Street,
1 n ,ooo