Philadelphia, March, i 1794- jfbST PUBLISHED, B/ MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Market Jlreet, i. E FIKST VOLUME Of A NEW SYSTEM OB: Modern Geography z OR. A Geographical, Hijlorical, ana Commercial Grammar; A'id p state of the feve« al NATIONS OF THE WORLD. CUtIT AINl'N&f I. Th** figuues, motion?, and distances of the pla»iets,Hccordintr to the New tonian fyi tem and the latest oblervations. 2. A general v ew off the earth,eonfidered is a planet; with leveraljufefui geographical definitions, and problems; 3 The g and divisions of the globe into land a-id watery continent* and islands. 4. The situation and extent of empires, kingdoms, and colonies. 5 Their climates, air, foil, vegetables, productions, metals, minerals, natural enri dfities,feas,ri vers,bay aud lakes. 6. The birds and beads peculiar to each count r.\\ 7. Observations on the changes that have been any where observed upon the face of nature iince the inoft periods of hil tcy. 8. The history and origin of nations; thei,* forty*-of government. i%Jigion, laws, revenues,taxes,naval and military ftrenjrth 9 T'ie. geniu-t, manners, cuitouls, and habits of the people. fa. Their language, learning, arts, fcien tes, iriannfadhires, and commerce. 11. The chief cities, rtruttures, ruinr, and artificial curiosities f2. The longitude, latitude, bearings, and diftauces of principal places from Phila delphia. To which are added. 1. A Glogr A phjcal Index, with the tames and place", alphabetically arranged, 2. A Table ot the Coins of all nations, and their value in dollars and cents. 3- A Chronological Table of remarka ble events,from the creation to the prelent time. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Esq. The Astronomical Part corretted by D r . Rittenhouse. To which havje been added, The late Discoveries of Dr. Hkrschell, and other eminent Astronomers. . The FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, Corrcftsd, Improved, and greatly Enlar —,-i ' ■■■ g«<<' The firft volume contains twenty-one Maps end Charts, besides two Aftronpinical Plates, »iz. I. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the vrnrle 3. Europe. 4. Asia. 5. Africa. 6. South America. 7• Cook's difcoverie*. 8. Countries round the north Pole. 9. Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, so. Se ven United Provinces. 11. Austrian, ; French and Dutch Netherlands. 12. Gei many. 13. Seat of war in France. 14. France divided into departments. 15. Switzerland. :6. Italy, Sicily, and Sar dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. 18. I u key in Europe and Hungary. 19. Ire land. 2>. Weft-Indies. 21. Vermpnt. 22. Ar niillarv sphere. 23. Copernican fyfteni. , With the second volume, which is now )n the prefsj will be given t ie following Maps : 1. Ruflia in Europe and Asia. 2. Scotland. 3. England and Wales. 4. Poland-. 5. China. 6. Htndoftan. 7. United States. 8. Britifir America. 9. State of New-Hampftiire. 10. State ot MafTachufetts. 11. State of Connecticut. 12. State of Rh6de Island. i - State of New-York. 14* State of New-Jersey. i - State of Pennsylvania. 16. State of Delaware. 17. State of Maryland. '8. State ot Virginia. State of Kentucky. 23 State of North-Carolina. 21. Fenneir?e,Government. 22. State ot South-Carolina. 23. State ot Georgia. TERMS. i. This work will be compriled in two volumes. а. Subscribers pay for the- prelent volume ondeUvery, fix dollars, and the of b'ndlng, (56 cents for boards.) 3. They may receive Che fuccecding vo liiinem twenty-four weekly numbers, at aqiiarter dollar each, or else, when si. ntlhedi at the lame price as the fivft. 4. The fubfeription wi'l be railed on the firlt day of June 1794, to fourteen dol lars, exct«[,ve of binding; 5- Should any copies remain for sale after the completion ot ihe work, they will be fold at fifteen dollars, and the price of binding. б. The names of the fubferibers will be pool idled as patrons of American litera turey arts, and sciences. It is wholly unnecessary to expatiate on the advantage,to American readers, that this edition poffefles, over every imported edtt.on ot any system of Geog-aphy extent, fin add it tion of mapsoftht several procured a very great expense, and from the belt materials that are attainable, fpraks such fu'lxonvi&ion on this fubjett, that it would be difrefpeft to the read er's Underltand ng to iuppofe it requisite to enter into a detail of arguments to prove its fuperioritv. In no limilar woi k have such maps beenever introduced. The emendationsand additions which are made in this work,are innumerable,and occur in every page. The public are re ferred to the preface for a ilight sketch of a few of fhem. The publilher takes the present oppor tunity of returning his mod (incere thanks to tliofe refpen Archite6hire, Aits, and Science ; iogether with experiments, and accurate notes of observation, by the .mthor; being the refuli of thirty years liudy and ex pedience in his prof r H ° ufeS . April , jr. MORRIS. , tuih&stf TO BE SOLD, A .large elegant Houfc, and Lot of Ground, convenience. ' > or For particulars apply to the pr ; nt ' er< tu&thtf Scheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, deduding 15 per Centt from the—this hbttery nnjijls nf 38,000 Tickets, in which there are 14.539 and 23,461 Blanks, l(ing about one and an half Blanks it*. * a Prize. Direflors of the Society for eflabiifh- X ing Ulc-ful Manufacture*, having ref-!v. cd to creek LOTTERIES tor railing Hundred Tho us and Du l uns, agreeably to an of tnc Leg (fjture of tt)e Slate of New-Jerl'ey, have zppoinred the following perfmis 10 fiiprririteud and dire£> the draw ing of the lame, vie. Nicholas Low, Rufuj King, Herman Le Rov, James Watloi:, Richard Harnfon, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Hay, of the city ot New.York- Thomas Willing, Joleuh Hall, Matthew M'v Connel and Andrew Bayard, ot (he ciiy of Philadelphia—His Excellertcy. Richard Hovw ell, Esq. Elias Boudtnot, General El as Day ton, Janus Parker, J'lhii Bavard, Do&«r L'-wii Doiiham, Samu I VV. Stockton, Joftin, M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, anil Elilha Boudlnat, of Nw-leifey, who offer the following Scheme of a Loittry„and pledge thcinfelves to the public, thai th-y will take everyaflorance and precaution in thnr power to have the Monies paid by the Manager., from time ta time, as lecetvcd, mio tht Banks ai New-Yoik and Pmlad, jphia, to remain for ihe puipofe ot paving p r ; z R which (hall be imnn diai-elv discharged by a check nDon one of h- Hanks. SCHEME: i Prize of 20,000 Dollar* is 20,000 10,000 10.000 1 10,000 2 5.000 .5 2,000 1.000 20 v 500 100 100 3°o 50 ICOO 20 stooo i 5 3000 , 2 B1 OO J Q ,4 ' 5 2 9 , I Pri " s - . 262,000 23,461 Blanks. First drawn Dumber, 2,000 Laitdiawn number, 2,000 38000 Tickets at ; Dollars each is 266.000 The drawing will commence, under the infpeition ot a Cominitiee of the Supcrin.i lende var,ou, branches of the Ma le.natic-. 1 ie healthy firuation of this place is «un a; to recommend it to those, who with to have their ihtldren in the countrv. Boatd "!'• ,va( n' n ?> mending, &c. will be provid ed m good lamilies, and the morals of the Icho ars c . rehillv attend- d to. 1 he price including tuition, fireword, I exclul ]»e of the French latif-u ge) will > exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo- V |,er ai '"um) an addition of three dollars P" quarter will be ma,l e to such scholars Who are taught the French language. The os ai edetcrmmed to pav such atten ' r : h,s a; Will render it e and ufel'nl h. ford, J°«NS, jun. C DhcA's. Nathan ford, C Morn/town, May i 5) , 79., 5 // O E S. i" f ft ° Ut Well n,ailc M '"' s ie lav I,e So mar- A' 3. 36, North Third. Jireet. ' 6 mw&i'i at PHILADELPHIA : i 1 minted by JOHN FENNO, No. 3l South Fourth-Street, 10.00^ *0,000 1 n ,ooo 10,000 >5»°oo «o,oco 30.000 36,000 81.000 tn&ftf. iw.—wm.