Tor the Galstti of the United St at fa. t am surprised Mr. Fenno, that a pa- j per, intended as you profefs yew's to be, | for the information of the citizens of the United States, should have been so long deficient in defining terms Ynadc use of in ail the papers in the country, to which we have no meaning annex ed that we can depend on.—The terms Democrat and Democracy—-Aiiilocrat aod Aristocracy for inltance, have been Jianded about with odium annexed to each by different parties,who have endeavored to o-ain the ears and credit of the citizens; vou hate Certainly been deficient in your duty as a public advertiser, in not infotm in;i your c.ilio'mers wherein consists the diffe'. once of these hard words ; and left you (hould continue thus negligent I fend you what I can collect from my small read ing on the fubjeft. Democracy, is derived from ttao Greek words, Demos, fignifying the people at large • and Crateia, fignifying Govern merit ; hence Demotrateia, or as we write it, democracy, fignifies a government ex ercised by the whole people.—Aristocracy in like manner, is derived from two Greek words, Ariitos, fignifying the bejl; and Crateia, .Government as above ; hence Ari stocracy is a government exercised by the b.jl men among the people. This was the cafe among the ancients ; when in the middle ages, the rich and the nobles, by thsir wealth and power, acqmred an influ ence over the operations of government, a {Turned the names of the bejl, and ekercifed feudal tyranny. Aristocrats were odious to the commonality, and the nobles be came objects of teiror and deflation : from their excess in the abuse of power, arose democracy. When the number of the whole community was so moderate as to admit of their meeting together and tak ing the affairs of their nation into their consideration, there was certainly the bell form of government ; but the happiness resulting front thus combining the wisdom of a whole community soon encreafed it by natural population or the accession of foreigners, so much as to render the meet ing of the whole periple expensive, t'ouble fofflt, and in some instances dangerous. Hence naturally arose the idea of a Re presentative Republic, which is in fact a Democracy, because the whole people elect their representatives to express their will in the different departments of govern ment ; but it ought always to be an Ari- Jiocracy, where the will of the people is well exeicifcd ; because they ought to cleft their be/I men to serve them in the highest offices of state—and we trust this has been the cafe in the United States:—For, we fee a Washington thus ele&ed unani mously by the whole people, at the head of the Executive ■, —an Adams his fccond, and at the head of the Senate ; Senators and Mcmbersofthe Representative branch, among whom it would be improper to make diilinttions, because we suppose that the will of the whole people conltitutional ly exercised, has feledted the lejl men with in their knowledge, in whom tj vest the high and sovereign powers of the United States—lf this be the cafe, and certainly it ought to be such, we have no light to deny that the United States are governed by an Arijlocracy, that is by the bejl men, fele&ed in the different election diitrifts, by tie governed, and representing their will in all things which shall come before the executive and legislative departments ; Under this idea, well underjlood, our rulers ought not -to be terrified with the popular clamor of Arijlocrats and Aristocracy ; for if ever a people were under such a govern ment, the United States certainly claim the pre-eminence of a Real Ari/locretcy ; that is, a government by the bcjl men among them, fe pa rated from the people only be cause of their better ftnifs to fulfill the du ties imposed on them by their appoint ments. But what (hall we fay of the people, who Ailing themselves Democrats are at tempting to leap into the saddle, and of their own choice to ifurp the powers not delegated to them by the whole people ? Mr. Fenno, I donotchufeto answer this quefUun at present, I (hall reserve some of my sentiments on this fnbjeft to a future paper, but I will just hint, that I think them the true and odious Arijlocrats, from thefo!low:ng chaia&eriftic marks: lft. They chose themfdves in the be ginning', and did not originate from the peop'e at largt, as all legal governments ought to do. 2d. They will rot fuffer the people, or any part of them to fend representatives amongll them ; one of their fundamental rules being, that a great majority of their gjodfeives ftiali be ntCefl'ary to the induaion of every member. -• Having never corafponded with you before, I am yet to leain what reception you will give to my fir it attempt ; I (hell hereafter judge of the propriety of fending you some further observations on political fubjefis. A CITIZEN. Lancajler County, June 4, 1794- FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. BRUSSELS, April 13. Our generals, as well as thole of the enemy, appear to have waited the presence of the Emperor, to begin their operati ons. The French, under the command of general Pichegru, continue to form a vast camp near Cambray. All their forces are colle&ed in that point with the utmofl ac tivity, and they have taken the greater part of the garrisons, excepting only those which are mod strongly threatened by the allies, lle-inforcements are hourly arriv ing at Cambray, from every part of France, amongst the latter, has been a body of cavalry, to the amount of zoo men, con fiding of a regiment of carabineers, of the hussars of Chamborant, and a corps of chasseurs. As to the grand combined army, Under the prince of Cobourg, it is (till concen tered beyond Valenciennes and Quefnoy. The greater part of the forces in the pio vince of Tournay arc marching with the utmost diligence to that quarter ; these circumstances cause it to be believed that a general and decisive action may daily be expected. On the 6th inft. a large body of the Conventional troops, advanced from Lisle, to reconnoitre our politions between the town and Tournay. They "advanced to Baifienna, within two leagues of the lat ter place, and a conflict in which the dragoons of Latuiir greatly ditlin guifhed themselves. The French, how ever, accomplished their objedf, and re tired in good order. April 15. His majefly the empetor and king quit ted this city, yesterday morning to repair to the army. During his Ihort stay heie he gave the people the molt affe&ing proofs of his love, receiving the petitions of the lowed of his fubjefts, and walked atjlongft them in the Park and other places, unat tended by any guards. • His majesty paid frequent visits to the hospitals, especially the military ones, to fee that the soldiers were properly attended to, and visiting every bed, consoling the invalid warriors for their refpeftive misfortuns. In fine, he conduced himfelf in such a manner as to gain universal love, and his departure has occasioned the deepest reget. MANHEIM, April 8. We learn that the lines drawn by tTie French at Germerftieim are entirely finish ed, together with the entrenchment? which they are raising on the heights frora New ftadt to Weiffembourg. At Spire they have destroyed all the buildings belonging to the clergy, and mean to destroy the ca thedral, the top of which has already been 'pulled down. VIENNA, April 2. A kind of Jacobin Club having been held in this city, the members of it have been tried and are now undergoing their punillimeur. These reformers have been for the mo ft part sentenced to a public whipping, and a year's imptifonment, at the end of which time they are to be ba nished. Some priells arc iufpe&ed of be ing concerned with the Club. VALENCIENNES, April 14. . " This day arrived here his imperial majesty the emperor, and was received with the most unequivocal demonftratioris of loyalty and love. The whole town is to be illuminated to night, and resounds every where with the loudest acclamations of " long live Francis 11. our dearly be loved Sovereign." To-morrow if the weather permits, the emperor is to review that part of the ai-my which is already en camped ; and next Thursday or Friday wr opeiations will begin. * , "The Carmagnols are encamped be tween Landrecy and Guise, between 80 and lco,ooo inen strong. As our grand army is fupericr to theiPs not only in overy military accompllflitnent, but aifo (which has never yet been the cafe) in numbers ; we wt'Srtain the mod confident hopes, tnat unleft the Republicans should think pro per to avoid a battle, one of the compleat eft victories rruilt crown the attack, which in all probability before the end of this week will be made againlt them." PARIS, April 13. Letters from Strasbourg, read in the Jacobin Club, speak of an advantage ob tained over the enemy in the territory of Deux Ponts, by which the Republic had acquired cattle, warlike fiores, and 800 gold medals with the effigy of Capet. — The vigorous measures of Gen. Dieche, m;de the Aristocrats and Batiditti on the other fide the Rhine tremble. There was every profpeft of a fruitful hal ve ft. LONDON, April 14 —19. The Lords having adjourned on the last day the Slave trade bill was to have come on, without making any order re fpe&ing that business, it of course drops unless some Pcci iTiall formally move its revival. The accounts brought by yesterday's mails aie not deciiive refpedling the ope rations of the PrufTian troops, but only confirm their having received orders from Berlin to halt until further notice* There is not the leait appearance of any negociation 011 the itapis sot a peace at preftnt. Since the Polish General Ivofciusco's entranceinto Cracaw, he has taken an in ventory of the gold and lilver in the churches and royal castles; his revolu tionary ,tribunal consists of 14 membeis; since then the Confiitution of the ift ps May, 1791, has been solemnly ac-< knowledged by oath in the church of Ma rienborn 1 tjx* proctflion went there at tended by military music. The Universal, publiilied from this quarter enjoins the hig'hcit refpedt fcr the Austrian territory ; and though the Polish reformers have feize3 some Impe rial magazines ; they have sent a very ci vil mefTage to the Auilrian commandants, a(Turing them of an an ample indemnifi cation ; they are said to be furnilhed with money from France. The revolutionary spirit has spread in-, to several other parts of the Republic ; where many of the disbanded regiments have risen in arm:'. The Caitcllan Rimie fwyfky, was tried by the Revolutionary Tribunal at Cracaw, and hanged in the market-place on the fame day. Bodies of Ruffians and Prussians, to the amount of 25,000, men being on their maichto Cracaw, where the malcon tents have not above 6 or 7000 men bad ly provided with artillery, their difperiion was daily expected. Several notes have passed between the Permanent Council, and the Ptuffiau Minister, 011 the subject of difturbanccs, and a Court is opened to try offenders as fall as they are appre hended. There is a gentleman in town who was formerly Secretary to General Washing ton, and left Pans no longer ago than the I ith inft. He wag witness to the execu tion of Danton, slnd the other confpira torsj and iayf, th?re was nq kind of tu mult during the ceremony. Paris is now tolerably well supplied with provisions ; and it appears, that the fleet of veflels which lately caused an alarm for the fafe ty of. Jersey was only a very large fleet of coaltiog veflels, carrying provisions for the supply of Paris. About 10,000 ca valry set out, ou their march from Paris on the 9th instant to reinforce the North- era army. However obnoxious Dr. Piieillcy's po litical and religious tenets may be, Go vernment has Ihowii so little resentment upon account of them, and so much re fped for his talents as a Philosopher, that we are allured, Lord Hawkelbury has granted a prcteaion to the (hip in which the Doctor fails, in cafe Hie should meet with any of the Algerine corsairs. The King of Pinfiia, to JfaveTiimfelf from tlie further censure of every ingenu ous mind, has transferred M. de la Fay ette and M. de Maubourg -to an Aullrian dungeon ; and fortius ast he jultifics ht'm felf by faying, that they were originally the prifoiters of the Emperor; M. de Lameth and M. de Pufy are dill i n Pu,f fia, hut whether closely confined or re maining an account of their health bein-v demoifheil, we cannot fay. A Congress of all the Italian States is opened at Milan, to concert meafur-es for the common defence ; all the deputies had arrived except the Neapolitan Mini! ter ; their object is the,railing an army oi 40,CC0 men ; Venice icfufts to join thii coalition, and Parma will not grant an« contribution towards the war. The Polilh Biigade of Madalinflci, haa escaped the clutches of the Ruffians, and forced its way into the Fitffian t'trr'tort, lor the purpose of serving there. The Ruf fian Carabineers arrived too late to cut off their retreat. We have great reafen to doubt the truth of the report of the French fleet, being at fca ; as none of our cruif.u have seen or heard of arijr such circum stance. On account of some extraordinary na vfol preparation now making at Dunkirk, the following fleet has been afiembled iu' the Downs, to be ready soT any enter, gency. , Guns. Leopard, 50 Admiral Peyton. Thunder, 74 Capt. Eert;e, Arrogant, 74 Capt. Whitfhed, Pallas, 36 Capt. Bentick, Aurora, 32 Capt. EfEngton, Daphae, 20 Capt. Sotheiby, Serpent, 16 Capt. Ixe, Fsrrett, • 14 Capt. Nowall, Falcon, 14 Capt. Baflptr, Amphitrlte armed ffiip 20, Capt. Bow- y r* The Echo, Nicol, from Jamaica to New-York is loft in the Gu'ph of Florida. HOUSE OF COMMONS. French Co ps B'lU. The Chancellor of the Exchequer mov r ed the order of the day, for the second reading of the French corps bill, winch enables the fubjt 6ls of France to enlist as foldiets jn regiments to fevve upon the continent of Euiopf, and other parts, and which empowers his Majefly to grant cominiffions to French fubje&s. After feme debate, The queftioti was then put, and the house divided—The numbers were, For the second reading, 105 Againlt it, - 21 Majority, 84 The bill \v;:s rerd a second time, and committed for Monday ntxt. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Seflion of the 26th Germinal, (15 April.) Barrere. Since the last victories of the Republic ovej the tyrants,-we have felt the importance of the conqutft-of Oiteig lia, a port in tTie Mediterranean, from ■whence the tyrant of §ardinia interrupted our trade and infuhed ojir navy. Grtat many obllacles were to be over come in erdcr to artive at Onciglia. It was neceffarjrtd pass through.ths territory of Genoa. they, nppofe4 us with diplomatic arguments. But thip webb of lies and cunning has to difapppar before the eternal rights ofnationc, and before the imperious wants of liberty. : The committee have done iheir duty in pafiing a refutation on the 19th Veil tofe, with refpedt to the conquest of Oneiglia, the plan of the marrh of the aimy of Italy was formed and Ihe execu tion entrusted to the firmnefs of those re preftntat:ve3 who had led the troops to tlie recapture of Toulon. Previous to their march th«y iiTued a proclamation worthy of the Ficneh pec ple and of the National Convention, and gave thereby to our politics the; chara&er of the maj?;lv of the people, snd of its impartial und inflexible juftiee. The following they write us from Oneg liaon the 10th Germinal (April 8.) The Republic lives upon victories i you may announce to her the capture <>!' Oneglia, the principal communication ot the Saidi nian tyrant with Sardinia : thi Republi cans have performed this with that con* rage and energy which makes all Europe tremble : The blood of the ff'ldiers of li berty has been spared : We had not one killed ; and only a few (lightly wounded. The aiti'ery had not time to fend their thunderiipoii the Brigands i f Oneiglia; but thev have done wondu s of courage and ability in dragging t heir cannon on almofft inaccessible mountain}. Italy (hall inform Europe of the vir tues as wc. Il 33 of the vjlour < f the armies of the Republic : We were obliged for a n • • ihon t time to occupy part of the territory of Genoa : it belongs to the people who inhabit it to make known to the vrorld the fubliine conduit of the L'terch Repub licans : they will tvil yo-.i, thr.t the dflr firndersot their country, fatigued, and do firous of r.iting themfelv 's, did not dare p