» EVE N I N G ADVERTISER. [No. 155 of Vol. V.] To-Morrow Morning, Will lie landed nt ar Walnut fleet wha f.from on hnaul th? icbo«ner Madifor., Jas. Par rock,. nafter, from MALAGA, iSweet Mountain WINE, in quarter calks Soft (helled £lmt. Vanned aw, tl I'm AM AIC A, . FOR SALE BT PETER BLIGHT! i M?y 16 Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR STONES, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May .14- -- d It is Reqaeiled, THAT- no peiion wi»l fufp.y any articles •fair cho Afe of the' New Theatre, without an order in writing? signed by oatfelves, or' Sain «e) &nderfon,'i'or iis* VvIGNtLL & REINAGLE. dtl" Mav J O, All persons who have any dc nunds upon the New Theatre, are lequell rditofeiid in their mccount 1 ; to No. in Arch tf re« % near Eighth street, as loon a; convenient. WIGNELL & REIN \GLE. drf -May 3". FOR SALE, At the STOR.ES of Jeffe & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipet, hhds: and quar ter calks f I.ISBON do. ih pipes and qparier caikt Souchong and Conga TEAS, in quarter chclts A quantity of Li(bon and Cad x SALT Sotr (h'llcd ALMONDS in bales "Velvet CORK!", in do. Huflia MATTS. June 9 . d ADVERTISEMENT. LETTERS on the fubje , For Hamburgh, "The new Ship John Vanneman, Mall r. TO I'nil with u: 1 convenient I'peed, having tlirte fouc*hs of her already engaged. For freight or palftge apply to the matter on board, nr Th?y wi!4 Ue ready to .receiver their, can. in a few day r » nnd will carry about 3200 baTreU For terms applv'to i For Charter, Lady WaiterftorfT, BUR X'HEN\ 1733 buireuu!ienot *4° tons each. For tcriUi apjiv vo JOSEPH f.ff.lS, Who has for jale, Madeira and l Sherry Wines, of the si it q.UH it>, Bland}, Rctl and iMe jtf : uirs ba:k f &t. &L'« For Sale or Charter, The American /hip MARGARET, ;Lying at lYLalfey'i wt'« ( „ »*"' Cbefnut ftnet) iiAhn».;ck y one voyage ; is a Haunch well fitted ve 111*1, and will carry about 3>op trtireis, or 14,000 'ouih-ls ot grain- Apply to BIG AI L y Gardner Hammond. TO fail with all convenient fp-ed, hav ing two thirds of her ca g • a'lvadyjen 'ag ed. For freight or pailage apply to laid raafr r on boaui at Ruifel.'* wharf, or the fubfci ibe'-, JOHN DONNALDSON. 'June 10. d Francis Knox, Matter. LYING at A'lnrtoii'a wharf, and tn fail in a few days.She is a new veflil, calcu lated to accommodate paUengers, ajid will take' ff name.«, as will do a credit to the work, as well as atfo'd a reasonable encouragement to the under taker. Those who are dftirous of further in for. mation are requeifled to call mi April 14. d. l. iat W EDNIiSDAY, June 11, 1794. THOMAS isf JOHN KETLAND, Ju c. 3.. i FOUR FRIENDS, JESSE & ROBERT IVALN. June 9. -d Edward Broock, Matter. |u«e 2 V/HAKTQN & -LEWIS. d June 10 For AMSTERDAM, OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. TAKKff FROM ACTUAL SUREST. Benjamin Daviss, No. 68, Market ilreet. hi&rthif AND RiADKiiIA, r SHEKIIV, J PORT, i WlN£Soft!»e firft quality ■ LISBON, & V ,'TENEtfiFKEj -O d laiijVicaSpirit, Antigua and IVeft lu da Rom. , Ooiuajc, gVe c.> an l Peach Brand-tr* 1 claret and P.irt Wine of a lupcfior qaa- I lity in tafes- • , - 1 Wi'f: Cyder and Vinegar, in PM>es aod hMi. , . Co kt tn d*'e -,Hivannali Sfe Stone Jloufe in Second ft relet, Pfolpdzlfibia t Volume xi of ENCYCLOPAEDIA, OR A / Dl3ionary of Arts» Sciences, aud Mif cellatieous Literature, OK a p!aii erwi.'elv new • tl yWkn-h tlur different fcienrc; ami arts in to the fiirm or fyfteim. This Vqluflne «d»\»aij»« tiff lAiKtck Mtrfa%' ' medicine, metallurgy, m«{?pbvflcs,ilietho- ' dirts, Mexico, mirrolcopr, liiidwifry, Jinrt - *»»reit variety nf biiigTapSlial -<1 nd mifcel- I,inet be comes difficult to complete £he .setts, and the puUlillier does not holdKim'elf nonud to make up any setts after the firft day of J uly next. Ap-il 22. Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-ltreet, New-York Trl E Subfcribc r inrrndmjr to confin. him- Iclf entirely to the PUKCHASh and SALK of STOCKS on COMMISSION,W.g» leave to off r hii/erviccs to his friend? and others, in theca«ife I you tlie tritth*? G.tl. iv ; *6 Njw a'«**,mUt they - »s;e- written for • ,n:)ttij v*hoot Nhg «jj lie next stated, had jult received the appointment of National A S«it of Paris, in the Head of Lullicr, who had been put under arrest., In the mi/n icipality, Chaumette, 11 chert, and Real, iind been succeeded hy Citizens Piiyv.n, Moinne, and Lubin. The com mittee bad appie'ncnded four members of tihe Girondists ; and had depiived levcjal otheisof the;r functions, replacing them by metubcrs of the commune, diftingtiifh ed by their attachment to the Nation:! Ivepreitiitau'on. Barrere concluded by pblerviiiT ihat the committee of thefedH- O'l of Marat, de:.011 need by the public voice, had been in the fame way terrene* rated. ; " Barrjr? next considered the actual ftatc of Paris ; and obf-ived 11tat it never con tained so many niifcreants and traitors a: at present. Ail the villains of Europe k-erned to have m-.ide it the it rendezvous ; but they were every where watched, and never did the inhabitants of that city, the mother and guardian of Liberty, (hew themfclves more devoted to the National Reprefentalion, and more inimical to trai tors. Soon would it be impossible for any enemy of Liberty ta iem:«n there with impunity ; and the very r:ir of Paris would be fatally infectious to all the fup poiters of tyrants. Ihe Revolutionary I übunal continued to 11■ on the accompli ces of the confederacy, aud would, in a few days, fend several of the criminals to the fcaffold. This conspiracy, re fumed B?.rrere, was connedled with religious difturbatlces; to excite which an effort was made to destroy every moral principle, and to in culcate atheistical dottrines, through the extravagant enterprizes of .Clootz, Chau ractte» Hebert, &c. asfainft tile liberty of worlhip. lli,. committee is employed in an extensive plan of regeneration, the re sult of-which willbe at once tobanilh im morality and prejudices, fuperftttion and atheism ; and to found the Republic on good principles and morals. This report of Barrere was followed by a decree, approving of the measures of the Committee. The Minister of Maiine, announced a great number of prizes, three of which were Engliih (hips laden with wine, Bcc. Si had been carried into Brest on the 34th. Three others had on the fame dav been carried into Rochefort, and were bound from Englftnd to Bilbo a, with cargoes of oil, meal, lalt-fifh, rice, sugar, cocoa, &c " 4 kound to Rome, had been carried into Villa I'"ranca in the country o£ Nice. UNITED STATES. COLUMBIA, (S. C.) May 1 3 . .At a circu it coiirti ;irt»tfer theiutthorfrr oftheU of A meiica,- -nriil id' tHis-iovwj the 12l Mr Thomas'Curti* formerly of Ellicof's U n , e r Mill* a „d lately of the Oty of Wafhing'ou, dec a'V arc defiled to apply a„d have hlsaffa.rs fell tied. fit* of WalWfclon, April si, ,764. • v: - kiioctl<4w