J. B. j\ Gobet, agefi 57 ; a deputy ol the condiment aflembly, and ex-Lifhop ol Paris. Artliur Dillon, aged 43'; ex-general. C. Chardinj aged 50 ; bookseller. A. Pi L. Dupkffis, ■" widow of Ca -1 mille Defineulins, aged 23. P. Sitrton, aged 39 ; deputy to the National Convention. J. F. Bcereter, aged 45 ; manufactu rer of piques. Nourv Grammond Rofelly, 41 ; adju. tanl-general. A. Ndury Grammond, son, aged 19; officer: M. M; F. Goupel, widow of Hebert, aged 38. , J. J. Lacortib, aged 33; living on Ins incpme. J. Montain Lambin, aged 31 5 phyfi dan. . J. F. Lambert; aged 31 ; turn-key of the Luxembourg prifun. A. Burell, aged 40; adjutant in the Alpine army. J. M. Lapalue, aged 29; judge of the revolutionary commidion at Tours. j. M. F. Bra fie, aged 31 ; lieut. C. Dumas, aged 53 ; corporal. M. M. A. Barras, aged 30 { ci-devant lawyer. S. B» Lacroix, aged 26 5 member of the revolutionary committee of the sec tion of Unity, &c. L. B. Chenaux, aged 38, ei-devant Member bf the Commune of Paris. P. A. aged 41 ; Commis sioner for cloathing to the armies. J. M. Beyfer, aged 40 ; General of Brigade; G. N. LaiTalkj aged 24; Captain of a merchant vefiel. R. A. Barbe, aged 49 ; sergeant in the revolutionary army. j. B. Ernest Bueher, aged 44 ; living on his income. The trial was continued on the nth. Several witnefies were heard on that day and on the 12th. The 13th was spent in debate; the jury having been three hours confnlting, 19 of the accused were pronounced guilty, death. Seven were acqu tt.d, viz. Chatdin, Bertere, Mon tain-Lambiri, Dumas, Chenaux, Prangey & Barbe. Tliofe condemned, fuffered death 011 the 13th, at 5 in the evening, on the square of the Revolution. April 13. TRAIT OF HEROISM. Letter from General Plchcgru to the Mi nijier at JVar. Reunion-fur-oifc, April I. I have just now been informed of an heroic action which deserves to be record ed. On the 29th ult. Citizen Woltz, huflar of the 3d regiment, had an arm carried away by a cannon ball, and reti red, faying to his comrades, who feeling for h;s misfortune, praised his courage ; " Don't attend to me, but avenge the re public for having been deprived of one of its zealous defenders." This courageous mr,n as he puffed by the infantry, encou raged tlv.'rt by his words, which breath ed the moil exalted pntiiotifm, and the wholedivifion applaudedbyfhouts of Vive la Rcpabliyue, The number of pi ifoners as published by the police, is 7241. JACOBIN SOCIETY, April i S . Couthon gave information of the bufitlefs traniaited in the convention this day. He m ormed, that Barrere had communicated intelligence of the capture of 21 veJTels be ongmf so the enemy, all which prizes had oeen made within two or three days, and .• ena the fitting he had men tioned the capture of fix more. He also gave ■mormatmn of the taking of the port of f . e l " e principal communication that " C , ' V '"S of monkies had with Sardinia, ('flared that the tenure of this town f ; ' !~ 1S l'ttle tyrant in a state of arrefta • in riedmont, and facilitates the receipt provisions purchased in forei-jn parts. national convention. April 16. Upon the report of Couthon the following j_ v , . catl f" s of s he decree against the ci st nobles and ex-generals were adopted. inft re ii e ? C^ tet ' rom '' le ' aw of the 15th vp " 3 ° rei P ner ' residing in France for 20 L:;V nd all those who having resided 6 ,1 ' ,a,r f married a French woman not of 'oeex-nobility. in the law who with "c S i. f accord 'ng to the ideas and erf n- W?neient government, have usurp- L'tv /"u , t ' t ' ts . or privileges of nobi ortltofc w t o may have afftimed falfe v «. f rom March 54. the Imf 111(1 a severe rencontre \riilj the lmperialifts near to this city. At fii ft we buTfoon Ven 1 * t,k we / a!lied advancing in a mast compelled the enemy to fly before us. Arlon opehed lts gates; we entered the city, drums C f o" rS ' 111(1 there have got pofTefiion of g pjeces of cannon, maiiy horses Im I °f other valuable articles have rail en into 6ur hands. By this Day's Mail. 1 LFW-YORK, June 9. It is no longer dubious refpedting hof. t 't'es having commenced between Portu gal and the Dey of Algiers. The follow, ing is another confirmation of the pleating event: r 6 Captain Farmer, who arrived at Boston the 2d mft. 62 days from Oporto, (Por tugal) informs, that three days before he lailed, a press of 500 men wta matte' at "T, .' tn _ m an the fleet, to (hut up the Algennes in the Mediterranean. The Algerines in «j*v. second cruise, did.not take a fn their firft they Cagtured ten 6 Genoese By the arrival, on Saturday of the Th, George, Capt. Hunter, front Liver p. o. -which port Jbe left the 2id hf April, lie have received l*ondon neivfpiyptrs t*f tht 14tb, lsth, 16lb, I "jib, and k; 'h of A prtl -from -wbirh we copy the follow ing : Revolutionary Tubvhal. PARIS, April 3. Danttm and tht at bet Dtputiet. . After the reading of the ast of accusa tion and the report of Saint-Just; Amar, the Public Accuser requested that Gene ral Weftermann Should be brought frpm tbc Conciergerie, in order to be tried with the Deputies. This request was compli ed with. As soon as General Weftermann arri ved, the Revolutionary Tribunal proceed ed to the examination of evidence against him—Cambon, the Deputy, was exami nated—His dcpofuion related entirely to Fabre d' Eglantine, Delaunay d' Angers, and Chabot—He developed the measures adopted by the Committee of Five, to suppress the Finance Companies and to tftablifh the credit of Aflignats, and he disclosed the manner in which the three Deputies alluded to, had altered the de cree parted by the Convention, relative to the Eall India Compnny. As the Tribunal were on the point of adjourning, Danton aad Philippcaux re queued leave to communicate freely with their defenders——This request was acced ed to. April 4. In pursuance of the rcquifition of the public accuser, Lullier, procurer general of the department of Paris, in consequence of his intimate connexion with the Baron de Batz, who has made his escape, was ordered to be tried with the Deputies. The Revolutionary Tribunal then proceed ed to the examination of witnefles, but Danton and the other deputies declared that they would answer no questions, ex cept in the prefencc of Roberfpierre, Bar rere and Saint-Just. The President of the revolutionary tribunal, and the public accuser, attempt ed to induce them to depart from this de termination. Their attempts, however, were ineffe&ual. The tribunal, in conse quence of this event, suspended the trial, and a report was ordered to be presented to the Convention. April £. The decree patted by the Convention, together with the letter received by the Committee of public and general fafety, from the adminiftratori of the Police, where read to the deputies They pcr filted, however, in the determination not to answer interrogatories, unless Roberf-, piene, Barrere, and St. Just, were sum moned to attend. The condudl of Danw. ton was exceedingly turbulent, and he inveighed in very strong terms against the judges. In conference of the mode of conduit adopted by the prisoners, the jury found T\ A * ' DANTON. Camille Defrnoulin, Lacroix, Phillipeaux, Herault de Seychelles, and Weftermann, guilty of a conspiracy against the Republic, and Chabot, Bazire, Fabre d' Eglantine, Ju lien de Thouloufe, and Delaunay d' Angers, guilty of corrupt practices.—D'Efpagnac, the two Freys, Dietriche,), and Cufman, werf aifo found gtilty, Lullier rcq.j- :te4. At two o clock in the aftei nocr. Ji; Rtvo lutir nary Tribunal paired feiitence of death upon them, and ordered thera tc be execu ted at the expiration of three hoars. i PLACE DE LA REVOLUTION. Evening of the sth inft. At five o clock the condemned persons were conveyed in three carts from the Con cicrgerie to the Place de la Revolution. In the nrlt cart were, Damon, Chabot, Lacroix, Fabre d'Eglantine, and Herault de oechellesj In the second, Phillippeaux, De laun.iy d* Angers, Bazire, and Camilie Def- Ripulins. In the third Weilermann aiid the Tv-lt. i ney all behavtd with intrepidity, except -acrcix. Da«ton m particular, who was executed last, ihcwed the utmolt contempt Of death. * Lines Written on the prapofed benefit 0/ Mrs. Whitiock, in the Mourning Bride, June nth, 1794. 1-R.OM Albion's Isle when genius take its flight, Its ever fjre on these b!eft coasts to light, Whether by parly or by fancy driven, . Here lure jt finds an ever foftring Heaven Here firft :t breathes invigorating air And l.arns to do whatever man ihould dare, Hei*e among Freemen lifts its manly voice Fearless of ill where all the world rejoice Here Priestley finds the reft he fought in vain, And W hitlock meets applauding crowds again ! In these blest ftiades no lords or despots sway But sons of Freedom their own law! obey, Distress of course is to the land unknown And guardian science marks it for her own ; No sorrOws here obtrude upon the eye, But such as fancy may perchance supply ; Woes such as these that penetrate the heart When Whitlock ftr.kes it in fond Zara's part! Oh long be acting such 4s hers a'low'd, Its full effedt upon tb' admiring crowd, To wealth and peace and plenty let it join, What e'er can foften, meliorate, refine. Mean while for her still may it smooth the way, That yet remains of variegated day. Till filters form'd such different worlds to pleafc, Alike ftiall charm on either fide the seas; Of jarring nations, form the mutual care, And Whitlock here succeed as Siddons there! S. The American .Daily Advertiferof this morning fays, " We hear from lcfpe&ahk authority, that Col. Simcoe has returned to Niagara."—lt is reported that Gov. Simcoe has published a declaration to the Indians, informing therti that there iB peace between Great Britain and the United States ; and advifcs them to pursue a pacific line of conduct—Time will ai certain the truth of these reports. From a Bajlon paprr. We hear that the celebrated Genet, and the present French Minifler are now on the moll friendly terms. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED. davs Brig Newton, Decofta, St. Croix, 20 A&ive, Welsh, Charleston, 10 Schr. L'Gonfalla, De Cruz, St. Übes, 53 Betsey, Eldridge, N. Carolina, n Elfey, Walker, Virginia, 7 Sloop Poily, Migget, N. Carolina, 16 Sea Flower, Viana, St. Thomas, 20 Nancy, Denike, Virginia, 7 Captain WeMh from Charledon informs, that iq French privateers were fitted out there. He saw a fe;v days ago coming into the Capes, from 25 to 30 fail, among which the Brig Mercury, Capt. King from St. Croix, which was boaidcd by an English (hip of 16 guns. Arrived at New.Tori. Ship Pcwhatan, Reddick, Hull Brig George, Prowfe Botirdeaux Nofuingavae, —■—, Madeira Doam Pavo, Gomez, St. Übes Sch'r Hope, Stanwood, Wilmington Fortitude, Jones Hannah, Allen, George-Town Lively, Taylor, Halifax, (with the English April mail. Slocp Catliarine, Coffin, St. Thomas's Riling Sun, Nichols, Barhadocs Planter, Carpenter, . Edenton Brig Sally, Smith, St. Kirts Sch'r Washington, Raymond, Antigua Betsy, Gilbert, Jamaica Sally, Huwland, do. Sarah and Lucretia, White, Paulk (land Islands Jereinie Sloop Friendfliip, Price, For 3aie or Charter, MARGARET, (Lying a * Mufley's wharf "ear Chefnut Itreet) HAS made only one vnyagfe , i s , staunch w ell fitted veiTel, a irl will carry about barrels, or 14,010 bu(h;ls of grain—' Apply to wharton & Lewis. i yune to For AMSTERDAM, Gardner Hammond. Matter. ro fail with all convenient fp.ed, Uv- H two thirds or her cutg , a re a dv en:aß in 'ft " r J 6 ' 8 !' 1 or pa " a f? e a pply to raiti S ; c ;™ f ta , d , h! JOHN DONNALDSON. June 10. SCHUYLKILL^ T , V r^» c " Knox, Mailer. ■ fj at Morton's w!iarf, and to fail a ew .lay,. She is a new veff I, ra'cu t r ° ac ( . omino ' la ' e pdflengei s, and will si ; °"' e For te-m, of«-hich or pauage, apply toCnp. a i n Knox, or WHARTON £s" GREEVSS. June io 6f Nicholas biehl, Attorney at Laii> t INFORMS his friends and the Public; thai he has o ( fcrfed an t)FFICE for the sale •rid P-rchifc ~f Re.i fiftates at No. f 9 , outh Fourth street, where he will thnnk tuiiy receive tbrir commands. He alf» oravi D:ed», Mortgages, and other Writ ing«:. June 10 NEW THEATRE. Mrs. Whit lock's Night. TO-MORROW evening, June io. Witt be Presented, A, TRAGEDY, called the Mounting Bride. Manuel, Mr. Whitlock Ofmyn, Mr. Fennell Gonzalez, Mr, Gretn Garcia, Mr. Wignell Mr. Cleveland Perez, Mr. Francis Selim, Mr. Haiwocd Alonzo, Mr. Warreil Almeria, Mrs. Morris Zara, Mrs Whit lock Leonora, Mrs Francis In Ast the firft, The Triumphal Entry rf Manuel, and Procefiion of Zara into Grenada. End of the Play, The PASSIONS, an Ode, by Colling will be here recited by Mrs Whitlock. End of the Tragedy, , A Scots Pqftoral Dante, (Compof'd by Mr. •Francrg)call'd Ths CALEDONIAN FROLIC. In which will be introduced a Highland R'tl-—By Mr. Francis, Mils Willems, and Mrs De Marque. To which will be added,. A Comedy in two Aits, -called Three Weeks after Marriage- OR, What we must all ccrce to. Sir Charles Racket. Mr CbaJmrrj Drugget, Mr. 2ules Lovelace, Mr. Mo' C.on Woodley, Mr Cleveland Servant, Mr. F. Darky Lady Racket, Mrs Whitlock Mrs Drugget, Mrs RowfU Nancy, Mrs Francis Dimity, Mrs Shaw Tickets to be bad of Mrs Whitlock, at' No. i, S. Sixth Street, corner of Minor. Street—at the tifual places, and of Mr. Franklin at the Theatre. Where places may be taken. On Friday the Tragedy of JULIA : Or, The ITALIAN LOVER—with Entertainment*—For the Benefit of Mr. FINCH. Mr. and Mrs FRANCIS'S Might will lie <>n Monday. Places in the 3oxes to be taken at the Box- Office of the Theatre, at any hour from nine in the morning till three o'clock in the after no n, on the day of performance. Tickets to he had at the office near tbe Theatre, at the ccrner cf Sixth street, and at Carr & Co's Musical Repository, No. 123, Maikef itieet. jun. tuthbfstf