hreaf them selves. The atidacity of public ;,qt:*:!c3 is seen no more ; and the p;r,ple, u hot- every I sentiment and with eemtrs in t!:- national convention, becomes enlightened ar.d appears armed against the intrigues which were tiif traeling them in every quarter. Every day a crowd of the emiHirieii of foreign powers is arrested, also emigrants and intriguers who were prctefled iiy the faiflion which lias been annihilated. Frequent visitS are made 111 the public places. The several theatres have been search ed. On the sth, at ,eight in the evening, the ci-devant Palais : Royale was furroimried, and it is laid that several accomplices of the last conspirators were am-lled. April u. From Toulon, April 2. The Duqupfne ?.nd the Corvettee la Fauvette arrived here yefterd j y evening, with a fleet of 20 vefltfs from Marleilles, lo ioed on the Repnblic's scc.iunt, with ammunition Bcr. of all Und* for this aTfe nal. They fell in with three enemy's vef fe's, one of which came with si gunfliot of the Duquefne, Kit the Republican v.ffcl preparing tc> receive her, {he tacked about and made off. The naval preparations proceed with an aftivitv unknown under the old government, Already we have fit ted out several vessels of fyrce, which are employed to convoy merchantmen. The state of the vefftls in the harbor follows: Firlt division armed and ready for sea The Sans Culotte ot 80 guns The Tonnant of 74 The Timoleon of 74 The Genermx of 74 The Heurenx of 74 Second division, Arming. The Languedoe of 80 The Cenfeur of 74 The Duquefne of 74 The Conquerant of "4 The Guerrier of 74 Third division, Equipping. The Ca Ira of 80 The Mercure of 74 The Alcide of 74 Tlie Souvermn of 74 The Barrat of 74 Makes five (hips of the line ready for sea, five nearly ready, and rive preparing. Add to tliefe, a vast number of frigates, corvettes and ether light veilils. April 12. On the iotli 25 persons :ppeared be fore the tribunal. The ast of accusation mentions them as the accomplices of the infamous Hebert, Clootz, and others, who have already received the punishment due to their crimes. They are accused of conspiring againit the liberty and fa fif ty of the French people, of wishing to disturb the tranquility of the republic, by a civil war, dnring which, in the mentis of Ventofe and Germina 1 , the coirfpira tors were to difTblve the National Conven tion, aflafdnate some of the members a:>d other patriots, deftrov the republican go vernment, flize the reigns of anminiftra tion and give a tyrant to France. Their names follow : P. Gafpnrt! (Anaxagoras) ChswwnfWtt aged 3 1 ; man of letters, fx-agent of the commune of Paris. *.■ * \ i &1