EVENT N G AD V E R T I S ,[No. 152 of Vol. V.] , Carolina Rice and Indigo,' PAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR stones, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May i.j. d JAMAICA RUM, IANLKNG at Hamilton's v harf, above the Drawbridge, out of the /hip Bacchus Ce|)t. Vanneman, fioir Jamaica, FOR SALE Br >j PETER BLIGHT. d May 16 It is Requested, THAT no pe'fo i wi I Supply a, y articles fortheufeol tlie New Theatre, without an order iri writinp, signed by ouri'e!ve=, or Sam uel Ai:de rfan, for u WIGNtLL & REINAGIE. dt!'. May 30, All perfojis who have any de ni id. upon the New Theatre, are requeu ed tn fe'.H in their accounts to No. 304, in Arch iiiett, near Eighth street, as loon as convcnie.it. •WIGKfELL & REIN IGLE. dtf. May 3">. Guthrie's Geography improved. THE fubferiptipi) tor this work on the ori ginal ttrmi, ofiwelve (Jollirs and tic bind ing, wil this day—and on Mrfrday the fubfyripti«n will open at fourteen dollars, exclnfive of the price of binding. The new maps added to this edition are t'vetity one ; among which are thole o! Ntw- H impffi re, MafTadbuletts, Connecticut, Rliode-Iflanc', Vermont, New Yoik, New 'erfev, Pennlylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia," Kentucky, North Carolina, the ■cnelf e Government, South Carolina, and eortjia. These maps have never been given any former system of Geography, and, it (loped, would alone be fnfficient to entitle s work to a preference to any other edition Gll tin e. ' N B. Tile map of she United S'ates, i ch is compiling by Mr. S inniel Lewis,from ? refpeetive state maps, wil] be far more mplete than any One yet publiflied, and be mled o- two large sheets of nearly ■'lize of the late Mr. Murray's map. May 31 rf FOR SALE, i MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Mai ket-Street, \n ElFay on Slavery, Defunct! to exhibit in a new point o! view effefch on morals, indvjlry, and the peace of 7 cty. Some iayfts and calculations are ottered prove the labor of jrttmtn to be much more vduflive than that of flavcs ; that countries are :h, powerful aod happy, in proportion as the Coring people-enjoy the fruits of their own nor ; and hence the ne deemed Aifficienl notice thei eof. Extradl from the Journals of Senate. Attest, SAM. A. OTIS, secretary. May >4. To-Morrow Morning, Will lie landed near Walnut street wlia ffrpm on boaul the I'chooner Madison, Jas. Par rock, Tiaftrr, trom MALACA. Sweet Mountain WINE, m quarter casks Soft (helled A monds in lacks Mufratel Raisins, in jars and Bloom D'». in quarter barrels' A few 7 inch Bas s Cables AND FOR SALE BY PETER KUHN. d6t June 2 o>Cl2tiit of flie 1H or Hamburgh, new Ship ~ John YannKman, Mast r. lO i •' 1 with all convenient speed, having three fourths of her cargo alreai'y engaged For freight or passage apply to the mailer on board, or THOMAS r d JOHN KF.TLAND: J»" e 3- d For Charter, C^o WfP India I [lands, mmL «.v *4 A B B Y, Samuel Eamfs, Matter. SHE is a ilaunch good vjitfjyj in compleat order, and will carry about 9CO barivls. For terms apply to thecapain on board a t Chef. tlmt (beet wbn' , or *o i JOSEPH ANTHONY & SON. (i6r June 2 For Charted,' ■ Lady , WalterftorfF, Edward Brooch, Mailer. BURTHEN 1700 batrejs, failst ft, and is in compleat order to take in a ca'go imnudi ately. Also for Sale Or Charteri Two New Si}l PS ol Hie bunion of 240 tons each, for U»ms app.v to JOSEPH SIMS, Who has for fait, Madeira and Sherry Wines, of c!-e si it <]iia.ity, Bia» dy, Red «»nd h*le ]t uits lia-k, v&c. &c. x June 2 ' d Treasury of the United States. ALL Verv'-r who aie inclined to (Hpo:e of eithei of the different species of the >tofks of the Uritfd States, aie hereby notified, that Propolals wjll.be received ait! e Trealurer's ofSce No. 71 Chefnut street, at any time un til Friday the fjtlijnfli it at 12 o'clock. Jdoe 4th. 17^4, LETTERS on the fubjedt of the Wash ington Loittry, being by mistake repeat edly addreiled to the Commiffionei s for the City of Wafhingion. Persons concerned are hereby informed, that ail such fnould be addrefied either to W. Deakins jun. of Wafliington, or to the Subfcrber. The corami(Tioners never hav ing contemplated any further concern in this business, than in their aflent to receive the bonds and approve the names of the managers. The prizes have been paid and are paying on demand by VV. Deakins, Waihington, Peter Oilman, Bolton, and by the Subscriber. For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al ready given will be retained by the com miflioners, or transfe red by them at their option to the bank of Columbia ; and the commissioners will be ronfulted refpedling a j'idicious and equitable dilp fition. of the houses to be buik thereby i their treasury or the bank of Columbia will receive the money intended for the National Univer sity, and they will be consulted in the no mination of the 24 managers ; but all the refponfihility refpefting the general dispo sition cf the tickets, and payment of pri zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on the persons whose names are and may be hereafter pub'ifned as affifiants to forward this business with S. BLODGET. N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particularly oblie " 1 e 'ed if' those persons who poiTefs prize; yet unpaid, will .apply for their money as ear'v as poflible. June 7th. d. To the Electors of the city anc county of Philadelphia. Gentlemen, THIS be>rg the last year of the prefeht Sheriff's time in office. I take the liber, ty to offer nivfelf a Candidate, anil folieit vour votes and interests in my favor, to plare me on the retQ"nat t!ie next <;eneralE!e£t;on, as his fucceiror for laid office; in doing which, you will confer an obligation that will be gratefully remembered, by May 3. Monday, June 9, 1794. SA -UEL MEREDITH Ag«- t for the Ti uliees for the reduction of the Public Debt. ADVERTISEMENT, Yo"ur most obedient, and liunihle fcrvant, , JOIfN BAKER. esti*. A PLAIN COOK. WANTED a middle aged fmgie Woman,' WJ.-1 unfleriiw,plain Cooking ; to luch a .Hie the bcft wages will be g'rven. AlV>y t tne Printer. 31 lot Medical Books. JUST PUBLIBHED, B y Thomas Dob/on, at the Stone House, No. 41, Jouth Seco d Jlreet, VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries O B S E R VAT I O NS. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. Pioftffor of ihe Inftitutcs of Medicine,' and ot Clinical Practice in the Univer lity o( P. unlylvania. containing 1. An inquiry into the influence of physical cauics upon the moral faculty. 2. An inquiry into the effects of fpiritoys li quor* upon the human body, and their in. tiiit nee upon the iiappiwrf* ot locieiy. 3. Ad inquiry into the causes ana cure of the puinjonaiy conlumption. 4. Obiet valioiis or! U'e Jympiums and cure of d lopfics. 5. An Inquiry into the causes and the cuie of i. 1 teniai dioply of the brain. 6. An account of the measles, as they ap peared in Philadelphia, ir» the year 1789. 7. An account of t he influenza, as if appear ed in Pniladelphia m the years 1789,1790, and 1791. 8. An inquiry into the causes of the incrcafe of biliou* ana remitting levers', in Penn . iy.lvania. 9. An inquiry into the catlfes and cure of fore Kgs. id. Airaccoilht of the state of the body and mind in old age, with observations upon I us d ilea ft s ana theft remedies. Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or one dollar and a halt neatly bound. Medical Tranfa£tions OF TnS College of Phylicians of Philadelphia. V o L. I.—h A R T I. Puce otic dollar in boards. A Treatise on the Diseases of Children. With general directions tor the management ot Infants from the birth, adapted for theuleof physic ans and piiv te families. By Michael Underwood, M. D. Licentiate of Midwiicry in the hoyal Col lege of Physicians in 1 t/ndon, and Phy/ician of the Bntith Lying-in-Hospital. Price one Dollar» This is acknowledged to be the best book which has been published on the fubjctl, and is calculated for the ule ot par; n s, nuffes,* "• and private families, as well as for physicians —The two volumes handsomely printed in one, and the pnce only about one third of what the imported copies fell for. * d. t. 18 The Edinburgh New Difpeafatory, two dollar». . System of Surgery, extrn&ed from the works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, e dols. 50 cents. Syitem ot Anatomy, ex:rafted from the Encyclopaedia, with 12 copprrpjate.% 2 dols. Syitem ot Chemistry, extra&ed fiom the Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view ol thepto grefs of the fciencec, and the differetv fyftefns which have fjeen publiftiedj 2 dols. 50 cents. Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dois. 67 cents. T. Dob/on has in the Press, An edition ot the Medical and Philofoptii al Commentaries of Edinburgh; Twov«l. Mrs are piintrd in one at e d<>ll--ns and • nts per volume ; he has nearly fiuifhed me iv firft vclnnus, which contain the hrlt ten 'oliime's of (lie European edition, wh ch fc .1 or two dollars each. Nine volumes will in ;lud£ eighteen European volumes, which kV ill briog the publication up to the present ime. Likevjifc for sale a confderabh number of Medical Books, viz* Cullen's Materia Medica, Physi ology, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols, or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Bbchari's Dorai ftic Medicine, Ledran's S'urg-erv, Cbefeldeti'a A netomv, Hunter on the Venereal, Sweder, and attachmentto the bu fuefs have long been known and approved. He lias under the heft afllllants in the different branched—-The fcbol'ars are taught the Engli/h, Freach, La:Ln, and Greek h n jiiage»,f'Public-Speaking, Writing Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, and th- various brancf of the Mathematics I lie heahhy, fituition of this place is fm:H as to recommend it to f those, who t » Jiave their children in the country. Boa:d ---i'»g, urchins, mending, &c. will.be provid ed in families, anrf the morals of the fcholari carefully a tended to. J he pt'iC" iptiuding tuition, firewood, &<*.. exClusive of the French lan»>u ge) will not eKct-e4 thirty f°urgUproclamation mo ney per annum) an addition of three dollars per qua ter wiJJ be made .to fnch fcholnrs v»o at*.* taught the French language. The Di: fto s ar ede t rmined to pay as ten sion co this inlbtution, as will render it refpeflab'e and, lifefuK gabrjel h. ford, . -) TIMOTHV JOHNS, jun. C Dirt's, Nathan ford, \ MdrriftoWn. May 15, 179*4 Cdngrefs of the United State/. House of Representatives. Wednesday, June 4. The bill to authorize the President to feceiveon the part of the United States, cessions of land of light hou ses, passed a committee, but was rejected on a co.nttitutional principle in the House, on the queilion of engrofTment. A motion was made by Mr. Boudinot, and agreed to, that a committee of both Houses be appointed to wait on the Pre sident, arid recjuelt: that he wi.uld recom ment to the People of the United States, a Day of Prayer and Humiliation to Al mighty God, for tli£ Safety and Prospe rity of the U. S. The resolution was directed to be communicated to the Se nate for their concurrence, and a com mittee of three appointed to join a com mittee of the Senate to wait on the Pre sident of the United States with the fame. The bill to authorize the President to build ten vefftls or gallies, if he should judge it necefiary in the recess, was taken up,and after some dehate faffed,47 to 32. The bill to authorize the fetriement of certain expencea of the Commilfioners of Loans; and, The bill, fupplementaty to the a£t, ma king more effectual provision for the de fence of the frontiers of the United States, were pafled. Adjourned. In the House of Representatives of the United States. Thursday, sth June, 1794. The House, according to the order of the day, resolved itfelf into a committee of the whole House on the report of the committee, to whom was referred the re monstrance of'the People weft of the Al leghany Mountain, relative to the Navi gation of the river Mifiifippi, and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker fe fumed the chair, and Mr. Trumbull re ported, tfiat the curhmittee had, accord ing to order, had the fame report under cohfideration, and come to a refojution thereupon, whicb he delivered in at the Clerk's table, where the fame was tw'ice read, and agreed to by the House, as followeth: Resolved, That as it appears from the communications of the Executive, that the right of the United States to the free navigation of tht Mifiifippi, is now the fubjedt of negotiation with the Court of Spain, and as it the interest of the Uni ted States, and every part thereof, to come to an amicable*, adjuilment of the right in that mode, rather than resort to any means constitutionally belonging to • the Legislature, no farther proceeding (llould be had on the said during the present fefilon of Congrtfs. Extract from the journal, JOHN BECKLEY, Clerk. d iw.- -W2in.