Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, June 07, 1794, Image 1

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    ji ' . » .. ' . . ...
It is Requcfted,
THAT no person will supply any articles
for [he life of the New Them re, without an
order in writinp, tigneri bv ourselves, or Sam
uel Anderfon, for us.
May 30. d T f.
All pcrfons who have any de
manfls upon the New Theatre, are request
ed to lend in t:ieir accounts to No. 804, in
Arclirtrett, near fiighth ftieet, as soon ai
_ May 3". dtf.
To-Morrow Morning,
will be landed near Walnut ftieet whaif,from
011 boaid ti)e schooner Madison, Jas. Par
roik, naftcr, trom MALAGA.
Sweet Mountain WINE,
111 quarter casks
Spit fhel]ed Almonds in iacks
Muscatel Railins, in jars and
Bk)om Do, in quarter barrels,
A few 7 inch gafs Gardes __ '
J"-'g 2 . d6t
Carolina Rice and Indigo,
Gurney and Smith.
May 14. d
LANOiNtj at Hamilton's wharf, above
the Drawbridge, out of the ftiip Bacchus
Ccpt. Vanneman, from Jamaica,
May 16. d
CcngreJ's o£ the United States,
vVOF?It' Tucf t ay M °y l Z' h > '794-
Of h'r kl i' Manal
ber nixt, lhew cause to the Senate, why To
much ot the grants of land to them the said
RutuS Putnam, ManafTah Cutler, Robert
Oliver and Griffin Green, pursuant to an A&
eutitlfd u An adl authorizing the grant and
conveyance of certain lands to the Ohio Com
pany of aifociates," shall not be declared
void, as may interfere with and be fpfficient
to fatisfy the claims of" the French settlers
at Galliopolis.
Oroered, that the delivery of a copy of
the above order to Ruf'us Putnam, Manaffah
, Culler, Robert Oliver, or Griffin Gfeen, and
the publication of the fame, one iiiofirh, in
one of ihe Gazettes printed in this City, shall
bt deemed (ufiicienl notice thereof.
Extract from the journals of Senate.
SAM. A. OTIS, secretary.
May 14. lltl .
Guthrie's Geography improved.
THE fubferiptiftn so; this work on the ori
ginal terms, of twelve dollars and the bind
ing, will be ( £lofed this day—and on Monday
the luofcription will open at fourteen dollars,
excluftve of the price of binding.
The new maps added to this edition are
twenty one ; anions which are those of Nfw-
Hampfliire, Massachusetts, Connecticut,
llliode-Ifland, Vermont, New York, New
Jerfcy, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,
\ uginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, the
Gene flic e Government, South Carolina, and
Georgia. Thele maps have never been given
in any former fy.ftem of Geography, and, it
is hoped, would alone be fufficient to entitle
this work to a preference to any other edition
of Guthrie.
N. B. The map of the United States,
winch is compiling by Mr. S niuel Lewis,from
the refpeftive state maps; will be far more
complete than any one yet publiilied, and be
printed on two large sheets of paper, nearly
the fiz'. 1 of the late Mr. Murray's map.
May 31 d
Mai ket-Street,
An LlTay on Slavery,
Dcfigtfed to exhibit in a new point of view
"setters on motals, indu/ry, and the beau of
Jociety. Some tads and calculations are oflercd
1° j r< n- C l^. e la^or °fjreehffn- to be much more
produclwc than that ot Jlavcs ; that countries aie
»ic , powerful and happy, i n proportion as the
abonng people enjoy the fruits of their own
n >r ' 311 the n<ciflaiy conclusion, that
kavery is impolitic as well as unjujl.
Price 25 Cents. dtf
xebruary f
1 Lady WalterftonT,
EdwArd Broock, Master.
BURTHEN 170,0 barrelsj fiails'faft, and is
in corapleat order to take in a cargo immedi
Also for Sale or Charter,
Two New SHI PS of the burthen of 240 tons
1 each. For terms apply to
Who has for /ale,
Madeira and Sherry Wines,
of the firft quality. Brandy, Red and Pale
Jesuits Bark, & c . &c.
' June 2 d
John Vanneman, Master.
TO fai| with all convenient speed, having
n{" her cargo already engaged.
For freight or paliage apply to the master
board, or
June 3. d
For Charter,
0 India IJlands,
The new sloop
A B B Y,
Samuel Eames, Master.
SHE is a staUnch good vdffel, in compleat
order, ar,d will carry about 900 barrels. For
terms apply to thecapain on board at Chef
nut street wharf, or to
June 2 cl6t
Wanted for Europe,
iSfev. Ut f'"^' tl s
Of about 150 tons.
A Coodfaji failing Schooner or Brig about
ninety Tons,
No. 117, north Secondfirett.
A few Invoices of
Artificial Flowers, Feathers,
Fans, Handsome Looking Glasses framed.
Window Glass of every size,
Received by tbe brig Amiable Sophia, Capt.
Lozvther, via New York.
Spermaceti Candles, Claret and Burgundy in
cases, Champaignt Wine, all to be fold by
Also jujl Received,
A few Barrels
Frelh Superfine Flour.
Do. Ship Bread, and a parcel of Prime Rice.
June 3. d.
Treasury of the United States.
ALL Persons who are inclined to difpo(e of
either of the different species of the Stocks ot
the United States, are hereby notified, that
Propolals will be received at the Treasurer's
office No. 71 Chefnut street, at any time un
til Friday the 13th instant at 12 o'clock,
Agent for the Trustees for
the reduction of the Public
June 4th. i 79- d. t. 12.
Just Published,
By Bf.njamin Johnson, and fold at his
Bookflore, No. 147, Market flreet,
The Life of Dr. Franklin,
with a linking likeness, executed in a master
ly m"nner by Thackara and .Vallancc, price
five (hillings.
The Keady Reckoner, or Tiadds' Sure
Guide, 3/9
The Young Book keeper's AlTiftant,
The Chridian, a poem, by Charles Craw
ford,. 2f4
Efop*s Fables, 4JB
Swan's British Architect, 37/6
Fame's ditto 30/
Town and Country Builder's Afliftant. 22/6
In the press, and iuill bepublijtxd in a fe<w
days, and fold as above,
Reed; ions and Maxims, by
William Penn, with llis advice to his chil
dren, 4JB.
6 m#. 2, 1794. 111 &w 113?
WAN 1 fcD a middle aged single Womanj
who un.ieritai dsplain Cooking; to lucb a one
the befi wages will be given.
Apply t the Printer^
Ma) 3jl l ot
Medical Books.
By Thomas Dobfon, at the Stone House,
No .41, south Seco d Jlre et,
VOL. 11.
Medical Inquiries
ProTestor of <helnftitutcs of Medicine, and
of ClinicAl Practice in the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania.
1. An inquiry into the influence of physical
c*u<e* npoft the moral faculty.
2. An inquiry iuio the effefti of fpiritoils li
quors upon the human body, and their in
fluence upon the happiness of i'ocipty.
3. Ad inquiry into the causes and cure of the
puimonaiy consumption.
4. Obfctvafit.ns on the fyraptums and cure of
5. An Inquiry into the causes and the cure of
internal dropsy of the brain.
6. An account of the measles, as they ap
peared in Philadelphia, in the year 1789.
7. An account of the influenza, as it appeal
ed in Philadelphia in the years 17^9,1790,
and j 791.
8. An inquiry into the causes of the increase
of bilious and remitting feveis, in Penn
9. An inquiry into the causes and cure of fore
1 gs.
10. An.account ttf the state of the body and
m»nd in did with observations upon
its dtfeafes and their remedies.
Pi ice one dollar and a quarter unbound, or
one dollar and a half neatly bound.
College of Phylicians of Philadelphia.
V O L. I—P A R T 1.
Puce 01.e d«Jlar in boards.
A Treatise on the Diseases of
With general d;re6tions for the management
ot Infants from the birth, adapted for
theujeof ai,d priv, te families.
By Michael Underwood, M. D.
Liccuti ate of Mmwilcry in the Royal Col
lege of Phy (icians in 1 o ydon, and
Physician of the Biitilh
Price one Dqflar«
This is acknowledged to bq ihe best book
which has been published on the and
is cakulaied for the use of parefl s, nurses,
and private lamilies, as well as for physicians
—.The two volumes handsomely punted in
one, and iht price only about one thiid of
what ihe imported copies fell for.
The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two
, Syftt'm of Surgery, extrafled from tbe
works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Wateis, 2
dols. 50 cents.
SyJtem. of Anatomy, cx'rafttd from the
Encyclopaedia, with 12 copperplates, 2 dols.
Syftcin of CJicmiftry, extracted from the
Encyclopaedia, exh:bitioga view ot tbe pio
grefs of ih- fcienc.e, and the different systems
which hjve bee 11 published, 2 dols.'so cents.
Bipwn's Elcmeuts of Medicine, 2 dols.
67 ceAts.
T. Dobfon has in the Prefs 9
An edition of ihe Medical and Philo.fophi
cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Twov »|_
umes are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50
cents per volume; he has nearly finUhed tiie
fi'v' fir ft volumes, which contain the firft ten
volumes c-f the European (dition, which fell
for two dolbrs each. Nine volumes will in
clude eighteen European volumes, which
w ill briog the publtcaiion up to the present
Li.'eezifije for fate a confiderabte number of
Medical Books, viz.
Cullen'a Pratt (ct, Materia Medica, Phyfiy
ology, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols,
or 4 vols, da. on Ulcers, Buchan's Dotpeftic
Medicine, Surgery, Chefeiden's A
nctomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea
ver on do. Rollo on Well India Difeafrs ;
Rigby on Uterine Hem'nhage, Ham 1 o.i'»
outlines of the theory and pra&ice of Mid
wifery, with or without plates; do. on the
management of Femali complaints. Mease
on Hydrophobia,
March 5.
Excellent CLARET,
In hoglhcads and in cases of £0 bottles cach.
A few cases Champaigne Wine j
• In pipes, hoglhcads arid quarter calVs,
No. in, South Front ltreet.
Jan. 2,1794. dtf
PORT, I WINES of the firft quality
LISBON, & | 17
Old Jamaica Spirit, Antigua and Weft India
Coniac, French Peach Brandies
Claret and Port Wine of a superior quality
in cases.
Wins Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes and hhds.
Corks in Bales, t Havaiiual> Segais in Boxes.
Philadelphia Porter, in Calks and Bottles.
London do. in clo. do.
Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do.
London do. in do. do. and
Cyder :n barrels and bottles, preparedfor ex
portation or immediate use,
Benjamin \y. Morris,
The corner of Dock and Pear Jireets,
Where he has provided luitablc itores and
vaults, for the reception of
WINE S, &c.
, Which he proposes to store or dispose of on
Capcainsof veiTels and others fuppliedwith
any of the aboveLIOUORS bottled, and lea
Itores ill gene al put up.
May 9 . tu&f2ni
AUGUSTA, (Geotgia) May 10.
" James Seagrove, Esq. fuperintend
partment of the United States, arrived
here on the 3d instant, accompanied with
several Creek chiefs—he has been five
months in their nation on the million of
In the fame paper is contained, a talk
from the Crsek nation to the governor of
New-Orleans—a talk from the whole of
the chiefs of the Upper and Lower Creek
nation affemblcd at tint Cuffetah, on the
18th of April, 1794, a talk from the
white lieutenant of Oakfufkee, Mad dog
of Tuckabatchies and Alexander Cornell,
who were anthorifed by the Creek
to fend the fame to William Panton*
Merchant, in Penfacola.
By these talks, it appears* that there
was a general meeting of the chiefs of the
•Creek nation, about the middle of March
last, at which Mr. Seagrove, and thirty
fjeven tifihp prmcajjaLt-ln'ofc of the Chcio- -—
kees, attended, for the purpose of fettling
all the disputes and mifutidet (landings bev
tween their nations and -the Americans.
That they are well pleased with the talk de
livered to them by Mr. Seagrove, and are
determined to live in peace and friendfhip
with the United States—that they rejefit
the talk sent them by the Spanifli govern- '
ors, inviting them to join in a war against
the Frenchmen and Americans, who may
be coming down the Miffilippi to attack
the Spanifli territories, and do not wifli
to hear any such talks in future, as they
diftraft their people and dilturb their
peace and hunting.
They inform Mr. Panton that they have
always been injurious to their peace and
true interests, and that they are determi
ned to have no more of this wicked ad
vice—they also advise him to mind his
trade, and not trouble himfelf with their
public concerns.
Nineteen Cherokee chiefs arrived here
yelterday from the Cherokee country by
the way of Columbia. They were cho
sen by the free fuffrages of the nation
affcmbled, and are delegated by it, to
conclude a lalling peaee with the United
States; for which purpose they will fail
in a few days for Philadelphia, to treat
with the Prelident of the United States
on that important million.