ji ' . » .. ' . . ... It is Requcfted, THAT no person will supply any articles for [he life of the New Them re, without an order in writinp, tigneri bv ourselves, or Sam uel Anderfon, for us. WIGNiLL &. REINAGLE. May 30. d T f. All pcrfons who have any de manfls upon the New Theatre, are request ed to lend in t:ieir accounts to No. 804, in Arclirtrett, near fiighth ftieet, as soon ai convenient. WIGNELL & REimGLE. _ May 3". dtf. To-Morrow Morning, will be landed near Walnut ftieet whaif,from 011 boaid ti)e schooner Madison, Jas. Par roik, naftcr, trom MALAGA. Sweet Mountain WINE, 111 quarter casks Spit fhel]ed Almonds in iacks Muscatel Railins, in jars and Bk)om Do, in quarter barrels, A few 7 inch gafs Gardes __ ' AND FOR SALE BY PETER KUHN. J"-'g 2 . d6t Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR STONES, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May 14. d JAMAICA RUM, LANOiNtj at Hamilton's wharf, above the Drawbridge, out of the ftiip Bacchus Ccpt. Vanneman, from Jamaica, FOR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT. May 16. d CcngreJ's o£ the United States, vVOF?It' Tucf t ay M °y l Z' h > '794- Of h'r kl i' Manal ber nixt, lhew cause to the Senate, why To much ot the grants of land to them the said RutuS Putnam, ManafTah Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin Green, pursuant to an A& eutitlfd u An adl authorizing the grant and conveyance of certain lands to the Ohio Com pany of aifociates," shall not be declared void, as may interfere with and be fpfficient to fatisfy the claims of" the French settlers at Galliopolis. Oroered, that the delivery of a copy of the above order to Ruf'us Putnam, Manaffah , Culler, Robert Oliver, or Griffin Gfeen, and the publication of the fame, one iiiofirh, in one of ihe Gazettes printed in this City, shall bt deemed (ufiicienl notice thereof. Extract from the journals of Senate. Attest, SAM. A. OTIS, secretary. May 14. lltl . Guthrie's Geography improved. THE fubferiptiftn so; this work on the ori ginal terms, of twelve dollars and the bind ing, will be ( £lofed this day—and on Monday the luofcription will open at fourteen dollars, excluftve of the price of binding. The new maps added to this edition are twenty one ; anions which are those of Nfw- Hampfliire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, llliode-Ifland, Vermont, New York, New Jerfcy, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, \ uginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, the Gene flic e Government, South Carolina, and Georgia. Thele maps have never been given in any former fy.ftem of Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone be fufficient to entitle this work to a preference to any other edition of Guthrie. N. B. The map of the United States, winch is compiling by Mr. S niuel Lewis,from the refpeftive state maps; will be far more complete than any one yet publiilied, and be printed on two large sheets of paper, nearly the fiz'. 1 of the late Mr. Murray's map. May 31 d " FOR SALE, BY MAThEW CAREY, No. 118. Mai ket-Street, An LlTay on Slavery, Dcfigtfed to exhibit in a new point of view "setters on motals, indu/ry, and the beau of Jociety. Some tads and calculations are oflercd 1° j r< n- C l^. e la^or °fjreehffn- to be much more produclwc than that ot Jlavcs ; that countries aie »ic , powerful and happy, i n proportion as the abonng people enjoy the fruits of their own n >r ' 311 the n Segais in Boxes. Philadelphia Porter, in Calks and Bottles. London do. in clo. do. Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do. London do. in do. do. and Cyder :n barrels and bottles, preparedfor ex portation or immediate use, FOR SALE BY Benjamin \y. Morris, The corner of Dock and Pear Jireets, Where he has provided luitablc itores and vaults, for the reception of WINE S, &c. , Which he proposes to store or dispose of on commission Capcainsof veiTels and others fuppliedwith any of the aboveLIOUORS bottled, and lea Itores ill gene al put up. May 9 . tu&f2ni UNITED STATES. AUGUSTA, (Geotgia) May 10. " James Seagrove, Esq. fuperintend partment of the United States, arrived here on the 3d instant, accompanied with several Creek chiefs—he has been five months in their nation on the million of peace." In the fame paper is contained, a talk from the Crsek nation to the governor of New-Orleans—a talk from the whole of the chiefs of the Upper and Lower Creek nation affemblcd at tint Cuffetah, on the 18th of April, 1794, a talk from the white lieutenant of Oakfufkee, Mad dog of Tuckabatchies and Alexander Cornell, who were anthorifed by the Creek to fend the fame to William Panton* Merchant, in Penfacola. By these talks, it appears* that there was a general meeting of the chiefs of the •Creek nation, about the middle of March last, at which Mr. Seagrove, and thirty fjeven tifihp prmcajjaLt-ln'ofc of the Chcio- -— kees, attended, for the purpose of fettling all the disputes and mifutidet (landings bev tween their nations and -the Americans. That they are well pleased with the talk de livered to them by Mr. Seagrove, and are determined to live in peace and friendfhip with the United States—that they rejefit the talk sent them by the Spanifli govern- ' ors, inviting them to join in a war against the Frenchmen and Americans, who may be coming down the Miffilippi to attack the Spanifli territories, and do not wifli to hear any such talks in future, as they diftraft their people and dilturb their peace and hunting. They inform Mr. Panton that they have always been injurious to their peace and true interests, and that they are determi ned to have no more of this wicked ad vice—they also advise him to mind his trade, and not trouble himfelf with their public concerns. Nineteen Cherokee chiefs arrived here yelterday from the Cherokee country by the way of Columbia. They were cho sen by the free fuffrages of the nation affcmbled, and are delegated by it, to conclude a lalling peaee with the United States; for which purpose they will fail in a few days for Philadelphia, to treat with the Prelident of the United States on that important million. \