Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, June 06, 1794, Image 1

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    evening advertiser.
[No. 150 of VoK v.] Friday, June 6, 1794. [Whole No. 546.]
It is Requefred., •/'
THAT no person will ftipply any articles
for the u!e of the Naw The;ur«, without an
order in writing} ligned by ourfejves, or Sam
uel Anderforr, for us.
May 30. dtf.
All p erf oris who have cmy de
31)iritis upon the New Theatre, are request
ed to their accounts to No. 204, in
Arch itrefct, near Eighth ltreet, as soon as
May 3°. dtf.
To-Morrow Mottling,
Will fee landed fl«*ar Walnut fireet *iiaif,Trom I
on board the fchoop-er Madifbn, Jas. Pat
rock, maftcr, from MALAGA,'
Sweet Mountain WINE,
in quarter calks
Soft (helled Almonds in lacks
Muscatel R'alfin/tj in jars and
Bloom D**. in quarter barrels
A few 7 inch Bass Catfles y
toND Tor s/ft£ 'BY
2 d6t
Carolina Rice and Indigo,
Gurney and Smith.
May 14. <1
LANDING at aboVe
the Drawbridge, out of the ftijp Baochvs
Cept. V annum a n , fiom Jamaica,
May \6. rl
Ccngrefs of the United States,
In Senate, Tutjhay May 1 yh, 1794.
OKDEKhU, that Kni'uc Putiiam,ManaT
iah Robert Oliver and Griiltn
ihe thiri? Monday ot Decern,
ber next, fhe>r c Ast to the Senate, why so
much of the grants of land to them the said
Ruflis Putnam. Manaffuh Cutler, Robert
Oliver and Griffin Green, purfuarilt to an Ast
"An ast authorizing the grant and
'conveyance of certain lands to the Ohio Com
pany of afTociates," lhall not be declared
void, as may interfere with and be fuffjeient
to fatisfv the claims of the French settlers
at Galliopolis.
Ordered, fcuat the delivery of a copy of
the above order to Rulus Putnam, Manaffah
Cutler, Robert Oliver, or Griffin Green, and
the publication of the fame, one .nomh, in
one of ihe Gazettes printed in this City, fha-ll
be deemed fufficient notice thereof.
Extradl from the Journals of Senate.
' _ Attest,
SAM. A. OTIS, secretary.
Guthrie's Geography improved.
THE fubfeription lor this work on the ori
ginal terms, of twelve dollars and the bind
ing, will be doled this day—and on Monday
the lubfcrjption will open at fourteen dollars,
exclufiveot the price of binding.
The new maps added to this edition are
twenty one ; among which are those of New-
Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut,
' Rhode-Iflaiid, V«nno«t, New York, New
Jcrfey, Penntylvania, Delawaie, Maryland,
Vuginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, the
ueneitee Government, South Carolina, and
Georgia. Thele maps have never been given
in any former system of Geography, a ,,d, it
hoped. Would alone be fufficient to entitle
•f 'tofe a Pre ' e " nCe 10 an ? °«her edition
N. B. Thejnap of the United States
7hJ°r r A n,P n" g by Mr ' S !m,,el Lewis,from
the refpeftive state maps, will be far more
complete than any one yet publilhcd, and be
printed on two'argelheet, of „£ r ,°
the size of the late Mr. Murray's map. -
May 31 K , 1
— ; d i
Mai ket-Strect,
An Jijffay on Slavery
i, °ff^ ned ,0 "hibit in a new po.m ol v
laboring people enioV fh,' J" pr °P° rtion *' tile
labor; ind ftenccthr n <r ° f lhcir ow »
slavery U
Februiry^'" 2so — dtf
I , ,
Lady WalterftorfF,
Eow-aud Broock, Matter.
BURTHEN 17.00 barrels, fails ft ft, andi*
in conipleat order to take in a cargo immedi
Also for Sale or Charter,
Two New SHI J>S of the Inrrthen of 249 tons
each. For tenos appiy to
Who has fsr fain,
Madeira and Sherry Wines,
of the fiift quality, Brandy, Hed and Pale
Jefuiis Bark, & c . & c .
June 2 £
John Vannf/man, Master.
TO lajl *w\th all eppveaiertt fpefed, havirig
three*fburths 6f h£r Ciirgo already engaged.
For tVerglit or paifogfc apply to the matter on
board, or
. j""* .3- d
or Charter,
To the Wrjl India Iflartds,
The new sloop \
A B B Y,
Samuel Eames, Master.
SHE is a (kauiich good vdilVl, in compleat
order, ard will carry about 900 barrels. For
terms apply to thecapaih on board at Cht'f-'
mit iirreet wharf, or to
June 2 d6t
Wanted for Europe,
A flout anil fajl.failing
Oi about 150 tons,
"""A D
For Cape Niehola Mole, _
A Goodfajl failing Schooner or Brig about
ninety Toils,
No. 117, north SecondflreeU
A few Invoices of
Artificial Flowers, Feathers,
Fans, Ha,idfonie Looking Glasses framed.
"Window Gla s of every size,
Received by the brig Amiable Sophia, Capt.
Lo<wtber y •via New York.
Spermaceti Candies, Glaret and Burgundy in
cases, Champaignc Wine, all to be fold by
Also juji Received, I
A few Barrels
Fresh Superfine Flour.
Do. Ship-Bread, and a parcel of Prime Rice.
June 3.
— 1 1 I.
Treasury of the United States.
ALL Perfoiis who are mdirrcd to tlifpofe of
either of the different species of the Stocks of
the United States, are hereby notified, that
Piopofals will be received at the Treasurer's
office No. 71 Chefnut at any time un
til Friday the 13th instant at 12 o'clock.
Agent for the Trustees for
the reduction of the Public
June 4th. 1794. d. t. 12.
Just Publilhed,
By Bsnjamin JoHNSoify and fUd at his
Bookjlort, No. 147, Marietflrect,
The Life of Dr. Franklin,
with a (biking likeness, executed in a master
ly manner by Tliackara and .Vailance, price
five fliillingx.
The Keadv Reckoner, or Traders' Sure
Guide, 3/9
The Young Book keeper's Assistant, 6/3
The Chriftlan, a poem, by Charles Craw
ford, 2/4
Etop's Fables, 4JB
Swan's Bi irifli Aicliiteet-, 37/6
Pame's ditto 3:J
Town and.Country Builder's Afliftant. nf6
In the press, and luill bepublifhed in a fetv
days, and fold as above,
Reflections and Maxims, by
William Penn, with his advice to his chil
dren, 4JB.
6 mo. 2, 1794. m&wim
WANTED a middle aged ftngle Woman,
who underftandsplain Cooking; to luch a one
the bi-Ji <w a ges mill be given.
Apply t the Printer.
s _ Wa > 31 lot
LKBON j> WINES of the firft quality
Old Jamaica Spirit, Antigua and Weft India
• Coniac, French and Pencb-Brandies
Claret _aud J?ott Wine bf ~a superior quality
in cases.
Win: Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes and lihds.
Corks in Bales, Havannah Segars in Boxes.
Philadelphia Porter, in Casks and Bottles.
Condon do. in do. do.
Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do.
London do. in do. do. and (l
Gyder :n barrels and bottles, preparedfor ex*
portation or immediate u se,
Benjamin W- Morris,
The corrier of Dock end Pear firsts,
Where he lias provided fuitabic stores and
vaults, for the reception of
VV IN E S-, &c.
Which he proposes to (lore or diCpofe of on
Captainsof vefTels and others fuppliedwith
any of thenboveLl£u6RS'bottlcd, and lea
stores in gene a I put up.
Ma ? 9 tu&f2m
Morris Academy.
THIS institution is now open for the recep
tion of Undents under the immediate care of
Mr. Caleb RulTeN, whole abilities as an in
ftmftor, and attachment to tire trofmefs have
long been known and approved. He has un
der him the best assistants in tire different '
branches —The scholars are taught the En
glish, French, Latin, and Greek languages,
Publ c-Speaking, Writing, Arfthmeti'c, Geo
graphy, Astronomy, and the various branch
es of the Mathematics. The healthy fixa
tion of this place js fneh as to recommend it
tffthofe, Wha-wi4h to have their children in
i 6 c ° untI > Bcaiding, wofhing, mending,
&c. tvtil be provided in good families, and
the morals of the scholars carefujly attended
The price including tuition, firewood, See.
eekc-ufive of the French language) will not
xceed thirty pounds proclamation money per
annum) an addrtiort of t*hree dollars per quar
ter will be made to fnch scholars who are
tßught the French language. The Directors
at edetermined to pay such attention -to this
institution, as will render it refoeftable and
TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. C Direft's.
Morriftown, May 15, 1
The Ground Plan
1 City and Suburbs
' OF
IT is with pleasure that the publiiher has to
inform his fubferibers and the public iri gene
ral, that the plate is now under the hands of
the engraver, and in greater forwardnfs than
was at firft contemplared. At the fame time
he begs leave to remind them, that fubferip
tion papers aVe still open at most of the noted
book-stores in the city; and that he hopes
from the whole of them to be enabled to form
such a refpeftabje catalogue of name#, as will'
do a credit to the work, as well as affo'd a
reafonabie encouragement to <he undertake r
Thole who are delirous of further informa.
tion are requested to call on
Benjamin Dairies,
No. 68, Market itreet.
Apn'l 14. m&thtf
Nankeens of Superior Quality,
No. 40, horth Fifth Street.
April 81. mw&ftf
To be Let,
For Merchants Compting Hvafes or Public
Two brick 3 story Houfesj
HAVING 6 rooms in each, with fireplaces
beside garrets, fnuate on the I'ouih wHlerlv fitle
of Dock ftteet, between Pear and
streets. Enquire nf
April 17. tuth&istf
Foreign Intelligence.
PARIS, April 4.
A general order has been iflued to f<
left 400 m:n in each quarter of this c;
pital, to serve alternately as patroles i
the environs of the Revolutionary Tribt
At a moment when the Revolutiofcar
Tribunal pronounced sentence of deat
on Lavergne, Commandant of Longw
a Woman exclaimed, We must have
King. The Tribunal is a Tribunal c
Blood. It would be better to die a thou
land deaths than to exist in" such a cour
try of barbarity and crimes ! She prove,
to be the wife of the Commandant, an.
was seized, tried, condemnsd, and execu
It is said, that in consequence of th
evidence given on the trial of Dan ton
the Committee of Public Safety, has or
deied the arrest of Deforgue, Minife
for Foreign Affairs.
LONDON, April t.
It was yesterday confidently reported;
but on what authority we have not disco
vered, that to fill up the sum of our mis
fortunes, America, Sweden, and Den
mark have united with the French, anc
declared war against this country.
Letters from Modena of the 25th ult,
state, that two Neapolitan vessels had late
ly been carried prizes into the port of Ge
noa by a French privateer, and that the
late disturbances which happened in th<
play-house of Genoa had been occasioned
by the democratic Patricians, who do eve
ry th "ng they can in bitter to abolish noLi
hty in that Republic.
The French have procured a number
of recruits from the banks of the river
Queich, Blies, and Saar—detachments of
these young Germans are daily sent off for
their armies in the interior parts of France,
and those which are stationed on the fron
tiers of Italy.
The countess of Rufdelftadt, the firft
peifon implicated in the eonfpiracy against
the life of the duke regent of Sweden, on
the day of her arreftation, delivered to
the duke regent a written confefilon of her
crime. She would long ago have received
judgment, if it had not been for her obfti
[ nacy in not discovering her accomplices.
The total number of French pi ifoners
in England, Scotland and Ireland, by the
last. returns, amounts to. no more than
The French have set a price on the head
of General Paoli.
A putrid fever of the mod malignant
nature has maniffted itfelf in Anterior
An epidemic distemper has broke out
at Belgrade : the inhabitants fly thence ;
and all the trade between Belgrade and
Semlin is at a stand. *
Presented by the.Britilh Envoy at Copen
hagen to Court Bernftorf
" After the oral i eprefentation which
Ittiade to your Excellency refpeding my
situation in Copenhagen, and upon the
danger of a public insult, to which I saw
myfelf exposed, you will not be surprized
at a second complaint from me of the fame
kind, but infinitely more serious in its na
ture and tendency— a complaint which,
I flatter myfelf will not fhil to make the
molt sensible impreflion upon your Excel
lency I have, therefore! the honor tl
transmit the printed flieet of the 2 lit num.
b l r - ?■ l rn ? r ! nifh Speaator, a paper
which is filled with the most outiageous a
buse, and in which my person is so fignifi
cantly pointed out, that the author could
not have rendered his meaning more expli
cit by mentioning my name, so infiftupon
the most signal fatiffafton for the injury 1
have received, is what I owe to the court
I serve, \j myfdf, my colleagues, and the
Danish nation—l therefore request your
ExeeUcncy to take the most effudual nwa-