Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, June 05, 1794, Image 4

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    A New NoveL
* )?i J u
To the LADi;.i> of .Philadelphia.
This Day is Publtpi'd 6y
XIB, Market street,'
bound, five-ei. hili; ot a dollar,' sewed
in'n-arbie paper, half a dollar,
Charlotte, a tale of Truth,-
By Mis. ROW SON, of frifc New Theatre,
Pliladelphia, A&ibnr of Victoria, the Tn
quilito:-, the FjJle de Chamlji e,' &C-
Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have given
the following tharafler. «
IT nVay be a Tale of' Truth, tor it is not
onnaturai,' afnefitis a tale of rfeal diltrefs. —
Charlotte,by theartifice ofa teacher, recom
m&idecf tV a- Tcftuoi, *Tr^in bumani-ty rather
than a cohV'&ion of her integrity, or the re
gularity of her farmer conduct, is enticed
from hrr govej*nef», and accompanies a young
•officer to America.—The marriage ceremo
ny! if nrt forgotten, is postponed, and Char
lotte d>es a martyr to the incooftancy of the
ovqr r and treachery ot his friettd —The situ
fions aT« m tlef? and'affecting—the d*fcrip
arions natural and patlietit ;• we should fe
or Charlotte ff fnch a person ever existed,
who for one error fcarceljr, perhaps, deserved
fn-fevere a punishment. If it is a fiction,
poetii joftice h not, we think, properly dif
t> iiHited
Said Carey has jits! pub/i/hed,
A 2 {heet map of Kentucky
compiled &y'Elihu Barker, price or.e dollar
a: d.two thirds.
War Atlas, containing maps of France,
Germany, Spain,ltaly,the United
the Netherlands, and the Weft Indies, Price
tw &■ dollars.
MafJ of New Jersey-—Hals a dollar.
%fops of Vermont, Conne&itut, Delaware,
G;<*rgia Price three eighths of a dollar
April 29. tuth&sgw
Four Reward.
A NEGRO 1 MAN, hiimed L'Elperance, a
bout 25 years of age, of the Ctingo natfon, 5
feet 6 inch'-s high j speaks Very liitle English
ibu'awav from his mailer the r>7th inftanc.—
He Hole and parried away With him orie new
greeniirdad cloth crfat, arid niHrty articles of
houfeHwrnituie. Whoever Jh'alT take up and
fee tire the above negro'in so that
he maybe brought to Justice ftiali receive the
4bsve reward. Enquire 6f the Printer.
May <p mw&f4t
Bcoifeller r At the Stone Honfe in Second Jlreet,
Dictionary of Arts> Sciences, aud Mifccl
lan tons Literature,
ON a pian entirely new ; by whioii the dif
ferent feienefcs and arts are digested into the
form of diftin'd treatises or systems. This
volume contains the articles, medals, medi
cine, metallurgy, ffietaphytics, methodists,
Mexico, microscope, hii&wifry, and fa-great
variety of biographical and mifcellaoepus ar
ticles, rll ultra ted With nineteen coppej plates.
£T The tables of logarithms, fee. which
were deficient in the teuth volume, are sub
joined to this.
Eleven volumes of this work are now pub
lifiied ,-and the Xllth is in some fotwardnefs.
Oh the firft of September, 1792, the price
of fubfcrijrtion was increased TEN do|lars on
all setts nod taken before that time. The fub
fcriptiorr isftill open on these terms, and if
any-cftpies remain by the firft of July next,the
price will be railed TEN dollars more, on
any coptes whi<hmay bt fubferibed for after
that period. - v <■
*»* As many of the fubferibers have taken
only two, three or four, &e. volumes, they are
earnestly requtfftett to take up and pay for the
remaining volumes, as it becomes difficult to
•amplete the fe£CS, and the pnblifber does imt
hold himfelf bouud to make up iny setts after
Jf'ie firft day of July next.
April 22. m&th6w .
: 118, Markets reel,
Price 18 cents,
Catechism of Man ;
Pointing out from found principles, and ac
knowdedged lasts the Rights and Duties of
everyTtational Being.
Am I therefore become your enemy because I
till you the truth'! Gal. iv. 16
Now all the'fc things happened unto them for
examples, and they are written for our
adnionitioiy upon wheni the ends of the
<arth are come. i Gor. xii.
. May it>' ■ ■ tuth&szw
THE lel'stions of Mr ThomasCurtrs.for
merly of Eiricoti's Upper Mills r and lately of
the City of Wafhingtou, deceased, are desir
ed to apply and have his affairs feitled.
City of 'Walhiftgtoß, April '22, 1764.
Scheme of a Lottery^
To ra'tfe 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars i deducting 15 per Cent, from
the Prizes—this Lottery conjijls of
38,000 Ticket's, in which there are
1 4,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks,
being about one and an half Blanks to a
1 Prize;
Directors of the Society for establishing
X liJTeful Manufactures, having refoived to
ereCt LOTTEKI tS tor raifrng Ok e Hundred
Thousa nd 60 l t a rs, agreeably iq«an Ast of
ihe Log\ftiture of th< StJte ot have
appointed the tollowmg per ions to foper intend
rfnd dired\ the dra wing ot th'e lame, vifr. Nicho
las Low, Rut us King, Herihan Le Roy, James
Watson, Richard Harriton, Abijah Hammond,
and Cornelius Ray, of the city ot New-York—
Thomas Willing, Joleph Ball, Matthew M'Con
nel and Andrew .bayard, ot the city of Phila
delphia—His Excellency Richard Howell, Esq.
Elral boudinot, General lilies Dayton, James
Parfecri John Bayard, Doctor Lewis Donham,
Samuel W, Stocktoo, Joftiua M. Wallace, JosepH
Bloomfteld, and Elitha Boudmot, of New- Jer
sey, who offer the Scheme of a Lot
tery, and pledge themselves to the public, that
they will take every aflurance and precaution in
their power to h?ve the Monies paid by the
Managers, from time to time, as received, into
the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain fo¥ the purpofeof paying Prizes, which
(hall be immediately discharged by a Check
npon one of the Banks.
5 C H E: M E:
x Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
t 10,000 10,000
2 5»ooo 10,000
5 2jooo 10,000
10 i;coo 10,000
ao 500 ip,ooo
IGO 100 f 10,000
3°° 5° 1 5> 000
too® ao 20,000
15 30,000
300 a 1 % 36,000
8100 10 81,000
14,539 P r 'z es - 262,000
23,461 blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The drarVing Will commence, uhder the in
fpettion of a Committee ot the Supcrintendants,
a& loon as the Tickets are fold,ot which timefy
notice will be given.
The .Superintendents have appointed John N.
Cutnming, of Newark, J»acob R. Harder»berg<
ot New-brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of
Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who
have given ample security for discharging the
trust refjofed i#i them.
In order to feturethe punftaal payment
of the Prizes, the Superintend ants of the Lottery
have dire£led that the Managers lhall each enter
into bonds in with four fufficient
fccuritits, to perform tkeir infttu&ions, the fub
lianee of which is
, L That whenever either of the Managers
lhall receive the sum of Three tfripdrrd Dollars,
he lhall immdiately place thefame in one of the
banks of New-York or Philadelphia, to the
ciedit of the Governor of the Society, and such
of the Superintendents as live in the city where
the monies are placed, to remain there nntil the
Lottery drawn, for the paymn'tof the Prizes.
If. The Managers to take fufficient security
for any Tickets they may trust, otherwise to be for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold,
Monies received and paid inl6 the Bank, ab
ftra&s.of which (hall be sent, monthly, to the
Governor of the Society.
Paterfon, January i, 17^4.
On application to either of the above gentle
men, "information will tbe given wh : CTe tickets
may ht had.
February « 4 . tu&ftf.
t 0 IV I T:
(iTs ) BE it remefinbered, that on the
* twenty day of March,, in
(he eighteenth year of the independence of the
UmtedSratfis of America. Ebenezer Haz*rl
ot the laid dillriiSf, hasdepofited in this office,
the title of a book, the right whereofheclaims
as author, in the words following, to wit:
' Colje^ions; (late
papeis, and other authentic documents ; in
tended as materials for an history of the U:
nited States of America.
Member of thy American Philofophica] So
,lleld , at , Philadelphia, for promoting
ufefirl ; teilow of the American
academy ot Acts ind Sciences; and corref
pondent member of the Maflaehufetts llifto.
ncal Society.
Plet^ s > Ar tes, ac bellica virtus,
venient, et Regna illuftria
Et JXomina hie Virtms erit, et Fortuna mi.
niHra.' 1
,d n iT° n /7f hy tothe of
the United States, entitled « An ast for the
eucoitragement of learning, by securing the
copies ot maps, charts and books, to the au
thorjand proprietors tof such copies, durinp
'he times therein mentioned^"
Cleri of the Diflria of Pennfyhwia.
a y J ew4w
°f ft°ut well made Men's Uze
SHOES, adapted for the Southern markef,f or
laie at 7
No. 36, North Third Jlreet.
May 6 BHvSiflOt
. The Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills of
the Bank of the United States, and Twenty
Dollar Bills of the Bartk of North America,
federal of <wbich have appeared in circulation
kuithin a fe<w days pajl; thej Ore a good ge
neral imitation of tjje genuine Bills, but may \
be dijlinguijhei by the following
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank <jf the
United States.
ALL that have appeared have the letter F.
for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
whiter and" it takes the ink more freely than
the genuine paper.
The O. in ihe word Company is smaller
than the M. and other letters of that word,
i"o that a line extended from the top of the O,
■ to touch llie top of the iCI. would extend con
siderably above the range of the whole word.
In the word United the letters are narrow
; erand closer together than the reft oF the bill
The i and fin the word proniife are not
•parallel, the/inclining much more forward
than the i.
The engraving is badly execuied,the strokes
of all the Letters are ft longer and the device
in themargin particularly ismuch coarser and
appears darker thin in the true bills. Sonje
ot the counterfeits bear date in ijgi—Wheie
as the Bank was not in operation till Decern
ber, and no, Ave dollar bills were ifl'ued in
, ihat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
18. for their alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nearly similar
to that of the couuterfeit Five Dollar Notes
above described; the engraving is bcitei exe
ucted, and they approach neaier to the ap
pearance of the genuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through the word Twen
ty, in the body of ihc bill, are m number thir
teen in the genuine bills, and but iwejve in
the counterfeits.
The word Company is much like the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills as defer ibed a
bove, the o being less than them, and others
There is no stroke to the t in the word North
whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well
The letters tnt in the word Twenty, to the
jleft hand at the bottom, do riot couie down to
the line, but are to cut as to give an irregular
appearance to the word, the Tut and go
ing below theiri.
The lignature Nixon, has the appear
ance ol being written with lamb-black and
oil, and dlfie/s Irom other inks ulcd in
printing the bills and the cafliiei's lignatuie.
It is iuppol'ed toigeries were committed
ill some of the Southern States, as all the coun
terfeits that have appeared, have come from
thence, and two perlons have been appichend
ed in Virginia, on suspicion of being the author
of them.
> The reward of ON£ THOUSAND DOLLARS
will be paid to any Person or Pfcrfons who thai I
difcovei and prosecute to conviction the feveial
offenders ot the following descriptions or any
of them, viz.
The person or pcyfpns, who manufactured
the paper on which the Bills are printed.
The person or petfons, who engraved the
The printer Urprinters, of the bills.
Every person who has acted as a principal in
any other way, in the counterfeiting and utter
ing the said bills.
Philadelphia, Match sB, 17 g 4
A t" l 22 > 1794.
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank of the United States have appeared
in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY DOL
LARS,and the alphabetical mark is the let
ter B. ■ 1
1 They may be. diflinguiihed from the genu
ine by the following MARK§ :
The paper of the counterfeits it of a more
tender texture and glifley furface than the
® e ~^ ne ' a " d e ' sno water mark in them.
1 'n tter t " ln theworrf Cashier, in the
true bills is ft. ongly marked, whereas in the
counterfeits, the wlroie letter it a fine hair
troke, evidently in an unfinifhed state. The
3"" '«'he vyqrddemand, is badly formed
and the whole word ill done, and there is tlo
comma at the end of it, as there is in the
genuine bills.
l " a '.- e ' n . a '. de ylfle, is much.datker in
n! H' n" ln genuine .bills owing to
°, being coarse,, much nearer
meroiiT™" '""f' l more "U
---view difference ft, tJie eye atUirft
nr>r h r Id"!. 6 rcw * rd of ONE THQI/SAND
urnt ' W '" be paid ihr apprehending &
Li conviftiou the feveial above
of the Bank united State#.
JOHN NIXON, Prt fident of the
Bank ps North America.
By order ot the Committees of the Rcf.
pe&ivc Boards. sold, '
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
TNan eligible fituation,—alio aConntry Seat
within 6 Wiles of the tjfty, with 9 acres, of
lat)d, or 42 acres ot land and meadow, the
House >s not exceeded by many in the v.icinity
oi the city, in lize, or convenience.
For particulars apply to the printer,
-pHEoftceof the President and Dkeft or . i
± »t the Insurance Company of N ort J *
America, is removed to No. ,07 c„ ,
Front ftretft, being the south east co'rne. o^
From and Walnutftreets.
To the Ele&ors of the city and
county of Philadelphia.
This being the last year of the pr c <W
Sheriff's tin* in office. I take the liber
ty to offer niylelf a Candidate, and solicit
vour votes and interests in my favor, to p| are
me on the return at the next general EletLn
as bis fucceflor for raid office; in doing which'
you will confer a 0 obligation that *W|l be'
gratefully, remembered, by
Vour most obedient,'
and bumble servant,
Stock Brokers Office
No. 16, Wall-street, New-Yokk *
THE Subfcriher intending to confine himfelf
entirely to the PURCHASE & SALH or
srocks on COMMISSION, b,g s | ca ,e to ot '
ftr his fervicesto |;is iriends and others in ,h.
line oi a Stock Broker. Thole who mayW«
to favor htm with thfir bufmeft, may depend
upon having it tranfafled with ihe (iW.oft.fide
lity and dispatch.
Orders from Philadelphia, Boflon, or anv
other part of the United State;, will be ftriftlv
attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER.
— m&ihtt
Just Publilhed,
a one handsome volume, nmo. Price 5 s
and for sale by
At, Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefuut
Natural Equality of Men,
On the Rights that result from it, and on the
Duties which it inipofes,
To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by the
■Teylerian Society at Haarlem.
Cor re tied and Enlarged.
JO. D.
ProfelTor of Moral Fh'.iofophy, and the La»
of Nature, atrd of Ecclefialtical Hiftorj •
and of the Englifli Chinch at U
Ahquid Temper ad communem utilititem as.
The Firjl American Edition.
principle of Equality, if right-
X ly. underftoori, , s the only basis 011 wiiich
umverlal sacred orclei, am: perfect
treerioin, can be firmly built, and pei;mare„t
ly lecured. The view of it exhibited iu this
eiiay, at the farfie timethat it reprell'es the
insolence of office, the tvrai.nv nJ'vride, a '
the outrages .oTbpßreffioii ; con til IE?, 11
.most forcible manner, the ncceffity - f '
dination, and the just demands ol
thority. So far indeed, from ,3 i
of society, that it maintain !nvi,', :e r
every natural and every civil ei v ncuort,
draws more clofel.y every fbcial tie, unite; ill
oije harmopioujs and juflly propot'tioned lyf-
and brings men together on the even
ground of the inherent rights of hmnan na
ture, of reciprocal obligation, and of a com
mpn relation to the community.
March 18. tntf
In the House of Rtprtjentati<vei,
W December 2ilt, 1793.
HEREAS the Commiffioneßs of public
Accounts, have reported, that they can
not proceed to the in.eftigatiop oi theTreafury
Accounts, refpe&ing special Indents, without
knowing the outstanding amount thereof io cir
culation Therefore,
Refolved t That all holders of special Indent*,
be dirtfted, and requircdj on or before the fitft
day of November next, to deliver the special In
dents in their pofleflion to one or other of the
Commissioners of the Treafucy> who are to give
receipts for the fame, and to report to theCom
miffioners on public Accounts, on or before the
tcrjth day of November next, the amount by
theiw refpeftively received, and also to the Le
gislature, at their, meeting in November nexu
and that all special Indents not rendeted into
th<| Treasury as above, on or before,the firft day
of November next, /hall the fame are
hereby barret}.
Rcjo/ved, That public notice of this reflation
be given in the (everal Gazettes in tjiis State,
or»ce every three weeks» until the firft day ot
November next. And that the Delegates us this
Sta*e in the Congress of the United States, be re-
to caufc this resolution t<> be published
m one or more papers in the cities of Philadel
phia ftn<J New-York, and that provision .will he
made For the expeuccs attending such publica*
Ordered, That the resolution be sent to the
•Senate for tbeir concurrence.
By order of the House,
In the, SENsITEy
Dbckmbek 21(1,1793.
Resolved, That tb's House do concur with the
Hople of Repre(rruanves in the foregoing refo
Ordered,, Thap tbc.-refoliitioos be lent, to the
Houie of Reprcfciitai ives.
by order of the Senate,,
WARLLY, Clc:k.
' ■» ' —■—■■
Printed by JOHN FENNO, No 3,
South Fuursh-Stxeet.