Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, June 04, 1794, Image 4

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    A New Novel.
To the LADIf-S of Philadelphia.
This Day is nibtijbctl by
iig, Market street,
mcc, «•' • dollar, sewed
half * doliar,
■ Charlotte, a tale of .Truth,
RvKl.s. RO vV-iON, of tie New Theatre,
Pliiadeipn.,, Author ot VifW.a, the In
j tin Filtede Cfambrc, Sc.
Of CharltiUi the kevktuers have given
the fa/lowing char a fit r.
IT mi, be a , a,e of Truth, tor it is not
unuJtural, and it is a o» leal'diltrels.
Charlotte, l.v. the artifice of a (cache., recom
mended to "a School, from humanity rather
than a com'irtii" of her integrity, or the re
gularity of her firmer condufl, is enticed
from her unvei i ef>, and accompanies a young
officer to°Amc.'..a.—The marrirge ceremo
ny.'rf not torgotten, i» poftpijned,* and I tiar
lotte d*>es .1 rti.irtyr to tlie iticonftancy ot the
over, and treachery Ot his friend — ' he litu
tilths are artless and affcistin«—*' he de!cri_p
luions natural and pathetic i «e ihould e
or Charlotte if such a per foil ever existed,
who for one er. or scarcely, perhaps, delerved
so (eve .■ a ptyilihinerit. " it ts a fiction,
poetic justice is not, we think; properly di(
tributed '-i
Sfi 'd Carey hds jujl puhUJhtd,
A 1 iheet map of Kentucky
c<mV>''ed bv Eliiiu Baiker, price oi:e dollar
a dtwathr<ds.
War Aria*, containing map"? of Frarjce,
Germany, Spa n,ltalv,the United Provinces,
the Netherlands, a d the Weft Indies. Price
two dollars.
Map of New Jersey—Hals a dollar.
Map; of Vermont, Conneflicut,Delaware,
Q-orgia Price three eighths of a dollar
eJC 'h. ' "l
'April 29. tuth&syv
Four Dollars Reward.
: A NEGRO MAN, named L'Eli»eran-«, a
but 25 years of a<?;e, of 'he Congo nation, 5
|e/t 6 inches high ; 'peak*, very little Enghfh
ran away from his ma(!<?r the 27'h instant.—
He dole and carried away wiih him one new
g e-Mi broad cloth coat, and many articles ot
hou£ f wmitii'e. Whoever ftiall taka Hp and
fecu/e the above negro in any goal, so that
he may be broug' 1 11 o justice Thn 11 t ecei ve the
above iewdrd. Enquire"of the Printer.
30 niw&f^t
Bixjtfelier, at the Stone Iloufe in Secondjlreet,
Dictionary of Arts, StlcTices, aud Mifcel~
famous Literature,
ON a - plan entirely ne>v.; by which the dif
ferent (cjences and arts toredrgefted into the
form of diftiult -treatises or t'yftems. This
volume co'i tain $ the arficP-s, rnedi
cine, metallurgy, metaphvfics, methodists,.
Mexico, midrofcope, midwifrv, and a great
variety ot biographical and miscellaneous ar
ticles, illuftrate'd with nineteen copperplates.
The rabies of logarithms, 'fee. which
were deficient in the-tenth volume, are sub
joined to this.
Eleven voluniel of this work are now pub
lrfh?d ,and the XHth is in some forwafdnefs.
On the firit of September, 1792, the? price
of fubfeription was increased TKN dollars on
all Tests not taken before that time. The fub
fcriptiorv isftiil opea on these terms, and if
any copies remain by the firft of July jvext,the
price wiH be railed TEN dollars more, on
any copies which may be fubferibed for after
that period.
As many of the fubferibers have taken
only two, three or four, &Cs,\tolumes, they are
cameftly requested to take up and pay for the
remaining volumes, as it becomes difficult to
complete the setts, and -the publiflier does not
hold 1 bimfelf bouud to make up any setts after
firft day of Julynexf.
p' ll 22. m&th6w i
x 18, Market Jlrect,
Price 18 cents,
Catechism of Man ;
Pointing out from found principles, and ac
knowledged fatts the Rights and Duties of
every Rational Being.
Am I therefore become your enemy because I
tell you the truth ? Gal. iv. 16
No\V all these things happened unto them for
examples, and they are written for our
admonition, upon whom the ends of the
are come. i Cor. xii.
Mav 10 tuth&saw
THE relations of Mr Thomas Curtis,for
merly of Ellicott's Upper Mills, and lately of
the City of Washington, deceaftd, are d.'fir.
Ed to apply and have his affairs fettled.
. it y of Washington, April 22, 1764.
M. 5 m&th4w
Scheme bf a Lottery,
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, dedaclhig 15 per Cent, from
the—this. Lottery conjijls oj _
38,000 Tickets, in which there are
1+.539 'Prints and' 23,4- 61 Blanks,
■ 'being about one and an half Blanks to a
Prize. , „, , n
THK Uitcfl'tr* of : he Society for edlbiiiTiing
Ufctul M inufatlurcs, having resolved 10
erect LOT Xc-Al ES t'» railing Oxt Hundrsd
fUoUJANB Lint lars, agreeably 10/ an Att of
the LegifljtHre bf the Mate ot New-ttrfey, hive
appointed the following -pertons to fopertnUnd
and dirtft ihedrawing ol the laftte, vj, Nicho
las I.ow, Rutus King; Jiriman Le Hoy, Jame*
Wat'on, Richard HaruUm, Abijah Hammond,
and Cotm-ftus Ray, of the city ot New.York-
T"o<ii2i Willing, Jofeyl. Hall, Matthew M'Con
nel and Andrew Bayani, "I ttie city ot Phih>- .
delpliia—His Excfllen'cy Richard Howell, fclq.
Julias Boudinot, General Elas Dayton, Jaims
Parker,-John Bayard; Doctor Lewis Donham
Samuel W. Stockton, |o[l.Ua M. Wallace, Joseph
Bloo.mfieid, and Elilba Umidinot, ol N< w- Jer
{ ey. 'who offei the following Scheme ot a Lot
tery, and pledge thtmfVives to the public, that
they will tak- etery alfiirance and precaution in
ijicir power to hove the Monies paid by the
Managcis, fiom time to time, as received, into
the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain loi ibe puipoleol paying Priz-s, which
(hall be irnmtdiaicly discharged by a check
npon one-«»f the Banks.
1 20,000 Dollars is £o,coo
, j 10,000 10,000
a lOjOOO
r 2,000 10,000
-,o 1,000 10,000
20 ir»,ooo
IC O 100 10,000
- 3 co 5° l i' oo °
JOCO 20 20,000
2'obo 15 V 3°> 000
8100 *0 81, too
14,539 Prizes. £62,000
23.461 Blanks. Fit ft (irawn number, 2,000
Laildrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickcts at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The' drawing will commence, under the in
fpettionof a'Gomnmtee of'the SuperMUendants,
as loon as the Tickets are fold,ot which timely
notice will be given.
The-Superinienuants have appointed John N.
Cutft'mi'ftg, ot Newaik, Jacob R. Hardenbergf
ot New-Biunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of j
TreiUoh, as immediate Managers thereof, who j
have given ample fecuiity for discharging the 1
trull reposed in them.
(£T- In order to fecurethe pbnftual payment
of the Prizes, (beSupefintendants of the Lottery
have directed that the Manage;s ftiall-e'ach enier
into bonds 111 4c, 000 dollais, with tour fufficient
fccurui s, to perform their infti u&ions, the ftfb
-11 a nee of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
Hi all receive the sum of T#ree Hundred Dollars,
(hall immdiatt-ly ph»o? thefame in one of the
Ifianks of New-York-or Philadelphia, to the
ciedit of the Governor of and such
ol the Superin endants as live in the city where
'the monies are placed, to remain there rintil the
•Lottery fs drawn,for the paymnt of the Prizes.
-11. The Managers to take lufficieni fccuMty
•for any Tickets they may trutt, otlierwife to be
rcfponiihJe for them. <
"Til. To keep regular books df Tickets fold,
f Momes received and paid into the Bank, ab w
ftratts df winch shall be sent, monthly, to the
Govtrnor of the Society.
Pattrfon, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gentle
men, information will'be given where tickets
may be had.
February 24. fu&ftf.
Di-ftri£tof Pennsylvania
T 0 IV I T:
fL S 1 remembered, that on the
twenty fourth day of March,
ihe eifih'feentli year of the-iwlependence of the
U iit<fd States of America,Ebenezer Hazard
of the laid diftrift, hasdepofited in this office,
the tirtt of a botfk,The*right whereof heclaims
as author, in the words following, td wit :
" Historical Collections ; confif'ling of (fate
papers, and other authentic documents; in
tended as materials for an history of thfe U
nited States of America.
Member of the American Phllofophieal So.
cietv, held at Philadelphia, for promoting
u!ef«l knowledge; Fellow of the American
academy of Aits and and corref
pondent member of the Maflachufetts Hifto
rical Society.
Ingeninm, Pietas, Artei, ac bellica virtu;
Hue profugje venient, et Regna illuftric
Et Doniina hie Virtus erit, et Fortuna mi
r In conformity to the ast of the Congress o
the United State;, entitled " An sft tj>r th<
' eucouragement of learning, by tht
[ copies of maps, charts and books, to the au
thors and propiietors of fnch Copies, dirrinj
r the times therein mentioned."
: Clerk of the DiflriH of Pennsylvania.
May 7 ew4w
sr H 0 E s.
j. A quantity of ftont well ntade Men's fiz
SHOES, adapted for the Southern market, so
sale at
No. 36", North Third Jireet.
May 6 mwiifiot
The Public are cautioned to
be<ware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills cf
the Bank of the United States, and Twenty {■
Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America, I
several of <wbich have appeared in circulation ,
within a few days pajl; they are a good ge
neral imitation of the genuine Bills, but may
be dijlinguifhed by the following
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the
United States. t
ALL that have appeared have the letter F. \
for their Alphabetical Mark. r
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and a
whiter knd it takes the iok more freely than
the genuine paper. c
The O. in the Word Company is smaller
than theM. and other letters of that word,
so that a line extended from the top of the O,
to tbuch the top of the M. would extend cou
fi'dcrably above the range of the whole word.
In the word United the letters are narrow- 4
erand closer together than thv reft of the bill
The t and fiu the word promise are not (
parallel, the yinclining much moie forward
than the i.
The engraving is badly executed,the strokes j
of all the Letters are stronger and the device
in the margin pafticularly isrm'uch coailer and ,
appears darker than in the true bills. Some ,
ot the counterfeits bear date in 1791 —Where- (
as the Bank was not in operation till Decern
ber, and no five dollar bills were iflued in
jhat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
B. for their alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nearly similar
to that of the couuterfeit Five Dollar Notes
above described ; the engraving is bettei exe
wcted, and they approach neaier to the ap
pearance of tne genuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through the word
tvy in the iJhdy of the bill, are in number thir
teen in the gen dine blls, and but twelve in
the counterfeit*.
The word Company is much like the fame
word in the Five-Dollar Bills as defer ibed a
bove, the 0 being leis tlian .the 7/2, and others
There is no stroke to the t in the word North
whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well
The letters ent in the word Twenty, to the
left hand at the bottom, do not come down to
the line, but are <0 cut as to give an irregular
appearance to the word, the Tw and go
ing below'them.
The fignaiurc J Nixon, has the appear
ance of being written with lamb-black aod
oil, and differs from other inks used in
printing the bills and the cafliier's signature;
It is supposed these forgeries were committed
in some of the Southern States, as all the coun
terfeits thai jiave. appeared, have come Irom
thence, and two peiions have been apprehend
ed in Virginia, on suspicion ot being the author
of them.
will be <paid to any PeHon or Pcifons w4io-ftva!l
discover and profecute-tactmviftion the several
offenders of the following.defenptions or any
'of them, viz.
The perfori or pcrfons, who manufa&ured
the paper on which the Bills are printed.
•The pei sou or peifons* who engraved the
The printer or printers, of the bills.
Every person who hasa&ed as a principal in
any other way, in the couttterleii-ing and utter
ing the said bills.
Philadelphia, 28, 1794
■April 22, 77.94,
' Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank of the United States have appeared
in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY DOL
LARS,and the alphabetical maik is the let
ter £.
They may be distinguished from the genu
ine by the foMowiirg IVI'A PiKS :
The paper of the counterfeits is of a more
e tender texture and glofley furface than the
D genuine, and there is no water mark in them.
Tke letter C. in the-word Calhier f in the
S true bills isftrongly marked, whereas in the
counterfeits, the whole letter is a fine hair
e stroke, evidently unfiniilied llate. .The
letters in the word demand, is badly lormtd
and the whole woid iTI done, and there is no
comma at the eud of it, as there is in the
genuine bills.
>• The marginal device, is much daiker in
g the falfe, than in the genuine bills owing to
n the fhadfc strokes being coarser, much nearer
f together,:and ronfequently much mote tiu
-- merous. difference fti ikes the eye at fir it
The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
j, DOLLARS, will be paid for &:
a prrtfecutjng to convi<stion the several above
described Oifenders in lefpedt to this, as to
1- the last described bills.
as of the United States.
Ie JOHN NIXON, Pr, fident of the
le Bank cjt North America.
11- By order of the Committees of the Ref
ig -peftive Boards.
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN an eligible fituJtion, —also a Country Seat
within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of
ze land, or 42 acres of land and meadow, the
01 House is not exceeded bymany in. the vicinity
of the city, ill lize, or convenience.
For particulars apply to the printer.
THE rffic of rt« P: efitient and Director,
«f tie n.urance Company of Nok T , ;
America, is nmavtd to No. 107, 60 u h
Front ltreer, being the foutli east of
From and Walnut ftrects.
To the Electors of the city and
county of Philadelphia.
This being the last year of the prefer
S eri.f's time in office. I take the !.ber
ty to otter mvlelf a Candidate, and foljcit
vour votes and interests in my favor, to plare
me on the return at the next general Election;
as his fuccelTor for said office ; in doing which
you will confer an obligation that will be
gratefully remembered, by
Vour most obedient,
and humble lervant,
M:y 3. est!'.
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-llrcet, New-York.
THE Sublcribei intending to confine Kijnfclf
entirely to (he PURCHASE &SALK or
'STOCKS oti COMMISSION, b«gs leave to of
fer his ferviceftto his li iends and others, in
line o( a Stock Broker. Those who may plcafe
to favor bttn with their business, may d<p, i,<f
upon having it tranfa&ed wuh-tbeiKrhdikfcdV.
iity arid dif patch.
Orders from Philadelphia, Bolton,'or any
other part of The United States, will »>f. Ilriftly
attended to. LEONARD BLEAKER.
Just Published,
ji one har.&fome volume, 12mo. Price 5s
jit Franllin's Hea/l, No. 41, Chefitut
Natural Equality of Men,
On the Rights that result from it, and on the
Duties which it imposes.
To which a MEDAL was adjudged, .by the
Teylerian Society at Haarlem.
Correded mid Enlarged.
n. d.
Profeflbr of Moral Poiiofophy, and the Law
oi Nature, and of Eccleiiaftieal History ;
and Mihifter.of the Englifli Chut eh at U
Aliquid Temper ad communcm utilitatem af
ferendum. Cicero.
The F'trjl American Edition.
THEgrand principle of Equality, if .right
ly uuderftood, is the only bafts otvwliuh
universal justice,. sacred order, and perfect
freedom, can be firmly built, and permanent
ly feeured. The* view of it exhibited in tin*
eflay, attheiame time that it repVeft'es tfve
insolence of. office, the tyranny of pride, ar.d
the outrages of. opjjreffiqn ; confirm*, in the
most forcible manner, of fubov-
dination, and the just demands ot lawful au
thor*! ry. So far indeed, from loosening the
bands of society, that it maintains inviolate,
every natural ard every civil diftin&ion,
draws more clo<elyevery foci a 1 tie, Unites in
one harmonious and justly proportioned sys
tem, and brings men together on the even
ground of the inherent rights of human na
ture, of reciprocal obligation,-and of a com
mon relation to the community.
March iB. tuts
In the House of Representatives,
December 21^,1793.
WHEREAS the Comrniilioners ot public
Accounts, hove reported, that they can
not proceed to the investigation of the Treatuiy
Accounts, refpe&ing fpeeial Indents, without
knowing the on 1 (landing amount thereof in cir
culation T1 crcfore,
ReJohtd s That all holders of fpeeial Indents
be du cfted, and rrqtiirca, on or before the fiift
day ot November n. Xt, to deliver the fptciaJ In
dents in their pofTeffion to one or other ot the
Commiftioners of the Treasury, who are to give
receipts for the fame, and to report to tlaeCom
miflioners on public accounts, on or before the
tenth day of November next, the amount by
then* refpeftively receiver!, and also to the Le
gjflature, at their meeting in November next,
and that all fpeeial Indents not rendered into
the Treafur.y as above, on or before the fkil day
of November next, lhall be, and the fame are |
heubv barred.
Rcjoh'edi That public notice of this tefolution
be given vn the several Gazettes in this State,.
• onee every three weeks, unil the firft day ot
November ncftt. And » hat the Delegates of this
State in the Congrrfj of the United States', be te
qutfled to caute this rctoiution to be published
in one or mme papers ifMhe cities of Philadel
phia and Nrw-Yprk. and that provifmn will be
made lor the expences attending such publica
E Ordered, That the resolution be sent to the
•Senate for their concurrence.
Bv order ol the House,
In th £ SENATE,
'December «? 1 f1,*793- |
Rcfolved. That this House do concur wuh the
House of Reprefcntatives m the foregoing reio
Ordered, That th® resolutions be lent to the
Houlc ot Reprrlentarives.
by order of the Senate,
J. ew"Nov.
Printed by JOHN FENNO, No 3ij
South Fourth-Street. .