Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, June 04, 1794, Image 3

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    •vxte n feprtrt of the Secretary for the De
partment of War on twenty-three additi
onal claims for compilation as invalid
pensioners, which were read.
Ordered, That the report lie for consi
I he bill for extending the benefit of a
drawback and terrns of credit in ccrtain
cases, and for other purposes, was read ;r
second time, and being amended ;
Ordered, That this bill be engtofled
fora third reading.
The biil lent from the House of Repre
fi*ntatives for concurrence, entitled, "An
ast to alter thd time tor the next annual
meeting df Congress," was lead the fe
cund time.
Ordered, That this bill pass to the
third residing.
The Senate resumed the confederation
of the refohition sent from the House of
Representatives for concurrence, that Con
gress adjourn on the third day of June
next —and
Resolved, That they do concur therein.
Ordered, That the Secretary acquaint
the House of Representatives with the
concurrence of the Senate in this refohi
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the refohition, sent from the House of
Rejfrefentative for concurrence,' "''forfur
nifhing the executives of the several Hates
with a copy of the book, marked A', de
posited in the Treaftiry Department by
tlie commifiionrrs vho kttled the accounts
between the individual Hates and the U
iiited States.
On motion, .
It was agreed to amend the resolution,
by inserting " at their own expense"
after the words, "feixralJlates".
On motion to concur in the resolution
?s amended.
It paiTed in the negative—Yeas 5 —
Navs 15.
The yeas and nays being required by
one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative, are,
Messrs. Hawkins, Martin, Monroe, Rofs
and Vmingt
Those who voted in the negative, are,
Mefiis. Bradford, Brown, Cabot, Ellf
wor'th, Foster, Frelinghttyfen,Gunn, Hen
ry, Jackson, Izard, Livermo.e, Morris,
Potts, Rohinfon, and kutlv ifuid.
Ordered, 'I hat the Sec 'tary acquaint
the House of Representatives that the Se
nate do not concur in this resolution.
1 The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to
* marrow morning. '
There were in the Port of Philadelphia on
the 25 th May.
c 7
Sloops 4 .
\ alue of goods, wares and merchandize,
exported from each i>ate, from the lit Oct.
179*2, to the sotb September 1793.
ssxt' ~
3 tt%i
New-Jerfev, 11' ill
Maryland, so I '***
Virginia, 3 ' 6 0?'" 9
North-Caroiina, "'?6t'-07
South-Carolina, io-'k™
Ccorgia, 3.19J.874
Dollars 16,011,788
fcufha, I>,aCeS ° f Deain3tkm -
Sweden, s>7<>9
Penmar*, p' 4l ?
Holland, 870, jo&
Oreat-Briuin, i'ltVi
Imperial Ports, ' 59
Hans-Towns, »»°*3.34>
France, 79M37 1
Spain, ' 7'°5°»498
Portugal, 2,2,7,950
Italian Port,, 997,J90 <
Morocco 220,688 (
East.-Indies, 2, °9 4 1
Africa, 253,131 ;
Weft-Indies, 2 5 x »343 t
jiw.cJte&nfe, 3, S :
_ Ifu I
Dollars 26,01 k 7 83 t.
> J 0
; By this Day's Mail.
NEW-YORK, June 3.
• „ eltei day arrived here the (hip James,
Capt. Howard, after a pafiage of a 7 davs
t from Falmouth.
, About 50 paflengers came in the James?,-
~ 16 of whom are cabin paflengfr , and who
speak highly of the politeness and attenti
| on of Capt. Howard.
Mrs. Romayne, lady of Dr. Romayne,
of this city, came pafleqger in the James.
, Dr. Priestley, with about too other
[ paflengers, are on board the Sanfom,
. which may be hourly expected.
By a paiTenger in the James, we are
. j informed, that the James left the downs
the 17th April, and passed through Lord
, Hood's fleet, which was returning from
~ the Mediteranean, without having effected
the reduction of Corsica ; that the Kino
. of Prailia has aftuallv seceded from the
confederacy against France, & assigned his
reasons for this conduct, that Lord Moi
ra's body of troops is ordered to the con
tinent, and that Volunteer companies are
enhUing in England for the defence of the
Cj* London papers as late as the 13th of
April, ■we have received by the James
from luhich -we have made thfollowinv
fJeP.ion: 6
Paris April 4.
The following pei-fons are now before the
Kevolutionary Tr.bunal, viz.
Pierre Francois FabreD'Eglantine. Repre
lentative of the people. Joleph Delaunay de
puty. Francois Chabot deputy. Benoit Ca
mil.e Dtflnoulms, deputy. Jean Francois La
01 j' ° e P ut y* Pierre » hilipeaux, deputy.
Uaude Bazire, Marie Jean Herauit Sechelles,
deputy. George Jaques Danton, aged 54
years, born at Areis fur L'Aube, advocate
betore the revolution, since occupying feve
?'arcSi particularly that of deputy. Rene
D Efpagne, an Abbe. Andre Marie Gtif
mann,-Emanuel Frey, a Banker. Sigifmund
brothers in-law to Chabot. Jean
Frederic Dietrichfen. J Mafquet, dealer in
cattle, was condemned.
Jil the fitting of the Jacobins yesterday, an
account was given of General Pechegru hav
ing attacked and beat the enemy. The French
have Several columns in the sorest of MormaL,
where thev are railing redoubts.
A letter was read trom citizen Freflinet,
dated re pignan, which gave an account of
the advantageous position of the army of the
Eaitern Pyrcnnees, and its march in three
columns to attack the enemy.
Tuefdav April 1.
Suppression of the Executive Council, and
. of the fix Ministers and their Assistants.
Carnot, in the name of the Committee of
Public Welfare, having demonstrated all the
incompatibility of an Executive Council with
a Republican Government, even the danger
which results from it to Liberty, propoiedv
the ftipprefiion of all theMinifters. " The
real friend of the people," said Carnot,
" is he who fuffers himfelf to be long looked
after beiore he accepts any public functions,,
who Withdraws from them as Toon as possible,
and poorer than when he alTiuned them, and
who returns among his equals to lead a quiet
irreproachable life."
Carnot terminated by proposing the fol
lowing Decree, which Was adopted with the
loudefl applause.
Art. 1. Ihe Ndtional Convention decrees,'
that the Provisory Executive Council is fup
prcfTed ; as alio the fix Minifies and their
Afiiftants who compose it.
Art. 1. Its Functions fliall entirely cea'fe
011' the 20th of April.
Art. 3. It fhalf be replaced by the follow
ing Twelve Commiflions, namely: 1. Of
Administration, Police, and Tribunals ; 2. of
Publi" Inftrijtftiort ; 3. of Agriculture, Arts
aftd Manufactures ; 4. of Commerce and
I Supplies;. 5. of Public Works; 6. of Pub
lic Relief; 7. of Transports, Poib and Port
Offices; 8. of Finance; 9. of the Organ
ization of the Movements of the Armies by
Land.; 10. of the Marine and the Colonies;
11. of Arms and Gunpowder; 12. of Ex
ternal Concerns.
_ Art. 4. All those Commifiioners {hall
give daily an account of their operations
to the committee of public welfare, be
fore which they {hall lay the Denunci
ation of abuses, and their Plans for uleful
Reforms. '
Art. 5. 1 hose commissions {hall be
wholly responsible for their operations.
April 4.
The Revolutionary Tribunal being fully 1
engaged with the grand trial of Danton,— 1
Chabot and Co. lias been obliged to respite
several individuals of less note." The prisons
are daily more and more crouded, and con- ]
tain at this time, according to the report of
the bulletin, 6881 victims. Among these
are M. de Maupeu, the son of the ci-devant '
Chancellor, of State ; and Guillemanf, AI- '
lain, Damon, and Geneft, all members of 1
the Revolutionary Committee of the Section 1
Df Marat, ♦ <
LJifirntag Ptfl.j
London, April 10.
} 'I'f important declaration of ths
3 » p' T ,° '' P'rtliiia in this day's Morning
rs ,° ' , e kcefllon of that monarch from
t >e continental alliance, is ho longer doubt
s»" ciii chtm the praise of being tlie
0 hrlt to announce this important ihtelli
j- gence to the public, and leave the Times,
an the fuborairiate Ministerial papers,
e, they have obtained, inrepea
s" Yis* ° ontradi « in S OUr aflertions On this
, r ct. The fame source of intelligence,
V llas B ive " us th 's priority of intelli
gence, enables us now to present to the
c country, the declaration of the Pralfian
|g Monarch, and ws leave to the minilterial
d vvr| teib, the mortifying talk of apologizing
n l ° an '"-"fed public for the delusion which
d . X e pradifed, and continue to prac
,r tlc e on their credulity.
a —
is The Declaration of ibe King of PruJJiajothe
•_ Gel man Empire, on his fecejjion from the,
- i } '\ e f L '"t Continental Confederacy, concludes
thus :
e 0 Afterws, at is pad, every hope of the
Subiifience being acceded to, being no*
vamfhed, « His Majesty does n6w re
s ''ounce the farne, and also every Refo
" lution of the Empire and of the Cir
cles relative thereto. His Majesty has,
therefore, taken the Resolution no lon
ger tft grant his Protection to the Ger
e << raa " m P' re: —But, to order his Ar
" tw enty thousand Aux
" ilnrids, according to different treaties)
" nillaiitly to return to his own domin
" H!ns."
At the fame time that his Majesty finds
hitafelf compelled to withdraw a portion
of his Troops from the defence of those
States, for which they have already com
bated with so much glory, he expresses
the mod earned wiihes, that those con
fluences he has above alluded to may not
take place, bijt that the exertions of his
Imperial Majesty, and of the Empire,
may eventually insure to both a full indem
nity> and a general and honorable Peace.
To his Mijefty remain the just confuta
tion, and permanent glory of haying on
his part made such facrilices to the de
fence and fafety of the Emperor in the
present awful crisis, as certainly few
States in Europe, or Members of the
Germanic Body, could, without much
nefitation, have resolved upon.
Berlin, March 13,' 1794.
April 12.
It was last: night reported, that an ac
count had been received by a bye boat
from Oltend, thnt Danton and his confe
derates had been executed. This seems
very probable, as we know they were
upon their trial on the 3d and 4th inft.
Yesterday morning Mr. Shaw and Mr.
Wiliiil, king's meflengers, arrived with dis
patches, one from Vienna, the other from
the-Duke of York's head quarters at St. A
mand. Nothing of any cohfequence had oc
curred;. A Hanoverian out-poft had been
surprised, but a reinforcement coming up,
the enemy had been obliged to retire with loss
■ An important movement was e*pe<Jted to
be made in a few days.
The Emperor was expected to arrive at
£>ru(ftls on tfte 9th. The greatest prepara
tions were making to receive him with eve
ry mark of respect and affe&ion on the part
of the people.
Several of the papers, in which it is de
termined that the ruling party of France at
all times fhal! appear refpedtable, will now
have jt, that Danton has been guilty of the
crime of peculation, but that Koberfpierre's
hands are clean ; though it is forgot, while
this is sard, that Roberfpirre is in office, and
that Danton never was, as also, that it ever
has been allowed that the latter, knave as he
is, is open and bold, and the former cunning
and eowardly..
April to.
General Ricardos died at Madrid on the
19th ult. The Count O'Reilly was appoint
ed to succeed him ; but he died on his route
to take the command of the army. The
count de la Union consequently has been ho
nored with the chief command, and like
wise Governor and Captain General of Cata
lonia. He is a very young man, but very
much beloved by the troops.
There is much difference of opinion in the
Spanish council refpedling the continuance of
the war ; and the Duke D'Alcudia has had
the influence to fend M. D'Aranda into exile
for some free observations against the mea
sures of the court.
A letter from Portsmouth fays, Mcffrs.
Mair, P«lmer, and the other unfortunate
gentlemen, sentenced by the Scotch Judg
es to be transported to Botany Baj,'are
not now permitted to hold convetfation
wi th any one from the shore: Nor are I
boars fuffered to come along aside the
1 Surprize with any of their friends.
The King of Denmark Las ar.r.otiacidf
that, st the present moment, he dots ncft de
lirt a iumptuous refrdence for himfelf Or his
family; and, that the t contributions which
; have beeii furnilhed, shall be applied to the
1 PP''rt °f commerce, and of the honor of
the Daniih flag. These contributions already
, amount to 700,000 crows.
) Entradt of a letter from a very refpefta
, ble rtierdarttile hoitfe in London, dated
April 12—to their correspondent in
3 this city.
" We observe that Mr. fir ft
proposition had been adopted, but that
; the attempt of discriminating duties will
( be fruitlefs. We trull that that prudence
1 which has hitherto condtidled the Ameri
c can councils will not be departed from,
, and that you may long continue to enjoy
the blessings of peace.
" We hope the inftrU<3ious ifTtied by
this government on the Bth of January,
, will have quieted mens' minds in Ameii
. ca, and we flatter ourselves, Ministers will
a£t from such principles as will prevent
any future mifundcrftandirigs.
: " The condudl of the Weft-India Ad
, miralty Courts have ever refleaed discre
dit on this country, but we cannot for a ,
tnoment conceive their mcafures will be
fanftified by this government ; on' the
contrary, we do not doubt, by lodging
appeals here, those who been aggriev
ed by the decisions of those courts, wiil
have ample fatisfaftion afforded them. Be
allured the people of this country are e
qtially anxious with you to maintain the
most friendly intercourse with you, and
that ministry dare HdT adopt any mea
furcs which would be so opposite to the
general sentiments of the nation, as em
broiling us in an American war.
" Danton,Chabot, Fabre D'Eglantine,
&c. were guillotined on the 6th iuftant;
the two former behaved with great forti
tude, but the. latter shewed great iigns of
Vejels ill the Port of Boflon, May 26.
13 (hips, 5 6 brigs, 60 (loops and ro4 schoo
ners. 1 otal 154. Total tonnage, by elti
mauon, about 13000.
Treasury of ths United States.
ALL Perrons who are inclinrd to dil'pofe of
eithei of the difterent species of the Stocks of
th« Umtrd Siatcs, a.e hereby notified, that
Proposals will be received at the Treafurt r'i
Office No. It Cbefmit street; at any time un. 1
Hi Friday the 13th infta it at 12 o'clock.
t for the T1 uftees for
the reduction of the Public
June 4tli. 179 a. t. ,2.
Mrs. Marshall's Night,
this evening,
June 4.
Will be prel'entedj
A TRAGEDY, called
Romeo and Juliet*
Mr. Fennell
Efcaius, • Mr . finch
fr ns » Mr. Moreton
Montague, Mr. De Moulin
Capu'et, Mr . Gree „
rcu,l °- Mr. Chalmers
Benvoho, Mr. Cleveland
Tybalt, Mr. Harwood
Iriar Lawrence, Mr. Whitlock
Friar John, Mr. Warrell
Balthazar, . Mr. J. Darley
Apothecary, Mr. Francs
1 eter » Mr. Bliffet
1 a 8e ' Master T. Warrell
J ullef * „ Mrs. Marshall
(being her firft appearance in that charadter)
Lady Capulet, Mrs. Rowi'on
Nurse - , Mrs. Snaw
In ast 1. A MASQUERADE, w;th a dance
by the characters.
In adt J, The Funeral Procession and So
lemn Dirge.
End of the Play, (for the firft time) willb;
presented a New Comic Pastoral DANCE
La Role et le Bouton.
By Moni. Beiloha, Meflrs. Darley, jun. Blif
fett, and Madame Garcfie.
To which will be added,
A Musical FARCE, called
Wattey Cockney, Mr. Francis
Barnacle, Mr. Finch
Old Cockney, Mr. De Mouhn
Captain Sightly, Mr. MaHhaU
Prifcilla Tomboy, Mrs. Marshall
Penelope, Miss Willems
Madame Le Blond, Mrs. Cleveland
Qwaflieba, Miss Kowfon
Choru3, Mefli-s. Darley jun. Warrell,
Lee, Baf'on, &c.
Mrs. MORRIS s night will be on Mon*
day next.