Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, June 03, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 147 of Vol. V-] Tuesday, June 3, i 79 4.. [Whole No. 54^/
LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above
■Ah? Drawbnd*e, out ot' f e (hip Bacchus
Cent- Vakbemas, fiom Jamaica,
tv:i SALE BY.
16. ' d
Carolina Rice and Indigo,
Gurney and Smith.
May 14. d
Agreeably to notice, a
meet irig of the Subscribers to ilre Articles of
Agreement of the C >lumbian Society, was
thi< day !»eld at Mr. Richa»detV, for the pur
pofc "f chufing Managers, &c. when the fol
loiving perf>nc were chosen :
Robert Morris, Preft dent.
James Greenleaf
\TriJlram D alt on,
John Nich'olfon
CaUb Lamines,
Thomas Fitzjtmons.
James Wilfoti,
F. A. Muhlenberg,
V/alter Ste*wa't,
John Hall,
Richard SocUrftrom,
Nathaniel W. Applet on.
Garreti Coit ringer.
Congress of the United States,
In Senate, Tuefaay May I yh, 1794.
ORDERED, that Rufus Putnam, Mana.-
fah Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin
Green, do, upon the third Monday of Decem
ber next, ihevr cause to tfie Senate, why so
much of th' grants of land to them the said
Rufus Putnam, Man a (Tab Cutler, Robert
% Oliver and Grilfin Green, pursuant to an Afr
eu-utltxL" An' acl authorizing the J5 r ar»t ard
)|>sny of aVociate",' 1, (hail not he declared
void, as may interfere with and be fufficient
w to fatisfy the claims of the French settlers
at Galliopolis.
Orrieied, that the delivery of a copy of
the above u*drr to Rufus Putnam, Manaffab
Cutler, Ro: ert Oliver, or GrifH.i Green, and
the publication of the fame, one .nonih, in
one of the Gazettes printed in this City, Shali
be licensed fujiicicnl • otice'tfeteof.
Extra# from the Journals of Senate.
SAM. A. OTIS, secretary.
May 14. "»■'
Ship India's Cargo,
A small alFortment of
250 bags COTTON of good quality, which
would probably make an excellent remit
tance to Europe, and a
Quantity of PEPPER
For Sale by
Mordecai Lewis,
Who has also to dispose of
Barcelona Hand'fs. in boxes,
Holland Gin in caff,
SoUchong, WyCiUi, and Tonkay Tea,
A quantity of B» imltone, &c.
May iO d3w
Guthrie's Geography improved.
THE fubferjption lor this work on the ori
ginal terms, of twelve dollars and the bind
ing, wil: be doled this day—and on Monday
the fubferipuon will open at fourteen dollars,
exclusive of t ie price of bit ding.
The new maps added to, this edition are
twenty ooe ; anions; »hich are those of {i rw ., Maflachufetts, Connecticut
Rliode-Hland, Vermont, N'cw York, New
Jer fey, PennfyKania, Deiawaie, Maryland
Virginia, Kentucky, Notth Carolina, the
eneffee Government, South Carolina, and
Georgia. These maps have never been given
in any former system of Geography, and, it
is liopcd, wou'd alone be fufficient to entitle
this work to a preference to any other edition
of Guthrie.
N. B. The map of the United States
w'lich is Compiling by Mr. S riiuel Lewi!,from
the refpeftive state maps, will be far more
complete than any one yet published, and be
printed on two large Sheets of paper, nearly
the Size of the late Mr. Murray's man.
May 3 « d
For Sale or Charter,
The Schooner
o l l y,
Burthen loto barrels.
SHii a (launch fact failing new ve(P I,welT
founi, and ready £or any voyage, feithcr to
Europe, or th.-Weft Indies. For terms ap
ply to
At their Store, between Walnut and Chefnut
(Ircet wharves.
May 23 d
For Charter,
To the Weft India J'/lands,
The new Sloop
A B B Y,
Samuel Eamfs, Master.
SHE is a staunch gf>od in compleat
order, and will carry about 900 barrels. For
terms apply to thecapt ain on i»oaid at Chcl
|UK ft eet wharf, or to
June 2 Iw
Lady Walterftorff,
Edward Broock, Master.
BURTHEN i7OO baire'S, lalJsf.ft, and it
in complcat order to take in a caigo iuinnd .
Also for Sale or Charter,
Two New SHI PS of the but then of 240 tons
each. For terms applv o
IVho has for /ale,
Madeira and Sherry Wines,
ot tiie si if qua it , Brandy, Red and Pale
Jeiu ts Ba:k, &c. See.
June 2 ' d
To-Morrow Morning,
Will he lanoed near Walnut llieet * iia f.from
. the fcho;>wer Mad.fnn l-,c 'p„ _
Sweet Mountain WINE t
% * m quarter caiks
Soft (helled A monds in {acks
Mu feat el Raisins, in jars and
B'o )in Do. in quarter barrels^
A few 7 inch $a s CabJes
peter kuiin.
June 2 d6t
Fans, Black Lace, Window Glass, and
R I 'C E,
Louis Ofmont.
No. 117, north SecondJlreet.
May 31 dtf
Excellent CLARET,
In hogsheads and in cases oi 50 bottles cach.
A few cases Champaigne Wine;
In pipes, hogsheads and quarter calks,
No. 111, South Front ltreet.
Jan. 2, 1794. dtf
Anthony Wechtef, living in Third street
near Callowhill street, at the sign of the
Pcnnfylvania Arms No. 214,
One Pair
Bright Bay Horses,
6 years old, upwards of 15 hands high—
and one pair Chefnut Brown with blazes, 4
years old, about 15 hands high. The terms
will be made known, by applying to Mr.
Wechter. "
OF the money robbed from the mail near
Baltimore, by Do<stor Gant, iio dollars were
afterwards sent by an unknown hand, to the
Poltmafter at Baltimore, who transmitted
the fame to the General Post Office. The fuf
terers by that robbery are desired to state the
amount of their lofles respectively, and trauf
mit the fame, with the originaltetters of their
correspondents 'ecovergd) or other
evidence thereof to the General Post Office
before the firft day of June next, immediate,
ly after which a dividend will be made among
the Claimants.
Pojl Majler General.
Gen. Post Office, April 4, *794 iaw6w
It is Requested,
THAJ no person wi.j fupplv any articles
the " re «» f t"e New Theatre, without an
Older m writing, iign;d byoutfelves, or Sam
uel Anderfon, for us.
Ma.v dt .;
yiil perfo?is who have any de
matKls upou the New Tneatr,, are , equert
eg* * «"d tn t'teir accounts to No. 204, in
Arc I (Irett, near Eighth street, as foou as
couvenit »t.
WANIED a middle aged f.ngle Woman,
W - underitaWsplain Cooking; to Such a one
the bejt -wages civil I be given.
A.> ( »ly t the Printer.
M -'> 3' ' , or
Mai ket-Strect,
An Jjllay on Slavery,
Deigned to exinbit in a new point ol view
us ~!<«, on mvijis, inJ u J!ry, and the trace of
! . c '' Some tatls and calculations are otiereri
to prove the labor oijreemen .0 be much more
pronnoivc than that ot JUvcs ; that counirirs are
i.e., and happy, m prgpottion as the
.aboru,g people enjoy the Iruits of their own
lat.o. ; and hence the n ceffaty eondufion, that
Mavcry is impolitic hs well as unjujl.
Pr ics 25 Cents. dtf
February 15. ,
W A N L E D,
A Journeyman Printer,
Enquire at No. rf, uorth Fiith ftiect,
May 3 1
Fvl .AiJLidrt, T ~~ "
POil 1 , WINES of the firft quality
Llb2ON, & I J J
OI J Jamaica Spirit, Antigua and Weft India
Claret ar.u rort WlilC 0! d lupuuwi .
in cases.
Win: CVder and Vinegar, in pipes and hhds.
•Jorks in Bates, Havannaii Segai s in Boxes.
Philadelphia Porter, in Calks and Bottles.
London do. in do. do.
Puiiadwlphia Ale and Beer in do. do.
London do. in do. do and
■Jyder :n barrels and bottles, preparedforex
portation or immediate use,
Benjamin W* Moris,
7Vjj corner of Hock and Pear Jl'reets,
Wlijre he lias provided Suitable itores and
vaults, for the reception of
WINES, &c.
Which he propoies to llore or dijpofe of on
Gaptainsof vefTels and others fupplicdwith
rvny ot the aboveLIQUORS bottled, and lea
stores in gene al put up.
May 9 tu&f2m
freafury Department.
Revenue-Office, May ~jth, 1794.
NOTICE is he.eby given, that
will lie received at the Office of the Commif-
Sioner of the Revenue, for Ship Timber of
the following kinds, suitable for the building
ol the Frigates authorized by Law. A par
ticular detail oS the ftzes and proportions will
b oc immunicated, on application at the laid
White Oak Timber and Plank.
98 Pieces of various Dimensions, includ
ing Keels, Fluor and Riling Timbers,
&c. for a Vcirel of 140 or 150 feet
27,003 Feet of Plank, Scantling, Wal
<u pieces, Bilge St eakr, Clamps, &c. &e
200 Logs, for various ules.
C Pitch Pine.
* 25,000 Feet of P ank for Decks,
u 210 Beams, from 4a to 28 feet long, and
£ from iO by 12 to 15 by 18 inches thro'.
W ——
Locust Treeilail?, 18, 24 and 30
inches long.
5,00g Feet of Inch and half-inch Cedat
30,000 Feet of Yellow Pine Boards and
Perform willing to I'upply any part of tqc
above Timber for one Ship, or in proportion
fj» the w iole fit, will make their Proposals
accordingly. tth&3 w
Nankeens of Superior Quality,
No. 40, north Fifth Street.
Foreign Intelligence.
es _____
LONDON, April 3.
The John ;ind James, Johnson from Vir
ginia to Falmouth, and from thence to a
market, is carried into Brest.
Yesterday Field Marshal Freyta? had a
r. ham a houfer VICW " ***•
in [ quadr ° n . at To ' ba y confifU
18 tKri ( f PS a the Une > tw ° hoipital-dnps,
four c!I« nme fr 'S ates » flvc flocps,
tour cutters, and two! advice boats for ex-
J>refs purposes.
1 he intelligence communicated by us, a
few days Cnce, that the Brest fleet/ to 1 e
* S 1 . 01 1# ™of the line, are at sea, in
, been captured by four French of tl e
line, and sent into Brell.
Q r akC '' T kh '^ lei '' boun d from Cc I
Brest W !" L ch , Wds carried a Fize in o
• , ) ' had barrel-beef and pork 011 board to
the amount oi 10,000.
1 he execution of Hebert and the reft at
Pans only took up eighteen minutes.
A body of troops has been sent from Par s
VendeT° re '° extirpate the Rebels of La
April 7.
We yesterday received the Paris Gazetts
fearn b w"
learn, that fcvcral perlons of rank in the
armies haye been arrested, on suspicion < f
beeing in correlpondence with the cenfpira
tors lately executed in Paris.
We have letters -from Oftend dated the
evening of the 4 th, v, simply mention
?n Vth n> "7 h <W ened in
since tue lali: advices given in our paper of
Saturday, but there are certain aS in
Kelf'it. ?° yahfi has a g ain
Uelf m great force, and is a&ually in po f.
fcriou of the Fauxbourgs of Nam -s.
expedition agairUt the Vrtiicll. -LUJ'll JUMl'l '
and Lord Cathcart are also in town, and it
is said, that some grand and general attack
is in agitation.
Letters from Jersey, dated the ift inft.
state that all is quiet there.
We have great reason to doubt the truth
of the report of the French fleet being at
fca; as none of our cruizers have seen or
heard of any furh circumstances.
The whole fofce of the opposition writers
is now'dircilcd to separate the King of Prus
sia from the Combined Powers, and make
hiin a friend to that Convention which has
avowed it will never lay down its amis until
it tears the crown from his head,and unmo
narchs all his dominions. If the feceilioit of
the King of Prufliabe, therefore, a fact, ei
ther his Maiefiy must be a , or the
French Convention liars.
The repo.t which Hated the death of
the Emperor Francis, created a general,
alarm, the more so, probably, from the
general belief that the Grand Duke of
Tufcany is not so averse to the Frencli
j principles as his present majesty.
The difaffe&ed prints, idly afiert that
f the peuple of America, are afixiuus for a
• rupture with this country, to obtain re
] dress for the injury they have sustained bv
1 their vefiels, &c. In the present state of
America; a war would be the way, of all
others leall calculated to renumerate their
It is remarkable, that no Gentleman
has as yet nndertaken to giye the world
a parrallel between the measures which
: took place in the reigns of. the two
Charles's and James's, of glorious memo
ry, and those which have lately occurred :
3 Perhaps the reason may be, that it is fuf
ficient to open the volumes of Hiilorians
who have written an account of the house
2 of Stuart; and every reader mu'l percieve
an exadt cvrrefpondence between those e
vents and the present. However we trust
d the catastrophe will be different.
Mr. Hamilton Rowan is lodged in so
foul and unhealthy a dungeon in Dub
lin, that we are cor.cemcd to hear, that
5 the health of this good and humane man,
is on the decline. Were he to survive big
confinement, there is no doubt but th t he
would be returned the representative for
the Metropolis in the room of Mr. Giit
tan. It lhould be recolle&ed, that She-