A New NoveL To the LADIES of Philadelphia. This Day is Publt/heil ly MATHEW CARE\ r , Ixß, Market street, »• rice, bound, five eoliths of a dollar, sewed in < arble paper, halt a d . Charlotte, a tale of Truth, IN TWO VOLUMES. By Mrs. RO.V'iON, of |he New Theatre, Philadelphia, Auth ir of Vifiorin, tliejil- , the Fille de Chanib'e, Of Charlotte, the Reviewers havt given the following r characler. IT miy be a i'aie of Truth, i'or it is not nonatural, and it is a talc of rea di 11 ei s. Charlotte, by the artifice of"»1*'i* >"» 01 thc re ' gularity of her former c<>nd >&> ' s enticed from her governef., and accompanies a young officer to America-—The marn- ge ceremo ny, if not forgbtten, is poftponcd, ai d Char lotte d es a martyr ~o the inconstancy oi the over, and treachery ot his friend — ' he situ tion are irtlefs and affe&in# — ,l ! ,e deitiip atio. natural and pathetic ; we ftu>i)kl ie or arlotre if fbch-fc perlnn eve-- cxilted, who for one er or scarcely, perhaps, de! rved so a. tninifluneut. If it is a fiction, poetic j v :ltice i; not, we think, properly dii t rib u ted Sad Carey has jujl publlfhed, A 2 sheet map of Kentucky c jed by Elihu liaiker, price one nouar a d t\po flii« ds. ,/ar 'Arlas, containing maps of France, Gernla >y, Sua n,ltaly,the United Provinces, the Netherlands, a d the Well Indies. Price twodollais. Map of New Jersey—-Hals a.d )liar. Map?of Vermont, ConnefcVicur, Delaware, G» )igia - -Price three eighths ot a dollai each. April 29. Four Dollars Reward. A NEGRO MAN, named L'ETperan e, a b u 25 ye.i.s of age, ot' the Co go nation, 5 icet6 inches high ; speak veiv lil|l> Engl Ih tnn away frOfft bir> mailer the'?7:h mfiant — He Itole and carricd away villi him < nr new g e :i> brn:iH cloth coat, anil many articjes of irni'r frriith e. Whoever Oial! take up and fecu'e tn ft. , L of September, 1792, the price of ftfbfcriptfoh was incn afed TF.N dollars on all fc .t ' not taken before thar t 1 The fub ftfipt'on isftill open on these terms, and if any copies remain by the firil of July next, the price will be raised TEN dollais more, on any copies which may be fubfLribed for after tha* period. * ill * As many of the fubferibers have taken only two, three or four, See. volumes, they are carneftly requested to take up and payhW the remaining volumes, as it difficult to complete the setts, and the pubiiflier does not hold himfelf bouud to make up any setts after the firft day of J uly next* Ap'il 22. m&th6w . Just Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Peteriburg in Rufiia, And now landing at South.street Wharf, viz. Hemp, BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVENs DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOR SALE BY < John Donnaldfon, No. 12, Walnut-street. March 4,1794. diwjtawtf To be Let, For Merchants Comptfhg Houses or Public Offices, Two brick 3 story Houses, HAVING 6looms in eacn, wi h fire place« beQde garrets, on (he fouih wetterly fide of pock ftrect, between Pear and Walnut streets. Enquire of BENJAMIN W. MORRIS. April 17. tuth&«tf Scheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, dedudiiij, 15 />«* Cent: from the Prizes—this Lottery conjip of 38,000 Tickets, in which there are \ 14,539 iVi>6« and 23,4.61 Blanks, being about one and an half Blanks to a Prize* Tilii Dn eftors of J he Society for eltabnfhing Ijlciul Manulafctures, having relolved to erect LOTTfcRi H.S tor raising Otf* Hu nuked Thousand Dollar s, tagji Att of ,I,c o! the State ot New-jFffry, have aopoinitd the following pcrfoos to luperintend • iici.dircdihe drawing ol the fame, viz. Nicho las Lovr, Rufus King, Herman Le Roy, James Watson, Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond, ana Cornelius Ray, ol the city ot Nrw-York- Tliomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'Con ncl and Andrew Bayard, ot ihe cny ot Phila delphia—His Excellency Richard Howell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General El'as Dayton, Jam s Parker, fohn Bayard, Do&or Lewis Donham, Sa.nu..l W. Stockton, Jolhua M. Wallace, Joseph I Bloomfield, and Elista Boudiriot, ol NiW-Jer. 1 fev, Who offer the following Schcme of a Lot i tery, and pledge themselves to the public, that they will take every assurance and precaution in their power to have the Monies pud by the Managers, from time to time, as received, into the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to remain for the pui pole ol paying Pri/.-», which (hall be immediately discharged by a check - npon one of the Banks. SCHEME: r Prize of 20,000 Dollar* is 20,000 1 10,000 10,00 c 2 5)000 10,000 - 2,000 , 10,000 10 I,COO 10,000 2 o ,0 ' 000 100 100 10,000 300 5° l s> oco 1030 20 20,0C0 2000 15 3°> oco 3000 12 36,000 8100 10 81,000 14,.-39 Prizes. 262,000 23/(.ox Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000 Laitdrawn number, 2,000 * ; — 38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 Ihe drawing 11 commence, undei the m fpettuMi ,1 a Committee «»* the Supenntendants, as loon as the Ti' kc.s are fold,of which timely nonce will he g'veil l he Supenntcndants have appointed John N, ni New i»k, Jaeoci R. Hjj deribcrgi ol w-Biurifw ick, and Jonathan Rhea. oi Trenton, as jmmed oie Managers thereof, who have given ampl> iecuiity ior discharging tbc trult lepofcd m them. lit order to fecurethe pun&u.l payment of the Pnzcs, the Supei intendamsof the Lottery direCled 1 ii^L the Manageis fhal! each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with lout fu&cient i ciriti s, to jjt riorm their initt u&ions, the lub lUi.ce of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers fh*4l receivethr ium ot Three Hundred Dollars, he ihall unmdiauly place the fame in 6ne of the Banks of New-York or Philadelphia, to the eiedii of rhc Governor of the Society, and such of the Superiniendants as live in the city whtre the monies are placed, to remain there nntil the Lotterv is drawn, for the paymntof the Prize:. 11. The Managers to take fufficient fecuiity for an> Pickets they may trust, other wife to be refponuble for them. 111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Morres re< ( ived and paid into the Bank, ab ftratts of which shall be sent, monthly, to the Governor of the Society. Paterfon. January 1, 1794. On application to either of the above gentle men, intoimation will be given where tickets may be had. February 24. tu&ftf. Diflriftof Pennsylvania T O IV I T: 1 it rememliered, that on 'tlie „ ' twenty fourth day of March, in lie eighteenth year of the independence of the UiitedStates of America,Ebenizsr Hazard of the laid diftrift, nasdepofired in this office, th; title of a book,the right whereof'heclaims as author, in the words following, to Wit : " Historical Collections; confiffing of Hate papers, and other authentic documents ; in tended as materials for an history of the U nited States of America. By EBENEZER HAZARD, A. M. Member ot the American Philosophical So ciety, held at Philadelphia, for prrmiotiiig u.eful knowledge; Fellow'of the American academy of Aits and Science*; and corref pondent member of the Maflachufetts Hiflo rical Society. VOLUME 11. Ingenium, Pittas, Artes, acbellica virtus, Hue profugae venient, et Regna illuftria condent, Et Domini hie Virtus erit, et Fortuna mi niftra.'* In conformity to the afl of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An aift for the eucoui agement of learning, by feeui ing the copies of maps, charts ant! books, to the au thors and proprietors of such copies, duiing the times therein mentioned.'' SAMUEL CALDWELL, Clerk of the Dijlrift of Pennsylvania. May 7 e\v4'.v SHOES. A quantity of stout well made Men's size SHOKS, adapted for the Southern market,for sale at No. 36, North Third Jireet. May 6 mw&fiot The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the United States, and Twenty \ Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America, several of which have appeared in circiclation within a few days jhaft ; they are a good ge neral imitation of the genuine Bills, but may be diftingui/hed by the following MARKS. ; Five Dollar Bills of the Bank the | - United States. \ ALL that have appeared hav? the letter F. for their Alphabetical Mark. | The Texture of the Paper is thicker and whiter and it takes the ink more freely than s the genuine paper. , The O. in the word Company is smaller than the M. and other letters of that word, so that a line extended from the top of the O, to touch the top of the M. would extend con. fiderably above the range of the whole word, s In tht word United the letters are narrow. > erand cloffer together than the reft of the bill The i and Jin the word promise are not parallel, the J inclining much more forward than the i. 1 The engraving is badly executed,the strokes n of all the Letters are stronger and the device c in themargin particularjy is much coarlcr and ° appears darker than in the true bills; Some h at the counterfeits bear date in J 791 —Where- in as the Bank was not in operation till Decern ber, and no five dollar bills were issued in ihat year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North 0 America. >° ALL that have appeared have the letter >0 B for their alphabetical mark. )0 Tl>ey are printed on a paper nearly similar ;G to that of the counterfeit Five Doilai Notes >0 above described ; the engraving is exe ucted, and they approach neater to the ap '° pearance of the genuine bills. o The fine ruled lines through the word Twen- J0 (v, in the body of the bill, are m number th r )Q teen in the genuine b.lls, and but twelve in __ the counterfeits. )0 The word Company is much l ike the fame )0 word in the Five Dollar Bills as defer ibed a -50 bove, the 0 being lels than them, and others — following. 50 There is no stroke to the t in the word North n- whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well s, defined. ly T*he letters ent in the word Twenty, to the left hand at the bottom, do 'noi come down to SI. the line, but are so cut as to give an irregular g* appearance to the word, the 1 w and go of ing below them. 10 The fignatuie J. Nixon, has the appear be ance of being written with lamb-black and 01, and differs from Other inks used in nt printing the bills and the cashier's signature. r y It is supposed these forgeries were committed er in lorne of the Southern Slates, as all the coun- Ilt rerfcits thai have appealed, have come from 1 hence, and two periods have been apprehend ed in Virginia,on (ufpicion of being the author of them. The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS will be paid to any Perlon or Persons who shall discover and prolecute to conviction the/lever al offenders of the following defci iptions or any of them, viz. The person or pcrfons, who manufa£fured the paper on which the Bills are printed. The person or peitons, who engraved the plates. The printer or printers, of the bills. Every perf >n who has a£ted as a principal in any other way, in the counterfeiting and utter ing the said bills. Pniladelphia, March 28, 1794 April 22, 1794, Other counterfeit bills of the Bank of the United States have appeared in circulation. The denomination is of TWENTY DOL LARS,and the alphabetical mark is the let ter B. They may be diftinguiflied from the genu ine by the following MARKS : The paper of the counterfeits is of a more tend r texture and glofley fur face than the genuine, and there is no water mark in them. Ttee letter C. in the word Cashier, in the true bills is ftrorigly marked, whereas in the counterfeits, the whole letter is a fine hair itroke, evidently in an unfinifhed state. The letter a in the word demand, is badly formed and the whole word ill done, and there is no comma at the end of it, as there is in the genuine bills. The marginal device, is much daiker in the falfe, than in the genuine bills owing to the shade strokes being coarferj much nearer together, and consequently much move nu merous. This difference ft; ikes the eye at fit ft view. The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending, & profecuiting to conviction the several above described Offenders in refpe Captain Horton, from St *nd now landing at RuJell'j wharf, HEMP, bar iron, RUSSIA SHEETINGS, ravens duck, RUSSIA DUCK, u , A . n6 sale at ll * stores of the fubferiber In Walnut street, No.«. John Donnaldfon. A P nl 4- ri,ww& t ■ Stock Brokers Office, Wa"-ftrcet, NrV-Yrt^ I He. Sub It riber j ntfn ding to confin? hi m felf 10 'he PURCHASE & SALE or STOC KS on COMMISSION, l.,gs l f .« to D f ftr hisfervicesto h„ l,it„di and o ,h e r s in ,he me of a Stock Broker. Thole who may p l e ,f e to favor him wuh their liufinrU, may d. pend upon having it tranced with the u ,mod fide lity and dlfpalch, Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other partof the Un.tcd Slate., w,|| be attended to. LEONARD BLEf CKER, TTl&tht' Just PubHfhed, jt one handsome volume, iimo. p r ; ee 5s AND FOR ."SALE BY r JOHN ORMRGD, Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefuut Street, AN ESSAY ON THE Natural Equality of Men, Oil the Rights that result from it, and on the Duties which it inapoles. To .which a MEDAL was adjudged, by the leylerian Society at Jiaarlem. Cor reded and Enlarged. By WILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN, D. D. ProfefTor of Moral Phiiofbpfiy, and the Law of Nature, and of EccJefiaftica) History ; and Minister of the Englifti Chutch at U trecht. Alsquid semper ad communeni utilitatem af feremltim. Ctcero. The Firjl American Edition. THE grand principle df Equality, if right ly underwood, is the only balis on wjiich univerfa! justice, sacred order', and perfect freedom, can be firmly built, and permanent ly secured. The view of it exhibited in this elTay, at the fame time that it reprelfes the itrfojeiice of aflice, the tyranny ofpride, a-<>d the outrages of oppreftTon ; confirm®, in the mpft forcible manner, the neceiHty of subor dination, and the just demands of lawful au thority. So far indeed, from loosening the 41 bands of society, that it maintains inviolate, every natural and every civil diftinftion, draws more clol'ely every social tie, unites in one harmonious and justly proportioned sys tem, and brings men together on the even ground of the inherent rights of human na ture, of reciprocal obligation,-and of a com mon relation to the community. March 18. , tuts STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA. In the House of Reprefetitatives, December 21 ft, 1793. WHEREAS the Comnuilioners of public Accounts, .have reported,.that they cap not proceed 10 the invr(ligation of'the Treasury Accounts, relpr&ing fprcial Indents, without knowing the outstanding amount thereof in cir culation '.—Therefore, Resolved, That all holders of special Indents be dire&ed, and requir: o» on or before the firft day of November n xt,to deliver the fp cial In dents in their pofieflion to one or other of the Commiflione-s of the Treasury, who are to give receipts for the fame, and to rep rt to theCom miflioners on public accounts, on or before the tenth day of November next, the aroouOt by them refpe&ively received, and also to the Le j giflature, at their meeting in November next. and that all special Indents not rendered into } the Treasury as above, on or before the firft day of Novem.ber next, ihall be, ami the fame are hereby barred. 1 Rejotved, That public notice of this resolution 0 be given in the fevcral Gazettes in this State, r once every three weeks, until the firft day of >- November next. And that the Deligatesof this ft State in the Congress of the Uuited Spates, he re quested to cause this resolution to be published [) in one or more papers in the cities of Ph i ladel & phia and New-York, and that provision will be e made for the expences auending such pubhea o tion. Ordered, That the resolution be sent to the it rderof the House, 1C JOHN SANTORD DART, C. H. R. In the SENATE, f- December 21 ft. 1793- Resolved, That thij. House do concur with the Houle of Representatives in the foregoing reso lution*. Ordered, That the resolution* be sent to the House of Reprefentaiives. by order of the Senate, FELIX WARLEY, Clerk. ewtNov, 3f "" 'y PHILADELPHIA: Printed by JOHN FENNO, No 3, South Fourth-Stceet. %