Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, June 02, 1794, Image 3

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    r f polls fram Landrecies to Bouchain,
Their aim was to make themlclres mallei:
of the wood of Murtaial. In this view
they attacked Vvith a superior forcu the
village of O.s, above Landrecies, palled
the Sambre near this place, as well as
>icar Landrecies, ar.d attacked with about
11 or 14,000 men the abatis before the
village of Ponlmertuil, occupied by the
Ailllrian regiment of Brechenville. This
regiment was, by filch a superiority of
numbers, forced to fall back, and to a
iandon the abatis and the village. Du
ring its retreat, the enemy's hoife tnade
an attempt to fall upon the regiment \ but
f the Austrian regiment of Royal Alle
jnaud attacked them with so much gal
lantry, that they were thrown into con
fufion, 101 l about jo horses, and were o
bliged to give up their attempt. The
two corps cannonaded each other till one
o'clock. At this time, some reinforce
ments having arrived under the orders of
General Kray, our trojps were immedi
ately ordered to re-attack the village, as
well as the abatis. The regiment of
Brechenville attacked-in front, whilst Ge
neral Kray was turning the village ;
which manoeuvre, executed with equal
bravery and ikill, fncceeded so well, that
the enemy were obliged to abandon the'
village, as well as the abatis; with the
loss of five pieees 01 cannon, and a great
number of inen. The French left 540
men dead on the field, besides about dou
ble that number "wounded. Our loss is
150 tpen killed and wounded.
PARIS, March 28.
The forty-one Setlioim of Paris pro
duced during the 3d decade df Vsntofe,
29,892 pounds of laltpetre.
The Bishop of Saone and Loire, and
Etienne Thiery, have been convi&ed of
supporting the conspiracy of the Heber
tk'i.3, and have been condemned to death.
7 Germinal, March 27.
Barrere—" It has been found that the
Revolutionary army is a dangerous inlti
tution, on account of its being more im
mediately within the army of the Gene
ral of it. It resembles the power of
Cromwell; or the usurped power of a
Senate You want neither Pretorian
band nor Janizaries —The Committee of
Pubh'c Safety therefore proposes you to
j. That the Revolutionary Army shall
£ be disbanded—and that the soldiers who
compose it shall return to their former
occupations, furrenderiug firft to the
Republic their arms and equipage.
2. Their pay (hall be continued to the
firft of Floreal (20th April.)
3. Such soldiers of this army as wish dill
to serve the Republic (hall be incorpo
rated into the other armies.
4. No alteration is intended to be made
in the Artillery belonging to this ar
my. The Executive Council, howe
ver. shall not be able to make any dif
poiition in any one of these corps of
artillery, without an order from the
Committee of Public Safety. De
LONDON, April 5.
he King of Naples has lately com
municated to the Sicilian nobility, that
the augmentation of his army, for the
present campaign, will consist of 10, coo
men, and that the expenses of maintain
ing that corps will amount to 163,000
ducats; the barons, the nobility, and o
ther ricn land holders, therefore, were re
quired to contribute monthly the sum of
120,000 ducats, the reft of which expen
ces will be paid out of the King's trea
The hanking-hotife of De .la Rue and
Co. at Genoa, has lately opened a loan
for the King of Sweden, at 5 per cent,
Mrs. Jordan dines three times a week
with the Duke of Clarence at St. James's
aee. Whenever (he visits there, the is
»ttended by her Maid of Honour, and the
'uriery attendants ot the voung prince, in
a lecond coach.
The Situation of Paris is tranquil, and the
pifcovery and definition of the conipiracy
p Cra to have produc*d on the part of the
reople an unanimous determination to sup- j
port the National Convention.
LI.XINGTON, (lieu.) May ji
Court of Oyer and Terminer*
011 Monday last came on the trial of Wni.
ot MaAilbn county, for paflir.g coup.-
>. forfeit bills of the bank ct North America.
com, . nued tv -o days, „,k! on tile
v tiiira he received ien enc.e vr death ! -
•e V me fu Jor h ' 3 «**cuioi» is the iofh day of
June. 3
s a . ict . t ?r f T om a in Botetourt
county to Jus iriend m Suuijtvri, we learn
t Mr.Lettwich, a deputy flijriffof Wythe
e county, was lately murdered*
J> . AUGUSTA, (Gecu) May 10.
f iiftf eXp c a ." IVCd town on Tuesday
- It o'" ( ' en ' Clarke so his excellency
the Governor, giving information, that a
en a s S ( iu PP oied . to be Cherolcees
t- ) tiOont in number came
t into the fronter fcttlemcats ofFrankiii, eo.m
- ty, and stole a number of horses. Lieut.
- Hay, lUtioited at' the bifocals of Appa
» * a <-h«kj>Mrfun4g their trail with 18 dragoons
_ was ora\vn into their ambuscade, himfelf &
. . two of mul ftll, And anoi.hv r dangerous
; '? wounded—the Indians went off with
: their booty.
' r ac . cc ' rcl to* terms of peace
P lpoken of by tne Indian agent.
■ VV> are informed by Capt. Bonner, of I.t.
I .> ivunncl s regiment Hanccv k county,that
■ on UiC lfto / May. Capt. M-Kenzie, offaid
regi.m-nt, had a muster of his compan Vi two
miles from Fort Fidius, to draft men foi the
frontier service, where Major Woolen of
laid regiment attended—That 15 foidier- of
—that a disturbance ensued, and that the
laid i/tsjor was killed by an unlucky blow
on the nead, given by one of the soldiers
from that garrison ; and that the said foidi
er was delivered up to the civil authority,
and confined in M'Kenzie's Block hojfe. '
— I 'II mniw
Friday last, in tile abferice of the Vice-
President of the United States, the Se
nate proceeded to the choice of a Pieli
dent of the Senate pro ttmpure—when Mr.
Izard of South-Carolina was choilm.
The performances at the Theatre this
evening, arc for the Benefit of Mrs.
War<tell— The comic opera of Lionel
and Llar'iJ[a, will afford a fine opportunity
for the display of those vocal powers
which Mrs. Warrell pofTefles in so emi
nent a degree. This Lady is a pupil of
theßritiih Rofeius—a circ.imfiance which
fcarci'ly need be mentioned, when her
stile and niaurier of flnging ai d playing,
always tmc to nature, are ai.mdtred,.—
L\ti solicitous to merit approbation, we
doubt not Mrs. Warrell will this evening
experienct the beneficence of a crouded
The life of J. P. Brifiot, tran Hated
' f |om tM French, written by himfiai— is
published in London.
Lord Hawkefbury in a speech the 3d
of April in the House of Lords on the
" naval trade and commerce" of Great
Britain fays—" That the fiiips fitted out
for privateering the lafl wa-, in the port
of Liverpool alone, had a greater number
01 men, than all the ships fitted out in the
reign of Q. Elizabeth against the Spanish
Armada—-that the itrength of Great Bri
tain from these sources in the reign of
George the firft, was barely a fourth of
what it is at present—and that the num
ber of sailors in merchant (hips, now in
Great Britain, only, amounted to up
wards of 116,000 men."
Great ferments fays the London Morn
ing Chronicle, fublill in different parts of
Poland, and nothing but the presence of
an immenfc Ruffian army kt eps the people
of Warfare quiet—The fame paper favs
—" It is now perfectly undeHUod, and
even acknowledged, that the king of Prus
sia has withdrawn him("elf as a principal
from the war. He has dotie this upon an
arrangement, the basis of which is, that
if the French do not attack Germany, he
(hall not attack France, nor attempt to
didlate to them in any way with regard
to the settlement of their conllitution.
Dispatches from Berlin announce that
a negociation is begun fortaking into Bri
tish pay their troops, by which Britain is
to be saddled with the expenci of au ar
my of 30,000 Prussians.
APPOINTMENTS—by authority.
James Monroe of Virginia, Minister Pleni
potentiary of the United States to the
French Republic.
William Short, Minister P.efident to his Ca
tholic majesty.
John Quincey Adams, Minister Resident to
their nigh mightinefles the iiatcs general of
the United Netherlands.
James Simpfon, Consul at Gibraltar, and for
such other places as (hall be nearer to the
said port than to the rcfidenct of any other
' * \
onful or vice-tonfiH of the United fftutej,
'he lame allegiance.
Pi.Jip^Uvic, consul in Franeonia in Germany
1 e 'er xroliechy, confui at the port of Leghorn.
- Melius, confui at Bremen.
John Lulnan, confui at the port of Orutava
i.-i i\:ir;riiFe. &c. die.
Sylvanus Bourne, vice-cohful at the port of
Ami'erdara, &c.
P. 1. Dobree, Vice-Couful at tliie port
of Nantz, anil iuch other places as (hall
be nearer to the said port than to the resi
dence of any other confui or vice-confuj of
the Unitfid States, within the lame allegi
anee. &
Jofcph V/ilfon, Confui at the port of
Dublin, and for fucfi other, &c. &c.
Robert Weaie Fox, Conlul for the
port of Falmouth in Great Britain, and
such other, &c.
Married at Providence, [R. I.) Mr. Ste
phen Tili.inghast, Merchant, to Miss
1 hfodosia Foster, daughter of Theo
dore F"oster Esq.
By this Day's Mail.
SALEM, May 27*
Capt. George CrSwninfhieM, jun. arrived
Ivr*?, last week, from Calcutta, which he
Krr iaft December. He confirms the accounts
we have had, of the great iu<xefs of the
I'rench privateers in that quarter. The en
thufialin which actuates the French in Eu
-1 ope, operates upon them as powerfully in
Aha their privateers make no calculations
cnt?.j inequality of force, but attack and
conquer ala mode de la re-volution. A Dutch
liidiman of 40 guns Was taken by a small
privateer brig— the men throwing tiiemfelves
into the water, and fwimmirig to the ihip
with their cutlafie-s, in their mouths, and
boarding her os all quarters. Onr privateer
of the lfle of France arrived with a large
lum of ransom money for fever al velfels flic
had taken, and besides had ordemi 2 i prizes
into port. A private expedition* had gone
irom the lfle of France against Batavia, the
rei'ult of which was not known. The inha
bitants of the Lie of France were apprehen
, five of a visit, in their turn, from the Eng
| liih, and were preparing to receive them
j nurteoujly. ■ Great natural obftacies—vaft
\ quantities of ordnance—a powder mill in
; the Ifland—forges for heating ihot— and men
burning with patriotiim and fr.ilitr.ry ardor
—such were their means of defence.
>' Capt. Crowninfhield left at Calcutta, Capt.
.1 Chapman of Bolton. At the Ifie of France,
r Capt. Lewis, in the Pigcu, of Philadelphia ;
■, Page, in the Betsey, of Providence ;
Capt. Campbell, in the Cleopatra, for Bolton,
e and Capt. Rich, in the Union, for do. Mr. f
Hewes, supercargo. At St. Helena, Ihip
' Dlfpatch, Capt. Newell, for Philadelphia.—-
At the Cape of Good Hope, an
squadron of 5 fail of two-deckers, dcjlintd
J againjl the IJle of France.
NEWARK, May 28.
On Friday lalt arrived in this town, a
gentleman immediately from New-Orleans,
who descended the rivers Ohio and Miffi
fippi to that place as late as March lalt,
who informs that a body of Gen. Clark's
party, to the number of 21, had collect
ed at the mouthiof Cumberland river, allot
ted as the place of rendezvous ; their in
tentions were, when a fufficient number
thould have collected, to proceed to Loui
siana, for the purpose of attacking
that place, as has been mentioned in
former accounts : but a fufficient number
for this purpose not having been collect
ed, and Clark not complying with his
promise, viz. to compensate them for
their services, they determined to flop de*
| tain and plunder, all boats that Ihould be
found palling the river; this gentleman
having been previoafly informed of their
intentions, by tiling every precaution pas
sed them, in the night, unperceived, and
proceeded on to Lance le Grace, on the
Miffifippi, (a Spanish fcttlement) where
he gave information to the commandant of
the designs of those ruffians. He imme
diately dispatched a party of Chickafaw
Indians, who fell upon them, killed three,
wounded four and dispersed the remaind
er, as he was informed by a gentleman
who saw the affray, shortly after at New-
Brig Nancy, Duncan, Briltol (G. B.J 64
Schr. MiJifou, Parro.k, Malaga, 59
For Charter,
To the Wrjl 'India IJlands,
The new Hoop
A B B Y,
Samuel Eames, Mailer.
SHE is a itauixli good vdflel, in compleat
order, a i d will carry about goo barrels. For
term;, apply to the captain 011 board at Clicl
nut ftieet wharl, or to
June 2 vi
For Charter;
Lady Walter ftorffi
Edward Broock, Master.
• BUKTHEN 1703 barreJs, failsi'.ft, mdi,
»> t'onipi-at order to take in a caigo imuicdi.
f Also for Sale or Charter,
t Two New SHI PS of the burihrhof 240 tons
, each. For terms applv 10 ■
p Who has for file,
Madeira and Sherry Wines,
of the filft quality, Brandt, Red and J\,le
C Je'uits Bark, & c . dec.
Jn. e 2 d
: To-Morrow Morning,
! Will be landed rn-ai Walnut (beet »ha f.fiotn
on board the fchooncr Madison, Jas. Par
rock, mafteiv trom MALAGA.
Sweet Mountain WINE,
>n quarter casks
Soft (helled Almonds in i'acks
Mufratel Raisins, in jars and o
BloiUO D>. in quarter barrels,
A few 7 inch Bass Cartes
J u ™ 2 d6t
Just Published,
By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at hit
Bookficre, No. 147, Marketflreet,
The Life of Dr. Franklin,
with a linking likeriel's, executed in a
ly manner by TUackura and Vallance, price
five fliillings.
The Ready Reckoner, or Trader's Sure
Guide, 3/9
The Ynung Booker's Afliftant, 6/3
The Chriliian, a poein, by Chai les Craw
ford, 2f4
El'op's Fal les, 4J&
Swai 's Britilh ArchitaftJ 37/6
Fame's ditto 30/
J" own and d.-iuntrv Buildei'; Affiflant.
In the press, and will bepublifbed in a feu
days, and fold as above,
Reflections and Maxims, by
Williaoi. Penn, with his advice to iiis chil
j.en ,4/8.
6 mo. 2, 1794- m&rwiin
Alrs. Warrell s Night.
June 2.
Will be prelented,
Lionel and ClarifTa;
O R,
The School for Fathers.
Sir John Flowerdale, Mr. Whitlock
Col. Oldboy, M r. Bates
J e " am y» Mr. Moreton
Lionel, Mr. Marlhall
Harman, Mr. Cleveland
J en kins, Mr. Darlev
Servintsi MelTrs. Darley, jun. Bid
fett, and J. Warreli
Lady Oldboy, Mrs. Shaw
- Clarifla,(with additional songs) Mrs.
Diana, Mrs. Oldmixon
Jenny, Miss Willems
End ol 2d *&, a HORNPIPE, by Mailer
T. Warreli.
End of the Opera, a new Comic Paflorai
Ballet, compoled by Mr. Francis, called
L'Amour trouve les Moyens:
Or thfe
By Mons. Belona, Mr. Bliflett. Mr. Darley
jun. Mailer T. Warreil, Mr. Francis, Mrs.
De Marque, and Madame Gardie.
To which will be added,
A FARCE, never performed here, written
by John O'Keefe, Esq. author of the
Poor Soldier, Agreeable Surprize, &c.
Modern Antiques ;
O R,
The Merry Mourners.
Cockletop, Mr. Francis
Frank, Mr. Green
Joey, Mr. Bate»
Napkin, Mr. Bli.Tet
Hearty, Mr. De Moulin
Thomas, Mr. Warreli
Mrs Ccckletop, Mrs. Shaw
Mrs. Camomile, Mrs. Rowfon
Belinda, Mrs. Cleveland
Naq, Mrs. Francis
Flounce, Mrs. Bates
Betty, Miss Rowfon
Tickets to be had of Mrs. Warreli, No.
31, norlh Seventh street. At the usual
places, aud of Mr. Franklin at the Theatrq,
where places may be taken.
Also at the Library.
On Wedncfday the tragedy of ROMEO
and JULIET, with the ROMP, for the
benefit of Mrs. MARSHALL.
Mr. Darley '5 Night will be on Friday.