Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, June 02, 1794, Image 1

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•- - X-.-. * . ii., .. ifc '
[No. 146 of Vol. V.] Monday, June 2, *794- [Whole No* 542.]
Ship India's Cargo,
A small afiortment of
250 bags COTTON r >t good which
would probably make an excellent remit
tance tol Ewope, and a
Quantity of PEPPER
For Sale by
Mordecai Lewis,
Who has also to dlfpofe of
Barcelo a Hand fs. in boxes,
Holland Gtn in cases,
Souchongj iiyfon, and Tonltay Tea>
A quantity of Brundone, &c.
May 10 d3 w "
LANDING at Hamilton's «ha:f, above
the Drawh' idge, out of t'<e fliip BaCChus
C cpt- Vannsm an. ft dm JamaiCa,
May 16. d
Carolina Rice and Indigo,
Gurney and Smith.
May 14- d
Congress of the United States,
In Senate, Tuefaay May 13 th, 1794-
O REEKED, that Rufus PuenatfJ,Manai
fah Robert. Oliver and Giiffin
. Qreen, .do, upon he- third Monday of Decem
ber text, (hew ciufe to the Senate, why so
ranch of fh< grants of land to them the said
Rufut.' Putnam, Manaffah Cutler, Robert
Olive-' and Griiiin Green, pu>fuant to an Ast
en.t'tfd 4 vAn ast authorizing the tyrant and
conveyance of certain la-ds to tire Ohio Com
pu' v of ass .ciate ," fh ill not he. dt-clared
"void, -is may interfere with and be fuffieienr
toiStisfy the ctaims of the French settlers
at Giiliopolis.
Guided, that the delivery of a copy of
the above ordti to Kjulus Putnam, Man u flab
Cutlet, Rofvcrt OFiver, or GrilKn < rferi, and
the'puofrcation of the fame, one .April h, m
one of the Gazettes printed in this City, shall
Ik .deeded fntfinenl notice tliereof.
Extradl from the Journals of Senate.
SAM. A. OTIS, fecretarv.
May' j 4. im *
An Essay on Slavery,
Designed to exhibit in a new point, of view
its cfle£ts on morals, indujiry, and rhe peace of
foacly. Some rafts and calculations are otU-ied
to prove the labor ofjreemcp to be much more
produflivc than that «>r Jlaves ; that countries arc
rich, powcrlul and happy, in proportion as the
laboring people enjoy the fruits ot their own
labor ; and hence the n crffaty ronclufion, that
•slavery is impolitic as welJ as unjufl.
Price 25 Cents. dtf
THE relations of Mr Thomas Curtis,for
merly of EHicottfs Upper Milk, and lately of
the' City of Wa'flrngton, decea'<d, are desir
ed to apply and Have his affairs fettled.
ity of Walhington, April 22, 1764.
M. 5 m&th4w
Agreeably to notice, a
meeting of the Subscribers to the Articles of
Agreement of the Columbian Society, was
this day hefrf at Mr. Richaidet's, for the pur
pofr of chufing Managers, &c. when the i ol-
Ipwing perfmis were chosen :
Robert Morris, Pre fide/it.
James Greenleaf
Trijlram Dalton,
John Nicbolfon
Caleb Loivnes,
Thomas FitzJJmons.
James Wilson,
F. A. Muhlenberg,
Walter Stewart,
John Hall,
Richard Soderjlrom,
Nathaniel IV. Appleton.
Qarrett Cottringer. \
• Ma y 27 diw
For Saie or Charter,
Burthen iooo barrtls. |
SiiS a ttuu.ich fit Failing ndw vesT l,wel'
fouai, and ready for any voyage,, either to
Ear »pe, or to Wert Indies. For terms ap
pty 10
At their store' between Wa;nut and Chefnut 1
it reek vvharves.
May 23 d
LETTERS on the fubjetft of the Wafh
ir. ton Lottery, being by mistake repeatedly
aadrallcd to tiie Commiiiioners for the City
j of Vv alliingion,
; eri'ons con<-»ined are hereby infonntxl,
ihat aii fucii ihouki be addrelfed citb«r to VV.
I Deak.nsjun. of Washington, ortotheSuL—
icuLer. The cominiflioncra never having
conU:uplatbd any further concern in this
bulinels, ;n their aii'er.t to receive the
Dondj .tiu .approve me names 01 he mana
gersi 'i he prizes have been paid and are
pjyxiig on demand by W. JL)eai;ins, Wafh
lngtpn, Peter Gilrrian, iiolton, and by the
For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al
ready given will be retained by the comnnf
lioners, or transferred by ihem at their
option to l!ie Jiank of Columbia ; and the
Comrodiioners will be eonfulted refpefting
a judicious and equitable dil'polition of the
houies built thereby ; their uvalury or
the Bank of Columbia will receive tiie mo
ney intended for the National University,
Slid the) will bt eonfulted in the nomination
-of the 24 managers; but ail the reiponfibility
respecting tfie general djlpofition of the tic
kets, ai;u payment of prizes, w: 11 reit as
in the Hotel Lottery, on the perfonsr whose
names a e and maybe hereafter publiihedas
afliilaiiis to forward this business with
Philad. May 1%, d—jt-.
Morris Academy.
TH 1 i init iuiion is now open fur tfte tecep
tion of lludihits under che immediate care of
vlr Caleb Ruilell, whole abilities as an in
i uotor, and attachment to tiie business have
Jong been known and approved. He has un
der hint tiie oeil afiiiUnis in the different
branches —I'he Iciioiars ate taught the En
gi.ilh, French, Lai in, and Gi ek languages,
Pubi.c-Speaking, \/riting, Aiithinctic, Geo
graphy, Astronomy, and the various branch
es of the Md'jiemafycs The heai.hy ficua
tiot» jf this pince is <ti h as to tecominemi it
to tiiofe, who wi(h to have their ch d< eu in
the Cfut'itry. Boa ding, washing, mending.
&rc. wid be provided in good families, and
the morals of the scholars carefully attended
Tiie price including tuitioij, firewood, &c.
eexciuftve of the French will not
xceed thirty pounds proclamation money per
annuD') an addition of three dollars per quar
ter will be made to such scholars who are
teu-ht the French language. -The Dire<stors
ar edetermined to pay I'ucn attention to this
institution, a; will render it refpc£labie and
TIMO THY JOHNS, jir Direc^'s.
Moiriilown, May 15, 1794
d 1 w.—W2m.
Dr. Price, Fellow of the Anti
cjuanan Society, and of Jesus College in tne
Univeiltty of Oxford, See. &c. formerly lec
tuiet on Midwifery in London, will com
mence rath mihe Autumn, a complete
Course of Le&ures,
on the
Theory & practice of Midwifery
( With the Lttejl Improvements)
And ou the various iJ feales incioent to Wo
men and Children ; of which timely notice
will be given.
May 26 Bt
Cincinnati of Pennsylvania,
ay 2i, 1794.
A STATED meeting of the llaijdmg Com
mittee will he held 011 Monday evening next
at 7 o'clock at the Concllogue waggon. Ar
rangements for the4th July being rec (T a ry to
be formed, the members are requcitea punc
tu.lly to attend.
d4C Secretary prq Tern.
It is Requested,
THAT no per.sou wid supply ar-y articles
for the use of the New Theatre, without an
order in writing, ligned by ourselves, or Sam
tiel Anderfon, F <r us.
May 30. dtf.
All persons ivbo bate any de
uiviiuts upbt> the New Theatrr, are lequert
ed to fend in their accounts to No. 204, in
Arch llrefet, near Eighth ftrett, as- soon as
wignelL & REINAGLE.
May 3">. dtf.
Excellent CLARET,
In hogsheads attd in cast s of 50 bottles each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
In pipes, hocrfheads and quarter casks,
No. Hi, Sou<h Front ifreet.
|an. 2., 1794- dtf
Anthony Wechter, living in Third street
near Callowhill ftrett, at the sign of the
Pennsylvania Arms No. ii 4,
One Pair
Bright Bay Horses,
6 years old, upwards of 15 hands high—
and one pair Chefnut Brown with blazes, 4
years old, about 15 hands high. The terms
will be made known, by applying to Mr.
Wechter. 5t
WANT ED a middle fuigle Woman,
who understand p .'in Cooking; to (uch aonc
the bejl wages will be given.
Apply t the printer.
Maj 31 lot
Fans, Black Lace, Window Glass, and
R I C E,
Louis Ofmont.
No. 117, north SecondJlreet.
May 31 dtf
Guthrie's Geography improved.
THE fubfci iption lo' this work on the ori
ginal t ms, of welve dollars and the bird
rg, wil be c'o ed this day—and on Monday
the fubfcripM n will open at fourteen dollars,
exc'ufivei f fiiepiiceof bind ng.
T e new maps added to ( this edition a e
twenty one ; anions *\hich are thoie ol New-
Hmil ih re, M.drachufetts, Coimeflicui,
K od.-Xftand, Vermont, NewYoik, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,
Virginia, Kentucky, Noith Carolina, the
enelf.e Government, South Ca'-ilii., and
Georg a. Thtfe maos have never teen given
in any former Cyftem of Geography, and, it
is hoped, would alone be fuiScient to ent'tle
this work to a preference to any'other edition
of Guthrie.
N. B. The map of the United Sates,
\vh ch is compiling by Mr.S muel Lewis,from
the res( ejfive state maps, wi I be far more
complete than any one yet publifiied, and be
printed 011 two large sheets of paper, near ly
the fiz- of the laie Mr. Murray's map.
May 31 d
A Journeyman Printer,
Enquire at No. 8, north Fifth fleet,
May 31 3t
118, Market Jlreet,
Price 18 cents,
Catechism of Man ;
Pointing out from found principles, a«»d ac
y knowled} r ,ed the Rights and Duties ol
every Rational Being.
Ami therefore become your enemy because ]
tell you the truth ? Gal. iv. 16
, Now a.l these things happened unto them Ibi
examples, and they are written for oui
admonition, upon whom the ends ot the
earth aiecotne. * Cor. xii.
May 10 tuthS^sew
Foreign Intelligeiricc-
NATIONAL convention.
Sitting of March 25.
Several of the popular Societies,commit
tees of Surveillance, Municipalities, De
partments, Diltri&S, armed alTociations,
■ See. applauded at the bar, the high cha
racter the convention had jufl difplayed,by
Crushing the moii horrid of confpitaciesi
These compliments were accompanied by
civic gifts, as well as felicitations 6n the la
bors of the National Representatives, and
invitations that they should remain at
their post.
4 Germinal, March 24.
The Convention approved of the fol
lowing proclamation to the people.
" AT the moment when the nation is
riling by vifiories to its deftincd glory :
At the moment it is preparing for new
conflicts against the tyrants of Europe,
their vile agents, disguised in the midft'oi
you, were on the point of aflaffinating
and precipitating the people into slavery.
" The plan of a bloody counter-revolu
tion was prepared ; the national reprelen
tatiou was 011 the point of difappearirrg
under the steel of a (Tiffins; the blood of
patriots was to be shed by the fury of con
spirators ; the Republican government
was to be annihilated, to substitute tyran
! Ny in its place ; the armies were to be de
livered up to the uncertainty of events, or
to the perhdy of some chiefs ; and, as
soon as tyranny fhouid be established with
in, the- foreign armies were to have con
summated the enterprize.
" The horrible conspiracy, profound
with' regard to the means employed, and
immerse in its ramifications, was conceiv
ed at a foreign court, and organised with
in our bosom. The success of this con
spiracy was confined to the common ene
mies of the revolution, to the criminals
in our prisons, and to hypocrites, who
deceived the people by pretended patrio
tism. In one day, in a few hours, at a
signal given, all the counter-revolutionilts
were to be re-united, all the villains arm
ed, all the prisons opened, all the afTaffins
unchained, and the Convention was to be
on a sudden furronnded with ruins, with
the dead bodies and blood of Patriots.
" In vain had our efforts sustained the
revolutionary government. On one fide,
a fatal inertness was imprefled on its ope
ration ; 011 the other, counter-revolution
ary measures prevailed. For some chvs,
the theatres, and public places had been
filled with Aristocrats, and the ftrects
with Conspirators. The women insulted
the public iriifery by a mad and foolifh
luxury; and the ferocity of the egotists
raised a famine within, while the (tipen
daries prepared it without. The winds
from all quarters blew the storm against
the National Representation and the Pa
triots ; while calumny and treason inun
dated the Departments and the armieswith
falfe news. In one, news was published
that the enemy was within fix leagues of
Paris; in another it was afierted, that the
design was formed to mount tha white
cockade ; and, in the more diflant de
partments, it was said, that Paris was
surrounded by foreign troops. At Paris
it was insinuated, that La Vendee was in
full force, and the apprehensions of the
people received atevery iuftani imprefiions
fatal to liberty.
Wednesday, March 21ft, 1794.
Mr. Vinitig reported from the comn it
tee en enrolled bills, that they had ex
amined the bill, entitled, " An a£i pro
hibiting for a limitted time, the export -
tion of arms and ammunition, and ei -
couraging the importation of the fame,"
and that it was duly enrolled.