2 •- - X-.-. * . ii., .. ifc ' EVENING ADVERTISE R. [No. 146 of Vol. V.] Monday, June 2, *794- [Whole No* 542.] remaining OF THE Ship India's Cargo, FROM bengal. A small afiortment of BALE GOODS, 250 bags COTTON r >t good which would probably make an excellent remit tance tol Ewope, and a Quantity of PEPPER For Sale by Mordecai Lewis, Who has also to dlfpofe of Barcelo a Hand fs. in boxes, Holland Gtn in cases, Souchongj iiyfon, and Tonltay Tea> A quantity of Brundone, &c. May 10 d3 w " JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's «ha:f, above the Drawh' idge, out of t'fuant to an Ast en.t'tfd 4 vAn ast authorizing the tyrant and conveyance of certain la-ds to tire Ohio Com pu' v of ass .ciate ," fh ill not he. dt-clared "void, -is may interfere with and be fuffieienr toiStisfy the ctaims of the French settlers at Giiliopolis. Guided, that the delivery of a copy of the above ordti to Kjulus Putnam, Man u flab Cutlet, Rofvcrt OFiver, or GrilKn < rferi, and the'puofrcation of the fame, one .April h, m one of the Gazettes printed in this City, shall Ik .deeded fntfinenl notice tliereof. Extradl from the Journals of Senate. Attest, SAM. A. OTIS, fecretarv. May' j 4. im * ~ " FOR SALE, BY MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Maiket-Strect, An Essay on Slavery, Designed to exhibit in a new point, of view its cfle£ts on morals, indujiry, and rhe peace of foacly. Some rafts and calculations are otU-ied to prove the labor ofjreemcp to be much more produflivc than that «>r Jlaves ; that countries arc rich, powcrlul and happy, in proportion as the laboring people enjoy the fruits ot their own labor ; and hence the n crffaty ronclufion, that •slavery is impolitic as welJ as unjufl. Price 25 Cents. dtf February^. Advertisement. THE relations of Mr Thomas Curtis,for merly of EHicottfs Upper Milk, and lately of the' City of Wa'flrngton, decea'lcn.jer. For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al ready given will be retained by the comnnf lioners, or transferred by ihem at their option to l!ie Jiank of Columbia ; and the Comrodiioners will be eonfulted refpefting a judicious and equitable dil'polition of the houies to.be built thereby ; their uvalury or the Bank of Columbia will receive tiie mo ney intended for the National University, Slid the) will bt eonfulted in the nomination -of the 24 managers; but ail the reiponfibility respecting tfie general djlpofition of the tic kets, ai;u payment of prizes, w: 11 reit as in the Hotel Lottery, on the perfonsr whose names a e and maybe hereafter publiihedas afliilaiiis to forward this business with S. BLODGE-T. Philad. May 1%, d—jt-. Morris Academy. TH 1 i init iuiion is now open fur tfte tecep tion of lludihits under che immediate care of vlr Caleb Ruilell, whole abilities as an in i uotor, and attachment to tiie business have Jong been known and approved. He has un der hint tiie oeil afiiiUnis in the different branches —I'he Iciioiars ate taught the En gi.ilh, French, Lai in, and Gi ek languages, Pubi.c-Speaking, \/riting, Aiithinctic, Geo graphy, Astronomy, and the various branch es of the Md'jiemafycs The heai.hy ficua tiot» jf this pince is the New Theatrr, are lequert ed to fend in their accounts to No. 204, in Arch llrefet, near Eighth ftrett, as- soon as couVenient. wignelL & REINAGLE. May 3">. dtf. Excellent CLARET, In hogsheads attd in cast s of 50 bottles each. ALSO, A few cases Champaigne Wine ; MADEIRA, In pipes, hocrfheads and quarter casks, FOR SALE »V JOHN VAUGHAN, No. Hi, Sou