Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 31, 1794, Image 4

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Marrfvt *794-
No. 118, Maria fra!,
Modern Geography:
ot. A
Geographical, Hiflorical, as#
Commercial Grammar;
And prefcnt state nf the ftveial
1. Th«* figures, and distanceS or
the planets,-according to the Newtonian *yi
tein the latest obfe* vatioos
2. A general Tiew of earth, c^nfidered
a. a'planet; with fcveral ufeful geographical
definitions and problems
-3 The g J'vd of the S lobe ,nto
land amf u ater, contrncts and iflai d;.
4, The situation and extent oi empires,
km (linns, states, provinces and colonies.
j. T'neir climates, air, foil, vegetable',
pr.adiifttonS, metals minerals, natural cun
olirie*,' seas, rivei bays, capes, p; onion tones,
aud lakes.
6. The Kirds and beads peculiar to each
7. ObfervatioiTs on the changes that nave
been any where observed upon the face ol na
ture since the molt eaijy periods of history.
8. The history and Origin of nations ; thei\
forms of government, religion, laws, reve
nues, taxes, naval and mijita y strength.
9. The genius, manners, customs, and ha
bits of the people.
10. Their language,learning,arts,fciences,
manufactures, and commerce,
11. chief cities, ftru&ures, ruins, and
artificial curiosities
. ' j2. The longitude, latitude, bearings, and
di (lances of principal places from Philadelphia.
Jo which areaddedi
1. A Geographic al Index, with the names
and places alphabetically arranged.
-2. A Table ol the Coins ot all nations, and
their value in dollars and cents.
3. A Chronological Table of remarkable
events, from the creation to the prefenttime.
Tiie Aftrqnomical PaVt corre&ed by 1
t D . Rittenhouse.
To whicli have been added,
The late Discoveries of Dr. Herschell,
- and other emindnt Astronomers.
Corrcfted, Improved, and greatly Enlarged.
The fir It volume contains twenty-one Maps
and Charts, belides two Agronomical Plates,
1. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the world.
3. Europe. $. Asia. 5. Africa*. 0. South
America 7- Cook's discoveries. 8. Covin
north Pate. 9. Sweden, Den
mark, and Norway. »o. Seven United Pro
vinces. it Auftriaa, French and Dutch Ne
therlands. 12. Germany. i - Seat of war
in France. 14. France div»ded intodepait
inetits. 15. Switzerland. 16. Italy, Sicily,
and Sardinia- 17. Spain and Portugal.
l 8 Tu' key in Europe and Hungary. 19 In
land. 20 Weft-Indies. 2i. Vermont. 22. Ar
•ftnHary-fp vere. 23. Copernican system.
With the (econd volume, which is now in
the pref;, will be given the following Maps :
1. Russia in Europe and Afcu
fc. Scotland.
3. £9 gland;and Wales.
4. Poland. ,
. 5 . China.
United States.
g. B'itifh America*
t). S ate of Ne v-Hampihire.
,0. State of Ma (fichu setts.
il. State of Conne&icUt.
,2. State of Rhode lAand.
.. j3- State of New-York.
14* State of Ne wJe rfey.
15. State: of Pennsylvania.
16. State of Delaware.
17. State of Maryland.
18. State of Virginia.
19. State of Kentucky. ;
2o State of North-Carolina.
21. Tenneflee Government.
22. State-os South-Carolina.
23. State of Georgia.
1. This work will be compriled in two vo
2. Subscribers pay for the present volume on
delivery, fix dollars, and the price of bind
ing, (56 cents for boards.)
3. They may receive the fucteeding volume,
in twenty-four weekly numbers, a* a quar
, ter dollar each, or else, when finifhed, at
the fame price as the firft.
4* The fubfeription will {je railed on the firft
day of 1794, to fourteen dollars, ex
clulive of binding.
5. Should any copies remain for sale after the
completion ot the work, they will be fold at
sixteen dollars, and the price of binding.
6. The names of the fubferibers will be pub
lished as patrons of American literature,
arts,and feie'nees.
It is wholly unnecessary to expatiate on the
advantage,to American readers, that this edi
tion poflfefles, over every imported edition of
< any system of Geography extant. The addit
tion of maps of the several ftnte , procured a
a very gFeat expfrtfe, and from the belt ma
terials that are attainable, speaks such full
couvidtion on this fubjeft, that it would be
difrefpedt to the reader's understanding to
suppose it requilite to enter into a detail of
arguments to prove its superiority. In no
similar work have such maps baenever intro
f 1.- wVlch at ' 1
m lic in thh • ,rV,«einr -.raerable,and ovcoi" &
iueve'v r>tge. Tl.e |>«bl>c ar« referred to
the prefer a flight fketcb ot a ft* of >j
."V- puhlilher takes tl® pre font opportu- J<
nitv of h s moil fiucere th.»k. to «
tlurfe ,*fp ftifcV chancers wna h.v< favored «
for improving tbe map» *
of fev<r„i „f tne (teres. He requelU a cont.
nuance of their luodoef,; and hopes that fuel.
nuMic spirited citizens, as ife poiTclTed »• S
inilar .will favor h..» «r»tk tlieir
affiftsnce inf#rfcrt ; nj undertaking •
' Tie extraordinary encouragement vitn j
which he has been favored, has excited
• in hisfcreaft ihe warmest fentimeotf ot gratt- ,
tu J—rrntim nis which rime will not eiWce. ,
He pfedjss himfelf to the citizens of the
, United S°ate*, to fj»«e neither pains nor ex
I penfe to render the present edition of Guthrle s
Geography improved, def-Tving ot their pa
, tronage. ' wa '
THE OFFICE of thr Secretary of State is
' removed from High Street, to ihe New Build
' ings, i!u corner of Sixth & Mulberry firects.
' \'*y 15
' H 0 E S.
5 A quantity of stout wVll made Men's foe
SHOES, adapted for the Southern market, fur
sale at
No. t,6, North Third street.
May 6 mw&f.Ot
* Nankeens of Superior Quality,
No. 40, north Fifth Street.
April M. tnw&ftf
~ ITs &en c e
for the Tooth-Ache,
Prepared and fold by Dr. Lek> Golden-
Square, London.
THLK public is otfjred one of the mod:
efficacious and fafe medicines, that ever, ap
peared, for that nioft excruciating pain, the
Topth-Ache—the numerous instances ot its
happy elfe&s, in relieving the have
now b»>nght it into uiiverfal eftiination; it
notonlv relieves the tooth-ache, but is of the
ti tin oft service in curing the SCURVY in the
GiTms, in preventing the difagreeablc smell
t!>at s produced from un Pound tee h, & wi II
occasion a ftfreet breath; irJlkewife prevents
the teeth from decaying, and will be found
a general preserve*" of the Teeth and Gums
Sold in Philadelphia onlv at
. P-oyntelPs Stationary Store,
No. 2i, Second street.
April 24. tuth&rs 3W
The Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
IT is with pleasure that the publiiher has to
info; m his fubferibersand the public in gene
ral, that the plate »s uow under the hands of
the engraver, and in greater forwardnfs than
was at £;•{£ contemplated. At the fame time
iie begs leave to r< ipind them, tb-t fubkrip
tion papers are still open at most of the noted
book-stores in the city ; and that he hopes
from the whole of them to be enabled to fo> in
such a refpettable catalogue of names, as wiJJ
do a credit to the work, as well as afford a
reafdiiable encouragement to the undertake-)
Those who are desirous of further informa.
tion are requested to call on
Benjamin Davies,
"fco. 68, Market street.
April 14. m&thtf
Freafury Department.
Rcvinuc-Qjpce, May rlh, 1794.
NOTICE 'is.hereby given, that Proposals
wi|s be received at the Office of the Cornmif
(io'ier of the Revenue, for Ship Timber of
the following kinds, fu : table for the building I
of the Frigates authorized bv.Law. A p»r
«. ticular 4 detail of the fjzes and proportions will
be communicated, on application at the said
White Oak Timber and Plunk.
98 Pieces of various Dhnerfions. includ
ing Keels, Floor and Riling Timbers,
&:c. for a Vcflel of 140 or 150 feet
; 27,00 d Feet of Plank, Scantliofr, Wal
t 6 pieces, Bilge Streaks, Clamps, &c. &e
200 Logs, for various ui'es.
'j- j Pitch Pine.
) J ceo Feet of Piank lor Decks.
"5 , 2io Beams, from 4?. to 28 feet long, and
from 10 by 12 to 15 by 18 inches thro'.
j 50,000 Locust Treenails, 18, 24 and 30
inches long.
5,000 Feet of Inch and half«-»nch Cedar
30,000 Feet of Yellow Pine Boards and
Persons willing to supply any part of tqe
above Timber for one Snip, or in proportion
loi the whole fix, will make their
accordingly. tti^3w
The Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills oj
the Bank of the United States, W Twenty
Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America,
[even J of Wuicb have appeared in circulation
within a fw> days pajl ; tbej are a good ge
neral imitation of the genui>*Btils, but may
be diftwgnijbed by the following
M A R K S.
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of tlx
United States.
ALL that have appeared havs the letter F.
for tneir Alphabetical Mark.
i The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
whiter and it takes the ink mare freely than
tlie genuine paper.
The O. in the word Company is
than the M- and other letters of that word,
f,> that a iine extended from the tnp »t 'he <>,
to touch the top of the M. would txtend con
fiderabty above the range of the whole word.
In tilt- wo,d United the letters are narrow
erand cloier together than thtf reft ol the bill
The/and fin the word promise are nor
parallel, the/inclining much more forward
than the i.
The engraving is badly cxecuted,the fttokcs
of all the Lettets are Wronger and the devi e
in theniargin istnuch coarfcr and
appears da, kerihan in the Hue bills. Some
ol the counterfeits bear date in 17^1—Where
as tho Bank was not in operation till Decern
ber, and no five dollar bills were issued in
that year. •
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of Aorth
ALL that have appealed have the letter
B for their alphabetical mark.
Tliey are printed on a paper nearly similar
to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar Note-,
above described; the engraving is bcttei ext
uctetl, ond they approach neater to tjjf ap
pearance of the genuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through the word •' :»<«-
Vv, in the body of-tbe bill, are in number th. r
teen in the genuine b.lls, and but twelve in
the counterfeits.
The word Company is much like the fame
word in the Five Do liar Bills &s defer ibed a
bove, the » being lels than them, and others
foil* wing.
There is no stroke to the t in the word North
whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well
The letters ent in the word Twenty, to the
left hand at the bottom, do not come down to
the line, but are lb cut as to give an irregular
appearance to the word, the Tw and they go
ing below them.
The fiviMiurtr J Nixon, has the appear
ance of being written with lamb-black ami
oi], and differs from other inks used in
printing the bills and the calhier's tfgnature.
It is (uppoled thele forgeries were committed
in iomeof the Southern States,-as all the coun
terfeits that hav<* appeared, have come from
thence, and two porfoos have been apprehend
ed trrVirginraj ol auihoi
of them.
will be paid to any Peifonoi Pnlons wtiu tha.i
discover and prosecute to convi&iontbe teveial
offenders of the following del<*i iptions or any
of them, viz.
The person or pcrfons, who jnanuf<:£tured ;
the paper on which the aie printed.
The person or perlons, who engraved the
The printer or printers, o{ the bills.
Kvefy peifon wno Has a£led as a pr.ncipal in
any other way, in the counterfeiting and utter
ing the Taid bills.
April 22, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank of the United States have appeared
in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY DOI,
the alphabetical mark is the let
ter B.
They may be diflinguifhed from the genu
ine by tke following MARKS :
The paper of the counteifeits is of a move
tender texture and glofley furface than th?
genuine, and there is no water mark inthen\.
The letter C. in the word CatWier, in the
true bills is strongly marked, whereas in the
counterfeits, the whole letter is a finc hair
stroke, evidently in an nnfiniflicd state. The
letters in tlie word demand, is badly formed
and the whole word ill done, and the're is no
1 comma at the end of it, as there is in the
' genuine bills.
r The marginal device, is much datker in
> the falfe, than in the genuine bi)ls owing to
" the shade strokes being coan'er, much nearer
together, and consequently much more nu
* merous. This difference strikes the eye at firft
view. ■ ' :
The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending, &
, profecuri'tig to oonvi&lon the several above
t described Offenders in to this, as to
the iaft described bills- *
e of the B*nk United Statis.
JOHN NIXON, PioAdent of the
Bank of North America.
By order of the Committees of the Rcf
d pc&ive Boards.
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
d TKan eligible situation, —also a Country Seat
X withi" 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of
land, or 42 acres of land and meadow, the
je House is not exceeded by many in the vicinity
>« of the city, in lize, or convenience*
[h For particulars apply to the printer,
w I m&ttf
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