Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 30, 1794, Image 2

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    rirer points where ttiey came a cross,
the boat be.onging to Niagara, on ks re
turn, with a cargo valued at upwards of
three hundred pounds; which they seized
upon as a reprisal of the property taken
from them at Fort Ofwego.
' We hear further, that the banks of
the rivers to the westward arc lined with
privateers, in wait for boats bound to Ni
agara, and other British fettlenients,
which they are determined to detain, not
only as reprisals, but as violations of the
embargo laid upon all vefTels in the ports
and harbors of the United States.
Fur the Gazette of the United States
Oh America ! How highly favored
have thy sons thought themselves, when
in pursuit of honest industry—each one
fitting under his own vine and fig-tree,
and none to make him afraid ! But, alas !
The change —the ears of our brethren
are deafened —their hands are ready to
fall on the poor defencelefs Citizens, who
after y'ears of toil and fatigue, expeCted
they had found an Asylum for their years,
and a profpeft for the advancement of
their offspring in their growing industry,
established in a manufacture, the produce
of our country —and which we had long
been beholden to other nations for, but
by the perseverance of her Sons have at
length brought to that perfection, as to.
supply demand—well this bright prof
peft mud be changed. Freedom ! Where
i wilt thou prepare tlwfelf an abode ? Our
houses are no longer oui castles: The
fight of an Excise Officer, ready to seize
the small profits which would have paid
the expeCted demand, or gone to procure
the means of a continuance in the busi
ness from which we expeCt our bread.
Reflection points out many characters
who with difficulty itruggle along ? Is it
• then those who have been rather more
fortunate in the business, that the exac
tion is to be made from ? Has not their
property an equal (hare in beaiing the
burthens of government, without taxing
their industry ?
0 my countrymen ! Diftinite not your
brethren, who will chearfully tontribute
their proportion in the direCt and open _
line. Destroy not the infant manufac
tures of America: There is yet difficul
ties enough in the way to render them
flow in their progress. Take not the
— —i i- J
means of support. '
It has been said, it is for the purpose
of freeing onr brethren in Algiers from
Slavery. We look on freedom, the great
est of blefiings, and I would cheerfully
fpaie the price of a suit of cioathing for
this purpose, and hope there is not less
patriotism, even In the women of Ameri
ca than formerly—in the yea) 1779, they
went from door to door, when they were
told their brave soldiers wanted Ihirts ;
and appropriated their collections to buy
linen and make them ; such voluntary
gifts expand the human heart, and poste
rity records these noble exertions.
1 have now only to add that our respec
ted Senate would, by throwing out, this
detested excise law, this bane to religion,
morals, and freedom, include amongst
the number to return them her unfeigned
thanks, one deeply interested.
A Female Tobacconist.
From the General Aduert'tfer.
From good authority we can Rate that
Mr. Monroe of the senate was nominated 1
yesterday to succeed Governeur Morris as f
minilter to the republic of France. The real
friends of their country will no doubt rejoice
that the important trust of drawing closer
the ties which unite the filter republics
Ihould be placed in hands so worthy the
confidence of republicans. 1
The following remarks on the above para
graph, were omitted yesterday for want
of room.
A correspondent congratulates the Prep.-
dent on having at length done something to
merit the approbation of the party.
A paragraph in yesterday's General Ad
•vertifer announces the nomination of Mr
Monroe of the Senate in terms of high pane
gyrick, as tending' to cement our ties with
France, by placing the trufl in hands so wor
thy of the public confidence : the paragraphia
is silent as to the circumstance of taking a
member of the Senate to fend on a foreign
Embajy, and the Very member who (report
fays) was among the molt opposed to Mr.
Jay s million, b.-caufe he was a judicial of
ficer. What must the public think of the
purity and patriotism which dictated so keen
an opposition in the Senate, in the Demo
cratic Club and in the paragraphs of the
General Advertiser, to Mr. Ja/s appoint
ment, on the ground of incomp atibilit y, and
which no* not only arqulefces in ijut even
■anrgjrife.j the appointment of Mr, Monroe ?
Is it not deoKMiftrable that it originated
entirely in party and factious views, and
t*r<s aor founded on public motives of na
tional expediency ? If it was a deviation
from the principiss of the Constitution to
take a judicial officer for an executive ap
pointment, was it less so to take a lcgifla
tive officer ? If the precedent was dange
rous in the one cafe, was it not equally so
in the other; it was said, the executive
might prevent an impeachment by remov
ing a judge whose influence, abilities and
enmity he dreaded ? Might he not resort
to this indirect mode or getting rid of a
troublesome oppufer of his measures in the
Senate? If there was an impropriety in
fending on a foreign embafly a judge, who
might eventually fit in judgment on a
'treaty, which he had formed, under the
positive directions of the President, is there
no impropriety in seleCting for that office
a member of a body, which determined th; t
there Should be such an office, and which
fixed the pay of the officer ? Wh-re then is
the consistency of those who clamored against
the appointment of the fudge and now ap
prove that of the Senator ? If there was
danger in one cafe, where the appointment
was only temporary and for a particular and
fpecified obje<!l, is not the danger enhanced
in the cafe of a permanent and general ap
pointment ? might not the circumstance of
lending a nomination for the fanition of the
candidates friends and intimates, and fellow
members, always influenced by the Esprit de
corps, be dwelt upon as a serious objection
by those disposed to cavil ?
The writer of the above, while he fees no
validity in any cf the above objeftkms, sug
gests them merely to attracS the public at
tention so the conduit of the party, to dif
pl .y in a strong cafe their views, and to ex
hibit the wonderful effedts of a fop to CerbeYus.
It mult occur to every pne who has watched
their motions, that had this honor been con
ferred on a person of opposite politics, a no
mination, whitli received an unanimous v6te
.in the Senate, would, as in the cafe of Mr.
Jay, have excited a tempest of three days
duration, would have been carried with dif
ficulty, would have filled columns of a party
paper with libellous insults and dirty infmu
ations against the President, the oificeV apt
pointed and the majority of the Senate, and
would even have roused the patriotic ardor
Democratic Society.
Foreign Intelligence.
LONDON, April 4.
It we may believe a prospeCtus now
circulating, the Prince of Saxe Cobourg
is to take the field with a Printing Press
in his train. The accounts of military
operations from this new implement of
field equipage, we may venture 10 pre
dict, will be as full and impartial as those
which used to appear in the Brussels Ga
zette. It will be of particular service to,
some papers, for moll of the articles
which they were formerly obliged to ma
nufacture, it will furnilh ready made.
Ihe 1 urkifh Ambassador is certaihly
on the eve of his departure from London,
and a vessel has been appointed by gov
srnment to take him from Dover to Of.
Several rumours were yesterday in cir
culation respeCting the cause of this ab
rupt departure, as, whatever his business
mignt have been, his excellency departs
re ir.faCta. Ihe cause is, however, obvi
oufiy to be found in the recapture of
j. fouioil, which extinguilhed the idea's of
t the British force in the Mediterranean,
and procured to the Freneh intereit the
ascendancy in the Divan.
_ Accounts have been received from Tu
rin, Hating, that the forces under the
command of General Dundas and Lord
Hood were in possession of Baftia, which
had surrendered to our forces. Calvi,
the only p]?ce of importance which re
mained in the island of Corsica, had offer
ed terms of capitulation, which had not
been acceded to. The accounts had just
reached Turin from Leghorn before the
messenger set out.
A letter from an intelligent correspond
ent on the continent, received by the last
mails, contains the following very agreea
ble communication, which, as friends of
humanity, we earnestly wish to be realiz
?TX" u rila >' de P e "d upon it, that
the definable event of a peace will very
oon take place. Negociations for that
purpose have been carrying on for some
time between the belligerent powers ; and
the people of Brabant entertain the moll
confident expectations of a speedy anda
micable adjuttmeot of all differences."
\fc have the J'aris papers of the 25th,
26th and 27th of March. They con
tain an account of further discoveries
made with respeCt to the conspiracy, and
a full report (which will be found in the
Oracle) of the trial of Hcbert and his par
ty. The situation of Paris is tranquil,
and the discovery and destruCtion of the
conspiracy seem to have produced on the
part of the people an unanimous determi
nation to support the National Convention.
Baron Stael arrived about the middle
of last month at Copenhagen, for the ve
ry important purpose of negociating a
treaty between Sweden and Denmark,
for the protection of the Commerce of
the two kingdoms, and for the mainte
nance of their neutrality, by a powerful
naval armament.
Letters have been received in town by
the Lord Mayor, and other persons, from
Jersey and Guernsey, dated the 28th of
March, which state, that the alarm in Jer
sey hadconfiderably subsided. The force
landed upon the Isles of Chauze amount
ed only to 2000 men ; the Carmagnole
frigate of 44 guns, had been wrecked up
on that island, but the crew were saved.
The circumstance of her firing a number
of guns of distress had occasioned part of
the alarm in Jersey.
From the Lower Rhine? March 24.
By various accounts we learn, that the
negociations of the King of Pruflia for
the provisioning of his army by the fix
neighbouring Circles have not succeeded ;
the elector of Bavaria and the duke of
Wurtumberg particularly exenfed them
selves, and were followed by various of the
other Circles; since which we have received
certain accounts that all the Pruflian army,
except the Contingent of 20,000 men, will
shortly march back to Cologne, and last
Thursday the ftadholder of Bonn arrived at
Cologne, to give notice to the chapter of
the approaching march of the Prussian
troops, and a Prussian officer is arrived
there to notify the fame to the magistracy ;
but as some arrangements must be made to
provide the troops with sustenance on their
march to Cologne, they will not march
from Mentz for some time.
The king of Prussia wrote a letter to the
prince Cobourg, dated the 1 ith, acquaint
ing him with the above resolution, adding
that the Prussian troops ffionld not march
all at once, but in divisions, that the Ge
~in ml n.:. T Lfc t.. rllr-iO fi fI A.
fures as might prevent the enemy from
taking advantage of their departure, and
that he might secure the fortrefs of Mentz
and the empire from any incursion.
-A.pi il 5.
Yesterday Mr. Sparrow, the king's mes
senger, arrived at the secretary of state's
office, with dilpalches from the Britiffi
head-quarters, dated
St. AMAND, April 1.
On Saturday last, the enemy, in very
great fuice, attacked the Austrian advanc
ed polls near Cateau, and carried three vil
lages ; but as loon as two battalions in the
rear moved forward with some cavalry,they
were repulsed with the loss of 584 men,
whose bodies were found.
On the 22d of March, three Prussian
regiments passed through Mayence, on
their return home, and large detachments
of horse and'foot from the Austrian army
under general Braun, have actually set out
to replace them.
By the information of the Captain of an
American vessel it appears,that the French
fleet, to the number of twenty-eight ffiips
of the line, is at sea in different dfvifions.
Our Frankfort correspondent's impor
tant letter is replete with accounts of the
universal alarm in which the ciefeiiton of
the King of Prussia has involved all the
Germanic States.
The account of the surrender of Baftia
was not received by government, as stated
yesterday in mod of the papers. It was
mentioned in dispatches received by the
Neapolitan Ambassador, and, we believe,
only as a report.
Mrs. Jordan's son is named George—
Prince of Wales stood godfather.
Wood v. Modigliam.
This was an action to recover of the de
fendant the sum of iool. being his fub
'lf I®*1®* to a P<?'icy of insurance on the
vessel Commodore Hood, at and from Fal
mouth to Swansea and back. The defen
dant was the only under writer who defen
ded this a£tion, all the reft having paid
their iubfenptions.
The defence was, that there had been,
on the part of the plaintiff, a concealment
of material {»fts when the , , )
fecied, which ,f ,he y ' f "
him and the reft of thTuS W " W
would have confiderablv encreafedlh"' *
mium.—Verdict for Plaintiff "
The Citizen Sans Culottes
Mr. Aristocrat in Charaa e rifti«'
DRESSES win niake their a " er^ lC
Cherry Alley at 8 o'clock rl.i.
May p to " mO, ' r ° W eVehinß '
* *<tat
Four Dollars Reward.
A NEGRO MAN, named L'Elperaiuc a
b»ut 25 years of age, of .he Co, J,
et " ,C f ' s h 'E h 5 ll'eaks very li tlc EnjvVJH
r»" away f,<M„ | lls master the __
fL e *"a f a 7' tll away l,i,h » »
g.een broad cloth corn, and » rtic! „ .f
house furaitu e. U'Wver fl»|| take and
fecuve the above negro i„ , m . ROl ,
he may be brought to justice fl, ,11 receive the
above reward. Enqiri eof l,e Fnnter
M3 > 3° mw*"f 4 t
All persons who have any Jc~
mand. upon the New Theatre, a e TequetT
ed to fend in ttieir account, to No.
Arch tlrel t, near Eighth street, as f (ll „ a .
Na - V 3" 1 - dtf.
It is Requested,
THAI 110 peifonwiil lupplv any articles
for the use of the New Thea. without an
ofder in writing, signed by ou.Jc-lves, 01 Sam
uel Anderfon, for us.
Ma y 3°- dtf.
Mr. Marshall's Night.
May 30.
Will be prefeiited,
A COMEDY, called
As You like It!
(Written by Shakespeare.)
Orlando, Mr. Memos
Adam, Mr. Whitlcrk
Duke Senior, Mr. Green
Duke Frederic, Mr. Warrell
Amiens, (with songs) Mr. Marfaalt
M u «, Mr. Chalmers
- Beu ' Mr - Kncl.
OWgT-, -Mr: H 3 rwnod —
Jaques de Bois, Mr. Darley jivu~
Dennis, Matter J, WarfeU
Charles, Mr Row Con
Touchstone, Mr. Bates
Corin > Mr. De Mo-jlin
Sylvius, Mr. Cleveland
William, Mr. Francis
Rosalind, ( with the Cuckoo feng J
Mrs Marshall
Cd'a, Mrs. Francis
Phcebe, Mrs. Cleveiand
Audrey, Mrs. Shaw
In acft ift—a pafioral DANCE, by Mr.
Francis, Mr. Bellona, and
Mrs De Marque.
End of atfl I, DIBDIN's favorite ballad,
called POOR TOM ; or, the SAILOR's
EPITAPH, by Mr. Darley.
End of the Plav, a comic di!Tertation on
HOBBY WORSES will be delivered by
Mr. Marlhall, in the chara&er of a Jcc
key—defcriptive of—The Soldier's Hoo
by—The Lawyer's Hobby—The Beaux
Hsbby —The Ladies Hobby—The Mana
ger's Hobby— Mrs. Warrell's Hobby—
and his Own Hobby.
To which' v.-ill be added,
An OPERATIC FARCE, never perform
ed here, called
Hartford Bridge;
Or the
Sir Gregory Forrefter, Mr. Gates
Peregrine Forrefter, Mr. Morcton
Captain Fieldair, Mr. Mariball
Captain Forrefter, Mr. Cleveland
Cartridge, Mr. Ftancia
Peter, Mr. Bliflet
Waiter, Mr. Finch
Clara, Mrs. Marshall
Susan, Mils Wilinns
Bar Maid, Mrs. Rc vfm
Soldiers, Melfrs. Warrell, Darley
jun. T. Warrell,
Lee, Bason, &c.
Soldier's LalTes, Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs.
Finch, Mrs. Bales,
Mils Rowfon, tic.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Marihall, No.
66, north Eighth street. At Carr aiul Ce't
Muiic (hop, and of Mr. Franklin at the
1 heatre, where places may be taken.
Mrs. WARRELL's Benefit wili be oa
M.jmlay next.
The Comic Opera of LIONEL and
CLARIS&A, with a farce and enterrain
Boxes one dollar, Pitt three quarters, Gal
lery, half a dollar.