Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 30, 1794, Image 1

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    / • * • - " J ~" ; -
[No. 144 of Vol. V.] Friday, May 50, 1794- [Whole No. 540.]
Agreeably to notice, a
meetnn* of the SWhf'cribcri to the Art let o
Agreement of the C lnmbinn Society, was
this day held at Mr. R.clia da's, for the pur
pose of clwfi"g Managers, &c. when the ol
iowitig fwrfons were t ioitn,: ,
Robert Morris, Prefidtnt.
Jam:s Greenleaf
Trijlram Dnlton, 1
Jab.i fiicLotfon
Caleb Loiunes,
Tbama Fitzjimons.
"James Wilson■,
F. A. Muhlenberg,
Walter Stewa't,
Jor'jn Hall,
Richard Soderjlrom,
Nathaniel IV. Appleton.
Garrett Coif ringer.
Mav 27 diw
landing x: Hamilton's 1 1 ar f, above I
the Drawbridge, out of tie (hip Bacchus
Cept- VaNNE ma;, < f'" 1 " Ta.vaJCa,
May 16 ~ ri
Carolina Rice and Indigo,
BURR stones,
Gurney and Smith.
' May 14- d
Ship India's Cargo,
A small alTortraent of
•2jo bag' COTTON of good .quality, which
would'probably mike an excellent .'enlttry
Quantity of PEi'PEK
For Sale by
Mordecai Lewis,
IVho has alio to dispose of
Barcelona Hand'fs-Vn boxes,
Holland Gin in cases,
Souchong, Hyson, and Tonkay Tea,
A quantity of Brimstone, &c.
Mav ,0 d 3 w
Mai ket-'St reel,
An Eflay on Slavery,
Defined to exhibit in a new point «-t view
its etfe&s on morahi industry, and the peace of
Jociety. Some ia&s an. -Iculations are ottered
to prove the 'abor of j'ccincn to be much more
productive than that oi flava ; that countries are
rich, powerful and ha;>pv, in pfopoition as the
laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own
labor ; and hencr th*> ntctffary conclusion, that
slavery is impvlitic as well tt- unjujl.
I PutCE 25 Cents. dtf
February 15.
THE telations o: Mr TltomasCurtis,for
merly of Ellicott's Upper Mills, ard lately of
the City of Washington, deceafid, are desir
ed to apply and have his affairs fettled.
City of Washington, April 22, 1764.
M. 5 1 m&th4w
Ccngrefs of the United States,
In Senate, Tuefaay May 13th, 1794*
ORDERED, that Rufut
fah Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin
Green, do, upon che third Monday of Decem
ber next, fhe\r catife to the Senate, why so
much of the grants of land to theru the said
Rnfijs Putnam, ManafTah Cutler, Robert
Oliver and Griffin Greer, purfnant to an Ast
-entitled " An ast authorizing the grant and
conveyance of certain lands to the Ohio Com
pany of aflTociates," shall not be declared
void, as may interfere with and be fufficient
tofatisfy the claims of the French iettlers
at Galliopolif
Ordered, that the delivery of a copy of
the above order to Rufus Putnam, ManafTah
Cutler, Robert Oliver, or Griffin Green, and
the publication of the fame, one month, in
one of the Gazettes printed in this City, shall
be deemed fufficient notice thereof.
Extract from the Journals of Senate.
SAM. A. OTIS, fecretarv.
May 14. mi.
To be Let,
For Merchants Compting Honjes or Pubt'c
Two brick 3 Itory Houses,
HAVING 610 >mt» in each, with fi.eoUces
beside aarre.s, lunate 011 the fouih wetter Jy lide
of Dock ftrtei, between Pear and Walnut
itreets. Enqut-e of
April 17. rut Scstf
For Sale or Charter,
Burthen iooo barrels.
is a ti u uncli fact falling new velf.'l,well [•
found, and ready for any voyage, enher to |
Europe, or tti Weit indies. For terms ap- I
ply 10
At their store, between Wa nut and Ctaeiiiut (
street wharves. . |
May *53 d
LETTERS on the fubjea of the Walh- :
ington Lottery, being by ir.iftake repeatedly
addrtffed to the Commiffionei s for the City
of Walhington,
F erfons concerned are hereby informed,
that all such should be addreilccl euher to Vv.
Deakinsjun. of Walhington, or to the Sub—
lcriber. Tije coiruiulnoucrs never having j
conte.aplated any lurcher concern in tl»is -1
bulinds, than in their afient to receive the I
bonds approve the names of he mana
gers. The prizes have been paid and are
paying on demand by W. Deakins, W aih- |
ington, Peter Oilman, Boston, and by the j
Sublenber. .
For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al
ready given will be retained by the conimif 1
fioners, or transferred by them at their i
option to the .bank of Columbia ; anel the
Commiifioners will be confuked relpedting
a judicious and equitable disposition or the j
nouses to be built thereby ; their : r tiiur v djf
the Bank of Columbia will rict-ve *
- ~ and they will nomination j'
of the 24 managers; but ail the relponiibility
refpe(fting the general of the tic
kets, and payment oi prizes, will reft as
in the Hotel .Lottery, on the peri'ons whole
names are and may oe hereafter publiihed as
aifiltanis to forwaidthis bufimfs wi.ii
Philad. May aS, d— 3 t.
Morris Academy.
THIS ill .ution is now open for »ne recep
tion of lfudents under the immediate care of
Mr. Caleb RulTell, whose abilities as an tn
ftruetor, and attachment to the business have
long been known and approved. He has un
der him the bed affillants in the different
branches —Tbe scholars are taught the En
glilh, French,, and Gnek languages,
Public-Speaking, Writing, Arithmetic, Geo.
graphy, Aflronomy,. and the various branch
es ot the Mathematics. The healthy fixa
tion of this place is such as to recommend it
to those, who with to have their chidren in
the country. Boaiding, washing, mend ng,
&c. will be provided in good families, and
the morals of the scholars carefully attended
The price including tuition, firewood, &c.
eexclufive of the French language) will not
xceed thirty potmdsproclamation money per
annum) an addition of three dollars per quar
ter will be marie to such scholars who are
teught the French language. The Diitftors
ai edetermihed to pay such attention to this
institution, as will render it refpcflable and
TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. V- Direft's.
Morriftown, May 15, 1794
THE office of the P 'efident and D reftori
«f the Insurance Company of North
America, is removed to No. 107, South
Front street, being the south ealt corner of
Front and Walnut llreets.
Mav , tfef 1 m
Excellent CLARET,
In hoglheads and in caUs of 50 bodies each.
A few cases Champaigne Win 6 ;
In pipes, ho?,(heads and quarter casks,
No. 111, South Fioni-itreet.
Jan. 2, 1794. dtf
Dr. Price, Fellow of the Anti
quanau Society, and of Jesus Collrg • in the
University of Oxford, See. &rc. formerly lec
tuter on Midwifery, in London, will com
mence ra' lv in »he Antnipn, a complete
Course of Lectures,
Theory & practice of Midwifery
Y With the latejl Improvements) '
Afid on the various Diseases incident to Wo
men and Chiidren ; of which timely notice
will he given.
May 26 3t
Cincinnati of Pennsylvania,
May 28, 1794.
A STATED meeting of the (landing Com
mittee will he held on Monday evening next
at 7 o'clock at the Concftogue waggon. Ar
rau'ements for ihe4th July bring neceflary to
be to med, the members are requested punc
tual) to attend.
r!4t Secretary pro Tem.
A New Novel.
To the LADP S of Philadelphia.
This Dnv is PuhUJhed by
118, Market street,
Price, bound, five ei»nths of a dollar, sewed
in marble paoer, 'hall a rlaVa 1- ,
Charlotte, a tale of Truth,
By Mrs. ROWSON, of the New Theatre,
Phladelphia, Author of Victoria, the In
quifttot, th<',F : lle de Chambre. &c.
Of / Charlotte, the Reviewers have given
the following char after. J*.
IT may be a Tale of Truth, for it is not
unnatural, and it is a talc of real diitrefs.—
Cltarl tre, by the artifice of a teachei, recom
a school, from humanity rather
than a con vision of her integrity, or the re
gularity of her former conduct, is enticed
irf lul -| , ■ ■— ' " fc
>iiic?r to America.—The marn?ge cereino
ny, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Char
lotte d>es a martyr to the incouftancy oi the
direr, and treachery ot his friend —T!»e fitu--
tions are artleHs and affeftirrjt—tl.e defciip
arions natural and pathetic ; we ftiould set
for Charlotte if such a person ever existed.
who for one er or scarcely, perhaps, deserved
so feve'e a punishment. If it is a fiftio» ,
poetic Justice is not, we think, properly dil
tri uted
Said Carey has jujl pubfi/hed,
A 2 ftieet map of Kentucky
compiled by Elihu Baker, price or.e dollar
and two thirds.
War Atlas, containing map* of France,
Germany, Spa n,ltaly, the Provinces,
the Netherlands, and the Weft Indies. Price
two dollars.
Map of New Jersey—Hals a dollar.
Maps of Vermont, Conne&icut,Delaware,
Georgia—Price three eighths of a dollai
April 29. tutb&s3w
Anthony Wechter, living in Third street
near Callowhill ftieet, at the sign of the
Pennsylvania Arms No. 214,
One Pair
Bright Bay Horses,
6 years old, upwards of 15 hands high—
and one pair Chefnut Brown with blazes, 4
years old, about 15 hands high. The term»
will be made known, by applying to Mr. <
Wechter. 5t
118, MarketJlreet,
Price 18 cents,
Catechism of Man ;
Pointing out from found principles, and ac
knowledged fadts the Rights and of
every Rational Being.
' Am I therefore become yourenemy because I
'ell you the truth ? Gal. iv. 16
Now ail tbefe things happened unfo them for
examples, and they written for our
admonitipn, upon whom the ends of the
earth are come. i Cor. xii.
May ao tuth&s2W
From the Gametic of Main.
Mr. Titcomb,
EVER fond as I know you are of any
thing that tends to promote the interefi of
your country, you will oblige your eafteru
customers, by giving to the public the fol
lowing account cf (hipping belonging to the
diftriS of Penobfcot, which I heve obtained
from the Cui'iom-Houfe in that diftridt, and
is authentic,
lours, Josephus.
on ■n Tons. 95'thr
Registered Tonnage on the
31ft of March 1794 * ?4
Enrolled Tonnage at the
fame date IJ9 <5 5 g
Licences outstanding on
that day, of
Veflels under 20 Tons 383 jj
Tons 3323 J4
Of those veflels registered and enrolled,
132,6 Tons were built and launched in the
district, in 1792 and 1793, exc'ufive of about
five hundred tons which were built in and
fold out of the diftri<3, during the fame pe
riod. T0 (hew the rapid increase of proper
ty in this infant and uncultivated country,
it need only be known, that in the year 1787
there was not two hundred tons of naviga
tion of every description owned in the dif
tria, and but one vefiel that exceeded the
burthen of thirty tons.—The inhabitants of
this vie nity, during our late glorious revolu
tion were exceedingly harrafied by the priva
teers of Nova Scotia, nor did they
the like treatment fr<Jm some of their friends
at the westward.—Peace was succeeded by
swarms of Jack-Afles, or pretenders to trade,
who came here from the western (hore, un
acquainted with business, with the country,
and every other requisite necefiary to etifure
success, not ' nly ruined themselves, but tend
ed greatly to impoverish the people.
At the adoption of the Federal Govern
ment the scale began to turn. —And (hould
we now escape a war (which Heaven grant
we may) we bid fair to make a refpe&able
figure, both in the agricultural mm mar
Penobfcot, May, 1794.
DUMFRIES, (Virg.) May 12.
A correspondent informs, " That the
inditJment which was to have been present
ed againlt some members of a certain so
ciety, chiefly composed of the swinish
multitude, for talking about Tar and Fea
thers at a late meeting, is for the prefect
quafh'd ! An eminent character of the
law, having given it as his opinion—
" That uulefs the corpus of plaintiff was,
actually diverted of his
ced to the Hate of our firft parents—and
forcibly wrapp'd up in the American coat
of mail, with which, plaintiff was only
threatened, defendant would produce cause
of writ, which would occasion a non [urn
informatus." This sentence of the learn
ed gentleman of the law, has induced the
high offended party to drd£ a prosecution
whieh otherwise would have crushed a re
bellions Hydra, who dares to avow fentU
ments diametrically opposite to those of
the well-born part of the community."
Our correspondent, congratulates bis
felloivfivine on thus fortunately escaping
the disaster which threatened their diflb
lution—would recommend to them, cau
' tioufly to avoid a repetition of the two
obnoxious articles, Tar and Feathers.
The following may be depended on as
fact : some boatmen were proceeding with
a boat load of fait and other articles, va
lued at 601. from the Onondago fait spring
to Niagara. While p. fling Fort Ofwego,
a detachment of Biitijh forces, stationed at
that place, seized the boat and cargo, and
condemned them as a legal prize. The
owner of the property feized,obtained in
formation that a boat was difpatched.froia
[ Niagara, some time since, to Schenecta
dy, on the Mohawk River, by the fub
jecis of his Bi itanic majesty, for articles
to a confiderablc amount. Exasperated
at his usage at Fort Ofwego, he raised
party of men, and proceeded to the threa