t March, 1 179^- JUST PUBLISHED, B/ MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Marlct Jlrul, iJ-E, FIItSTVOLtfIS*E OF A NEW SYSTEM OF Modern Geography: OR, A Geographical, Hiftarical, ana Commercial Grammar; And present flute of the leveral NATIONS OF THE WORLD. CONTAIN INC, 1. Tli* figures, motions, and distances of the planets, according to the Newtonian fyf ' tem and the latest oofervations. 2. A geiierat view of tlie e&rth, confide red » an a planet; with fevera! ufeful geographical definitions and problems. 3 The g and (livifinns of the into land and water, continents and islands. 4. The iituatiou and extent of empires, kingdoms, Hates, provinces and colonies. 5- Their climates, air, fort, vegetable?, produftloni, metals, minerals, natural ctiri* ofi:ies, Teas, rivers, bays,capes, promontories, aud lakes. * s 6. Tne birds" and beads. peculiar to each country. 7. Observations on the changes that have been any where observed upon the face of na ture since the niiVft earjy periods of history. 8. The and origin of nations ; theii forms of government, religion, laws, reve nues, taxes, naval and military strength. 9. The genius, manners, customs, and ha bits of the people. 10. Their language,learning,arts,faiences, niauufaftu:es, and commerce. 11. Tiie cnicfcities, ftruttures, ruins, and artificial ctriofi'ties 12 The longitude, latitude, bearings, and distances of principal places from Philadelphia. To wkisk arc added. 1. A Geogr \ phi c a.l Index, with the names ami places alphabetical))' arranged. 2. A Tablk '«>> the Coins of all nations, and their value tndpllafs and cents. 3. A Chronologic a l Table of remarkable events, from the creation to the pre fan t time. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, JSJq. The Piart corrected by D . Hittenhouse. To wnich have been added, The late Discoveries of Dr. Herschei-L, and other eminent Astronomers. The FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, Corrc&ed, Improved, and greatly Enlarged. The firft volume contains twenty~one-iVlap? and Charts, besides two Agronomical Plates, viz. 1. Map of tiie worlds 2. Chart of the world. 3. Europe. 4 Alia. 5. Africa. 6. South America. ,7. Cook's difcove ies. 8. Coun tries roumUthenorth Pole. 9. Sweden, Den mark, a'nd'Norway. i 3. Seven United. Pro vinces. 11 Au&rian, French and Dutch Ne therlands. 12. Genanny. 13. Seat ot war inFraice. 14. France divided into depart ments. iS- Switzerland. :6. Italy, Sicily, and Sardinia. 17, Spain and Portugal. • 18. Turkey in Europe And Hungary. 19 Ire land. Weft-Indies. 2i. Vermont. 22. Ar millary sphere. 23. Copernican system. With the second volume, winch is now in the press, will be given the following Maps : i. Russia iil Eur ope and Alia. 2 Scotland. 3. England and Wales. 4. Polandi 5. China. 6 Hindottan. 7. United States. 8- Briti/h America. 9. State of New-Hampshire. jO. State of Massachusetts. 11- State of Connecticut. 12. State of Rhode Island. i - State of New-York. i 4* State of New-Je . fey. 15. State of Pennfylvariia. 16. State of Delaware. 17- State of Maryland. 18- State-os Virginia. 19. State of Kentucky. 2o State of North-Carolina. 21. Tfinneffee Government. 22. State of South-Carolina. 23. State of Georgia. TERMS." 1. This work will be computed in two vo- I utTies. 4. Subscribers pay forr the present volume on del.very, fix dollars, and the price of bind ing, (56 cents for boards.) 3. They ma* receive the succeeding volume 1 in tweiny.-four weekly numbers, at a quar tfe it requisite to enter into a detail of arguments to prove its superiority. In no wo;k have luch maps beenever intro- , Th* and additions wVtch ar ,coade 911 this work.,are innumerable, a"d occuj in every page. The public are referred to the prefacel*or a flight iketch of a few of them. The publjfher takes the present opportu nity of returning his most thanks to tiiofe characters who have favored turn with documents for improving the maps of faveral of the states. He requefrs a conti nuance of their fcinduefs $ and hopes that such public fpirired .citizens, as are poflelTed of li ni'lar docurn/nts, will favor- him with their perferting his undertaking. The extraordinary encouragement with which he has been favored, has excited in his bread ihe warmest fentuuenti of grati tude—fen tiin-Nits which time will not iefface. Hi' pledges to the citizens of the United States, tofpare neither pains nor ex penfe to render the present edition of Guthrie's Geography improved, deserving of their pa tronage. waftf NOT I G ET THE OFFICE >f the S_creta r \ of State is removed from High Street, to »he New Build ings, the corner of Sixth 4 Mui erry ftieets May 15 !w SHOES. A quantity of stout well made Men's size SHOES, adapted-tor the Southern market, fbi sale at No. 36, North Third Jlreet. May 6 irtw&fiot NANKEENS. Nankeens of Superior Quality, FOR SALE AT No. 40, north Fifth Street. April 21. mw&ftf ESSENCE For the Tooth-Ache, Prepared and fold by Dr. Lee, Golden- Square, London. THE public is offj ed ole of the most efficacious and fafe medicines, thut ever ap peared, for that most excruciating pair, the Toorli-Ache—the numerous inftaHces of its happy effects,'in reliev nr the affli&ed, have now brought t into u iij erfal efi iln at ion ; it noto ;lv relieves the toot 1 ) ache, but is of the "urmoft service in curing the SCURVY in the Gums, in preventing the difagnceable smell that is produced from unfou'id tse h, & wi-JJ occasion a sweet hrpath j it I kcsvife prevents the teeth from decaying, and will b - found a general prefervei of the leeth and Gums S 'ld (itily at PoynteWs Stationary Store, No. 2i, Second street. April 24. tuth&s 3W Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM ACTUAL SURyET. IT is with pleasure that the publisher has to info: m his fubferiberiand the public in penr ral, that the plate ,s now under the hands o< the en j raver, and in greater forwardnfs than was at si ft contemplated. - At the fame fimc lie begs leave to r mind them, rh.'t subs. lip t'on papers are still open at most of the noted book-stores 111 the city ; and that he hopes from the whole of them to be en.ibled to so m such a refpeftable ca'alogue of names, as wi l ! do a creiht to the work, as well as afford a reasonable encouragement ty the undertske.i Thole who are delirous of further informa. tion are requested to tall no Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market (Iree t. A P ril '4- m&thtf freafury Department. XT May n ' th ' 1 794- NUIICE is hereby given, ths* Pi ouofals will be revived at the Office ot the Comm-f ---fioner of the Revenue, for Ship Timbei of the following kinds, suitable lor the building of the Frigates authorized by Law. A par ticular detail of the sizes and proportions will Offic™' nUniC * ted ' 0 " a PP lication at the said White Oak Timber and Plank. 98 Pieces of various Dimeofions, inelud ""B Floor and Riling Timbers, &c. for a VefTel 01*140 or 150 feet Keel. . 2 7,000 Feet of Plank, Scantlinf, Wal £ P'eces, Bilge St . eak , Clamps, &c. &e . Si 200 various uies. Pitch Pine. 25,000 Feet of Plank lor Decks. 0 2>o Beams,from 42 to 28 feet long, and * from .0 by 12 to ,5 by 18 inches thro'. 50,000 Locust 1 reeoails, 18, 24 and qo inches long. J j 000 Feet of Inch and half-inch Cedar Boards. 33,000 Feet of Yellow Pine Boards and Scantling. =i^ err T"- s r illine to fu i'P'y an y P art ° f tue 101 "the- "I tor ° I,e Sh 'P) or in proportion W , ° e f,X ' wiU raake their Pro, ofals ccordmgly. tt 4 3 u- / The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the United States, and Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America, several of which have appeared in circulation within a few days pajl; they are a good ge neral imitation of the genuine Bills, hut may he dj/lihgui/hcd by the following MARKS. Five Dollar Bills of tb; Batik of the United. States* ALL that have appeared have the letter F. for their Alphabetical Mark. The Texture of the Paper is thicker and whiter and it takes the ink more freely than the genuine paper. The O. in the word Company is smaller than the M* and other letters of that word, so that a line extended from the top of the O, to touch the top of th£ M. would extend con (iderably above the range of whole word. In the word United the letters are narrow erand closer together than th# reft of the bill The i and fin the word promise are not parallel, the yinclining much more forward than the i. The engraving is badly executed,the (hokes ot all the Letters are stronger and the devi e in themargin particularly ismuch coarfcr and appears darker than in the true bills. Some of the counterfeits bear date in 1791 —Where- as the Bank was not in operation till Decern ber, and no five dollar bills were ifTued in ihat year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank ofjNorth America. ALL that have appeared have the letter B tor their alphabetical mark. They are printed on a paper nearly similar to that of the couuterfeit Five Dollar Notes above dcfcribed ; the engraving is bettei exe ucted, and they approach nearer to the ap pearance of the genuine hills. The fine ruled lines through the word Ttccn t\ 9 in the body of ihe bill, are lnnumhei th r teen in the genuine b BURLING!O-N TORK BUTTER, in firkin's f " ' ALSO, V A CARGO OF MAHOGANY,, . Landing at John Weft's Lumber Yarn, near Pool's Bridg., from on board the Fail Ameri can, from the Bav of Honduras, and f. 3000 bushels of Good Wheat FOR SALE BY JOHN SKTRIN, No. 35, No. Water St reet. :r May 15. d , 2J Just Piibliflied, A one handsome volume, nmo, Pries 5s i. AMD FOR SALE BY >• JOHN ORMROD, , t 4t Franklin's Head, No. 41, Cbefuut J Stre't, AN ESSAY ON THE I Natural Equality of Men d On the Rights that result from it) and on the e Duties which it impbfes. To MEDAL wis adjudged, by the 1 Teylerian Society at Haarlem. Corrected and Enlarged. h By WILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN D. D. ' , f Proleflbr of Moral Philosophy, and the Law oi Nature, and of Ecclcfiaftical Hiftorj ; r and Minister of tiie Engiifh Chu.ch at IL s trecht. Aliquid semper ad communtm utilitatem af ferendum Ctcero. T/m Firjt American Edition. . '"pHEgrand principle of Equality, if rjght i. iy understood, is the only basis 011 which 11 U'liverlal juilice, sacred o-der, and perfect freedom, can bediintly bYii'.t,aijd permanent 2 ty secured. The view of ,t exhibited in this clfay, at the fame time that it reprefles the infoletice of office, the tyranny ofjinde, and the outrages of opprefli.m ; confirms, ... the nioft forcible nianner, the necelfity of fubor- ' dination, and the just deruands of la*ful au thority. So tar indeed, frpm Ipofeni. g the -bands ol fyciety, that it maintains inviolate, every natural and every civil diftinftion, draws more clo'ely every social tit, unites in one harmonious and juflly proportioned fyf teni, and brings men together pn tfce even ground of the inherent vights of human »a- , « ture, of reciprocal obli ation, and of a com mon relation to the<(dhiaunity. March 18. ' t,,tf STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA. In the Houfe^ojßepresentatives, 1) E C fc. MR E K 2 1 it. 1 793. TT/HEREAS the Commiflioni rs of public - —V V _j&££QliJ3is,.iJ..A.v ihai they can not proceed 10 the in ligation of tW Tieafury Accounts, refp-fting fprcia! Indents, without k'nowmg the.ou:Handing amount thereof in cir- s culation:—Therefore, m Hefolved, That ail holders of special lirdrnt® be dire&ed, and rtquirvo, on or before ihc firft day of Novorubc ri xf, to deliver the fprtcial In dents in their ppflVfljon to orre or othet of the ConmuiTioiit's of Trcafgry, who are to give receipts for the 1 :mc, and to'rep >ix to the Com miiiioriers on public accounts, on or befoie the tenth day of November next, the amount by them refpe&iveJy received, and also to the Le gislature, at their meeting in November next, and that alj special Indents not rendered into the Tieafury as above, on or before the firft day of November next, lhall bt, and the fame are heieby barred. Rejolved, 1 hat public notice of this resolution be given in the several Gazettes in this Slate, once every three weeks, umil the firft day of November next. And that the Delegaics of this State in the Congrels of the United Slates, be re queued to cause this ri folutioh to be publiftied in on< or roo« e papers in the cities of Philadel phia and New-York, and that provision will be made lor the expences attending such publica tion. Ordered, That the resolution be sent to the •folate tor their concurrence. Bv order of the House, JOHN DART, C.H.R. In the SENATE, December 21#, 1793. Resolved, That this House do concur with the Houle of Repiefcntatives in the foregoing reso lution s. Ordered, That, the refirhitions be sent to the House ol Reprefentarives. by order of the Senate. FELIX WARLtY, Clerk. ewtNov. Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-ftrect, New-York. THE Subfciiber intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, h