Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 29, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 145 of Vol. V.] Thurssday, May 29, 175)4. [Whole No. 555,.]
LANDING at Hamilton'*! vhaiT, aHovt
the D avbn<l»e, out of t';e flip 'Bacchus
Cent. Van® I " iN ' f ,n, n Jamaica,
May 16 d
Carolina Rice and Indi "o,
FOR S.iLfc 'BV
Gurney and Smith.
May 14. d
Agreeably to notice, a
metu»?of Subfcribcrs' to t • Art Irs n
Agreement o« tin- Olomb' tiety, was
this day-held at Mr. Rid for the pin
pol>. of chiding Mar vv ten the ol
io* ill" persons v." cc •' :
Robert Morris, Pn/.Jent.
'James Greertkaf
Trljlram Dalton,
Jcbii Nicholjbn
Caleb ,Lo*unes,
tboma FkzfiKions.
Jg.;ir>.j F/ilfon,
F. A. Muhlenberg,
Walter Stenva-1,
John Hall,
K i hhrt! "Soierjlro m,
NuihariiA IV. Applcton.
Garrett Cott ringer.
Mav 27, rllw
Advert ifement.
THt relations ()' jMr ThomasCurtis,for
merly of E'licof Upper Mill ~ and fate!yo('
the City of Wafti-ngtou. deceafVd, desir
ed to apply and have his affa r* fettled.-
City of Waftiington, April 22, 1764.
Mu $
CongreJ's. of the United States,
hi Senate, Tuefaay May I yh, 1794.
ORDERXiVrtIiWt Putrnui), Maoa 1 -
lah Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin 4
Green, do, upon the third Monday of Decern- 1
"her ne*t, (hew cause to the Senate, why so' 1
much of the grants of land to (hem r'ae laid
Jlnfus Putnam. Manaffoh Cutler, Robert 5
Oliver and Gritfip Green, pu< fuar.t to an A&
entitled "An ast authorizing the grant and {
conveyance of certain lands to the Ohio Com
pany of aflociates," fhalt not he He'clared
void, as may interfere with and be fufficlent '
to.fatisfy the claims of the French fetllers 1
at Galliopolis.
that the delivery of a copy of 1
the above order to Rufus Putnam, Manaflah 1
Cutler, Robert Oliver, or Griffin
the publication of the fame, one ,nonth, in
one of the Gazettes printed in this City, fliall
be deem, d fuffinent notice therepf.
Extract from the Journals of Senate.
SAM. A. OTIS, secretary.
May j4. tm .
Ship India's Cargo,
A final! afTortment of
2jo bags CO T TON of good quality, which
would probably make an excellent remit
tance to Etuope, and a
'Quantity of PEPPER
For Sale by
Mordecai Lewis,
tVbo has also to dispose of
Barcelo a Hand'ts. in boxes,
Holland Qin in cases,
Souchong, Myfop, and Tonkay Tea,
A quantity of Brimstone, &c.
for sale,
By MATHEW CAREY, No. 118 "
Mai ket-Street,
An KfTay on Slavery 1
Defigncd to exhibit in anew point of view
it« etfefls »n merdi, mdujiry, ai>d the
Jociety. Some rafts and calculation are offered
° P ,T the ' jl ™ r °- f Jfrtemtn to be much more
f Z a ' V ' ,h , 3 " ,h " ? couillric, are
rich, powerfu and happy, j„ proportion a> ,| le
abo ,„g people enjoy ,he fruit," „f oln
lab 9 r ; and hence (he n. ceffa.y eonclulion, that
flavcry is impohtK as well .is urtm/l W
» Pric E 2 5 Cems. dlf
February a
For Sale or Charter,
; The Schooner
" M v |f%P O.LL Y,
jfclKgr Burthen loco barrel.
'i ,• .; f-ft failing new vefT-^well
fomid, and eady Jor any Voyage, eirlur to
of t/i YVe't Indies, For terms ap
ply lo
At their store, between JJjijnut a;xi Clieliiut
llreet. wharves.
3 , d
• ••" r —H — :
For Sale or Charter,
(An American bottom)
John Moore, Mafler.
IS a ftSlit good vpiTjt, about two years old,
hurt hen 232 tons, har only mack throe voy
t^es t a d rn-iy b- e«>t to Tea at a (mall ex- *
jCnce. rrtuy b<? seen at Vi"e-ftreet wharf,
and the term-i made known hv application to ;
WHARTON 1$ tUH r IS. j
March 2. . <Vrt' !
Luoyj Wharton, Matter.
SHE is intended to fail' with the firlt veilels
and can accommodate a few- paiFengcrs very
well. For terms apply to the Captain,' or
May 19.
Morris Academy.
Til IS .institution is uow open for 1 ).© lecsp
tion of ftuuents under jhe fmmediate care of
?4t*. Cideb » RuIIHJ, whole abilities, as an in
.iti-uclor, riiid U> £he,bufinef:» friyt
Jong bee;i wua*yl*and approved. He h2s ull
der Uiiri t ie '.eit alfiftaius in the > r ,
biancnes—-.The fcho'ars arc tHe ,Z
gltfh, Frvich, Latin, and G ck language*, 1
Wriui 3,. Arithmetic, I
grapiiy, Aftrouo.ny, ai«d the various branco
es.of roe The heal-by firoa
tion of»ce ?s fu h as 10 v 1'
1•> cb d' i
the cou.itry. Boa'ding, wjfliitig,
foe* wiil be in good families, a- d
the morals bf'ihc Itholars carefully attendee
The price including tyfrion, firewood, &
eexcfulive of the French.lan u ge) will
xceed thirt) pounds proclamation money pe*
annum) an addition ol three dollars per qua -
,ter. will be macevtu 'Uch' itholais w4u» <11
teught the French language. The* D ? <fto
ai edefc' rmined to pay fucn attention' to ti.
initiiution, as will render it refpcttable anc
TI MOTH* JOHNS, just. C D.teft'i
Moiriitown, May 15, 1794
. diw.—v/2m.
Dr. Price, Fellow of the Anti
'quar an Soctety, and of fefus Coll g i„ toe
Univprfity ol Oxford, &c. &c. formerly lec
tuier on Midwifery in l.ondon, wil] com-'
mence tar]y in the Autumn, a compete
Course of Ledtures,
on the
Theory & pradtice of Midwifery
( the latejl Improvements J
And 0.1 the vari us O.ieafes incident to Wcf
menaiid Chi'diea; oi which tim-lv no:ict;
will be given.
Excellent CLARET,
In hog (heads and in cases of ,50 bqtUc, each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine •
In pipes, lioglheads and casts,
For sale by
No. Hi, Suuth f, ,nt itreel
Ja "- 2 ' '794-_ d,t
Just Imported,
htheJhip Abigail, CaMain lhrton, from St \
tXSzf**""" I ***'!
wSSif N'":« ft ° rCSOf i"
A rj| John Donnaldfon.
1 o»w w& tt"
Cincinnati of Pennsylvania
May 28, 1794.
A STATED ineetine -it" the (landing Com
mil tee ws;. i»o h d on Monday evening
a /o c oclc hc tlie Oncltogue waggon. A'~
| a'ipe:i»f«irs for thc4th Ju'y bcinjg need r> ;o
, be 10 iHed, the members are requeiled puuo
tu II y t j attend.
'' 4 r Secretary pro Tcm.
a 1
LETTERS on the fubjeft of the Wa/h
---ington LotteVy, be'ihg by mistake repeaudly
addreHed fothe Commiflioners for the City
of YVailiington,
erfons concerned are hereby informed,
that all such /hould bp addrefled either to XV.
peakmsjun. pf VVafhington, or to the Sub—
icribei 4 . The comiTiifiioncrrs never having
, coatei/jplated any further concern in this
business, than in their alien: to Receive the
bonus and approve the names of he rnana
gei 3. Fhe pr;zes have been paid and are
paying on demand by W. JDeakins,
ington, Peter Oilman, Boftoji, and by the
I'cr the Lottery A T o. 2, the securities al
ready given Will be retained by the comm if
fioners, or transferred by thtnfl at' their
option to the Bank of Columbia; and the
Com mi Hi oners will' be consulted refpefling
a judicious and equitable difpoptioo of the
ho tiles to be built thereby 5 ..theft* treasury or
the Bank of Columbia will receive the mo
ney i itended for the National University,
and they will beconlu'ted in the nominaiion !
ol the 24 managers; but all the reiponiibihty !
refpc£ing.the general dilpofition of the tic- !
kets, and payment of prizes, will reft as j
in the Hotel Lottery, *n the persons whose i
j names are and maybe hereafter publiihed as :
a.iiitan;s to forward this business with
Philad. May 28, d— ?t.
ckfellery at the Stone HuUfe in SecondJirecty
l J hiludulphia,
OR A -
Din 'ionary of Jlrts, Sciences, aud Mijccl
laneous Literature,
ON a plan entueiy, new ; b.y which the.dif
etent fcic.u-e*and arts are into the
unn .»( d.rtinft-tieatifes'or iyltem . This'
11 unK CO tains the articl> •'»/ riiedafs, n.etfi
«i"e, methodilh,
vl-x co, niicroicope, mid;wif n.y, .and* grent.
va.utydt biographical and ar
iJiuftrated with nineteen copperplates,
iti* The tables of logarithms, &c. « hich
were deficient in the tenth volume, are fuV
J nned'o this
E . ven v.i'U'nesof this worjc are now pub
lilh.'d, and tae Xllth is in fame foi uardnefs.
On tic'tiritof St'ptcmlie<, 1792, the price
'P £ »°» was incir. afed ThN dollars on '
a ile ts not taken before that t me. The sub- I
cription i-.aiu op CJ , on c liel> terms, and it I
any copies remain by the firft of July j
price will be railed TEN dollars mare, on \
any Copies which may be rtibftribed for after
thar period. .
*«*Asmanyof the/übferibers have taken j
only two, three or four, &c. volumes, they are
earnestly requeftcd to take up and pay fur the
remaining volumes, as it becomes difficult to
c nnplete tirefetts, and the publiflier dries not
nuid :iimfe:f bound to make up any setts after
- A ' 22 ' - m.?:t!Y^
118, Market Jlreet,
Price 18 ' cents,
Catechism of Man ;
Pointing out f 'i>n found principles, and ac
, taAs the Rights and Duties of
every Being.
Am J therefore become yourenemy because I
tell yon the truth ? Gal. iv. 16
Now all thefr things happened unto them for
examples, and they are written for our
admonition, upon whom the ends of the
earth.are cipine. j Cor. x i.
Mly i 3 tuth&s2vv
"P ] E office of the President and Director
A the Insurance Company of North
America, is removed to No. 107, South
' u "tftr&:r, being the south eail corner of
From and Walnut Jlreets.
• t&fj 01
t NEW-YORK, May 24
At a general meeting of the owners,
a mailers and configees of American vcf
- le.s, who have had their property seized
at ot. Pierre, Martinique, for the pur
poles of coining the different cirCum-
Itances attending this illegal procedure,
10 kri ert L ° f ° rm 3 (tatcme »t of fads, and
publish them on our arrival in Americ ,
" j,i of our countryinc ,
o Late the following eircumttances: vu.
hat having failed from America be
tween the month of November and March ,
' . 'alt palt, arrived within the above periods
. ' at this place ; that we were tranfeaW
; our business as we were accustomed to do!
i "Z imported nothing contraband, or
! in any refpta violated the laws of nei »
That on or about the third day of Fc-
bruary, the Britifli fleet and army appear
ed off this island, and commcnced the
e £ c °f't J that they landed their troops
on or about the fifth day of February,
<it t nmty, and on or about the seven
teenth of the fame rhonth, appeared of,
landed, and took pofferilon of the town
—the following day officers were sent on
board our refpeclive vefTels, our fails were
unbent, our colours torn down, ourselves
with oi(r mates and seamen "were taken
I out of our vefTels without being permitted
j to take a Tingle change of clothes, fecuie
| our cabins or trunks, and were carried 011
j board afhipof war; and after undergo
ing a contemptuous examination', were
coWviyed on board a prison-ship ; hei'ewe
were crouded together to the number of
two hundred and fifty persons, in a fmail'
iliip with afr.igle deck, without any kind
of provisions except what we received
from our friends on ifjore., and even that
with great difficulty, as they forbid' any
boat coming along fide the fiiip. "We re
mamed in this situation three days ; dur
ing which time we made applications to
the commodore, Capt. Nugent, of the
ship of war called the Veteran, and beg
ged he would supply us with provisions,
or at leali let iis go on shore to provide it
for ourselves, and we received this laconic
reply—7 hat he should give us nothing
"that we were a set of damn'd rascals, and
might ftarvfc and be damn'd. That at
length, a commissary was appointed to Tup
pi)* the seamen with provisions, and we
were permitted to go on shore and live at
our own expense; some of us w.:re per
mitted to go on board our vefTels, to look
after our trunks, bedding, clothes, &c.
and found that our cabins had been fhame
fully plundered, our trunks and chests
broke open and robbed of every thing of
value, our papers, that were of
to any person but ourselves, torn and des
troyed ; and, in fact, a line of depreda
tions exhibited that could have been only
produced through the effects of malici
ous revenge and th* frenzy of intoxica
Our vessels were moored together so
close, that in fifteen days many of them
chaffed through and funk; some drifted
to sea and never returned; others drove 011
shore and bilged; our unfortunate seamen
who were unable to live on shore, or their
captains to support them, died daily on
board the prtfon fliip; some were seized
and put on board the (hips of war. That
after more than a month's fufpence, we
were informed a court of vice-admiralty
was eflabliihed to try us (or rather to
condemn us) and we were monitioned to
appear and anfwe.- to the libel; almost as
soon as we heard the court appointed,
when our preparatory examinations ought
to have preceeded its issuing, which con
vinced us that as the judge had commenc- '
ed illegally, we could cxpeft nojufticc from
him : that another month had almost elap
sed when we were told that we mult give
security to prosecute our claim, for what
he called double costs, to the amount of 60
johannes, to be certainly forfeited should
we be condemned : this wc unanitnoiifly