Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 28, 1794, Image 2

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tertr exceeded, by any one, in ten differ
ent and celebrated Actors, whose per-,
formances of that character, the Observer
has seen ; and he believes he may fay, was
not equalled by many of that number.
Mrs. Sba'to, is one of the belt aftreffes,
in this Company; if (he does not take the
firft parts, vet her performance is mark
ed with such exact propriety, with an
uncommon ftrengthand clearness ofvpice,
that <he may be pronounced a very good
aftrefs, when compared to this as well as
other companies. .
Mr. Chalmers, never gave so Unking
proofs of his extraordinary comic talents,
- as he did in the character of Trafianti.
The Observer entertains the highest opini
on of Mr. Chalmers, as a man, and as an
aVor, in the last character, he certainly tells
a lie, with more grace than any man, he
ever saw attempt the bufin»fs.
Mr. Har-wood possesses a peculiar kind
of comic fa;e, eyes, and indeed vvhqle cha
ncer. The Observer does not remember
having seen a man pofleffing that particidar
comic ability, in so great a degree. He
is a great acquisition to the itage.
May 27, 1794*
For the Gazette of the 1/nitmD States
Mr. Fenno,
I am one among the many who were gra
tified the lafl year by Mr. Blanchard's afcen
lion in his Balloon ; and until within a *ew
days had flattered myfelf with the idea ot a
repetition of so magnificent a ; but,
whilst expe<station was thus oft liptoe, the
public were told by Mr. 15. hpnfeif, that the
cylinders to have been used as the medium
ot* conveyance for the inflammable air had
failed, and on account of the expence of any
other process, the whole proje<£l with it. An
anxious solicitude once more to indulge so
Phtfofophic and delightful a display of mag
nanimity, will I trust, be f me apology to
Mr. I), for the freedom of suggesting to
him, a cheap and expeditious method of ob
taining this neceflarv gas or inflammable
air—The Democratic' Society of this city, are
to meet in the course of a few evenings, to
discuss the critical situation of our country;
from the difmterefted patriotism and extreme
zeai which these grntlemcn are known to
possess, 'tis fairly' to be inferred that they
will be highly inflated on this occanon with
this combuitible air, if therefore the Balloon
is suspended over the Chimney during one
evening's debate, it may be filled fnfficiently
for the ascension and the expence of the
other mode avoiric > —Should this hint ftimu-
3— 1,.-.,
Cotigrefs of the United States.
Monday, May 19th, 1794.
The Vice-President laid before the Se-
nate a letter from P. Leganx, praying
thent to patronize his Vineyard,ellabliflied
at a p)3ce called S'prjngmill in the State
of Pennsylvania, which was read.
Ordered, That it lie on the table.
Mr. Vining reported from the com
mittee on enrolled bills, tylat they did on
the 16th instant, lay the following bills
before the President of tli® United States,
to wit: the bill entitled, "An ast provi
ding for the payment of certain expen
ses incurred by Fulwar Skipwith on pub
lie accountthe bill, entitled, " An
ast further to authorize the adjournment of
Circuit Courts the bill, entitled, "An
ast for erecting a light house on the I
sland of Seguin, in the Diltrift of Maine,
and for erecting a beacon and placing
three buoys at the entrance of St. Ma
»y's river in the State of Georgia and
the bill, entitled, "An ast for the relief
of Reuben Smith and Nathan Strong.''
A meflage from the House of Repre
sentatives by Mr. Beckley their Clerk :
" Mr. President—The House of Re
presentatives have parted the bill, lent
from the Senate for concurrence, entitled,
An ast prohibiting for a limited tirfie,
the exportation of arms and ammunition,
and encouraging the importation of the
"They have pafled a bill, entitled,
'An ad laying additional duties on
goods, wares and merchandize imported
into the United States, and on the ton
rage of flups or veflels," in which they
desire the concurrence of the Senate "
And he withdrew.
The bill lad brought up for concur
rence was read.
Ordered, That this bill pass to the se
cond reading.
The bill sent from the House of Re
piefentatives for concurrence, entitled,
" An ast making proviiion for the pay!
ment of the interest on the balances due
to certain States, upon a final settlement
of the accounts between the United
States, and the individual States," was
read the second time.
Ordered, That this bill be referred to
Mr. Cabot, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Morns,
Mr. Potts, and Mr. Ellfworth, to consi
der and report thereon to the Senate.
A meitage from the President of the
United States, by Mr. Dandridge his Se
cretary :
" Mr. President-—The President of the
United States, this day approved and
signed " An ast further to authorize the
adjournment of Circuit Courts.
Ordered, That the Secretary acquaint
the House of Representatives therewith.
Mr. Jackson gave notice that he should
to-morrow, move for leave to bring in a
bill, to authorize the Prelident of the U
nited States during the recess of the pre
sent Congrcfs, to cause to be purchased
or built a number of vessels, to be equip
ped as gallies in the service of the United
A meflage from the House of Repre
sentatives by Mr. Beckley their Clerk":
" Mr. President—The President of the
United States hath notified the House of
Representatives, that he this day, ap
proved and signed, " An ad providing
for the payment of ccrtain expenses in
curred by Fulwai Skipwith on public ac
count j" " An ast for ere&ing a light
house on the Island of Seguin, in the
Diftrift of Maine, and for ere&ing a bea
con and placing three buoys at the en
trance of St. Mary's river in the State of
Georgia," and " An ast for the relief of
Reuben Smith and Nathan Strong."
Oh motion,
Ordered, that Mr. Edwards have leave
of absence after Wedncfday next.
After consideration of the executive
The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock
to-morrow morning.
Tuesday, May 20th, 1794.
A meflfage from the House of Repre
sentatives by Mr. Beckley their Clerk.
" Mr. Prelident—The House of Re
presentatives have pafled a Resolution,
for furnifhing the executives of the seve
ral ttates with a copy of the buok mark
ed A, depofued in theTreafury Depart
ment by the Commissioners who fettled
the accounts between the individual ftatea
Ttnii he withdrew,
The Refolu.iun of the House of Re
presentatives wa3 read,
Ordered, that this resolution lie on the
Mr. King reported from the joint com
mittet to whom was referred the confide,
ration of what buiinefs is neceflary to be
done before the close of the session, and
when it will be proper to end the present
feflion, and the report was read.
Ordered, that this report 'ie on the ta
The bill, sent from the House of Re
presentatives for concurrence, entitled,
An Ast laying additional duties on goods!
wares and merchandize imported into the
United States, and on the tonnage of
(hips or vessels," was read the second time. ;
Ordered, that this bill be referred to Mr.
Gunn, Mr. Ellfworth, Mr. King, Mr. Liver
more and Mr. Morris, to consider and remort
thereon to the Senate.
The following written meflage was re
ceived from the President of the United
tes by Mr. Dandridge his Secretary.
United States, 20th May, i 79 4.
II Gfnt| emen of the Senate, and of the
Houle of Representatives,
In the communications, which I have
made to Congress during the present session,
relative to foreign nations, I have omitted no
opportunity of teftifying my anx ; et to
serve the United States in peace. It is pe
culiarly therefore my duty a, this time, to
lay before you the present state of certain
hofule threats again ft the territories of Spain
in our neighborhood. -
The documents which accompany this
mefikge, develope the meafurcs which I
have taken to suppress them, and the in
telligence which has been lately received.
It drill be seen from thence, that the
fubjed has not been neglected ; that every
power, vetted in the executive on such oc
casions, has been exerted; and that there
was reason to believe, that the enterprise
projected against the Spanilh dominion*,
was rehnquilhed.
But it appears to have been revived
upon principles which set public order at
defiance, and place the pence of the United
States in the discretion of unauthorized
The means already dcpofited
•n the different departments government,
are /hewn by experience, not tojae ade
quate to these high contingencies,although
such of them as are lodged in the hands
of the executive, (hall continue to be used
with promptness, energy and decision pro
portioned to the cafe. But lam impelled
by the polition of our public affairs to re
commend that provision be made for i
stronger and more vigorous opposition
than can be given to such hoitil- move
nents under the laws as they now stand.
The meflage and papers therein re
red to were read.
Ordered, That they lie for considera
Mr. Cabot from the committee to
whom was refened, the bill, entitled,
" Ah adt making provision for the pay
ment of the interell on the balances ( due
to certain States, upon a final settlement
of the accounts between the United
States and the individual," reported an
additional fedtion, and the report was
Ordered, That it lie for consideration.
Agieeable to notice, Mr. Jackson ob
tained permiflion to bring in a bill to au
thorize the President of the United
States during the recess of the present
Congress, to cause to be puichafed or
built a number of vefiels to be equipped
as g allies in the service of the United
States, and the bill was accordingly read
the firfl time.
Ordered, that this bill pass to the second
After the consideration of the Executive
The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to
morrow morning.
The performance on Monday evening next
for the benefit of Mrs. Warrell, was through
mistake advertised for Mr. IVarrell.
From Correspondents.
Query—Whether it is becoming for
one who never opens his mouth upon any,
even the mod important (übjett, (but to
put a question) to make a long labored
harangue because he happens to be inter
ested ? Would not Jilence on fucb an occa-
:e, —<■
We Jt. L. Fonfpcrtius, vice Consul of the
French Republic, one and indiyifible, at
Charleston, in order to prevent the renewal
of the melancholy scenes Which have taken
place in this City, scenes which may destroy
that harmony which exists between the
United States and the Republic, command
all French citizens, belonging to any of the
French vessels in this harbor, to retire on
board of their refpetf ive yejkls immediately
on the ringing of the City Evening Bell,
under the pain of being deemed and punifh
<ed as bad eitizens: We further command
them in the name of the Republic, not to
walk about the flreets armed, under the pains
and penalties aforefaid, and we enjoin all
Citizens, Captains and Officers, to fee to the
execution of this Proclamation, and we re
quest the ass.stance of all good Citizens,
friends of peace, to aid in bringing all of
fenders to punishment.
Given in the C'onfuKhip of the French
Republic at Charleston, &c. ( 30 th April )
By this Day's Mail.
NEW-YORK, May i 7.
Copy of a letter to the Printers of the Dai
ly Advertiser, dated Londonderry, April
" The news of Europe continues to be as
important as at any former period. What
now attraas public attention, is the curious
game which his most sacred majesty of Pruf
iia is playing off with his brother Kings con
joined against France ; he critically flands a
oof, wili.not give further assistance, in his
kingly capacity, until he gets, a vast sum of
money ; as to his solemn treaty, that is out
• , havill g brok <-n one bargain
with the Poles, he hesitates not to break a
notner with the confederated Powers. It is
a sac% that he is nowjiegociating with the
French, and will not fife another mulket a
gainst them unless England pays lum two
millions of money ! And the general re
port is, that our good and gracious King is
flrongly mclmedto comply with this reason
able request of h, S brother monarch-and
foolifh John Bull muftbear the burthen, as
ulual in all German connexions.
" the arts of peace—but be
well prepared for war—and have no connec
tion with Kings and Priests.
" I am, &c."
Another, dued Londonderry, April 8.
in the paper* I fend, you will fee the
MAY 28.
substance of the news donctt-ntog the ,Jef«-
tion of the Pruflian monarch a piece of
. news that strikes the adherents of Kin- cr , ft
and Prieft-craft with the utmost ccnflern'a
tion and gives to another party,
hopes of a speedy peace.
" I am, &c."
Extras of a letter from Meflrs. John Bulk
ley and Son, dated Lisbon, j-th Mirtb
to a merchant m this city.
» The wheat (hipped from vour port, if
it continue* to be such in quality as the hit
cargo imported herefrom thcr.ce; it m
into high esteem, command a ready sale, and
a better price than otheis from your Conti
nent, which lhould to recommended to your
farmers, and to clear it of the rye
P. S. March 21. We have just receive!
advice from Algiers, via. C»rthag t „a, down
to the 6th mft. that all the Algerme cruiser,
except one were returned home tired of their
unfile :-efsful cruise, for they took nothing
which is a fortunate circumftanre, and if!
fords us the highest fatisfatfion.
Yesterday arrived a British transport from
Guadalope, with a number of French offi
Foreign Intelligence.
PARIS, March 25.
This morning at 9 o'clock, in conse
quence of the verdict of the revolutionary
tribunal, given yesterday, the following
persons were brought from the prifoa of
the Conciergerie, to the Place de la Re
volution, where they fuffered under thesxe
of the guillotine, 'viz. Hebert, Ronfin,
Momoro, Vincent, Du Croquet, Kccq, a
Dutchman, Col, Laumu-, M. M. Bour
geois, Mazuel, La fioureau, Ancard, Le
Clerc, Proly, Desfinex, AnacharfisCJoots, '
Pereira, Florent Amand, Delcambhs,
Dubuifon, convicted of being the authors
and accomplices of a confpiracv which ex
ited again ft the liberty and fafety of the
people, and against the exercise of the law
ful authority, tending to trouble the (late
by a civil u'ar, by arming the citizens a
gainst each other, the objedt of which was,
in the eourfe of the prelent month, Ven.
tofe, to di'folvc the National Repreienta
tion, to aflafiinate its members and the
patriots, to deltroy the republican govern
ment, to seize upon the fovercignty of the
people, and to give a tyrant to the ilate.
Tl." nioht hpfnre Hebrtt was earned
be,ore ~t,ie Revolutionary Tribunal, he
made an attempt upon his life. The knife
how ever was wrested from his hand by the 4
guard who is placed over him.
The wife of Momoro has been arretted.
She 11 fed to afilft at all the civic fetes m the
charadler of the Goddess of Rtafon.
March 28.
v Further difcoveties are mads every day
with refpedt to the late confpiiacy.
Claviere, brother to the minister of that
name, Vergennes, Lepelletier. Rofambo,
Lstour Dapin, Clevelly, formerly ioten
dant of Orleans, Madame Joly de Floury,
General Ronfin's wife, and fevera! others
were taken up yesterday. The Paris pa
pers contain several observations on the
king of Prufiia's defection. The follow
ing are exfafted from " Les Annales
Patrio'iiques et Literaires."
' I he coalesced powers are reduced to
the neceflity of making a feathering for
the purpose of preventing the defection of
Frederick—England, it is said, will pay .
two fifths of this fubfeription—the empe
ror a fifth—Holland a fifth—and the 1 Im
perial States a fifth—Pitt mult advance
themoney for Holland; but it rem::'ns to be
proved whether Frederick will not prefer
a retreat to a subsidy, and whether other
of the coalesced powers will not demand
subsidies to enable them to remain in the
Gen. Hoche, it is reported, has been
removed from the command of the army
of the Mufelle, and Gen. Jourdan appoint
ed in his Head.
FRANKFORT, March 27.
, Should, the King of Pralun perfilt in
His plan, and withdrrw t]j<* Tn?r?f
the surplus of his contingent of 20,000
which' remain here, the Gc rinanic empire
is threatened with inevitable rain ; the
Auftriana, with the army of the empire,
will never be able to defend us efficiently,
and save us from the deltrtiction which th<?
Dutchy of Deus Fonts, the Principality
of Saarbi lick, that of .Layen,and the great
er part of the luxuriant and fertile Palnti
nate, have experienced. The army of the
empire, newly raised, cannot be on their
march before the end of the fumrficr, and
even then cannot be well organized or of
great utility.