. EVENING A D VERTISER. [No. 142 of Vol. V.] Wednesday, May 28, 175)4. [Whole No. 558.] Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY ami FRt'XCH BURR STONES, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May 14- d JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wfearfj, above the Drawbridge, out of the (hip Bacchus Ce» t. VaNHE'Han i from Jamaica, FOR SALE Br PETER BLIGHT. M»y 16. v d ~ REM AIN IN G OF THE Ship India's Cargo, FROM BENGAL. A small assortment of BALE GOODS, 250 bags COTTON of good quality, which would probably make an excellent remit tance to Eur ope, and a Quantity of PEPPER For Sale by » Mordecai Lewis, Who has also to difpafe of Barcelona Hawi'fs. in boxes, Holland Gin in cases, Souchong, Hyson, and Tonkay Tea, A quantity of* Brimstone, Sec. May to d3w Congress of the United States, In Senate, Tuefaay May 13th, 1794. ORDERED, that Rufu* Putnam, Manai fati Cutier, Robert Oliver and Griiftn Green, do, upon she third Mond.ty of Decem ber next, (hc\r cause to the Senate, why lb much of the grants of land to them the laid Rufus Putnam, Manallah Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin Green, pursuant to an 1 Authorizing the grant and conveyance ofccrrabi ni-;„ r,,>, pany of ailociates," inilr not ne 'wcU'lcL void, as may interfere with and be lufficient tofatisfy the claims of the French settlers at Galliopolis. Ordered, that the delivery of a copy of the above order to Ralus Putnam, ManafTah Cutler, Robert Oliver, or Gnflin Green, and the publication of the fame, one aiion'h, in one of ihe Gazettes printed in this City, fhali be deemed fu/ficienl notice thereof. Extra# from the Journals of Senate. Atteft^ SAM. A. OTIS, secretary. Mav 14. lin * UFOR SALE, BY MATHEW CAREY, No. 118. Maiket-Strect, An Eflay on Slavery, Defrgned to exhibit in a new point ot view its effe&s on moralsindujlry, and the peace of Jociety. Some tatts and calculations are offered to prove the labor a\ freemen to be much more produflixre than that ot Jlqves ; that countrifs are rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own labor; and frencc the nrceflary conclusion, that slavery »s impolitic as well as unjujl. Price 25 Cents. dtf February 15. Agreeably to notice, a meeungof the Subscribers to the Art les o Agreement of the Columbian Society' was this day held at Mr. Richardet's, for the pur pose of chufing Managers, Sic. when the fol lowing perform were c'lofen : Robert Morris, Pfejident. MANAGERS. "James Greenleaf Trijiram Dalton, "John Nicholfon Caleb Lonvnes, Thomas Fitzjrmms. James Wilson, F. A. Muhlenberg, Walter Steiua't, John- Hall, Richard Soderfironl, Nathaniel IV. Appleton. Treasurer. Garrett Cottringer. Mav 27 dlw Advertisement. THE relations of Mr Thomas Curtis,for merly of Ellicott's Upper Mills, and lately of the C'ty of Wafh'ngton, deceased, are desir ed to apply a: d have his affairs fettled. City of Washington, April 22, 1764. M. 5 m&th4w / For St. Croix, INDUSTRY, y&i- figrrfTii JLlovd Wharton, Master. SHE is intended to fail with the firft vessels and can accommodate a few paflfengers very well. For terms apply to the Captain, or WHARTON & GREEVES. May 19. <161 For Sale or Charter, Burthen 1000 barrels. .sHi u 6 Itaul.cn f-ft failing new vein,well found, and ready for any voyage, either to Europe, or th: We# Indies. For terms ap ply to JDEBLOIS fcf BREGK. At their store, between SVainut and Chelhut llreet wharves. Mav with to have their children in i the couutry. Boarding, washing, mending, &c. will be provided in good families, and the morals of the scholars carefully attended i to. • The price including tuition, firewood, See. eexclulive of the French language) will not xceed thirty ponnd» proclamation money per annum) an addition of three dollars per quar ter iv 11J be marie to such scholars who are teught the French language. The Directors at edetermined to pay such attention to this institution, as will render it refpeftable and "ufefui. GABRIEL H. FORD, } TIMOTHY jOHNS, jun. C Direft's. NATHAN FORD, 5 Morriltown, May Ij, 1794 diw.—wjm. Just Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt, Crandon, from St. Peterlburg in Ruflia, And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz. Hemp, BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN's DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOR SALE BY Jobn< Donnaldfon, Nd. 22, Walnut-street. March 4,1794. diw3tawtf To be Let, For Merchants Compting Hou/es or Public Cffi:es, Two brick 3 story Houses, HAVING 6 looms in eicli, wiih fire places beside garrets, situate on the south westerly Tide of Dock ftrcet, between Pear and Walnut streets. Enquire of BENJAMIN W. MORRIS. April 17. tuth Excellent CLARET, In hoglhearls and in cases of 50 Denies each. ALSO, A few cases Champaigrie Wine ; MADEIRA, In pipes, hop,[heads and quarter calks, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. in, South Front llreet. Jan. 2, 1794. dtf A New Novel. To the LADIES of Philadelphia. This Day is Published by MATHEW CAREY, 118, Market ltreet, Price, bound, rive-eighths of a dollar, sewed in n arble h.ill a dolibr, Charlotte, a tale of Truth, IN,TWO VOLUiMES. £y Mrs. ROWSON, of the New Theatre, Phiadeiphia,, Author of Vi&oria, the Iri- the Fille de Chambie, &c. Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have giveri the folio wing character. IT jna) be a rale oi* Truth, for it is not unnatural, ana it is a tale of real diitrefs.— C larltjtte, i»y the artifice of a tt achei, recom mended to a school, from humanity rather than a convittion of her integrity, or the £g. ularity of her former cond<>£t, is enticed f;om her governed, and accompanies a young Wiicer to America.-—The marru.gje cerertio »y, if not forgotten, is poliponed, and Char lotte dies a martyr *-0 the inco«iiia,ucy of the over, and treachery of his friend The f?tu tions are'airtJefjs and affecting—the trefcrip" a lions natural and pathetic; we fhou!d lee ior Charlotte if such a person ever existed, who tor one error fcarccly, perhaps, deserved fci fevete a puniftiment. If it is a fiction, poet:c justice is not, we think, properly dif tributes ,• Said Carey has jujl published, ! A 2 fh'eet map of Kentucky compiled by Eiihu Barker, price oile doiiar .4W..1. • ... : Germany, Spain,ltaly, the United Provinces, tire Netherlands, ar.d the Well Indies. Price two dollai s. Map of Mew Jerfey —Half a doiiar. M*p<; of Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia Price eighths of a dollai each. , April 2