. PVlad-\ph'a, March, « 1794. f JUST PUBLISHED, Jte/ MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Mirkel Jlntl, j; £ FIK.ST VOLUME OF A NEW SYSTEM OF Modern Geography: OR. A Geographical? Hi/iorical, ana Commercial Grammar; And uTfrrtt flite »fthe f'eieral NATIONS OF THE WORLD. ! COKTAIMJ.C, 1 Tfv* motions, and distances of the pU'» Cs, acc » the Newtonian fyf teiu and the latest obfevvations. 2. A general view of the earth, considered as a planet; with f>veral ufeful geographical definitions.and problems -3 The grand divisions of the globe into land and water, continent* and islands. 4. The liruation and extent" of empires, kingdoms, Hates, provinces and cokhiies: 5. Their climates, air, foil, vegetables, produ&ioiift, metals minerals, nataral curi ollties, leas, rivers, bays,capes, promontories, aud lakes. 6. The birds and beasts peculiar to each country. 7. Observations on the changes that have been any wherp Golden- Square, London. I THE pub ic 's ofjied one of the most 1 efficacious and fafe medicines, that ever ap peared, for that most excruciating pain, the Tooth-Ache —the numerous inft-ances of its happy eflfefts, in relieving the aifli NO 1 ICE is hereby given, thai Proposals Will he ferrived at the Office of the Commis siOner ot the Revenue, for Ship Timber of the following kinds, fu'table for the building ol the Frigates authorized by Law. A par ticular detail of the sizes and proportions will be communicated, on application at the said Orace. White Oak T,mlcr and Plank. 98 Piece, of various Dimensions, includ '"g Keels, Floor and Rising Timbers, &rc. for a Veir e l of 140 or i«o feet Keel . 2 ' °°° Feet of Plank, Scantling, Wal. u pieces, Bilge Streak-:, Clamps, &c. &e Sj 200 Logs, for various ules. ' £ Pitch Pine. J. 2 5,°00 Feet of Plank for Decks. 0 210 Beams, from 42 to 28 feet long, and 1 from 10by 12 to ,5 by t8 inches thro 1 . 50,000 Locufl 18, 24 and *o inches long. c S,ooo Feet of Inch and half-inch Cedar Boards. 30,000 Feet of Yellow Pine Boards and Scantling < ''"'"e t0 supply any part or ttie T, T b ; r !" r Sh 'P. <" prnpoil ion the whole fix, will make tl eir Pr fak accordingly, tu Jw The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the United States, and Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America, several of which have appeared in circulation within a few days pajt; they are a good ge neral imitation of the genuine Bills, but may be dijlinguifhed by the following MARKS. Five Dollar Bills cf the Bank of the United States. ALL that have appeared have the letter F. for their Alphabetical Mark. The Texture of the Paper is thicker and whiter and it takes the ink more freely than the genuine paper. The O. in the word Company is smaller than theM. and other letters of that word, so that a line extended from the top of the O, to touch the top of the M, would extend con siderably above the range of the whole word. til the word United the letters are narrow erand closer tbgether than th« reft of the bill The i and Jin the word proinife are not parallel, the /inclining much more forward than the i. The engraving is badly executed,the strokes of all the Letters are stronger and the device in the margin particularly ismuch coarser and appears darker than in the true bills. Some of the counterfeits bear daie in 1791—Where as the Bank was not in operation till Decern ber, and 110 five dollar bills were ilTued in ihat year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America. ALL that have appeared have the letter B. tor their alphabetical mark. They are printed on a paper nearly similar to that of the couuterfeit Five Dollar Notes above described ; the engraving is better exe ucted, and they approach nearer to the ap pearance of the genuine bills. The fine ruled lines through the word Twen ty) in the body'of the bill, are in number thir teen in the genuine bills, and but twelve in the counterfeits. The word Company is much like the fame word in the Five Dollar Bills as described a bove, the 0 being less than the m, and others following. There is no stroke to the t in the word North whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well defined. The letters ent in the word Twenty, to the left hand at the bottom, do not come down to the line, but are so cut as to give an irregular appearance to the word, the Tu> and go ing below them. The signature J, Nixon, has the appear ance of being written with and oil, and differs from other inks used in printing the bills and the caihier's iignature. It is luppofed these forgeries were commuted in some ol the Southern btates, as all coun terfeits thai have appeared, have eome ihenci, and two perloos have been apprehend ed in Viiginia,on (ufpicTon o? bt ugTTie « oßtcr - - of them. The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS wiil be paid to any Person or/ Persons who shall difcovti and profecuie to convi&ion the leveral offenders of the following de r mptions or any of them, viz. The person or persons, who manufzftured the paper on which the Bills arc printed. The person or persons, who engraved the plates. The printer or printers, of the bills. Every perlon who has acted as a principal in ( aoy other way, in the counterfeiting and utter ing the said bills. r Philadelphia, March 28, 1794 April 22, 1794, Other counterfeit bills of the Bank of the United States have appeared in circulation. The denomination is of TWENTY DOL LARS,and the alphabetical mark is the let ' ter B. They may be distinguished from the genu ine by the following MARKS : The paper ot the counterfeits is of a more tend r texture and glofley furface than the genuine, and ther« is no water mark in them. The letter C. in the word Cashier, in ihe true bills is ftrongiy marked, whereas in the counterfeits, the whole letter it a hair stroke, evidently in an unfinifhed state. The letter a in the word demand, is badly formed and the whole word ill done, andtheie is no comma at the end of it, as there is in the j. genuine bills. marginal device, ismuch daiker in • I,' Ik j t ' la " " le g enu '"e bills owing to I ,6 1 ro^es being coarser, much nearer I o g e ther, and consequently much more nu merous. This difference strikes the eye at firft view. I 8 rcward of ON E THOUSAND AUS, will be paid for apprehendinji, & ' P r "' ec "ting to conviction the several above o rt totheCom miffioriers on public accounts, on or before the trrith day of November next, the amount by then® relpeftively received, and also to the Le gislature, at their meeting in November next, and that all special Indents not tendered into the Treasury as above, on or before tbe firft day of November next, shall be, and the fame are heieby barred. Refolvedy That public notice of this resolution be given in the several Gazettes in this State, once every three weeks, until the fiift day of November next. And ihat the Delegates of this State in the Congrels ot the United S ates, be re qucfted to cause this rdolution to be published in one or moie papers in the cities of Philadel phia and New-York, and that provision will 4 be made for the expences attending such publica tion. Ordered, That the resolution be sent to the