confidence which h« heretofore cxifted, unqueftioiiahly diminilh our importations from that country, wh:ch principally mr oiihes them. To these circumftauces might be added, the derangements ocoa fioned to the commerce of tiiis port by the unfoituate epidemic lall lummer, to that of ail liie ports by the present embar go, by the extensive spoliations commit ted on our veffeb by the belligerent pow ers, and the interruption occasioned by the Aigeiines to our commence with the south of Europe. The committee, ta king all these considerations into view had calculated on a defalcation in the revenue, arifuig firora unpoft and tonnage for this year, of 1,300,000 dollars, and had esti mated it at only 3,300,000 dollars where as, that of 1793 produced 4,600,000 dol lars. fT merchant and citizen, who be ing duly sworn according to law, on his solemn oath doth depofc and fay, that the cargo here {hipped by him in the ship , whereof is mailer, now bound from this port of for in Spain, to wit: are of the growth or produce of the Uni ted States of America, (which I the said notary or magi fir ate also attest) and that no part thereof are of the produce of France, or her colonies, nor have the fame or any part thereof received any advan tage or improvement in France, or any of its dependencies, nor in any manner con tributed to its revenues ; and the said de ponent further fays, that the said cargo so shipped 13 the sole property of him the deponent, and that they are citizens of the United States of America, and resi dent merchant of the said city of- . Sworn as above before me . In teftimoay whereof, and that the laid V ' , gotxU arr of Ac produce scarcity there, are attempted to be contra dialed ; but by the measures taken to pre vent monopoly, and to.-watch over the Tale of their eggs and cabbages, it does not ap pear that iamine is very far from tjieir doors. The Gazette of the ajth intt. (which we received yesterday) brought no information, but the appointments of Lord St. Helen. to be AmbalTador to the States General of tlie United Provinces , and Sir Morton Eden to his Chatholic Majesty. A very considerable export of linen from this port for Philadelphia and New-York, has taken place within this month past, which murt be considered as a very pleasing circum flance by every well wilher to the encreafing trade of this kingdom. FALMOUTH, March i S . The Royal Charlotte Packet left Guernsey 011 Saturday morning tiie nd ; but having got the length of the Galketts, it blew ftich a gale of wind that /he was obliged to bear away, and the fame evening came to an an chor in Guernsey Roads. She failed again on the 23d, and arrived at Weymouth at 7 A. M. yesterday. In her paflage, a-brealt of the Gaftetts, almost two leagues to the westward of them, Sunday, at noon, she fell in with admiral Macbnde's squadron.consisti ng of four line of battle snips, four frigates and a (loop of war ; and two frigates arrived in Guernsey Roads, the fame morning as the packet fail ed, supposed to be part of the lame squadron. The packet brings advice, that 011 Satur day night seven large tranlparts with troops ait.l Junes for Jersey, under convoy of two frigates, a (loop of war, and an armed cutter, arrived at Guernsey. It was gene, ally believed at BiufTels, when the la ft accounts came away, that the King of Prussia had actually made a compact with the Ruling Power in France, in confequencc of which, his forces, his contingent excepted, will be withdrawn from the frontiers. We state this as a mere report. Sun, i he Carmagno'e, French Frigate, car ties thirty 24. pounders, and is manned with the flower of the remnant of the I' rencli navy. She has hitherto proved fuece'sful, not having met with any thing near her proportion in metal. The Ar tois, lying at Deptford, under the -corn*. I maud of Lord Charles Fitzgerald, goes out under a roving coinmilfion, and means to fail into the track which this Republi can veflel has for some f'rae occupied in the North Seas. The Artois carries 28 eighteen pounders, and 6 nine pounders 011 the fame deck, 4 thirty two poundeYs (earonnades) on the quarter deck, and four nine pounders on the forecaftle. The Danilh veflels are no small object of this enterprize. The Viscount Pioger, aid-du-camp to the Marquis de Drefrny, the French Ge neral who commands the Emigrants, came to Weymouth in the packet, and we learn that the Royalists on the banks of the Loire are 80,000 strong; but that only half that number are properly armed, the reft having only (licks, clubs, or any wea pon they could Yesterday was pregnant with rumours of great importance. The circumstance of the Arch-Duke, Charles, brother of the Emperor and Go vernor of the Low Countries, having sud denly set oft" for Vienna on the evening of the 19th, in consequence of an express which he received, has given eife to much conjecture and speculation at Bruflels. We fliall state all the circumstances which have come to our knowledge, and leave the public to judge for themielves. Yesterday Mr. Hankey received a let ter from Bruflels, dated Saturday last, da ting that the Arch-Duke Charles, in con sequence of an express, set off on the e vening of the 19th for Conde. He there met with a Boy to whom he paid parti cular refpeft. He brought him to Brus sels the night of the 2tft, and on the morning of the 22d they departed toge ther for Vienna. That Boy, was suppo sed to be the young King «f Fiance.— This letter Mr. Hankey shewed to the Minilter. By an express from Bruflels, which left that city likewise on Saturday, very different accounts were received* Tbe general belief according to this account, of the cause of the Arch Duke's sudden departure, was, that the Emperor was dangerouily ill, aud according to some, actually dead. The Earl of Elgin arrived in town yester day morning at fix o'clock, having made an uncommonly quick journey from Bruflels to London. , ; We tear that the Prefidtntof the States at the instance of the National Con vention of France has recalled Mr. Morris— * and has nominated Mr. Monroe a Senator of the United States, from th<» state of Vir ginia, to succeed Mr. Morris.—We also hear, that Mr. Carmichael is recalled from Spain, and is to be succeeded by Mr. Short. From Corkespondskts. There has been much writing and har anguing against the proposed duty on and Sugar; the bug-bear of excise, &c. has been brought forward ; but those worn-out ideas have had as little effect as the cry of the boy, who used to call out Wolf, Wolf, on every occasion. The truth probably is, that the Snujf and Sugar manufafturies are so very lucra tive, that a disclosure of the immense pro fits some people have made, may excite competition and diffufc those benefit* which a fe"criher* to the Aruelrs of Agreement ot thj Columbian Society, was this day held at Mr. R'chardet's, for the pur pale of chuiing Ma lagers, & c . when the fol lowing persons were chosen ; Robert Morris, President. MANAGERS. James Greenleaf Trifiram Dal ton, John Nieholfon Caleb LUsvnes, Tho*ntts Fitzjimons. "James IV'tlfm, F. A. Mubieni rg, Walter Ste wart, John flnft Richard Sorln/lrom, Nathaniel IV. Appleton. ' Treasurer. Garrett Cottingtr. Ma y 2 7 dfw NEW THEATRE. Mr. Whitlock s Night. TO-MORROW EVENING, May 28. Will be performed, A TRAGEDY, never performed in Ame rica, called JULIA; O R The ITALIAN LOVER. Duke of Genoa, Mr. Finch P urazzi1 > Mr. Green Mentevole, Mr. Fer.ncll Marcellus, Mr. Morcton Camillo, Mr. Cleveland Officer, Mr. de Moulin Savant, Master Warrell Manoa, Mr. Whitlock Fulvia, 'Mrs. Shaw Julia, Mrs. Whitlock Olympia, Mrs. Francis Nerina, Mrs. Cleveland End of the Play, a humorous vocal PARO DY, on Shakespeare's SEVEN AGES, by M,. Bates. End of the Tragedy, a new Comic Pastoral Ballet, composed by Mr. Fra cis, called L 'Amour trouve les Moyens ; Or the FRUITLESS PRECAUTION. By Mons. Belona, being his third appear ance in America, Mr. BlilTett, Mr. bar ley jun, Master T. Warrell, Mr. Francis," Mrs. De Marque, and Madame Gardie. To which will be added, (Written by the late David Garrick,) a Co medy in two a