Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 27, 1794, Image 1

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    £ y E N I N G A D Y E R T I S E R.
[No. 141 of Vol. V.] Tuesday, May 27, 1794. [Whole No. 557.]
Ship India's Cargo,
2? JE. N G A L>
A small afiortment of
250 bags COTTON of good quality, which
would probably make an excellent remit
tance to Europe, and a
Quantity of i J E 1-" PEK
For Sale by
Mordecai Lewis,
Who has also to dispose of
Barcelo ;a Hind fs. 111 boxes,
Holland Gin »n cases,
Souchong, Hyson, and Tonkay Tea,
Aqua t tyuf Bnmitone, &c.
May iQ dgw
Carolina Rice and Indigo,
Gurney and Smith.
May 14. d
LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above
the Drawbridge, out of the ship Bacchus
Cept. Vanneman, from Jamaica,
May 16. d
~~ " FOR SALE, ~
Mai ket-Street,
An Eflay on Slavery,
Designed to exhibit in a new point of view
its effe&s on morals, induflry, arfd the peace of
society. Stmie fa&s and calculations are offered
to prove the labor o\ freemen to be much more
productive than that ol slaves ; that countries are
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the
4' Übm'ffifr pt-Uf'lw -iirjuy rf thtii XT^TT
labor; and hence the n< ctffai y conclusion, that
slavery is impolitic as well as unjuji.
Price 25 Cents. dtf
February 15.
Congress of the United States,
In Senate, Tuefaay May 13th, 1794.
ORDERED, that Rufus Putnam, Manat
fah Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin
Green, do, upon the third Monday of Decem
ber next, (hew cause to the Senate, why so
much of the grants of land to them the laid
Rufus Putnam, ManaflTah Cutler, Robert
Oliver and Griffin Green, pursuant to an Ast
entitled 44 An ast authorizing the grant and
conveyance of certain laifds to the Ohio Com
pany of alfociates," ihall not be declared
void, as may interfere with and be fufficient
to fatisfy the claims of the French settlers
at Galliopolis.
Ordered, that the delivery of a copy of
the above order to Rufus Putnam, Manaffah
Cutler, Rooert Oliver, or Griffin L«reen, and
the publication of the fame, one month, in
one of the Gazettes printed in 'his City, lhall
be deemed ftiffuienl notice thereof.
Extra# from the Journals of Senate.
SAM. A. OTIS, secretary.
May 14. xm.
Just Imported,
In thejhip Abigail, Captain Horton, from St
Peter/burgh in RuJJia, and now landing at
RuffeW s wharf,
ravens duck,
And [or sale at the (loreiof the fubfcribei in
Walnut street, N«. 22.
'John Donnaldfon.
April 4. diww&stt
OF the money robbed from the mail near
Baltimoic, by Doctor Gant, ITo dollars were
afterwards sent by an unknown hand, to the
Poltmafter at Baltimore, who transmitted
the fame to the General Post Office. The fuf
ferers by that robbery are desired to ftatc the
amount of their lolTes reflectively, and trans
mit the fame, with the originalletters of their
correspondents f where recovered) or other
evidence thereof to the General Post Office
beture the firft day of June next, immediate'
ly after which adividend will be made among
the claimants.
_ Pojl Majler General.
Gen. Post Office, April 4, i l9i iaw 6w
For Sale or Charter,
"4||y|s|jpr Burthen 1000 barrels.
XTTuunch Utt failing new veflVl,well
found, and ready for any voyage, either to
Europe, or Weft Todies. For terms ap
ply 10
At their store, between Walnut and Cnelnut
street wharves.
May 23 d
St. Croix,
i_iLOYd Wharton, Malter.
SHE is intended to fail with the firft veffeis
and can accommodate a few paflengers very
well. For terms apply to the Captain, or
May 19. cKt •
For Sale or Charter,
(An American bottom)
John Moore, Majler.
IS a itout good velTel, about two years old,
burthen 232 tans, has only made three v<>y
ages, and may be lent to sea at a small ex
pence. She friay be seen at Vine-flreet wharf,
and the terms made known by application to
March 2i. drf
Excellent CLARET,
In hoglhcads and in cafcs of 50 bottles each.
also, I
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
In pipes, hogiheads and quarter calks,
No. 111, South Front itreet.
Jan. 2, 1794. dtt
Morris .Academy,
THIS inltiiuuon is now >.peu fir i e <ec?p
tion of (indent. unde> the immediate care cf
Mr. CaleS RulTell, whole abilities as an hi
llructor, and attachment to tlie bullnefs have
long been known and approved. He lias Ui!
der Unn the belt alliitants 111 the ditfere 't
branches—The scholars arc t.iught the E:'-
glilh, Freftch, La 1 in, a:.d Gnek language,
Public-Speaking, Writing, Amhinetic, Geo
graphy, Astronomy, and the various branch
es of the Mathematics The licalihy fitua
tion oi this place is fu h as to recommend 1.
to those, wha wifli to have their ch,.dteu i.
the country. Boairiing, waffling, mend ng,
&c. will be provided in good families, ai.d
the morals of the scholars carefully attended
The price including tuition, firewood, &c.
eexclufive of the French language) will not
xceed thirty pounds proclamation money pei
annum) an addition of three dollars per quar
ter will be ma<le to such scholars who are
teught the French language. The Dirc&ois
ai edelermined to pay such attention to this
inftitutlon, as will render it refpeftable and
ufeful. • -
TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. C Direft's.
Morriitown, May ij, 1794
PORT, WINES of the firft quality
Old Jamaica Spirit, Antigua and Weft India
Coniac, French and Peach Brandies
Claret and Port Wine of afuperior quality
in cases.
Win: Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes and hhds.
Corks in Bales, Havannah Segars in Boxes.
Philadelphia Porter, in Cases and Bottles.
London do. in do. do.
Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do.
London do. in do. do. and
Cyder :n barrels and bottles, preparedfor ex
portation or immediate life,
Benjamin W- Moris,
The corner of Dock and Pear streets,
Were he has provided suitable ltores and
vaults, for the reception of
WINES, &c.
Which he proposes to store or dispose of 011
com mi (lion
Captainsof vessels and others fupplicdwith
any ot the aboveLIQUORS bottled, and lea
stores in gene alput up.
Ma y 9 tu&fzm
Acckfelkr, at the Stone House in SecondJlreet,
Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, aud MtfceU
laneous Literature,
ON a plan entirely new ; by which the dif
ferent faiences and arts are digested into the
farm of diilinft treatises or fyltems. This
voiume co tains the articles, meda':s, medi
cine, metallurgy, metaphysics, methodilts,
M-xiC", mici oicope, midwifiy, and a great
variety of biographical and miscellaneous ar
;icles, illulliated with nineteen copperplates.
(£3* The tables of logarithms, &c. which
were deficient in the tenth volume, are sub
joined to this.
E t veil volumes of this work are now pub
lifljed, and the Xllth is in some forwardness.
On the fir ft of September, 1792, the price
-,f iubfeription was incrtafed TEN dollars on
all lei ts not taken before that time. The I'ub-
isftill open on these lerms, and it
any copies remain by the firft of July next, the
price will be raised TEN dollars more, on
any copies which may be fubferibed for after
that period.
* # * As many of the fubferibers have taken
only two, three or four, &c. volumes, they are
earneftiy requested to take up and pay for the j
remaining volumes, as it becomes difficult to j
complete the setts, and the publillier does not
hold himfelf bouud to make up any setts after
the firft day of J uly next.
Apil 22. m&rtV6w.
Diftri&of Pennsylvania
t 0 IV I T:
. BE it remembered, that on the
twenty fourth day of March, in
the eighteenth year of the independence of the
U .ited States of America, Ebenezhi Hazard
of the laid diftrift, liasdepofitcd in this office,
J the title of a book, the right whereof he claims
j.-, author, in the words following, to wit :
44 Historical Colle&ions ; consisting ot Itate
nvhar n.»ho.,riAihiriiiftents ; in
tended as materials for an history ot the U
nited States of America.
Member of tlie American philofophicai So
ciety, held at Philadelphia, for promoting
u efui knowledge; Fellow of the American
of Arts and Sciences; and corref
pendent memoer of the MalTachiifetts Hifto
-1 ical Society.
Ingenium, Pietas, Artes, ac bcllica virtus,
Hue profugae venient, et Regna illuftria
Et Domina hie Virtus erit, et Fortuna mi
In conformity to the a6t of the Congress of
the United States, entitled 4t An ast for the
eucoui agement of learning, by securing the
copies of maps, charts and books, to the au
thors and propiietors of such copies, during
tne times therein mentioned."
Clerk of the Di/lritl of Pennsylvania.
May 7 ew4w
118, Market Jlreet,
Price 18 cents,
Catechism of Man ;
Pointing out from found principles, and ac
knowledged facts the Rights and Duties of
every Rational Being.
Am I therefore become your enemy because I
tell you the truth ? Gal. iv. 16
Now all these things happened unto them for
examples, and they are written for our
admonition, upon whom the ends of the
earth are come. i Cor. xii.
May 10 tuth&rs2w
To the Eledtors of the city and
county of Philadelphia.
THiS being the last year of the present
Sheriff's time in office. I take the liber
ty to offer mvfelf a Candidate, and solicit
vour votes and interests in my favor, to place
me on the return at the next general Ele&ion,
as his successor for said office ; in doing which,
you will confer an obligation that' will be
gratefully remembered, by
Your most obedient,
and humble servant,
May 3. estf.
Dr. Price, Fellow of the Anti
quartan Society, nd of Jjfus College in the
Univerlity of Oxford, &c. &c. formerly lec
tuier 011 Midwifery in London, will com
mence early in ihe Autnmi , a complete
Course of Lectures,
ON The
Theory & pra&ice of Midwifery
( With the latefl Improvements)
And 00 the various Diseases incident to Wo
men and Children ; of which timely notice
will be given.
May v 26
Congress of the Utiited States.
Thursday, May 15.
A mefTage from the House of Repre
sentatives by Mr. Beckley their clerk :
"Mr. President—The House of Re
presentatives agree to the amendments of
the Senate to the bill, entitled, " an act.
providing for the payment of certain ex.
pences incurred by Fulwar Skipwith on
public accountalfo to the amendments
of the Senate to the bill, entitled, " An
| ast for erecting a light-house on the Iffand
of Seguin, in the Diftrift of Maine"—
And he withdrew.
Mr. Foster reported from the commit
tee on enrolled bills, the bill, entitled,
" An ast providing for the payment of
certain expences incurred by Fuiwar Skip
with on public account." the bill, enti
tled, " An ast for erecting a light-house
on the island of Seguin, in the Diilrift of
Maine, and for erecting a beacon and pla
cing three buoys at the entrance of St. Ma
ry's river in the state of Georgia also
the bill entitled, " An ast further to au
thorise the adjournment of circuit courts,"
-and that they were duly enrolled.
The bill sent from the House of Re
presentatives for concurrence, entitled,
"An ast for the relief of Reuben Smith
and Nathan Strong," was read the third
Fefolved, That this bill ptfs.
Ordered, That the Secretary acquaint
the House of Representatives with the
concurrence of the Senate in this bill.
Mr. Ellfworth from the committee to
whom was referred certain resolutions
moved for the 15th of April last by the
Senators of Kentucky, relating to
vigation of the Miffiiipi, and thenegocia
tion at the court of Spain, reported—
" That in the negotiation now car y- >
ing on at Madrid between the Unj ed
States and Spain, the right of the former
to the free navigation of the Miififfippi,
is well asserted and demonstrated, and
their claim to its enjoyment is pnrfued
with all the assiduity and firm iefs which
the magnitude of the fubjeft demands;
and will doubtless continue to be so pur
sued, until the object (hall be obtained, or
advene ci.cumftances (hall render the fur
ther progress of the negociation impr.ft -
cable. That in the present state of the
business it would be improper for Con
gress to interfere—Bjit in order to fatisfy
the Citizens of the United States, more
immediately interelted in the evnt of this
negociation, that the United States have
uniformly asserted their right to the free
use of the-navigation of the river Miflif
fippi, and have employed, and will conti
nue to pursue such measures as are bed
adapted to obtain the enjoyment of this
important territorial right. The com
mittee recommend that it be Resolved
by the Senate.
" That the President of the United
States be and he hereby is requested to
cause to be communicated to the Execu
tive of the State of Kentucky such part
of the existing negociation between the
United States and Spain, relative to this
fubjeft as he may deem advisable anil
confident witli the course of negotia
And the report was adopted.
Ordered, That the Secretary lay a co.