EVENING ADVERTISER. " [No. 140 of Vol. V.] Monday, May 26", 1 794. [Whole No. 556.] Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR. STONES, Tor sale by Gurney and Smith. May 14. JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wlraif, above the ■ ou t • the Ihip Bacchus Ctnt VaN"NI ma; *> t,om JAMAICA, FOR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT. M»y 16. ** innvf A 1 N 1 N G OF THE Ship India's Cargo, FROM bengal. A fraall alTortmcnt of BALE GOODS, : ljofcrgs COTTON of good quality, which woultl probably malic an excellent remit tance to Europe, and a Quantity of PEPPER For Sale by Mordecai Lewis, Who has also to d'tfpofe of Barcelona Hand'fs. m boxes, Holland Gin in cases, Souchong, flyfon, and Tonkay Tea, A quantity of Biimftone, &c. Mav 10 r '.3 w Dr. Moore's Journal in France, VOLUME Id. This Day is pubtijhed, Pcicc 61. Hitched, and 7/6 11ea.lv bound, by H. & P. R I C E, Booksellers, No. 50, Market street, A Journal during a in France, from [lie beginning of Anguft to the middle of December 1792 ; To which is added, an ac count of the noiF remai table events thar happened at Paris, from that time to the death of the late Knig of France. / By JOHN MOORE, M. D. Mav 17 5 ( FOR SALE, BY MATHEW CAREY, No. 118. Maiket-Strect, An Essay on Slavery, Drfigned to exhibit in a new point of view its effe&i 00 indujlryand the peace of society. Some fa&s and calculations are offered to prove the labor of Jreemen to be much more produflive than that ot Jlaves ; that countries arc rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own labor; and hrncr ihc n ceffar v coaclufion, that slavery ts impolitic a, well as unjujl. Price 25 Cents. dtf February ifr. Congress of the United States, In Senate, Tiiefaoy May 13 th, 1794. ORDERED, thar Rtifnt Putnam, Manaf fah Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin i do, upon the third Monday of Decern- | ber next, fhe\r cnufe to the Senate, why lb much ©f tlk* giants of land to them the said Rufus Putnam, Manaffab Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin Green, pursuant to an Ast entitled <4 An ast authorizing the grant and conveyance of certain lands to the Ohio Com pany of afTociates," fliall not be declared void, as may interfere with and be fufficient to fuisfy the claims of the Frenth settlers at Galliopolis. Ordered, that the delivery of a copy of the above order to Rufus Putnam, Manaflah Cutler, Rohert Oliver, or Griffin Green, and the publication of the fame, one vjjiart, and the terms made known by to WHARTON". Sr LEWIS. March 21. For Frederickftmrgh and tal mouth, Virginia, 1 FRIENDSHIP, Capt. [M'Namara. Will fail on WtDNESDAI' "ext. For f.eight or palTige apply 10 the Mailer on b aid, al JOHN WALN's Wharf, or EMAAUEL V/ALKER, WHO HAS FOR .SALE The Cargo ofjaid Veffel —Coiiftjlir.g of VliUiiiVlA WHEAT, ULOLJI, DEER SKINS, fee. GINSENG May 17 (i - For Sale or Charter, Burthen 1000 barrels. itiu >. - 11..U1.U11 f'ft failing new vefl'.l.well found, and ready for any voyage, either t« Europe, or the Weft "Indies* for terms ap- P yl ° DEBLOIS & BRECK. At their store, bttween Wainut and Cuefnni Itreet wharves. May 23 . d Morris Academy. THIS inftituiion is now open for 1 ,e iec«p tidnof lludents undeithe intnudiate care i Mr. Caleb RulTell, whose abilities as an in ftruftor, and attachment to the business have ; long been known and approved. He has un der him the bell alfilUnts in the different branches—The fcliolars are taught the Ell - French, Laiin, and Griek languages, Public-Speaking, Writing, Arithmetic, Geo graphy, Astronomy, and the various branch I es ol the Mathematics. The healthy iicua tion of this place is fiich as to recommend it to those, who wiflt to have their cktfdren in t the country. Boarding, waflting, mending, s &c. will be provided in good families, and the morals of the scholars carefully attended F to. 1 The price including tuition, firewood, See.. [ eexcluftvc of the French language) will -not i xceed thirty pounds proclamation money per | annum) an addition ol three dollars per quar ter will be made to fuel) scholars who are tEught the French language. The Dirc&ors ar edetermined to pay fucli attention to this inltitution, as will render it refpeftable and ufeful. GABRIEL H. FORD, TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. C Dili's NATHAN FORD, 5 , Mot r.liown, May 15, 1794 : diw.—\r2nl. Excellent CLARET, In hogiheads and in cases of 50 boules each. , ALSO, A few cases Champaigne Wine; MADEIRA, In pipes, bogftieads and quarter casks, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. in, South Front llreet. Jan. 2,1794. dtf Just Imported, In tht fiiip-Abigail, Captain Horton, from St. Pet ay burgh in Kuffia, and no-w landing at .KuJjjtl'j wharf, ttfeiMJ', BAR IRON, RUSSIA StttETINCS, i . RaVENS DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, And for idle at tne ttoresof the fubfciiber in Walnut ftieet, No. 22. "John Donnaldfon. April 4. uiw w&>ti To be Let, For Merchants Compting Houses or Public Offices, Two brick 3 story Houses, HAVINt; btooiils in eatti, wiih lire places befirte garreis, fnuate on the south wt fterly fide of Duck ltieet, between Pear and Walnut liters. Enqui.eof BENJAMIN U'. MORRIS. April 17. tuih&stt Scheme of a Lottery, T0 raise 39,900 Dollars, on 166,000 Dotlars, deduSitg 15 per Cent, from the Priz.es—this Lottery conjijts of. 38,000 Tickets, in which there are 14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks, being about one-and an half Blanks to a Prize. THE Dittfloip of the Society for cftablifhing Ulelul Manuitifluref, having relolvpd to erect LC) HEiUES tor faiftng On tHu»»K'iD Thousand Dollars, agreeably to an Att of the Legifl.ture ol the State ol New-Jetfey, have appointed the billowing per lont 10 iuperintend and direfct the drawing ol the laine, viz. Nieho. las Low, Rufu's Kii)g, Herman Le Roy; James Watfoii, Richard Hamfon, Atnjali Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, ol the city o( New-York— Tliomat Willing, Joleph Ball, Matrticw M'Con- ' nei and Andrew Bayaid, o( the city ol Phila ■ldphia—His ExcellcHty Richaid Howell, Elq. Klias Bond mm, general El as Dayion, Jam s Pai ker, John Bay»id, D.>tt»r Ltwis Doi.iiam, i.ainu. 1 W. Stockton, Jolhua M. Wallace, Joseph oloomfieid, anti Eliilia Boudinoi, of Niw-jcr ey, who ortei the following Scheme ol a Lot ■ rry, and pWrlge-'themfelvis Co tne public, that they will uk> every affuraiice and precaution in theil" power 10 have tlie Monies paid by the Manager-, from tiivf to time, ab received, into liic Banks at New-Yoikand Philadelphia, 10 remain for the puipoleof paying Prix s, which ihall be iinmrdiaely discharged by a check ,10011 one of Ihe Banks. SCHEME: x Prize of 20,000 Dol,-I, is 2©,000 j 10,000 10,000 2 5»ooo 10,000 2,000 10,000 10 i,coo 10,000 20 500 ir.,000 100 100 10,000 300 5° 15'°°° 1000 20 fio,ooo 2000 15 30,000 3000 12 36,000 8100 10 81,000 14,530 Prizes.c; 262,000 23,461 Blanks. First drawn ntimber,' 2,000 Lalldrawn number, 2,000 38,000 Tickets at 7 is 266.000 The drawing will commence, under thein fpethon ot a Committee of the Super attendants, as (oon as the Tickets are fold, o| ; which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Camming, ot Newark, Jacob R. Harclenberge of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers theieot, who have given ample fecuiity tor difchaigirig the truil tepofed in them. \£T In order to fecurethe punctual payment of the Prizes, the Superintendants of the Lottery have directed that tne Manageis ihall each enter into bbnds in 4C,000 dollars, with tour fufficient fecuripi s, to perform their inftiu£tions, tbe sub-»- which is I. That whenever either of the Managers (hall receivethe turn of Three Hundred Dollars, he (hall imfndiately place the fame in orte of the Batiks ot New-York or Philadelphia, to the credit,ot the Governor of the Society, and Inch of the Supcrmiendatus as live in the city where the monies are placed, to remain there until the Lottery is drawn', lor thepaymntol the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufikient ieeunty for any Ticket? they may trust, ottaerwile to be retponublc tor i hem. 111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid into the Hank, ab ftr;t£ls*ol whidh (hall be sent, monthly, to the Governor ol the Society., Pattrfon, January 1, 1794. On application to cither of the above gentle mrii. information will toe given where tickets may be had. February 24. " "tu&ftf. 'From a Landau Paper, of the I2tb Dc ' cemiei- l SMALL-POX. A Child of three years old, 1:1 the confluent fmall-pcix, breathing labonoiifly, extremely' reltltl's. and the pirftules almoit unfverfafty exhibiting a deadly whtfeftHs, v.-as lately happily reUovedrby-tlie applica tion of a large piece of leather on the ftb niach, covered with ungiimtum hydrqrgjri fortius, which was by mistake applied 1 lriftcad of the nuttus, prescribed by a*phy fician. In a few hours the breathing foftfched, arid reftlefTnefs subsided; and the pn (titles difcrivered a disposition to suppu rate benignly. This cafe has been corifi dered of such consequence, that an ac count of it has been published. From an Englijh Paper. A REMARKABLE PROPHECY. Prediction of St. Cefaire, Bishop of Ailis, in theyear 543, taken from a book in titled LIBER JVBRABILI3, printed in Gothic chara&ers, and deposited in the Royal Li brary at Pars. " The Adminifirators of this kingdom (France) ifcall be so blinded, that they flijll leave ic without defenders—the hand of God /hall extend itfelf over them, and over all the rich.—All the Nobles thai! be deprived of ella'tes and dignity. A diyition thall fprirtg up in the Church of God, and there fhail be two husbands, the one true, and the other adulterous. The legitimate husband Shall be put to flight, there (hall be a great carriage, and as great effctfton of blood as in the time of the Gentiles. The universal Church and the whole world, ffrall deplore the ruin and dellruftion of a most celebrated city, the capital and mistress of Fiance. The Al tars of the Temples shall be deflroyed ; the holy virgins outraged, (hall fly from their monaftcries. The church pastors (hall be driven from their feats, and the whole church (hall be dripped of her tem poral goods—but at length the Black Ea gle and the Lion (hall appear, hovering fro/n far countries. " Mtfeiy to thee, O City of Optionee ! thou (h?lt at the firft rejoice, but thy end * shall come—Misery to tht'e, O City of Philosophy ! Thou (halt be fubjefted ! " A captive King humbled, even to confufion ; but shall at last receive his Crown, and shall destroy the children of Brutus." Congress of the United States. IN SENATE, Tuesday, May 13. The Senate proceeded to consider the report of the committee, to whom was re ferred the bill for the relief of the French inhabitants of GallioJjolhs, and the report being amended, was agreed to, arid it was accordingly Ordered, That Riifns Putnam, Manaf fah Cutler, Robert. Oliver, and Griffi- Green, do, upon the third Monday of December next, shew cauf? to the Senate,® why so much of the grants bf land 'to them the said Rufus Ptltnam, Mana(faH Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin Green, purfiiant to an ast, entitled, " as ast au thorizing the grant and conveyance df certain lands to the Ohio Company of As sociates," (hall not be declared void, as may Interfere with, and be fufficient to fa tisfy the claims of the French settlers of Galliopolis. Ordered, that the delivery of a copy of the above order to Rufus Putnam, Manaflah Cutler, Robert Oliver or Grif fin Green, and the publication of the fame, one month,in one of the Gazettes printed in this city, shall be deemed fufficient no tice thereof. A me(Tage from the President of the United States by Mr. Dandridge his Se cretary. Mr. President—The President of the 17 nited States hath this day,approved arid signed, " An ast to erect a light house on the head land of Cape Hattcfas; and a