ESSENCE For the Tooth-Xche, Prepared and fold by Dr. Lee, Golden' Square, London. THE pubic is offered one of the most efficacious and fafe medicines, th:it ever ap peared, tor that most excruciating pain, the Tooth- Ac lie—the numerous iuftances ot its happy efF*&.s, in relieving the aiflt&ed, have now brought it into u liverfai eftinration; it not oil/relieves the tooth ache, but is of tlie utmost service in curing tlie SCURVY in the Gums, in preventing thfe disagreeable smell that s produced from uniou* d tee h, Sc wi 11 occalfo i a fw&et bieath; it hkewife prevents the tie'h from \e aving, and will be found a genera' prvi • vei of the Teeth and Gums S d •! Philadelphia only at Poyniell's Stationary Store, No. 2i, Second ftrect. April 24. tuth&s 3W Advcrtifement. THE telation* ol Mr Thomas Curtis,for merly of tlliicot '•» Upper Mills, and lately of the C ty of Wash tig toil. deciafed, are delir ed to apply have his affairs fettled. City of Washington, April 22, 1764. M 5 m&th4«r JUST PUBLISHED, MATHEW CAREY, 118, MarketJlrect, Price 18 cents, T H E Catechism of Man ; Point; :i-» out from found principle ■, and ac- the Rights and Dunes of j every Rational Being* I Am I therefore be« me. your enemy because I tell you r' tit fnch'a refpe&able catalogue.of names, ai; wilj do a c redit to the work, as well as afford a encouragement to the undertake-r Those wh«» are d fu ousof further infoima. tion are requested to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market Itreet. April !4. m&thtf ADVERTISEMENT. OF the in-'nev robbed from the mail near Baltimore, by Dodor Ga,it, IljdplWrs were afterwards sent by ail unknown hand, to the Poftrnaiter at Baltimore, who transmitted the fame to the General Post Office. Tie fuf fercrs by that robbery are desired to state ihe amount of their loires respectively, and trans mit the lame, with the original letter; of their correspondents ('where recovered) or other evidence thereof to the General Post Office, before tlie firfl day of June nexr, immediate Jy alter tyhich adividend Will be made among the claimants. TIMOTHY PICKERING, Pojl Master General. jGen. Poll Office, April 4, i# 4 iaw6w freafury Department. Revenue-Office, May Jth, 1794. NOTICE is iiereby given, thai ProputaU will t-e rereived at the Office of the Cnmmi'f lioner of the Revenue, for Ship Timber of the following kind,, Suitable for the of the F ' gates authorized by Law. A par ticular detail of the sizes and proportions will be c mmunicated, 011 application at the said Oince. White Oaf Timber and Plani. 98 Piece of various Dimensions, includ. i"g Keels, Floor and Rising Timbers, Keel Ve ' rel 01 140 ° r 150 ■ i 1 i . tntli&r 6w A New Novel. Tothe LADI S of Philadelphia. 7 his Dav is Puhlijhed by MATHEW CAREY, nS, Market street,. Price, bound, five ei, 1 lis ol dollar, sewed * in a' hie pap 1, halt . dollar Charlotte, a tale of Truth, IN TWO VOLUMES. By Mrs- ROW SON, of "the New Theatre, Philadelphia, Author of Victoria, the In quifitoi , the Filje de Chamb e, &c. Of Charlotte ? the Reviewers have given the following charader. IT mav be a Tale of Truth, tor it is not unnatural, and it it a talc of. real diltrefs.— Charlotte, by the artifice of a teachei, rece >m -niendffd to a feho.ii. t'ro-nr-tTTTindult; intrigr — lhan a corivi&ion of her integrity, or the re gularity ot her former conduct, is enticed from her goverref, a id accompanies a young lificer to America.—The marri; ge ceremo ny,jf not forgotten, is podponed, and Char lotte dies 6 martyi to the inconftaiicy ( of the over, and treachery ot his friend —The fitu tions are artlels and affe lotte if fnch a person ever existed, who for one error fc.irCely, perhaps, deferv'fcd so feve-e a punishment. If it is a fiction, poetic jnftice is not, we think, properly dil tributed Said Carey has jujl publi/ljed, A 2 iheet map of Kentucky compiled 1 Elihu Baiker, price one doliar and two thiids. War Atlas, containing maps of France Germany, Spain,ltaly, the United Provinces! | t Netherlands, and the Weft Indies. Price two dollars. Map of New Jersey—Hals a dollar. VUp< of Vermont, Connefticur, Delaware, .Georgia Price three eighths of a dollai each. April 29. tuth&s3«r Books by auction. On Wednesday, Thurfdav, and Saturday next, at four o'clock in the afternoon, at J. Connelly's Au&ion Store, No. 78, south FrontJlrut, Will be continued the sale cf a valuable Colle&ion of BOOKS, Moltly new or in good condition, beginning at No. 157 in the catalogue. ° They may be seen any day prior to the sale from 10 till a o'clock, at No. 26, Spruce street, where catalogues may be had and corn millions received from any persons who can not attend the sale. Ma y *9 dts Just: Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Peterlburg in Kulfia, And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz Hemp, - ' BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN's DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOR SALE BY ] John DonnaUfon, \ No. ij, Walniit-ftreet. March 4,1794- diwjtawtf The Public are cautioned to I beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills of j the Bank of the United States, and Twenty | Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America, fe-veral of which have appeared in circulation 'within a few days pafl; they are a good ge neral imitation of the genuine Bills, hut may be dijlinguifhed by the following MARKS. Five lyollar Bills of the Bank of the United States. ALL that have appeared have the letter F for their Alphabetical Mark. The Texture of the Paper is thicker and whiter and it takes the ink more freely than the genuine paper. The O. in the word Company is smaller than the M. and other letters of that word, so that a line extended from the top of the O, to touch the top of the M would extend con ftderably above the range of the whole word. In the word United the letters are narrow erand closer together than the reft ot the bill The i and fin the word promise are not parallel, the f inclining much more forward than the i. The engraving is badly execuied,the ftiokes of all the Letters are stronger and the devi e in the margin particularly is much coarier and appears darker than in the true bills. Some ot the counterfeits bear date in 1791—Where as the Bank was not in operation till Decern ber, and no five dollar bills were iiiued in jhat year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America. ALL that have appeared have the letter B for their alphabetical mark. They are primed on a paper nearly similar to that of the Couuterfeit Five Dollar Notes above dcfcribed ; the engraving is better exe ucted, and they approach nearer to the ap pearance of the genuine bills. The fine ruled lines through the word Twen ty, in the body of the bill, are minimbei th r teen in the genuine b lis, and but twelve in the counterfeits. The word Company is much like the fame word in the Five Dollar Bills as defer ibed a bovc, tfie 0 being lei's than the w, and others following. There is no stroke to the / in the word North whereas in the genuine bilis the stroke is well defined. The letters ent\n the word Twenty, to the left hand at the bottom, do not. come down to the line, but ate so cut as to give an irregular appearance to the word, the Tiu and go ing below them. The ] Nixon, has the appear ance of being written with lamb-black and 01, and differs jrom other inks ukd in printing the bills and the calhiei's lignature. It is fujjpoied thefc forgeiits were commuted in tome of the Southern States, as all "the coun terfeits thai have appeared, have come from thence, and two have been appiehcnd ed in Virginia, on (ulpiCion ot being ihe author of them. will be atty jPci ion or Pes ions wholhai difcovei and profccute to conviction the ieveial offenders of the following def r riptions or any ot them. viz. Ihe per (on or ptrfons, who manufactured the paper on which the Bills are printed. The person or perions, who engraved the plates. The printer or printers, ot the bills. Kvery person who has adled as a principal in any other way, in the counterfeiting anu utter ing the laid bills. Philadelphia, iMarch 28, 1794 April 22, 1794, Other counterfeit bills of die liank ol the United Stales have appeared in circulation. The denomination is of TWENTY DOL LARS,and the alphabetical maik is the let ter B. They may be diftingutlhed from the genu ine by the following MARKS : T he paper of the counterfeits is of a more tend r texture and glofley furface than the genuine, and tlieie is no water mark in them. 1 he letter (.. in the word Caftiier, in the true bills is ftiongly mat kt d, whereas in th* counterfeits, the whole letter is a fine hair troke, evidently in an unfiniihed state. The letter a in the word demand, is badly lornicri and the whole word ill done, and thete is n» comma at the end of it, as there is in the genuine bills. I ma i r Blnal8 lnal device, is much daiker in l' 6 n j' t la " ' n t ' le genuine bills owing to .' e 13 e kes being coatler, much nearer °g<. Ie and confecjuently much more nu vie'w" 8 ' '" S rence ft' 'kes the eye at firft nm'i IT 0 reward oi " °NE THOUSAND nr „, , KS ' W, H Paid for apprehending, &' L k j, g J° conviction the leveral above the Offenders in refpeft to this* as to the last delcribcd bills. THOMAS WILLING, President ot the Bjntt United Stales. JOHN NIXON, Puhdent of the Bank ot North Ameiica. By order ot the Committees of the Res. petlive Bowds. TO BE A large elegant House, and Lot of Ground, T Nan1 eligible fituation,—alio a Country Seat , J"'"" 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of and, cr 42 acres ot land and meadow, the House s not exceeded by many in th.' vicinitv < the city, in fizo, or couveniei ce. 1 or particulars apply to the printer. nj&thtf Beef. Pork, and Butter. f BEEF, prime and cargo ot E'»d quality PORK, prime and cargo of Uu. > BURLING! ON PORK ' EU ITER, in firkins ALSO, i A CARGO OF MAHO G A N Landing at John Weft's Liuulier Yar<> „e.i Pool's Bridg , from on board i i e Fan Aine: i can, from rhr Bav of Hopdur.-s, a „^ 3000 bushels of Good Wheat FOR SALE BY ; JOHN SKYRIN, No. 3J, No. Water Street. r JVlay_is. dl Just Publifiled, ' A one handforrie volume, 12100. Price 5s AND FOR SALE BY JOHN ORMROD, t At Franklin's Head, No. 4 1, Chefuut J Stre-t, AN ESSAY ON THE I Natural Equality of Men 1 On the Rights that result from it, and 011 'lie 2 Duties which it imposes. * To which a MEDAL was adjudged, bv the ( Teylerian Society at Hairfem. Correßed and Enlarged. h By WILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN D. D. ' r Profeflor of Moral Philosophy, and the J, a , v "I Nature, and of Ecclefiafl ical Hiftorj • r and Minister of the Englifli Chinch at l! 5 tree lit. Al'quid semper ad commmtm utilitatem af fcr-ndum. Ciciro. The Firjl American Edition. ' I principle ot Equality, it' right- * A ly undei stood, is the only balls 011 which 1 univerlal juflice, (acred o.der, and peiltot freedom, cap be firmly bniit,and pernianuit i lytecured. The vew of it exhibited in tliu elf.iv, at the fame time that it r tpreli'es the s insolence of office, the tvranny ol'p ide, a, ,1 the outrages of oppreffio,. ; cn««:,„t, , he 1 molt forcible manner, the of fuboi- I dinatioil, and the jult demands of lawful au thority. So far indeed, from Uinfening the " hands of (ociety, that it maintains inviolate, > every natural and every civil difiinfti™, draws niorij clolely every social tie, unitti in one harmonious and jolllv P'.opo!'t fyf» tern, and brings men together on the even ground rtf the inherent rights of human na ture, ot reciprocal obli a. ion, and cf a com -1 mon relation to the community. March 18. tut s STATE ok SOUTH-CAROLINA. In the House oj Rcprcfznta't ves, WDfcCSMttf. ft 2 t it. 17QQ. HEREAS the Comttvih uerA of public Accounts, h .v. reported, that they c*to#. not procr-cti ro-ttrr i n ot ihc i reiiurf Accounts, ( ? ciaJ, without knowing the oiiiftdndtug amount iluicol in cir culation :—Therefore, RefMed, Thai all holders of special Inrirnli be directed, and req.imo, .... befole ihc Rill day ol November n xi, 10 deliver the fprcial In. dents in their poflVflion 10 one oi oilier ol the ComniifTioneis of the Trea.uiy, who aretn give rece.pts'for the f„me, and 10 rep 11 lotlaeCiim m.moriers 011 nublic accounts. on or belote the tenth day of November new, the amount by then- respectively teceived, and aifn ,0 the Le g'flarure, at iheit meeting in November next.' and that ail special Indent* not rendend into the Treasury as above, on or before 'he fid! day Of Novembe, next, (hall be, apd the fame ate neirby baried. Rcjotved, 1 hat public notice of this tefolution be ffiveri in the Icveral Gazeitci in this State, once every we. k«, until ,he fiilt day of November ntxt. And iliat .he Delc. p atr>ofthi! State in the Congrcfs of the United te quefted to caule this riloiutmo io be pnbMhcd 111 onr or more papers in the cities of Ph.ladil phia and New-York, and mat provtfion will he made for the expences attending fucb public)- tion. Ordered, That the resolution be frnt to the Senate for their concurrence. Bv "idcrof the Hoofr, JOHN £AN 'OR O DART, C.H.R. In the SENATE, Deceubci ? 1 ft, 1793. Refolvtd, That this ( do concur with the Houic of Reprefcntative> in the toicgoing reso lutions. « Ordered, Thar tb- refoiutEons be fcnt to the House ot Keprefentai ivi«. by order of the Senate, FtLIX WARLEY, Clerk. ewtNov. Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, WalUihect, Xem'-Youh THE Su«>fctiber intending 10 cot fiac hrmfelf entirely to the PI'KCHASE & SALE or STOCKS on COMMISSION, t'gs leave to of tii his fer vices to i»ts t nerd* *nA other*, it) ihc line of a Stock Broker. Thrtf- Who may |Jeaf< to favor him with their iutimciii, upon having it traniafie-d wiih ibe u fide lity and dilpaifh. Orders from Philadelphia, or other partof the Unued State;, Im Qrr&lj attended to. LEOMAKD BLEtCKER PHILADELPHIA : Printed by JOHN FEKNO, No J Suut!» I'ourtli-Strect. V