Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 24, 1794, Image 3

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    for it has to oppose, not scattered and dif
piritcd complainers, who may be kept un
der the harrow of law, and demolish
ed as fad as they lh jw themselves, but it
has to oppose an organised body, acting
in phalanx, thus tyranny is pulled down,
because it is overmatched,- and perhaps
there is no other way to pull it down.
But whtfn a free constitution is erected, it
is ridiculous, if not worse, to talk of con
tinuing or reviving the fame society that
existed to makt wav for it. Is it to be
expected that the conquerors of the Baf
tile should be rallied at the found of the
tocsin, to attack the temple of liberty—
a temple of which the aflailants them
selves are the priells and the keepers.
When the cauff of liberty shall (land in
need' of these clubs, the necessity will
speak for itfelf. America was at no loss
when flie had need of them, nor how to
life them. France saw them trample des
potism under foot. The danger is that
those who manage them, will infill upon
their be ; ng used when they are not wanted.
The poison that killed tyranny is a bad
diet for liberty. Down with your clubs,
therefore which like most tyrant kil
lers are ambitious of taking their pla
ces, who would like better it appears, to
be the heirs of departed power than co
partners in the new acquisition.
Philadelphia, May 2ill, 1794.
IN confeqjence of the orders herewith
traufmitted from the Governor and Com
mander in Chief of the state of Pennsylva
nia (founded on the requisition of the Pre
sident of the United States, ifiued by vir
tue of an ast of Congress, of which a co
py, islikewife enclosed) youwill without
delay draft from your brigade,
militia, officers included, to be formed
and commanded agreeably to the Roll,
which accompanies these orders.
You viill fee the necessity of prompt ex
ecution of the orders thus communicated,
from the manner in which they are ex
prelTed by the governor: and you will
with all expedition forward me the quotas
of the different regiments in your brigade,
with the time that they will be able to
march if reqiffred.
That no mifunderftandmg ffiould take
p]?«te, the monthly pay, rations and so.
money, are expressly mentioned for
every giado, as well infantry as cavalry,
agreeably to the ast of Congress on that
fubjeft ; the articles compoling a ration
are also enumerated.
I cannot more strongly impress upon
your mind the necessity of attention to
these orders, than by referring you to the
Governor's inftruftionson this head ; but
1 requell that you will particularly comply
with that veiy elTential part, where you
are ordered to make an immediate and par
ticular return of the number of enrolled
militia 111 your brigade, the public arms,
ammunition, and other militaiy equip
ments in your custody, and are directed
ftriftly to enforce againlt any delinquent,
the penalties required by law, for their
not attending the days of multcr, or their
not providing themselves with the necelfa
ry arms and equipments.
By order of the Commander in Chief.
Brigade infpe£tor of the brigade of
the militia of Pennsylvania.
ROLL designating the quota of the se
veral Brigades of Pennsylvania, towards
forming a Detachment of 10,768 Mili
tia, Officers included, agreeably to the
requisition of the President of the Unit
ed States, contained in a letter from
the Secretary of War, dated the 10th
ot May, 1794.
"The following D:tachment to he formed,
and to be in readmfs to march at a moment's
■warning, according to the following Divi
'tons ;
1. Divifion—Maj. Gen. Stewart.
J, Bngade-Brig. Gen. Proctor.
City of Philadelphia 83 r
County of Philadelphia 812
County of Delaware 262
2-Brigade—Brig. Gen. ' 9 '°
County of Chester 622
County of Montgomery r,r
County of Bucks '
11. Divifion—Maj. Gen. Hand
1. Brigade—Brig. Gen.
County of York 822
Country of Lancaster 756
2. Brigade—Brig. Gen.
County of Berks 651
County ofDauphin 410
County of Northampton 555
111. Divifion—Maj. Gen.
1. Brigade—Brig. Gen.
County of Franklin 42 1
County of Cumberland 456
County of Bedford , 331
2. Brigads—Brig. Gen.
County of Huntingdon 203
11 County of Mifflin 291
I. Countyof Northumberland 456
J County of Luzerne 166
i, 1116
IV. Divifion—Maj. Gen.
j 1. Brigade—Brig. Gen.
County of Washington 598
County of Fayette 339
~ 937
2. Brigade—Brig, Gen.
County of Weftmoreland 410
County of Allegheny 297'
For the Gazette of the United States.
Mr. Fenno,
: THE fine arts have always been the
objects of jealousy : People of sense have
admired and fools have traduced them.
I hat which I think it my glory to pro-
I fefs, and which has yielded me so much
honor in Europe, has likewise been the
occasion of many enemies—but, from the
heighth of the clouds, I crushed them
by my biilliant fuccefles.
Reduced to creep along the giound in
this country, for reasons which have been
fufficiently detailed in newspapers, and
fully appreciated by persons of sense, al
low me to answer the ribaldry, infertcd
againfl me, in your No. 533.
I have made it always a rule to let lit
tle puppy-doffs bart at me, Sic,
ever giving myfelf the trouble to turn a
bout and drive them away, and if I an
swer to your impertinent .cribble, it is out
of conlideration for the public, and not
irf order to defend myfelf against you,
who are unknown, and who dare not
name yourfelf. In your preamble, you
call 'me an adventurer—you are right I
am an adventurer* as celebrated thro' the
universe, as you are unknown to the
world. You fay, that my talents have
gulled the public of its money—you do me
a great deal of honor, and I could wilh
that I had received the money you speak
of—but, unfortunately for me, this has
not been the cafc in this country ; and,
y ou , further add, that after having your
money, I twit you as ignorants•— God for
bid, that I (hould have such an opinion of
a people, who have made more progress
in one century, than Europe did in 400
years of its infancy, and who bid fair in
a few generations fully to rival Europe :
But moderate your ambition, Sir, you
are not so far yet.
1 he epithet of Balloon-man, which you
have bellowed on me, {hews your want
of taste and esteem for the fine arts, the
fame as your advice with refpeft to the
Cylinder of Steel, proves your entire igno
ranee in natural philosophy.
But, as you even criticise the immortal
Buffon, one of the greateß genius's of
his age, you deserve the pardon and the
pity which I bellow upon you in the
name of the public, whom I (hall address
arte wards.
Only a coward will remain anonimous
—my name is Blanchard, I live in Cher
rj i- y ' N °" 2 4> in the h °ufe of Mr.
Ivauttmati, and may be found at all hours.
It is known to the world that 1 amend
ed 44 tunes w Europe, for in that part of
!• V 1 c ; ould hnd "ery necessary ma
tonal; it is known that I performed one
ascension 111 Philadelphia, having brought
With me from Europe all the materials be
onging thereto :-The fame materials not
exiilmg on the continent of America, I
>ave tried to supply the want thereof by
other means, but as not one of the iron
works qould succeed to answer my views,
as every body may be convinced at my Ro
tunda in Chefnut-ftreet, it would not be
reasonable for the public, which has paid
nothing towards all my attempts, to blame
the artill, who has facrificed the money
and loft his time, Mr. Blanchatd cannot
produce effe&s without means—it is only
the Supreme Being who could create
Heaven and Earth out of nothing.
The Printers of this city are humbly
requested to give the above a place in their
By this Day's Mail.
NEW-HAVEN, May 21.
The following Gentlemen are nominated by
the Voter rf the Freemen of this State,
to Hand for Election as Repreientatives in
Congress in Oiftober next.
James Hiilhoufe, Uriah Tracy, Jonathan
Trumbull, Joftiua Coit, Zepfiariiah Swift,
Roger Grifwold, Chauncey Goodrich, James
Davenport, Nathaniel Smith, Samuel W.
Dana, William Edmonds, David Daggett,
John Allen, and John Treadwell, Esquires.
Yesterday arrived here the (hip Mary,
Captain Stewart, in 49 days from Opor
to, by whom we learn, That an adtion
had happened near the mouth of the
Streights, between a Danish frigate and
four Algerine cruisers, in which three of
those pirates were funk, the other escaped.
That the government of Portugal were re
vived never to comply with the terms of
peace, prtfcribed by the Dey of Algiers,
as less money than he demands, would
support a fleet fufficient effe&ually to res
train them from any further depredations.
That it was reported, the Portuguese had
invited America and Hamburgh to join
them in equipping a fleet for repelling and
chaftifmg those lawless desperadoes.
The General Afiembly have pafied an
ast ratifying and adopting the amendment
to the conllitution of the United States,
which provides that " The Judicial pow
er of the United States (hall not be con
[ (trued to extend to any suit in law or equi
ty, commenced or prosecuted against one
ot the United States, by citizens or fub
je&sof any foreign state."
In House of Reprefentalivcs.
—. -Mny 16. '.-•** , J
Resumed the coliberation of a bill for
"an act repealing an ad entitled, "an adt
eftabli/hing a fund for the support of the
ministry and schools of education ;" and,
after further ih'fcufling the fame, the main
question was taken thereon : And the yeas
and nays, being required by one-fourth
of the members present, are, for the bill,
509—against, 58—lo the bill was pafTcd
NORFOLK, May, 17.
Yesterday arrived in Lynhaven Bay,
the Terpfi'core frigate of 32 guns, Capt.
Bowen, being a part of the fleet expected
011 this coast. She has brought General
Collot,. the Commandant of Guadaloupe.
The amateurs of Cock-Fighting will
have an opportunity this sea% of being
highly gratified. The gentlemen Cock
ers of Norfolk, having engaged the Cir
cus, lately occupied by Mr. Ricketts, the
celebrated Equestrian Rider. The match
is a Main between the Town and Coun
try, of Nineteen Battles, at £5 each, and
the Main. year it was hard
ly contested, being decided by only one
battle in favor of the Country. Much
sport is expe&ed.
Yesterday arrived here the (hip Dominick
Terry, Captain De Hart, from Lisbon, which
place he left the 28fh of March, in company
with upwards of 40 fail of American veftels,
under the convoy of a Portuguese frigate
and two 20 gun brigs.
When the Dominick Terry parted with
the convoy, the Captain of the frigate in
formed Captain De Hart, that their orders
were to cruise between the Western Mauds,
Madeira, and Cape St. Vincents, to INTER
When Captain De Hart left Lisbon, they I
were fitting out a number of lhips of war to
cruise against the Algerines. 1
Yesterday faild from this port, 011 a cruise,
the French privateer ihip Liberty, Captain t
NEW-YORK, May 22. j
Extract of a letter from a gentleman o l
refpeftability in the bank of England I
to a clergymrn in this city, dated Feb.
" Then? seems as if there were great
changes about to take place in the world.
Twenty four millions of people, bigoted
to the Popilh religion, carting it off at
once ! which in all probabilty will make
way for the pure gospel; though at pre
sent there appears such confufion.
But there is something that will more
astonish you. I have been informed by
persons of the great eft refpe&ability, the
Rev. Mr. Eyre, and the Rev. Mr. Ald
ritch, that in the ensuing summer, a
Congress of all the rich and learned Jews
is to meet at Amsterdam ; for whichpur
pofe they have sent round to all the prin
cipal places where there are Jewish con
gregations, for them to fend delegates to
'he Congress. The question to be agita
ted is,
Whether Jesus Chrijl •was the promtfed
Mejfiah ?
My dear fir, if thi3 should take place
and they agree to acknowledge hihi as
such, you and I may be said to have lived
to fee aftonilhing changes indeed !—I shall
inform you of every circumstance that
comes to my knowledge."
The bill imposing duties on Snuff and
rehned Sugars, passed the House of Repre
ientatives of the United States this days bv
a large majority.
Ship Andrew, Makins, Norfolk
Sch r. Phoenix, Waiti, Portland
Stork, Webb, New-York
ci t!' 7 ,' , Ham To n, Newbern
Sloop Dolphin, Cole, Norfolk
Rebecca, Tingle, Snow-Hill
S uly, Hail, Alexandria
Tryal, Gibbs, Wareham
Mr. Morris's Night.
May 26.
Will be performed,
A COMEDY, never performed here,
- WBj called
SfieWou'd and She Wou'd Not •
O R '
Ihe Kind Impostor.
Don PhT Uel ' Mr - Morris
Don Philip, Mr. Fennell
SSr Mr.Cfcv.lmi
Trappanti, m A.
Soto? ' Mr. Chalmers
n . Mr. Bates
Corrigidore, Mr. Warrell
Mr. De Moulin
V „ <luez ,'. Matter Warrell
Ilypohta, Mrs. Marlhall
ofara ' Mrs. Morris
Mrs. Francis
Mr,. Shaw
n U Comedy, a new Comic Pastoral
"et, composed by Mr. Francis, called
L' Amour trou-ve les Moyens •
Or, The
By Mons. Belona, (being his second appear
ance in America) Mr. Bliffett, Mr. Dar
leyjun. MafterT. Warrell, Mr. Francis,
Mrs. De Marque, and Madame Gardie.
To which will be added,
(never performed in America, a COMIC
OPERA, in two ails, called
: the prize,
Or, 2. 5. 3. 8.
The Music by Signor Storace.
Dotfor Lenitive, Mr. Harwood
Mr. Heartwell, Mr. Moreton
Mr. Caddy, Mr. Finch
Label, Mr. Wignell
Master T. Warrell
Juba, Miss Broadhurit
Mrs. Caddy, Mrs. Rcwl'on
Caroline, (with additional longs) Mrs.
Oldm xon
Wnh the or ginal overture and accompani
Tickets to be had of Mr. Morris, at Mr.
Berthauk s, Third, near Chefmtf ltreet—at
the utual places, and of Mr. Franklin, at
tbe Theatre, places for the boxes m?.y
be taken.
nesday the 28th.
A Tragedy, nevfcr performed in Ame
rica, called JULIA, or the Italian Lo
Mr. MARSHALL'S Benefit will be on