EVENING AD VERTISER. [No. 139 of Vol. V.] Saturday, May 24, 175,4. [Whole No. 535.] REMAINING OF THE Ship India's Cargo, 'from B E N G A L. A small aflortment of .BALE GOODS, 250 bags COTTON of good quality, which would probably make an excellent remit tance to Europe, and a Quantity of" PEPPER "For Sale by Mordecai Lewis, Who has also to dispose of Barcelona Hand fs. in boxes, Holland Gin in cases, Souchong, Hyson, and Tonkay Tea, A quantity of* flrimftone, Sec. May dgw City of Washington. THE Subscribers to the Articles of* Agree ment of the Columbian Society" are re quested to meet at Mr. Richardet's Tavern in the city of Philadelphia, 011 Monday the 26th day of the present month, at 12 o'clock in order to choose a board of Managers, &c. in conformity with the 9th article of their a greement. James Greenleaf N. B. Dinner will b- ordered oil the Table ai 3 o'clock for such of the Subscribers as may chouse to pass a Cocial hour after the butinefs of the day is finiftied. Mav 5 dtg6M. Dr. Moore's Journal in France, VOLUME 2d. This Day is publijhed, Price 6,. Hitched, and 7/6 neaijv bound, by H. & P. R I C E, Booksellers, No. 50, Market Jlreet, A Journal during a residence in France, frnm the beginning of Anguft to the middle of December 1792; To which is added, ac count of til.: Hod rema.kable events that . happened at Paris, from thai tune to the death ot the late iv »g nf France. By JOHN ;VTUTJiI£, M. D. M »v i 7 jr FOR SALE, BY MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Maiket-Strect, An Jt.flay on Slavery, Defined to exnibii in a ne'w point ol view in effects on mm alt, mtlujiry, and the peace of Jocicty. Some racks and calculations are offered to prove the labor olj/ceinen to be much more produflive than that ot fia,vcs ; that countries are rich, powerlui and happy, i n proportion as the laboring people enjoy the truus of their own labor; aod hence the n ctlTary conclufton, that slavery is impolitic as well as, unjujl. P« ICE 25 Cents.' dtf February 15. Carolina Kice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR stones, for sale by Gurney and Smith. May 14. JAMAICA RUM~ LANDING at Hamilton's wharf a>>ove the Drawbridge, out of the (hip Bacchus Cept. Vanneman, from Jamaica FOR SJLE BT PETER BLIGHT. Ma y <6 d C ongrefi~tflh e United States, Oln Senate, Tuefaay May lyh, 1704. R r D K E^ EI ?' that Ruf "' Putnai », Manaf |j Cut,er , Robert Oliver and Griffin oreen, do, upon the third Monday of Decern ber next, Ihew cause to the Senate, why so much of the grants of land to them the said Ruins Putnam, Manalfah Cutler, Robert T- d . Gnffi " Green, pursuant to an Ast entitled An ast authorizing the grant and conveyance of certain lands to the Ohio Com- ; pany of alTociates," lhall not be declared void, as may interfere with and be fufficient »t G»'lliopolu. ° French settlers Ordered, that the delivery of a copy of " tie above order to Rufus Putnam, Manaffah f -' Ver ' ° r Griffi " Green, and the publication of the lame, one ~jon i h in V one of ,he Gazettes printed in this City, (hall " bedeemed fnfficient notice iheieof. a Extrail from the Journals of Senate. y Attest, ' g May 14. SAM ' A ' OTIS > secretary.fecretary. im. j For Frederickfburgh and Fal mouth, Virginia, WSSSt' FRIENDSHIP, Capt. |M'Namara. Will fail on WhDNESDAK next. For freight I or paffge apply id the Mailer on b aid, at JOHN WALN's Wharf, or EMANUEL WALKER, h WHO HAS FOR SALE t- I The Cargo of/aid Vejjil—Conjijiing of VIRGINIA WHEAT,! FLOUII, DEER SKINS, See. GINSENG I May 17 d4t. For LONDON, 53181 Z.WILLIAM PENN, I NOW lying at Jefle and Robert Wain's . I wharf, to fail with all convenient speed. For I freight or paflage, apply to JOHN FIELD SON, Or, JESSE cj ROBERT WALN. ' May 13. dtf i For St. Croix, INDUSTRY, -Lloyd Wharton, .Master. ' I SHE is intended to fail with the firlt veflels I and can accommodate a few paflengers very well. For terms apply to the Captain, or ■ WHARTON & GREEVEB. 19- d6t For Sale or Charter, fcjß||| ANDROMACHE, I (An American bottom) I *tte.rr;v~ John Moore, Majler. I IS a stout good velT.-l, about two-years old, I burthen 232 tans, has only made three voy- I and may jr ent to Tea "at a small ex- I penoe. She may be r een at Vine-street wharf, I and the terms inarte known by aj>p] rati J WHARTON U LF/riS. , ForjSale or Charter, j Burthen iooo barrels. J btit. . . :c. 11 failing new veiT I found, arid ready for any Voyage, ei:lier to j Europe, or th Well Indies. For terms ap ply to DEBLOIS BRECK. j At their store, between Walnut and Chefnut I _____ llrejt wharves. Morris Academy. THIS inflitution is nowopen.for the recep tionof (Indents undeithe immediate care f Mr. Caleb RufTell, whole abilities as an 'n (lrnctor, and attachment to the business have [ long been known and approved. He has un der h in the best afliftants in the different branches—The scholars arc taught the En giifh, French, Latin, and Greek languages, Pubic-Speaking, Writing, Arithmetic, Geo. graphy, Astronomy, and the various branch es ot the Mathematics. The healthy fixa tion ot this place is such as to recommend it to those, who wifli to have their children in the country. Boaiciing, walhing, mending, &c. will be provided in good families, and the morals of the scholars carefully attended to. The price including tuition, firewond, See. eexchifive of the French language) will not xceed thirty pounds proclainati on money per annum) an addition of three dollars per quar ter will be made to such. scholars who are teught the French language. The D nftois ai to pay such attention to this institution, as will render it resectable and ufeful* GABRrEL H. FORD, ") TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. C Direft's. Nathan ford, C Morrillown, May 15, 1794 . djw —W2m. To the Electors of thecity and county of Philadelphia. Gentlemen, T "J S b ( s in « the year of the present X Sheriffs time in office. I take the liber :y to offer myfelf a Candidate, and solicit 'our votes and interests in my favor, to place ' ne on the return at the next general Election, is h.s fuccefTor for fa.d office . in doing which on will confer an obligation that will be ;rateiul]y remembered, by Your most obedient, and humble servant, May 3. JOHN BAKER ; ' 3 estf. - NOTICE. THE OFFICE of the Secretary of* State is removed from Higli Street, to ihe New Build ings, ilie corner ot Sixth & Mulberry streets. May is Iw £ JUST PUBLISHED, THOMAS DOBSON, Bcckfeller, at the Stone House in SecondJireet, Philadelphia, VOLUME XI OF ENCYCLOPEDIA, OR A ■ Didionary of Arts, Sciences, aud Miscel laneous Literature, ON a plan entirely new ; by which the dif , ferent sciences and arts are digefled into the , form of diftindt treatises or lyitems. This volume contains the articles, medals, medi r cine, metallurgy, metaphysics, methodists, Mexico, microj'cope, inidwifry, and a great variety ot biographical and mifcellaneous'ar ticles, illuflrated with nineteen copperplates. The tables of logarithms, &c. which were deficient in the tenth volume, are Tub joined to this. Eleven volumes of this work are now pub liihed, and the Xllth i; in some forwardness. On the firft of September, 1792, the price of fubicription was increased ThN dollars on all < erts not taken before that time. The fub icription isftill open 011 these terms, and if any copies remain by the fir ft of July t.exr,ihe price will be raised TEN doliars more, on any copies which may be fubferibed for after that period. *#* As many of the fubferibers have taken only two, three or four, See. volumes, they are earnestly requested to take up and pay for the remaining volumes, as it bccoines difficult to complete the setts, and the publisher does not hold himfelf bouud to make up any setts after the fir ft: day of July next. _ A P 11 22. mfctb6w. Diftridtof Pennsylvania TO WIT: it reaiciii. C.ed, that on the twenty fourcit day oi IV'ia.ch, in United States ot Aiiicj ica, Erln&zer Hazard ot t:ie laid diftriCi, • • as<- epolucd in t.us oiiicc, the title of a book,the 1 ght whereof heclaiins as author, in t.'ie word following, to wit : u Hiitorical Collections ; coniiiting of Itate pa ' 'ri, and otner aut.e .tic documents ; in cen..e heard of the confine- , t' M.| t , / , Kr n Hamm °" d ' Colonel John - p nt . ofh ' J■ P- Wagnon, my Father, • ? apt A n n" g ' a " d Wil,iam Plowden, in , !>t. Augustine, on suspicion of carrying • on a clandcftme correfpondcnce with a par ty ot Georgians, who are about to ion. the French again ft Florida; Hammond and M Intofti, are in the Moro Castle in the ■Havannah; are allowed eight bints per day for their support, as well as the pri vilege of the fort ; the whole of the others are in St. Augustine, and allowed a room in the barracks; and my father has been allowed to write out to the fa mily.—A few days ago, the Florida lcout, came opposite Temple, and played us Malbrook on the French Horn : My brother Billey was along with them, who informed me, that Mr. Queen, was about to write to me to invoke me not toioin the trench ; and also, desired me to inform you of the fame circumitance, viz. if ei ther of us did so, my father's property would be forfeited ; however the business is now carried too far to uetra£L The burnt aH-their hoflfes be tw-een St John's and St. Man's, with . out diftinftion, and there is upwards of twenty families moved on this fide of the river, who are fettled on Merit's Bluff a mile below Temple. Billy informed - that Colonel Howard had 26 cannon at the Cowford, and was building a Block- ' house at Trout Creek : They have sent f f era , vessels fr om Cuba, with men for , Augustine, the moll of which have been taken by the French. We have about fif ty men at this station, with a large store of provisions, and exped Colonel S. Ham mond on in ten days, when we expect lomething capital may terminate. 1 lie lpiiit of party work since your de parture from this country, has been ex treme ; numbers have been killed, the laws openly violated and trampled on, and what is to be more lameuted, those viola tions have been committed by those per forms wno have been appointed by our le gislators todillnbute jultice& thebencfit of our laws to the people. Squire Flemming, John Houston, and a number of others, have been killed by the Indians. A few days ago, thev kil led a woman at Coleraine Fort, a few miles above us ; in short we have been in a continual state of war ever since you left this country, and now it has got to* a high er pitch than ever ; our fort is in a man ner surrounded by enemies, the Indians on one fide, the Spaniards 011 the other and the deluded people under the directi on of- J- Seagrove and old King, on the other two ; but we flatter ourselves we have fortitude enough to carry ourselves | late through the impending dangers." CHARLESTON, May j. A Letter from an officer on board the French privateer l'Aime Point Petre Capt. 1 albot, that failed from this Port a (hoit time since, and who has taken and carried into Savannah, the Ihip Grenada .racket ot London, last from Penficola mentions, that the cargo of their prize' consisting of fur and Ikins, is valued at 8,0001. and that the specie they have as yet got out of her, is only about 1200