Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 23, 1794, Image 4

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    ESS£N C E J*
F.: the Tooth-Ache, gj
prepared and fold by Dr. LM, Golden- T£
Square, London. OW
THR" pub ic i; nifci-ed one of the tno *
effii '.ci iu» aid fafe meilicines, tin t evei ap- Co"
Beared, tw that mod e*cruc<«ri*S •<* U»
Tooth-Ache —the nomeriju* irftarfert ot its i
happv effects, to relieving-the "affllfted, have Wi
riW't i-'to u •h. V eft maro.. 8 it Co.
noto .lv relieve, the tooth -cbc, tat ol the Pin
utm 'ft fei vue ifl c«.»0& the SC.I &VY ... *e Lo
Gu"is, 11» p-ev;,:., the dilagreeablc I fie 1 Plr
th t ; >ro I need from unum -& tee It, & wit L'
S".ld in .Phil acle !ph a only ; t p
Poynteli's Stationary Store,
N'o. 21, SwC Mid ftrcet.
_ tu-h^a^
I liK ~ I i-h-i. oi Mr Thomas Curtis,for- v
meriy of ETcot '».Up.!*' Milb, and «,
the C ty of Waftvng'.oo. deceafrd, are desir
ed to i ply r d -have his afT.* rs felt c . ai
G'.tv ot" Wflftiingioii, April 22,' 1 7 '-L It
M " 5 iTitxt.fr4 w
118, Market JlreU, ,
Price 18 cents,
Xatechifm of Man ; ;
Pointing <-ut from found prim Pe") > a ' ° ac '
knowled .e<l tarts the Rights and ot
ev^ry'Rational Be nig.
Am 1 therefore became your enemy beraufe I
telty m.the truth ? ©aUAV...6= •
Now all tjipfe happened unto thein tor
e .ample', they arc written for our
admonition, upon « hom the en 's 1
garth a ncome. \ SPJ
_Vt v ,o tuthfewv
'T.jj Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
' OF
IT is with pleaftire that the publisher has to
info in 'iis fubfcriber.s and the public in genr.
ral that the plate «? now Under the hands ot
tile-engrave , and in greater so. ward fs than
was at fii ft contemplated At tf-r fa-'-e time
be begs leave to r mind them, th t loWfrnp*
tion pipers are {till open at most of tne noted
book-itores in the city ; and that he hones
from the whole of them to h enabled to t" m
such a refpe(Stable catalogue of na.resj as will
. do a credit to the work, as well as a.iord a
reasonable encouragement to the uadeit ke-r
Tbofe who are dctirquj of farther informa.
tion are reqnefted to call on,
Benjamin Davies,
N No.-68, Market Iti eet.
April 14- m&thtf
OF th.- ni/nsy ,w>bed fr-m The mail near
Bahimou, y Do<stoi Gam, lio dollars we»e
afterwards Tent by an unknown han<ji t0 th'
Pofenalter at Bail - ore, .who tranfniitted
the fame to the General Post Otßce. The f\it
ferers bj that robbery arc cefii cd to the
amtjuntof their loff-s refpedt*. vciy, d tranl
niit the fame, with the originalVtttirs of their
correfpondfnts (where recovered) or other
evidence thereof to the General Post Office,
before the firft day of June next, immediate
ly after which a dividend toill be made among
the claimant*.
Pojl Majlir General,
Gen. Post Office, Apr»] 4, 1794 iaw6\v
freafury Department. !
Revenue-Office, May 7th 9 1794.
NOTICE is hereby given, thai PropofaU
' will be received at the Office ot the Commif-
TiDner of the Revenue, for Ship Timber of
the following kind's, suitable for the building
of the Frigates authorized by Law. A par
ticular detail of the sizes and proportions will
be communicated, on application at the said
White Oak Timber and Plank,
f9B Piece of various Dimensions, nrlud- .
ing Keels, Floor and Rvfing T'tnbeil 1
&c. for a Veirel of 140 or 150 feet 1 j
f 27,000 Feet of Plank, Scantling, WaU
0 piece* - , Bilge St eak , Champs, See. See
rt 200 for various u es.
X Pitch Pine.
1 25,000 Feet of Plank for Decks.
■§ 210 Beams, from 42 to 28 feet long, and
S from 10 by 12 to 15 by 18 Inches tln o'.
£ 53,000 Locust Treenails, 18, 24 and 30
inches long.
5.000 Feet of Inch and half-inch Cedar
30,000 Feet of Yellow Pine Boards and
Peffons willing to supply any part of tqe
above Timber for one Ship, or in proportiou
for the whole fcx, will make their Propofels
accordingly. tiigctyv.
ORT, lV ' i WINES'of thefirft quality j
ISBON, & j
Ant s ' U aand Weft India J
Hunt- „ j ■
oiiiac, French and Peach Brand «
;Uret ai'd Port Wine ot a superior qnal y
"[yder and Vinegar in
:„rk S in Bale ■, HavannAh Sega!» ■£&**?'
'I.ihdelphia Porter, in Calks and Butt e .
,ondoii do. in 'dot ait. . . ,
'Iviladelplita Ale and Beer ... do. do.
L,ondim do in d' l - no am ' irn _ v
'yder :. barrel and bottle", preparedfor ex
' P ' mat,OR RmIALE e BY
Benjamin Vv • Moris,
The corner of D >ck and Pearjlreets,
w ere he ira, ; rov, ed feilttt* "<; res and
v.iuitS, f«r 'the reception ot
wly F- .5, & c -
Which he prnpofes. to* y< d.pofc cf on
comnliffio.i . ,
CaptainsofvtdTels ar.d o >hers(%luawi™
anv ot t eal,ovcLtq.UOß!., , and Tea
ftorc'S ill ge, <-• *1 put up. r
Mav 9 —
Concluding. Sales. !
cr*l>y* twxving-eri^rt^'4rito Co
p;l.t!>e7flipvvthMr. J-l. in
the of Sugar Rentuni;, w«ll d.fpofe
of the . .
Remaining Stock on hand
cvvs.-;Ti of
Silver, Plated, & Japan Wares,
Plated Coach & Saddle
Furniture, &c, &c.
By IVholejuie at Prime Cojl for Cajh.
John D-orfey,
' No ?2, Nai ti 3' 1 It■ eet.
April I ■ ■'" , ' fr 6w
A New Novel.
Tothe LADFSof Philadelphia.
This Day is Publijhtd by
118, Market street,
Pric, bound, ti<e ot a dollar, sewed
in' a ble paper, halt z dol'rr,
Charlotte, a tale of Truth,
By Mrs. ROWSON, of the New The,.tre, ,
Puladelphia, Author of Victoria, thp In
cutilltor, the Fille cle Chamb' e, &c.
Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have given
the following character.
IT mav be a Tale of Truth, for it .s n#t
unnatural, and it is a talr ot real diitrels.—
Charlotte, by the artifice of a teachei, recom
mended to a febool, irem humanity rather
than a ponviftion ot her integ' itv, or the re.
gular'ity of her former comJutt, is enticed
from her govevrcf , v d accompanies a young
)lficer toAnv 'ica.—The n. irrir ge ceremo
ny, if not forgotten, is postponed, and ( har
lotte dies a martyr to the inconstancy (-1 the
ovv , and treachery ot his fritnd —-1 he fitu
tions are artleis and affe&ing—the defciip
ations natural and pathetic; we flvuld fee
for Charlotte if fueh a person ever cxifted,
who for one er-or scarcely, perhaps, deserved
To severe a jnimfhinerit. it is a fiction,
poetic juflice is not, we think, properly d'.l
Said Carey has jujl publjfloed,
A 2 sheet map of Kentucl'.y
compiled by Elihu Barker, price one dona,
and two thirds.
War Atlas, containing maps of France:
Germany, Spa n,ltaly, the United Provinces,
the Netherlands, and the Weft Indies. Price
two dollars.
Map of New Jersey—Hals a dollar.
M ips of Vermont, Conne&icur, Delaware,
Georgia Price three eighths of a dollai
April 29. tuth&sjw
Books by au&ion.
On Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday
next, at four o'clock in the afternoon, at
J. Connelly's Au&ion Store,
No. 78, ftulh Front Jlreet,
Will be continued the sale of a valuable
Collection of BOOKS,
Mostly new or in good condition, beginning
at No. 157 in the catalogue.
They may be seen any day prior to the
sale from 10 till 2 o'clock, at No. 26, Spruce
street, where catalogues may be had and com
missions received from any persons who can
not attend the fate.
May 19 dts
Just Imported,
In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandan, from
St. Petersburg in RutT.a,
And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz.
John Donnaldfon,
; No. 22) Walnut-street.
March 4,1794. diwjtawtf
I The Public are cautioned to I J
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills of |
the Batik of the United States, and Twenty I
ftfor Bills of the Bank of North America,
feneral of which have appeared in circulation I
within a few days pajl ; they are a goodge
nera! imitation of the genuine Bills, but may
be diflinguifhed by the following
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the *
United States. „ I .
I AI-L thV* have appeared have letter . .
I sot their AlphabeticaLMark. , I
The Texture of thl Paper is thick r
whiter and u the ink more f>ee y I
I (ban lW M- and oil" l«tt"« 01 ""V;
. I r 0 that a line extended from ihe top ft > I
to touch the top oft lie M. would extend con
siderably above the range of the whole word.
1,1 the word United Hie letters are " ar "™-
erand closer together than the reft of the bill 1
I The j and fin the word promil'e are not I
,n parallel, the /inclining much more forward
I than the t. I
I, I The engraving executed,the Hi okes 1
, a of all the Letters are stronger and the devi e I
' in theinargVn particularly Ismuch coaifcr and 1
I appeal's dai ker than in ihe true bills. Some
- 0! the counterfeits bear daie irr 1 -c,i—Whe Te
as the Bank was not in operation till Decern
ber, and no five dollar bills were iflued in
jfe I Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North I
I America.
I ALL that have appeared have the letter
I B lor their alphabetical mark.
They are printedoll a paper nearly similar
to that of the couuterfeit Five Dollar Notes
above described; the engraving is be.te. exe
ucted, and they approach neaier to the ap
pearance of t»e geijuine bills.
The fine rifliji 1>«4» through the word I veri
ty in ti-ebodv of die bill, are '.11 number th 1-
Uen in the genuine b.lls, and but twelve in
the counterfeits'. ,
The word Somfuny is much like the tome
*ord in tne Five Dollar Bills as described a
bove, the « being lets than the m, and otheis
Ho stroke to the t inilie word North
whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is we .
' letters cnl in the word Twenty, to tfe
left ;iaud at the bottom, do 1101 come down to
i I the line, but are so cut as to give ail irregular
a pearauCfc to the word, the Tw and '-he_y go
iiijr oelow' them.
The li -naiui e J, Nixon, has the appear
ance ol titing written with U " >^ blaC f^'" 1 '
. o l and differs Irom other inks ulcd
- printing the bills aiid the cafliier's ligrtature.
I It is supposed theie forgeries weie cominuud
I 1 in fomeot tfte Southern stale.-, as ail ihe cuun thai have appeared, have come Irom
thenar, and two peilom have been apprehend
-1 ed in Virginia,on suspicion of being the author
' °' The'reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS
1 will be paid to any Peilon or Persons who mall
s difcovci and piolecutt to conviction the levt ral
d offeudeis of u.e folio wing de'rnpuons or any
S of them, viz.
>" The peilon or pifons, who manutaUured
r " the paper on which Uk Bills ai.e piinted.
The pei•on or perlons, who engraved the
The printer or printers, ol the bills.
Every pei lon who has acted as a principal in
any other wav> in the counterfeiting and utter
ing ihe laid b:lb.
Philadelphia, Maich 28, i/94
April 22, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank ol the United States nave appeal c<
111 circulation. u
The denomination is of TWENTY DOL c
LARS,and the alphabetical maik is the iet- I
t*r B. • S
They may be diftiftguiflied from the genu- r
ine by the following MAIIKS : 1
The paper of the counterfeits is of a more |
tender texture and glofley furface than the '
genu'ne, and the;e is no water mfcrkinthem. '
The letter C. in the word Cashier, in ihe
true bills isftrongiy marked, whereas in the
counterfeits, the whole letter is a fine hair
stroke, evidently in an unfinifhed state. The
letters in the word demand, is badly lormcd
and the whole word ill done, and there is no
comma at the end of it, as there is in the
genuine hills.
The marginal device, is much daiker in
I the falfe, than in the genuine bills owing to
the lhade ttfokes being coai fe>, much rearei
together, and consequently much more nu
merous. This difference ftnkes the eye at firit
The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, wij| be paid for appi ehending, &r
prosecuting to convi<stion the feveval above
described Offenders in refpedt to this, as to
the last described bills.
ol the Bank United States.
JOHN NiXON, P.didentof the
faank ol North America.
By order of the Committees of the Ref
peftive Boards.
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN an eligible lituation, —alio a Country Seat
Wi hif»6miles of the City, with 9 acres ol
land, or 42 acres of land and meadow, the
House is not exceeded by many in the vicinity
cf th? ci y, in size, or convenience.
For particulars apply to the printer.
Beef, Pork, and Butter.
BEEF, prime ap<t cargo of good quality
POMC, prime and cargo of do.
BUTTER, in firkini
Landing at John Weft's Lumber Vard, near
Pool's Brfilg , from on board the F a j, Ameri
can, fiom the Bav of Honduras, and
3000 bushels of Good Wheat,
No. 35, No. Water Street.
May 15. di*s
Just Published,
,1 one handsome volume, nmo. Price 5s
and for. sale by
At Franklin s Head, No. 4 1, Chefuul
Sue it >
Natural Equality of Men,
On tfie Rights that, n lult from it, and on the
Duties wh'icn i£ imposes.
To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by the
Tevlerian Society at Haarlem.
Corrected and Enlarged.
i>. D.
Profeflor of Moral Phil.ofophy, and the Law
oi.Nature t and pi'Ecclefiallital Hiflory ;
and'Minifter of the Evgliih Chuichat'U
Aliquid (imper ad commurxm utilitatem al'-
ferrndum Ctctno.
The Fir/2 American Edition.
THEgrand principle Qi EquadJTVjjjf cjght
ly nndetftood, is the only basis on which..
, universal justice, sacred older, ami petfeft
freedom, can be firmly built, ai d permanent
; l.y secured. The view of it exhibitedirt this
eilay, at the fame time that it rrprefles the
s insolence of office, the tyranny «f p. de, ai il
the eutrages of oppreflion.; confirms, 'n the
h mod forcible-manner, the-nect flity of fubor
li donation, and the jnit demands ot'law lul au
thority. So far indeed, Vrpm loosening the
bands of society, that it maintains inviolate,
every natural and every civil diftinftion,
draw-*more clofely'evety social tie, unite's in
one harmonious and jultlv proportioned I'yf
tem, and brings men together on tie even
ground of the inherent rights of human na
tur«, of reciprocal obli ation, and of a com
trioii relation to the community.
March 18. tntf
In the Houje of Reprefentatrves,
Dt c h m l y. n 21 il. 1 t
WHI'ftEAS ihe Com n»> (lionets ol public t
Accounts, h*vc reported, chat they can
not proceed ro the ittve&igation oi ihe Treasury
Accounts, refp&ing fpicial Indents,, without
known# the outstanding amount thereof in cir
culation Thercfr re, 1
Refoktd,♦ That all holders of special Ind<nfs
be dir< £ted, and requiri 0, on or before the fiift
day of Nov< inber n xt,to deliver the facial In
dents in their pofiVffion to one or other of rfie
Commiflionefs of the I*r;aluTv, whoaretogive
receipts for the fai\ie,~ and to report totbeCoin
miflioncrs on public accounts,on or belore the
tenth day of November next, the amount by
therm i clpc6lively received, and also 10 t he Le-
at their meeting in Novmber next.
and that all special Indentsnot rco<tei«<\ into
the Treasury as above, on or before the
of November next, Ihall be, and the fame are
heieby barred.
Rejo/ved, That public notice of this icU.non
be given in the several Gazettes ,n this Statf^
once every three Weeks, on »l the fi'ft day r ;
November next- And 'hat the De!rgatf?oh is
State in the Congress ol the United Sfatcf, ne "*
cjut fted 10 cause this resolution to be puMy
io one or more papers in the cities of Jt "
"Hia and New-York, and that proviftbrt *" "
ade for the expences attending fochpu 'c..
>n. .
Ordered, That the refolmion be lent w tne
nate for their concurrence.
By order of the Hnuf%
In the SENA'TEi
RcfohrA, That this Hoofe do coocut w" hl «
ouie ol Representatives ta ibt lorego;n 8 teio
itions. l-
Ordered, That tfcc refolationt be lent to
louse of Keprefeotatives.
bv order of the Senatr,
ewtNov# '
Stock Brokers Office,
No. i 6, W.U-fti'ett, \£«-Vo«k_'^co^oeh'm
X entirely to the PCKCHASK &SALIC
STOCKS on COMMISSION, h gi> <»" 100
f r his f«vice«to his <itei>d« awd otwe*s ,n
line o( a Stock Broker. Tb..^
to favor with their buft«e'*« rosy
upon having it with ti»Co*® ll
Itty and dispatch. f
Orders from PfailadeJyb^*
other partot the United
•trended to. LEONARD BUfW*-
Printed by JOHN FENNO, i
South Fourth-Street. %