• \ EVENING AD V E R T I S E R. —. — —— i — ■ —. _ [No. 157 of Vol. V.] Thursday, May 22, 1794. [Whole No. 555.] Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR stones, FOR SALE BV Gurney and Smith. May 14- d JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above the Dfswbnrfjrfi) out ot t - (hip Bacc.-.us Cept. Vjssema*. fiom Jamaica, FOR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT. Mav 16. d REMAINING Of THE Ship India's Cargo, FROM BENGAL. A small afTortment of BALE GOODS, 250 bags COTTON of good quality, which would probably make an excellent remit tance to Em; ope, and a Quantity of PEPPER For Salt by Mordecai Lewis, Wb+ has also to dispose of Barcelona Hand'fs. in boxes, Holland Gin in cases, Souchong, Hyson, and Tonkay Tea, A Quantity of Briraftone, &c. May 10 d3w FOR SALE, BY MATHIiW CAREY, No. iiß, Maiket-Street, An EfTay on Slavery, Designed to exhibit in a new poin: ot view its CHests on morals, indujlry, and the peace 0) society. Some ta6U and calculations are offered to prove the labor offreemen 10 be much moie productive than that ot slaves ; that countrits are rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the laboring ptople enjoy the fruits ot their own I labor ; and the ncceffity eonciufion, that slavery is imfwhUc as well as unjujl. Price 25 Cents. dtf February 15. Ccngrefs of the United States, In Smalf, Tuesday May 13th, 1794. ORDERED, that Rufuc Putnam, Mai.a fah Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin Green, do, upon :he third Monday of Decem ber next, Ihevr cause 10 the Senate, why so much oi' . i grants ot land to them the (aid Rul'us Putnam, ManaiTata Cutler, Robert Oliver and Grilfin Green, pursuant to an Ast entitled "An ast authorizing the grant and conveyance of certain lands to the Ohio Com pany of aflociates," not be declared void, as may interfere with and be fufficient to fatisty (he claims of the French fettlcrs at Gallinpolii. Ordered, that the delivery of a copy of tie above urder to Rufus Putnam, Manafiah Cutler, Robert Oliver, or Griffin Green, and the publication of the fame, one month, in one of the Gazettes printed in this City, (ball be deemed furfic ent notice thereof. Extradl from the Journals of Senate. Attest, SAM. A. OTIS, secretary. May i - im - Dr. Moore's Journal in France, VOLUME id. This Day is publijhed, Price 6.. ttitcl-.ed, and 7/6 neaily bound, by H. & P. RICE, Book/ellers, No. 50, Market Jlreet, A Journal during a refidenee in France, from the beginning of August to the middle of December 1792 ; To which is added, >n ac< count of the 310 ft remaikable evejits that happened at Paris, from that time to the death of the late King of France. By JOHN MOORE, M. D. May 17 yr City of Washington. THE Subscribers to the Articles of Agree ment ot the t( Columbian Society" are re qucfted to meet at Mr. Richardet's Tavern in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the 26th day of the prelent month, at 12 o'clock in order to choose a board of Managers, &c. in conformity with the 9th article of their a greement. "James Greetileaf. N.'B. Dinner wi,| be ordered oil the Table at 3 o'clock for such of the Subscribers as may choole to pass a social hour after the jaufineOs of ;.ic day i< finifhed. May 5* dtz6M. For St. Croix, INDUSTRY, Lloyd Wharton, Malter. SHE is intended to fail with the firft veflcls and can accommodate a few pafiengers very well. For terms apply to the Captain, or WHARTON & GREEVES. May '19. U6t tlplv For LONDON > PENN, NOW lying at Jefie and Robert Wain's wharf, to fail with all convenient speed. For freight or paflage, anply to JOHN FIELD & SON, Or, JESSE & ROBERT IVALN. May 13. dtf For Sale or Charter, 2 ANDROMACHE, (An American bottom ) IS a itoui 3 Jod verfeJ, about two years old, burfuen toiiN, has o fly made three v.>y- ai d may be e to sea at a small ex pence. She may be 'een at Vine-street wharf, and the terms m v k own bv application to WiiARTON d LEWIS. Mar.-h 2i. dtf For Frederickfburgh and Fal- JL|--- - mouth, Virginia, -SiySlr FRIENDSHIP, |M'Namara. Jj'ill fail 011 nexfc For fieighi paifge apply o :be Mailer on bard, at JOHN WALN'i \» a , or EMANUEL fVALKER, v» HO ii AS tOii SALE The Cargo offaid Vf 'übfeription was increased TtN dollars on ill ie ts not taken before that time. The sub- CcriptiOn isftill open on these terms, and it iny copies remain by the firft of July nexr,rhe jrice wil! be raised TEN dollars more, on iny copies which may be fubferibed for after rhar period. As many of the fubferibers have taken jnly two, three or four, &c. volumes, they are rameftlv requested to take up and pay tor the emaining volumes, as it becomes difficult to oinplete the setts, and the publilber does not told himtelf bouud to make up any setts after he firft day of July next. Ap il 22. ml'tl^.wJ S* J For the Gazette of the United States Mr. Fenno, at Please to insert the following, b 7 reading" an Addrefe" to the Young La dies of Mr. Poor's Academy.— H HILE Mr. S , fays such charming things, j n And Jome in verse, and fame in prose fx f"S>— Would he, to his wife courtfcls give success, He must example add to his " Address. If be believes our J'ex, surpass his own, Say, mould he in bis carriage ride a lotted BELINDA. Mr. Ff.nno, A certain adventurer, advertised in one - of tile morning papers of Monday, " that the u ; 46th ascension which.has been announced, a | caiuiot take place in Philadelphia. The iron ■ cylinders, which were supposed to be toler able good, have been tried this day, and found to be all good for nothing, as they let out the inflammable on all fides." " M. Blanchard renounces all aeroflatic experiments in this country, until the arts are brought to such perfection as to furnifh him the means neceflary to ensure fuccels," Good Monf.eur B , Jure 'tis fomewbat Jl range, That after having gulfd us of our change, fy eagles, chariots, balloons, puppet * shews; You tbenjhoiild twit us of our ignorant Say, Jor ft eel— You did not know we make it—know—and feel. When o'er th' Atlantic, Buffon cap Mis eye, And ftvore our people mere but three feet hi°b ; Toe climate bad the men to pigmies whit tled, ■ ■dfagk poet, or a man of Jcience, Tofhew —be bid America defiance, The mind and flature both, were so — be littled." Buffon we could forgive—a slave at home; But kinderfate permitted you to room— Here yon mpy fee, if not a partial- f '■ I Some men, not one whit finaller than yourfelf. CONGRESS. IN SENATE, Friday, May 9, 1794. ( Concluded.) Mr. Foster reported from the commit tee on enrolled bills, that they did yester day, lay befo:-e the President of the Uni ted States, the fqllowlng enrolled bills, to wit, the bill, fentitlecj, "An a