Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 16, 1794, Image 3

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    Stock. Let tl>4 pul.lic, T.'.ivli lias '»?■
Tnfn alrufcd in clnfes, fee how ill tht' fun
dcr applies to c-ieh indivi^uJ.
MAY l 8
London papers of the 19th March, con
ta.n letttis it am Lord Hood, Capts. Linzee
and ruling, and General DmMi, which
g,ve an account of the operations of the
fcrirHh fleet and army at Corlica; frohi which
it appears that on the 19th Feb. the Englilh
toil pcffeGiott of the empty town of St.
I loi'ciizo—the whole of the garrilon having
gor.e oft two days before towards Baftia. —
Lord I'.ood had 111 his division of the fleet,
Jloo ft? tiie Touloneie. The fleet fr.ffered
much from several fiorms 011 its way from
the Ifiands ri Hiercs; and in attacking the
Tower in Mortella Bay, the Juno a:id For
titude, fuffered grea-lv from the red hot shot
of tiie French—and made no impreflion on
the Towel' alter two hours and an half can
nonading it—at length Tome hot shot from
the ft ps fitting fire to the bals junk which
defended the works, they surrendered. —
There were 33 .ne'n in the Tower, only two
of which were woynded, and those mortally.
The Fortitude had her mainmafl much
wriuiuUmany of her (hrouds cut away,
three of her lower deck guns difimounied,
several hot 'shot in her hull; a great many
men blown v,p by the cxp'.ofion of powder
in a box, (truck "by an hot (hot, flie was
on fire by another hot (hot lodged in
] ier (-,<}<.—-tl, c fire was however extinguilh
ed, without material damage—besides
which, (Tie'had 6 men killed and 56
wcuT!.'e<§ —The land forces it appears fuf
fer.d greatly but 110 details appear—the
op r tiotta have so tar fticcee'ed that ac
ci>r' mg to General Dundas s letter,
" they have secured the poffeflion of Mor
jella Bay."
Says a Correfpondeni,
What is become of our boasted fupdriority
over the Britiih nation, created by the depet - of tfieir idtnds on us for supplies;—
What is become of all our vapouring and
threatening. ? Howjare we toftarvethe islands
by withholding our provisions, if high prices
in the W C, Indies, the inconvenience of an
embargo, or the quants of an Ally compel
us to take it off, at the time when it began to j
operate ? Will not the fame circumstances.
always ocdafion a revoc a icr. of every future
embargo ? Shall-we not be laughed at for,
want offirranefsand liability ? Does, not our
condua ftfemble that of a weak hearted fa
ther takiiiy off a blister from his Gck child,
th r .urn : t it begins to finart, though ne
ccffary for his re?ovevy P
Proposals ire publifh-d in the Courier
Francoie, for printing in French by fubfcrip
tir.n, Dr. Moore's Journal, during a refi
aence in France from August to December
To be tranilated by J. E. G. M. de la
Grange, inhabitant of St. Domingo, and
lawyer to the Superior Council of Cape-
Yesterday a motion was made by My.
Blount and laid on the table, in substance as
That all intereourfe be Hopped between the
United. States and the Bntifh Weft India if-
4ajads» No.vaScotia, and Canada, till com
pensation be made for the late depredations
OB our commerce.
Yifierdav, Mr, Goo !ue in h's place inform
ed the House of Representatives that he
hed received from the town of Boston,
their sentiments upon the Embargo in their
corporate capacity, and as it contained ge
neral information, not addreficd to Con
gress, ±e begged leave to read it; upon
leave being granted, he read as follows ;
At a legal and very numerous meeting of
the freeholders, and other inhabitants of the
town cf Boston, at Fanueil Hall, on Mon
day the nth day of May 1794-
Resolved, as the sense of the inhabitants
cf this town, that the general embargo, im-
Jicfed by the legislature of the United States,
on the navigation and commerce within the
fame, is a me;r(nre fonnded in the highest po
ll v and \yiidoin. Palled by a very great ma
Resolved, that the inhabitants of the town
of Boston wii! cordially Icquiefce in the con
tinuance of embargo, until, in the opini
on of Congress the objects contemplated by
that mealure fha.ll be fuily accomplilhed. Paf
ftd unanimously.
William Cooper, town clerk.
Died at Boston, Mrs. Jane Mecom, wi
dow —t'ueotiiy nfier of the late Dr. rrankiin,
lii the" 83d year of her age.
A paper published at Newbury Port,about
10 miles from I , ortfmoutli,-jof-ibe 10th in
fant, lays, By an arrival at Portsmouth on
Wedaefijav, in 44 days from Dartmouth,
£[!■». we have "certain accounts that Guern
fty and .'erfry, are taken by the French—
that the Trench privateers were cruiGnjr in
the channel, and-ail til" BritiCi cr.iii
ers in-pei/t.
Fcjm the Columbia (S. C.) Gazette.
Extract oi a letter from Fayetuviile, darevl [
April i«. r ' i
" Lai* week, a peribn by the .name cf j
John Y. Tkowpfon, was taken up afld com- j
mitted to jail i:i this place, for hav.n~ a j
tempted to pass counterfeit notes of the n
Bank of "North-America, and of the lifnk i;
of the United "States; he had in his p-.JTe.-
Hon to the amount of about <;o,oco c* srs,
and a 200 dollar note of the
land. There was another of toe name or
Dixon, (who was tried at by the
name of Davis) but who made h s efcipe,
and it is i'uppqfeij gone to
Mr. Fenno,
THE Observer again solicits yoi|r indul
gence, for a small portion of your pan r, as
a vehicle of his fentimvnts to tl.c -publ c :
his long ftlence, may not want apology io
much :s his former bfei-vatious, yet the de
lation of one fact is due to th- performers
at the New Theatre; B1 health forms the
only excuse for the Observer, that he has
not continued'his remark's upon the perform
ances,- performers, See. —The' Observer has
attended and been amused, and while he was
amused has generally found cauic of appro
bation ; and the players may be allured tlisjr
fnall have, as he thinks they deierve his fee
ble efforts exerted to rescue them trom any
unjust censure or awkward critic isms, as well
as his hints of fricndfliip to afnftin the cor
rection of any mistake which' may occur in
the course of-their exhibitions. Some pub-
heat ions in your paper should have been no
ticed before this time, but for the fame cause j
as they were aimed or meant to he aimed at
the Observer, or his former publications.
Mrs. Mar/hall, whose particular merits
the Observer promised to discuss, will ex
cuse a further delay, until better health and
more leiTure enable him to do jultice to a
favorite charafler,
The Spanifli Minister, his amiable bride
and bride maids, occupied a conspicuous
place in the Theatre some evenings ago, and
among the general attraction of notice, the'
Observer paid them a portion of* his atten
tion—A reflexion forced itfelf upon his mind.
that the conduct of those ladies, thus distin
guished, form an important }ei£irt to all, and
efpeciallv to the Fair who attended the Thea
tre. —Were, you aware, my amiable and,
beautiful friends, that your examples were'
actually fafcinating to' your sex? and did
you then reflect that propriety and the:
dignity of virtue called upon you, in a lan
guage persuasive as the eloquence qf a seraph,
to behave with the utmost caution ?
" Go to my lady's chamber" fays Ham
let upon viewing the ikull or Yorick, '' and
tell her if (lie paint an inch thick, yet to this
complexion she mtift come at last ; make
her laugh at that."
Let reflexion call up this idea to your
minds; and that propriety of manners and
even religion itfelf, depend in a great mea-.
sure upon example: and then examine your
own hearts as to some part of your demean
our that evening. A hint is fufficient to the
ingenuous mind,; you po.Tcfs almo/i al! that
good fuife'and virtue requires in woman;
would you be sorry to improve ? The Ob
server is confident you would all be rejoiced,
at the circumftanceof being able to improve;
he knows you to be amiable beautiful tc virtu
ous, but wishes you to realize these two max
ims, knovj tbyfelf, and reverence tbffelf. —
The firft applies to mankind generally, the
last in a more appropriate sense to your sex.
May 15 th, 1794-
By this Day's Mail.
NEW-YORK, May 15,
Ship Congress, Loring,
Hare, Ferrers,
Fatfey, >
Brig Union, ReymoutH,
Sloop Atmy, Proby,
The fhipMinerva, Gilchrift, is arrived at
.mQerdam, in 34 days, with the loss of a
cable and anchor.
Ship Grace, Armour, was to fail from
Amsterdam the aoth of March' fcr this port.
Capt. Bunker, of the (loop Sallyv from
Turks-Island, spoke the (hip Citizen, from
Havaaah to Baltimore; who has on hoard
Capt. Peck, of (loop Wealthy and Molly.
Capt. Peck, was captured and carried into
Havannah, and had his veflel and cargo con
The (hip Camilla, Boice, of Philadelphia,
was to fail from St. Euftatia, about the 25th
of April, for Philadelphia.
Forty-one patTengers came in the Hare,
among whom are, the Rev. Mr- Hobrow,
and family, Rev. Mr. Liverpool, and
Wife, Mr. Bennet and family.
Last evening arrived here, an Englilh
Letter of Marque of 16 guns.
Capt. Ferrers, spoke 3 days after leav
ing Liverpool, off Scilly, the French Fri
gate THAMES, the captain of which
informed him, that he had been out 2*7
cays, and lad taker. FORTY-SEVEN
Yeilerday afternoon a fm il! f hooner,
a lender to the Fren.. 1 < : iips i 1 t!i'« h ir-
Bqr, was overfei. in the River, be
rw.en Governor and G»bbet I'ldiid, by a
Hidden gull of wind, and ffi on board pe
-1 idled, except one man who was picked
up by a (loop coming in. The fuhooner
u r.k in about 12 fathem wattr.
-\ ni >
•p., by the
MADRID, J in. 29.
General Caro has sent an
our Court to demand a speedy reinforce
ment for liis army, as the forces of the
enemy augment daily. Letters from Bit
cay (iate, that the French have ere&ed
batteries on the heights which command
Fo'.itarabie, and threaten to bombard it.
The fame accou.ils add, that the enemy,
having made a very impetuous attack on
our forces, fitcceeded in carrying a batte
rif- of 11 twenty-four pounders, which
was placed on the banks of a river oppo
lite Irum. It is for thi3 the
above-mentioned reinforcements have been
On rhe ill of next month notes will
be put in circulation to the amount of
i 7„oco,coo piastres.
BREST, Feb. 28.
All our fquadror. has orders to prepare
for fil ling. Two divisions are already
-gone; the firft commanded hy Captain
Thevennrd, Itlift. confining of two fail of
the line, two frigates, and two sloops ; —
the second u/.dev- Capt. Dore, confiding
of fix (hips of the line, folir frigates, and
three sloops. The reft of the squadron
only waits for a fair wind. Jean Bon St.
Andre is to embark on board the Admi
ral's (hip.
18 Vcntofe, March 8,
An address was presented from the Po
pular Society of Alencon, dtmanding the
detention of all the priests, till there
(hould be peace.
Page and Brule,"entrufted with pow
eas from the Noble Colonies of St. Do
mingo, have been pat under arrest, by
order of the Gommittee of General Safe
Citizens from Nantz preferred a lift of
their fellow-citizens imprisoned by falfe
patriots. They obtained leave that two
deputies from the Mountain Ihould exam
ine into .the conduct of their perfecu
tovs. *
The SitSpg terminated by a code of
Custom Law\to be added to the Naviga
tion Act.
Duquefiiov—Out of the four treache
rous Generals of the army of the North
—three have been condemned to fuffer
death by the Revolutionary Tribunal.—
Richardot, the fourth, died in prison the
day which preceeded hiv intended trial.
I move that his property be confifcated
for the benefit of the Republic.
This motion was rendered general,-and
referred to the Committee of Legisla
Loys announced, that 800 boat loads
of corn had arrived at Marseilles, from
Jollet appeared at the bar, and said,
that his arrcft had been procured by a ca
bal of ri6h Colon ids, who opposed, with
all their might, the execution of the be
neficent decree which restores Liberty to
the Blacks. AfteF some debate, the Con
vention dccreed that all the Colon ills who
composed the club of MalTiac and the Co
lonies, and the Colonial Aflembly, and
the Aflembly of St. Mark, should be ar
rested, and seals put upon their papers.
both 53 days.
A letter from Dun-libre (Dur.kiik)
announced the arrival of a Danish (hip
with 700 razieres of corn.—" I move,"
said Breard, " that no such difpttches be
made public in future, because it is impo
litic to make known ta the enemy the na
ture and extent of our resources."—De-
The National Agent in the diftrift of
Beauvais, announced that the property of
the ci-devant prince of Conde, was felling
at three times the valuation*
The Popular Society of Tours prayed
the Convention to grant no "truce to ari
ftoccats, peace to Oaves, or quarter to ty-
LONDON, March 19.
The duke of Brunfwick arrived at Bcr-
Jin oft the 23 th of February! He lives in
the king's hotife.
IV- volunteer battalions formed for tlie
lefcncc of'the Erifgau sountry, already
.mount tt> 24,000 men, full of ardor to
r.eet the enemy, and pretty well dilci
The committee appointed 10 bring in a
bill, pursuant to the report of the committee
of the whole on the ways and means, brought
in a report this day, the fame was twice
read—amended in committee of the whole —
reported to the Houi'c, and ordered to be
engrofltd for a third reading to-morrow.
The bill providing for the mtereft due
on the state balances, as reported by the
Commissioners for fettling the accounts
between the United and Individual slates,
was read the third time in the HouJe of
Representatives and pafled this day.
Brig, Watson,
Sloop Friend/hip, M'Meriar,
Polly, Tally,
Brig Constant, Miles,
Schr. Prifciila, Hollett,
Two Friends, Price,
Sloop George, Butler,
Harmony, Ellwood, Alexandria
Tryal, Griggs, Newbern
The (hip Dispatch, from Calcutta, is ar
rived at Fort MifHin.
Captain Stites, of the snow Boston,
from the Weft-Indies, was boarded by the
British frigate Magician, who examined
his papers,& politely difmified him. Capt.
Stites on the 23d ApriJ, fell in with the
Dragon privateer of Kingflon, who fcnt
his boat on board, and after examining
his papers, gave him no farther interrup
LAnoING at Hamilton's wb»rf", aSove
the Drawbridge, out of the ship Bacchus,
Capt. VaMKEMAh, from Jamaica,
M v 16
May 16.
Will be performed,
A COMIC OPERA, called the
Maid of the Mill.
Lord Aimworth, Mr. Maffoatl
Sir Harry Sycamore. f Mr. Bates
L dy Sycamore,
Mrs. W arrcil
Mrs- # Oldm;xon
Being her second appearance ia
Mr. Warrell, Mr. Bliffett,
Mr. Darley, jun. Mr.
De ! Moulin, Mr. Lee,Mr
Bason, Mafler WarreU,
Master T. Warre!!, Mrs.
Cleveland, Mrs. Row ion
Mrs. De Marque, Mrs.
Finch, Miss Rowfon &.
MHs OWf.rld.
With new Scenery designed and executed by
Mr. Mijbourne.
End of the Opera, a,new Comic Pastoral
Ballet, composed by Mr. Francis*
*L'Amour trouve les Moyens ,
O R,
By Monf. Bellona, (being his firft s*>peir
ance in America,) Mr. Biiflett, Mr.'ey,
jun. Mailer T. Warrelt, Mo Francis, Mrs.
De Marque, and Madame Gardie.
To which will be added,
A Dramatic Entei-tainment, in one ast, he-*
ver performed here, calldi
Quality Binding ;
O R»
A Quarter of an Hour iefort Dinner.
Mr. Level, • Mr. Green
Col. Modilh, JUr. Harwood
Lord Simper, Mr. Moretcn
Sir William Wealthy, Mr.Frar.e s
Mr. Plain well, Mr. Bates
John, " Mr. BlitTeu
William, Mr.DaHeyjun.
Mrs. Level, Mrs. France
Ladies and Gentlemen arc regucfted to
fend their servants to keep places, at half an
hour past 5 o'clock, and to order them to
withdraw, as soon as the company are s&;esl
.as they cannot on fny account be periaa:£.d
to remain in the boxes, nor any rpt
after the firlt adt.
He i:ves in
Port a Paix 15
N. York
Mr. Cleveland
Mr. Whit lock
Mr. Darlcv
Mr. Wlgneil
Mrs. Sh 1W
Mils Wiilrms