Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 15, 1794, Image 4

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b v
jioalfcllcr, at thr itom lUuj'c ut
Diaiumirj of Arts, Stkmcts, ouJ Mifcel-
hi nevus lMtrainrc,
OS a plan entirely new ; by winch the dif
ferent fneocrs and arts are digested iotait!* |
firm of d ftinft tteatifei or fytteuis. 1!'« |
volume contains the <,>, medi
c he, nict.llurgjr, metapbyfics, method!* i,
Mexico, microscope, midiviffy, a great
variety of biographical and mifcellaiieoui ar
tide-;, illustrated with nineteen copperplates
(;3T flic tables of logarithm*. &c. «J't»
tre<f a ficient in the tenth volume, are lu
idinfd to this. .
Ocvm v »\u**u* th\i work arc now pub
lifted, -nJ the Xllth i- in some forwardness.
O.i tlit fidfof Septeinbe , j79*. the P nce
of subset iption was incnafed I tN
all fairs not taken hefo'e that time. The fob
ft iptioii iiftiH open on thefc terras, and it
a ni'i-|J.e«remain by the firftof July next, the
or-cc will be railed TEN dollars more, on
i, /copies which may Jbe fubfcriSed for after
that period. «
• - As many of the fnbfenbers have taken
only two, rhre* or four, Sc. volumes, they are
ei.-n-Mv reqneftcd r . :ake op aid pay tor the
remaining volumes » it becomes difficult to
complete tbefetts, and the publlflit. <loe« not
hold tiimfelf bound to make up any setts after
the firifc day of July next.
Ap il 22
Stock Brokers Office
No. .6, Wail-ftreei, New-Yon*
THE Suoicrib«r intending •<> confine himfelt
c rt'ircly tu me PUKCHASE & SALE of
STOCKS on COMMISSION, b-g* leave to of
f I Hii etvieetto hi* Iricnds »" (1 others, in [he
|,„c ol a Stock Br iter. Thofc who may please
u, (avor mm wnhtheit tiuhncU, may «^P r,,a
upod 1n,,(.g.t tranf»aod »uh the uimoft fide
luv u<(i d»fp*'ch.
Ordert Horn Philadelphia, B.'tton, or any
other part ot .he United S<».e«, will be ftr.ajy
m&u.' f
To be Let,
for Mrrelents Coupling VjmJcs or Public
Two brick 3 itory Houses,
m cacjr, wish lire places
beGae garrets, ft.uate on the (ouih wciUjHy fide
of Duck, ktcet, between Pear and Walnut
streets. Enquire of rtAnr .
Aoril if
Concluding Sales.
THE Subscriber having entered «nto Co
parti>erftiip witb Mr. John Bartholomew in
io-ft of Sugar Refining, will dispose
of c\»e
Remaining Stock on hand
' co sii sci wo or
Silver, Plated, & Japan Wares,
Plated Coach & Saddle
Furniture, &c. &c.
By WboleJaU Prime Cost for Cajh.
John Dorfey,
No. 12, North 3. 1 lrrert.\r
Ap r il 12.
POUT, WINES of the firft quality
Old Jamaica Spirit, Aotigua and Weft India
Con Mr, French aod Peach Brandies
Clirct and Pott Wine of a superior quality
in cases.
Wins Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes and hhds.
Co'kiin Bales, H'-vavinih Segars in Boxes.
Philadelphia Pq Mr, in Calks and Bottles.
London do. in do. do_
Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do.
London do. in do. do. and
Cyder :o barrels and bottles, prepiredforex
portation or life,
Benjamin . Moris,
Ybe corner of Dock cutd Ptar jirctts,
Where he has ibitmbk ttores and
vaul'S, f»r the reception of
WINES, &c.
Which he proposes to ftdra or diipofis of on
Captains of veflel* and others fupplird with
any of the above LIQUORS bottled, and sea
ftoret in general put up.
May 9
Just Imported,
1* tlxJbif Abigail, Ivtpudn Hmrtm, frvm St
p*erjbnrgb b> S.&a, *ad m»m> bm&ig &
bar iron.
Ami hi fak attheAon<«f ikfullaikoij
Walaa* fata, Ho- «.
John Dgnati/bn.
jftiv wSc*tA
•As" 1 4r
Just Publiflied,
4 one luA(llu)He volmnfj I 21110.
a»» rr>R sale Br
Ai Front la's Head, No. 41, Chefuut
Natural Equality of Men,
On the Rights that result from it, and oil the
Duties whicli it imposes.
To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by the
Ttyierian Society at Haarleifl.
Corrected and Enlarged*
Profeflor of Moral Philofopby, and the Law
<>t Nature, and of Ecclef.aftical History ;
and Minister of the Eugliih Church at U-
Aliquid Temper ad corainunem utilitatem at
fcrcm'um Cicero.
The Firjl American Edition.
THE grand principle of Equality, if right
ly under flood, is the onLy basis on which
uoiverfai justice, sacred order, and pertett
freedom, can be firmly built, and permanent
ly secured. The view of it exhibited in this
eiTay, at the fame time that it reprefles the
iftfolence of office, the tyranny of pride, and
the outrages of oppression ; confirms, in the
most forcible manner, the ne<eflity ol subor
dination, and the just demands of lawful au
thority. So far indeed, from loosening the
baads of society, that it maintains inviolate,
,every natural and every civil diftin&ion,
draws more clol'ely every facial tie, unites in
one harmonious and justly proportioned sys
tem, and brings men together on the even
ground of the inherent rights of human na
ture, of reciprocal obligation, aud oi a com
mon relation to the community.
March 18.
In the Houfc of Riprefentatives,
December 2ift>»793-
WHEREAS the Comn Aimers of public
Accounts, have reported, that they can
not proceed iO the tn eftigation of the Tresfury
Accounts, relpc&ing fpeciai Indenis, without
knowing the outttanding amount thereof in cir*
culation Therefore,
Resolved, That all holders of fpeciai Indents
be directed, and require o, on or before the firft
day ot November ri xt, to deliver the fpeciai In
dents in their poffcfTion to one o' other of the
Commit >ners of ilie Tfcafury, who aif to give
receipts for the Cime, and to rep >it to theCom
muTioncri on public accounts, on or before the
ttiuh day of November next, the amount by
then* refpe&ively received, and aHo .o the Le
gislature, at then meeting in November next
and that all fpeciai Indent not rendered inir?
the Treasury as aoove, on or before the firft day
of November next, lhall be, and the fame are
heteby barred.
Rejolved., That public notice of this resolution
be given in the several Gazettes in this State,
once every three weeks, until the firft day o.'
November next. And that cite Delegates of this
State in the Congress of the United Siaics, be re
queftsd to cause this resolution to be published
tu one or more papers in the cities of PhiladcK
phia arid New-York., and that provision will be
made for the expences attending such publica
; tion.
Ordcrtd, That the resolution be sent to the
Senate tor their concurrence.
Bv order oi the House,
In tbi SENATE,
December 21(1,1793.
Resolved, That this House do concur with the
House ot Representatives in the foregoing refo-
That tire refolutiom be sent lo the
Houfeot Rcprefcnutive*.
by order oT the Senate,
Treasury Department
Revtnuc-Offue, May '794-
NOTICE is hereby given, thai Proposals
will be received at the Office ot the Comniif-*
(i'oHer of the Revenue, for Ship Timber of
the following kinds, suitable for the building
of the Frigates authorized by Law. A par-
Ur detail of tlie sites and proportions will
Mhmunicated, oa application at the said
be c<
White Oak 'Timber and PlanL
98 Pieces of various Dimensions, includ
ing Keels, Floor and Rising Timbers*
Szc. for a Veflel of 140 or 150 feet
27,000 Feet of Plank, Scantlinfr, Wale
pieces, Bilge Streakj, Clamps, &c.
200 Logs, for various ul'es-
Pitch Pine.
#5,000 Feet of Plank for Decks. \
•Ho Beams, from 42 to 28 feet long, and
froiu toby 12 to 1$ by 18 inches thro'.
50,000 Locust Treenails, 18, 24 and 30
iivche* long.
Feet of Inch and half-inch Cedar
30,000 Feet of Yellow Pine Boards and
Petrfons willing to supply any part of tqe
above Timber Tor one Ship, or in proportiou
fertile wh#le fix, will make tiieir Proposals,
THE relation* of Mr Thomas Curtis,for
merly of ElKcoti's Upper Mills, and lately of
t'tfCityof Wafcmgton, deceal«d, are defir
cA to apply and bare bis affiws lettled-
City <»f W*Jkiagtu«, April 22, 1164.
Price j's
St re-J,
1). D.
The Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills of
the Bank of the United Statu, and Twenty
Dollar Bills of the Bank of North 'America,
several of ivhicb have appeared in circulation
'within « /«u days fact ; they are a good ge
neral imitation of the genuine bills, but m.iy
be dijling uifbed by the following
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the
United States.
ALL tjiat have appeared have the lettfcr F.
for their Alphabetitpl Mark.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
whiter and it takes the ink more .freely than
the genuine paper.
The O. in the word Company is smaller
than theM. and other letteis of that word,
so that a line extended from the top of the O,
to touch the top of the M would extend con
fide! ably above the range of the whole word.
In the word United the letters are narrow
erand closer together than the reft of the bill
The * and fin the word promise are not
parallel, the yinclining much more forward
>»n the »,
The engraving is badly executed,the ftiokes
of all the Letters are stronger and the devi-e
in the margin particularly is much coarser and
appears darker than ip the true bills. Some
at the counterfeits bear date in 1791 —Where-
as the Bank was not in Operation till Decern
ber, and no five dollar bills were iilWd in
jhat year.
TUuenty Dollar Bills of fbe Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
B. for their alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nearly similar
to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar Notes
above described ; the engraving is bcttei exe
ucted, and they approach nearer to the ap
pearance of the genuine bills.
Tl»e fine ruled hues through the word Twen
/v, in the body of the bill, are in number thir
teen in the genuine b*lis, and but twelve in
ihe counterfeits.
The word Company is much like the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills as defer ibed a
bove, the o being less than the m % and others
There is no stroke to the t in the word North
whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well
The letters cut in the word Twenty, to the
left hand at the bottom, do not come down to
the line, but ate to cut as to give an trregulai
appearance to the word, the Tar and go-
ing below them.
The signature {. Nixon, has the appear
ance ot ocing written wiih Uwbrblack. aud
oil, and differs from other inks uled in
printing the bills and the cathier's signature.
It is supposed thele forgeries were committed
in tome of the Southern States, as ail the coun-
erfeits thai have appeared, have come from
thencr, aud two peiions have been apprehend
ed in Virginia,on suspicion of being the author
of thein.
will be«patd to any Perfou or Persons who ihall
difcovci and prosecute to convi£l:on the several
offenders of the following def<*iiptions or any
of them, viz.
The pcrfon or persons, who manufactured
the £apcr on which the Bills arc primed.
The perioo or persons, who engraved ih»
The printer or printers, of the bills.
Evety perfoo who has adted as a principal
any other way, in the counterfeiting and uttei
mg the (aid bills.
Philadelphia, March 28, 1794
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank of the United States have appears
in ciiculation.
The de ik) mi nation is of TWENTY DOL
LARS,and the alphabetical mark is the let
ter B.
They may be distinguished from the genu |
ine by the following MARKS :
The paper of the counterfeits is of a more
tender texture and glofley lurface than the
genuine, and there is no water mark in.them.
The letter C. in the word Cafhirfr, in the
true bills is strongly marked, whereas in the
counterfeits, the whole letter is a fine hair
stroke, evidently in an unfiniflied liate. The
letter a in the word demand, is badly formed
and the whole word ill done, and there is no
comma at the end of it, as the>e is in the
genuine bills.
The marginal device, is much daiker in
the falfe, than in the genuine bills owing to
the (hade strokes being coarfei, much nearer
together, and conletjueutly much more nu
merous. This difference strikes the eye at firft
. The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, will be paid for appi &
profecoting to convi&ion the fevcral above
described Offenders in refpeft to this, as to
tbs last described bills-
of the Bank United Stale*.
JOHN NIXON, Prc-fid-enl of the
Bank of North Amciica.
By order of the Commineei ot the Ref
pe&ive Boards.
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN ineligible fituati<m, —alio a Country Seat
within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres ol
Und, or 42 acres of jami and meadow 1 , tlit
Hoofe is not exceeded byroany in the vicinit;
of the city, in size, or convenience.
Far particulars apply to the printer.
To the LADIES of Philadelphia.
This Day Li Vublijhcd ly
118, Market street,
Prlcr, bound, five.eighths of a dollar, sewed
ill marble paper, hall a dot ar,»
Charlotte, a tale of Truth,
By Mrs. ROWSON, of the New Theatre
Phladelphia, Author of Victoria, the Inl
qurlitor, the Fille de Chambre, &c.
Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have given
the fallowing charaSer.
IT ma) be a Tale of Truth, for it is not
unnatural, and it is a talc of real dittrefs—
Charlotte, bj the artifice of a teachei , recom
mended to a school, from rather
than a convi6l ion o( her integrity, or the re
gularity of her former conduct, is enticed
from her governess, and accompanies a young v
>fncer to America.—The marriage ceremo
ny, if noi forgotten, i< postponed, ano Char
lotte dies a martyr to the incouftancy of the
over, and treachery of his friend —Thefitu-
tions are artless and affe&ing—the defcrip
ations natural and pathetic; we toould fee
for Charlotte if such a person ever existed,
who for one er.or scarcely, perhaps, deserved
Jo severe a puni/hment. If it is a fiction,
poetic justice is not, we think, properly dis
Said Carey has jujl publ'ijhtd,
A 2 sheet map of Kentucky
compiled by Elihn Barker, price or* dollar
and two thirds.
War Atlas, containing maps of France,
Germany, Spam,ltaly, the United Provinces,
the Netherlands, and the Well Indies. Price
two dollars.
Map of Mew Jersey—Hals a dollar.
Maps of Vermont, Connefticut,Delaware,
Georgia Price three eighths of a dollar
April 29.
Lately Published.
Thomas Dobfon,
No. 41, South Second-Street
r 1 E Hiilory of Ncw-Haon-ihire, from the
JL Dtfcovery of the River Pifca'aqua—by Je
remiah Bc/knap t D. D. 3 Vols. Price in Boards,
4 I -2 Dollars.
The Forrcfter, an American Fable, being a
Sequel to the History of John Bull the Clothier.
Prce, 75 Cents.
A Dticourie, intended to commemorate the
Discovery of America by Christopher Colum
bus; delivered at the request of the Historical
Society in Massachusetts, October 23d, 1792,
being the completion of the Thud Centuiy,
since that memorable event. To which are
added, Fout Diflertationj., conneded with the
fub}e& —Bv the fame author. Price, 50 Cents.
March 17. tuth&fflw
—NO. 21 —
Second Jlreet, between Market and Chefnut
Jlreets, Philadelphia.
WHERE he keeps up a constant stock of
ten thoufartd pieces forfale, comprising every
variety of -colours, in grounds and fig-ires, o
the mod modern and fafty patterns, for eve
ry part of a hou'fe. The perfe&ion attained
in this manufactory, in peculiar neatness of
workmanftiip, durability of colours, variety
m deiignit, and good quality oi the paper, will
be found to exceed any European papers at
the fame moderate prices.
April 22, 1794,
An elegant variety of rich fancy feftoon &
narrow borders, and of stucco and other co
loured panne! papers.
Wholesale orders for any quantity, from
the country or for exportation, executed oo
a Ihort notice, on advantageous terms, on
usual credit.
In addition to the above aflortment, he has
a beautiful variety of
French paper hangings
of very superior quality, (Paris manufactory)
with a variety of flich Borders.
April 2 S
For the Tooth-Ache,
Prepared and fold by Dr. Lee, Golden-
THE public is offered one of the m">ft
efficacious and fafe medicines, th:>t ever ap
peared,' for that most excruciating pain, the
Tooth-Ache—tVie numerous instances of its
happy eflfc&s, in relieving tlie afili&ed, have
now -brought it into u liverfal estimation ; it
not only relieves the tooth achc, but ?s of the
utinoft lervice in curing the SCURVY in the
Gums, in preventing the difagreeabfe smell
that is produced from anfou:»d teetb, ic will •
occasion a fweft breath; it likewise prevents
the teeth from decaying, and will br found
a general preserver of the Teeth and Gums
Sold in Philadelphia only at
PoyntelFs Stationary Store,
No. 2i, Second Hittt.
Printed ay JOHN FENNO, No 3
A New Novel.
Plain grounds made to any colour orfhade.
Square, London.
April 24.
South Fourth-Street.
tuth&s jtv